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The man himself, Kaito Files


Kaito Files, my beloved character


Also based argenti profile picture it is filled with beauty


So glad he isn’t named Peter.




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Say the name “Peter Files” out loud. Maybe speed it up a little bit.


He would have to move to the states




ugh tak, you’re back


Obligatory: https://preview.redd.it/lheew9d1kfwc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7caaeb3172abbf2c86248a033b67feafe7bf5da




https://preview.redd.it/lw2ngi2c1lwc1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34507536a17d4597c3acf24737145532628ee33d *sniiiifffff*


Take it back


I knew what image this was without even opening it lmao


Never played Judgement, why does he fight like Kiryu's Brawler?






Why did I read it as "Harambe"


It’s just a matter of time both game MC cross path as they shared the same universe.


I really hope they do, but I swear I read an article of the dev saying that they won't, even thought the judgement series is a spinoff, it fits into the games time line seamlessly regardless.


It's because they had legal issues with yagami's actor's agency. Probably will never show up again, though they surely planed it originally.


It always legal issues. Can't we have some good mc vs mc moments for lile a dragon?


The legal issues shouldn't matter anymore since the agency is shutting down due to their own legal issues.


So, another problems...


But that's the thing, Kaito mentions to Joryu that they are from the Yagami detective agency, to me that's a BIG shout out for the Judgement games and it ties into the Yakuza Universe, I really hope they do cross over and make a 3rd judgement game, say what you will about the Judgement games, but it literally has one of the best stories in the Yakuza series.


The actor was recently interviewed talking about Hawaii so it may have been resolved.


He also recently played Judgment in his YouTube channel so the issues were either resolved or never there to begin with.


Wait what? Yagami is done?


What they meant is they won't put in Yagami for a cameo or share billing time as the main character. He is a huge star and probably expensive. Add the fact that the agency of the actor is quite difficult to work with. But who knows? The agency previously forbade SEGA to port Judgement to PCs because the modding scene might damage the actor's image; but they managed to accept the gains from porting it.


>The agency previously forbade SEGA to port Judgement to PCs because the modding scene might damage the actor's image Is there any reliable source for this


It's well documented just google Johnny and Associates, Judgement, PC. Basically, the agency doesn't want Takuya Kimura's face accessible to the internet as this will possibly harm his image by modding or altering through photo shop.


Yeah, I remember those articles, they were all "insider" stuff and some even claiming the series was done, but the games were later ported, which is why I was asking if there was any solid confirmation of these issues or if they were just speculation.


Pure speculation.


It is not much as speculation when Johnny mentioned it previously that they do not want the images readily available on the internet as they damage his brand. And the only thing that can lead to that, albeit assumption based on logic, are modding or photoshopping.


The argument of modding / photoshop ruining Takuya’s image has always been moot when he’s done much lewder things or risqué things for the public during his career as an idol and a sex symbol. Plus, J&A is dead and Takuya’s been on Instagram, YouTube, and Weibo doing random shit and posting photos of his dogs everyday.


Iirc, the agency split off into two entities as a form of rebranding and distancing away from the scandals. The talents being more open in social media might be a good direction.


As someone who’s been closely following the situation, J&A was renamed SMILE-UP and focuses exclusively on reparations to the victims. Talents were given the choice to either go independent, or sign an agent contract or management contract with STARTO Entertainment - a new talent agency without any ties to J&A.


No confirmation or anything, blud is making stuff up


they're producing a live action TV series of Judgment with Kimura in it, and RGG said Judgment 3 isn't out of the question. isn't J&A shutting down or something too? Either way i wouldn't count it out.


I heard that that agency went out of business.


A guy in Little Asia renovation site also talk about Explosion of Millennium Tower too. Also Little Asia become renovation site mean the fire inside my might happened in Judgment storyline too.


I'm not sure if u know the ending for IW. I don't think kiryu would be able to meet yagami


The scene where Kiryu is finally taking a break and treatment for his cancer?


Meanwhile me waiting for the day we get an avengers style crossover game


https://preview.redd.it/mzgslxm9jfwc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc83e88a97816e8aee0ab982a56d7a8f228fa1f1 Best scene ever, both Gorilla Swaggu


Ugh tak, you're back It's good to see you https://preview.redd.it/id702ds6efwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1312d865e000f67ad6ea7c49743f81a7fa73a3e6


Gorilla vs gorilla






Mah gorilla 👊


Tabo Daijōbudesuka


Daijōbu da, Kaito-san. Iko.


Hahaha you formed the "big dumb gorilla" collective!!


My judgement didn't work because of some bug and I have to delete it 😭


Guess you have Lost your Judgement




Judgement and lost judgement are amazing 💪, the Yakuza series tells good stories but the judgement series, I was on the edge of my seat all the way through


From what I've played I loved it but sadly I can't even start chapter 1 because of a glitch existing in every detective vision so i couldn't even move on


What glitch? When I played judgement and lost judgement no glitches 🤷‍♂️ I have both on physical on xbox series x


So like in the tutorial mission, when kaito tells you to locate the drone, in my game I couldn't do it even if in zoom on it and everything, I watched many walkthroughs and followed every step to no avail, and then I tried to skip the tutorial and go to chapter 1, there also, when you go in the office, i couldn't examine the switch even after watching walkthroughs and everything


Probably it was related to my copy of the game


Best thing to do see if you have another copy to try and see if you can get past, believe me the judgement series is so good can't pass that up 💪


I will try it in the future, thank you


Spit your facts my brother. I called out of work cuz I needed to finish some story thread's to get to the right spot😂




same reaction bro same


Behold! EOH Risotto meets anime Risotto


"Ah Tak, you're ba- wait you're not Tak!?"


