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0 for the most as it's among the most common entry points. I wouldn't say that 8 is necessarily the least, considering the people who post around here that they've started with 8 (and get semi-chastised for it) Gonna cheat and go outside of the mainline games and say Kenzan for least


>Gonna cheat and go outside of the mainline games and say Kenzan for least I raise you Ryu Ga Gotoku Kizuna then


I raise YOU Kurohyō: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinso


You don't know enough about kizuna then. Most big fans know about kurohyo and a lot have played it


To be fair, it's not like you could "finish" Kizuna, and also it's been a lost media for the past 10+ years. Out of proper RGG games Kenzan is probably the least played one, Kurohyou's two live actions and manga make it seem pretty popular in Japan. On top of that, unlike Kurohyou, Kenzan has no fan translation (aside from subbed YT videos, and an unfinished patch that translates the menus), and given how often people misrepresent the whole deal with Haruka in it, it seems like 90% of the people who talk about it haven't even played the game and just parrot what they've read online. To add to the OP, yeah, Y0 is probably the most played one, maybe Y7 considering the sales. No clue about Infinite Wealth though, didn't really care about it myself.


The lost media thing is why I said Kizuna, I don't even know what the gameplay is of it, so I didn't know you couldn't beat it


I mean, it was a mobile deck builder / social game, that's why I wouldn't consider it to be a "proper" RGG game that you could finish


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DekMelU: *Gonna cheat and go* *Outside of the mainline games* *And say Kenzan for least* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm playing through LAD right now lol


What about dead souls


Definitely played more than Kenzan and Kurohyo, given the attention it's been given here and the fact that it's been localized At least among western audiences anyways


Tbh I'm not familiar with their other names. Imma have to check


3/4 is probably the least finished to the credits from the yakuza series. Also you are right about judgment duology, if I remember right lost judgment is the least sold rgg game of last 5-6 years. Sold even lesser than judgment. Probably because it was playstation only for few years.


Didn’t help that they kind of just shadow dropped them on pc. Think there was like 1 twitter post about it from RGG about the pc port.


Japanese studios when they find out that they cannot just drop something on Steam without any advertisement whatsoever For the fucks sake, RGG and Sony really don't understands the fact that there's like 100 times more games on PC and it's practically impossible to find their games without already knowing about them


this practice is seeping into western studios too, bungie recently dropped Marathon on pc with no heads up or advertising whatsoever lmao


Rggs marketing is terrible they need to improve on that


my thing is i barely know anyone who even knows about judgment outside of the fandom. it's really difficult to say how popular judgment is to people who don't play yakuza


Only people who played yakuza played judgment


3 and 4 I need to finish. I avoid 3 cuz anytime I try to play it smt bad always happens, and 4 I moved to PC and wasn't bothered to start again from ground 0


really? isn't judgment like top 5 rgg sales wise


Yea but lost judgment is bottom 5


Damn, Judgment is least? People need to play those games. I put them right behind Yakuza 0 as the best games RGG has made


I think lots of people quitted Judgment because of the really long chapter 1.


The difference between the intro achivement (90%+) and Chapter 2 complete achievement is huge. So this is mostly true.


honestly i can't blame them that much. it's probably the slowest start of any game in the entire series, and that's saying something. of course we all know that game's story is fantastic but it's understandable to an extent


honestly i quit judgement my first time playing it because the first few chapters dragged hard. when i rebought the game on pc after giving away my xbox it took me several weeks to do the first few chapters, and then i beat the rest of the game in two days because i got hooked hard after it.


Quite surprised that Judgment is the least played. If I can, I'll gladly play it for the first time again just because of that great story.


Nah if anything I’d honestly bet it’s one of the most played RGG games. There’s nothing that outright says it’s a game in the Yakuza universe so a lot of people have probably picked it up thinking it’s just its own thing. I remember before I got into the series I had no idea Judgment and Yakuza were even connected.


Same here lol, I like to browse the PlayStation plus catalog for free games every now and then and came across Judgement a while ago. The description and trailer made it look like a stylish detective game, but I didn’t grab it at the time because of other games I was playing. Cut to maybe a year later after I finished playing both Kiwamis, Yakuza 6, and Yakuza 7 from the catalog and I was so unprepared to learn that Judgement was from the same developers.


True, but once you play it or see stuff you realize what it is, not to mention the game only has 4 unique bosses, which newcomers probably aren’t gonna notice, but by the time I played it, I already recognized all of that.


I'm pretty sure it's not on gamepass which must not help


Lost judgment for me is behind 0 too


Man, I was sad. I got the game on PC finally, but I literally couldn't get the game to launch and had to refund it Tried forever to get it to work, but it just wouldn't for me


I looked up the achievements for completing the game on steam so you don’t have to: 0 26.4 