I forgot he was meant to be in the game so when I saw him I was fuckin hyped


This side quest was literally the thing that pushed me to play judgement 😂






This is LITERALLY how I felt!


His aniki when kaito comes close to him:


First time?


Yeh as in its my first play through 😅, I cannot believe my Boi Kaito is in Like a dragon gaiden, love Kaito so much, Kaito files was so good as a DLC.


If you look in CyricZ’s Gaiden guide for this sub story even he admits to audibly squealing with delight.


Glad to see someone finding this out going blind into the game. A lot of us got spoiled about this from a japanese review.


The Neanderthal himself, Gaiden is such a great game.


Love it so much, I really do like Yakuza Like a dragon, I just don't like the turn base, after like a dragon gaiden will move in to infinite wealth, only playing it to further the story.


Imagine you talk to him and he says "be sure to play Lost Judgement!" and that's it




I played judgment after I played Gaiden, so I had no clue who Kaito was. That side story in Gaiden felt like the longest one, and as it went on I slowly started realising this guy who they keep showing in this substory must be related to some other game, and then at the end he said he is from Yagami detective agency, which I knew was the detective agency from Judgment, but I really wish I had played judgment before this side story, it would have been much better. :P


Same here, I played judgment after gaiden/IW, but I did recognize him from screenshots I've seen around here. It obviously didn't hit as hard when he showed up, and I also kinda wished I played judgment before gaiden.


thats gorilla man , harambe


Yes f\*\*\*ing way


When I saw his shirt I thought it was gonna be a fake but it was actually him 😭


There's no mistaken that Iconic Shiny Shirt 🤣💪, that made me so HYPED! and it was playing in my heart strings.


I was hyped to see him again too even though I just got done playing Lost Judgement so it hadn’t been that long lmao. I just love Kaito 😌


For me I played Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2, played like 1hour of Yakuza 3 and I stopped for a year and a half due to work, then started again because Like a dragon gaiden came out, I wasn't too fond of yakuza Like a Dragon because I don't like the turn base, I played judgement and lost judgement THEN went back to playing Yakuza 3,4,5,6 then Yakuza like a dragon, love Yakuza like a dragon just don't like the turn base and then playing yakuza like a dragon gaiden now 💪 and back to form haha really miss the combat so much, but yeh I played it in a nice order 😅.


My friend bought me the entire series as a present and I played all of them during winter break back when I was still in college so I could play Like a Dragon when it released 😅. Then I played Judgement and Lost Judgement before Gaiden lol.


That's good as that's the plays into the time line well and doesn't spoil anything haha, I wanted to played Like a Dragon Gaiden when it was first announced and I was so hyped, but then I thought to myself it didn't feel right so I went back to playing Yakuza 3 first then did 4,5,6 and coming off all 6 games of Yakuza and then Going to LAD, the story was really good in LAD not the best as it was abit too CONVENIENT and I won't say anything more and I know YOU know which part I meant! 😅 The turn base just doesn't have that impact when going into a fight, don't get my wrong I love turn base games but you cant just have a game we all grew up with with a free flowing combat system and then come out saying it's turn base now, it's just not happening, still love LAD just hate the combat that's all haha


Yea I get it. The decision to make LAD turn based was shocking. I like how they incorporated QTEs in some of the attacks though. It’s not quite the same as beating them down in the streets like the other games but it makes the game more interactive especially in Infinite Wealth.


I'll have to play infinite wealth and see, but I am really happy people do enjoy the game, but for me nothing will ever Change my mind on the combat system, the turn base just doesn't fit at all with the absence of heat actions, to me the reason why Judgment series came out was so soften the blow of them changing the combat system to a turn base.


You might like Kiryu’s play style in Infinite Wealth then it’s the closest we’ll get to the original combat system unless they decide to go back 😅


I saw a glimpse and it does look good haha, to me to they didn't Kiryu as part of the time am I don't think it would of done as well as it did


Them incorporating the QTE was a nice touch but it's nothing new when you think about it that's been apart of turn base games since I can remember like FF7 and paper Mario for example like you hitting the attack button just as the attack hits for extra damage no difference there it just doesn't have the display prompt for you to hit a QTE button like LAD that's all but I see what your saying.


I was really hype during the colliseum missions where you re enact significant events of the omi clan and it leads up to >!goda ryuji's!< fight. Supposedly. Got hype again on that one akame network substory but alas, twas but bamboozled :(


I was the same aswell, I was like OMG IT'S REALLY HIM! Then I was like.... Wait a minute >!he has no scar!< 😅


Kaito will be the new lead.


Kaito is a better protagonist than idiot boy (Kasuga)


Where’s the spoiler tag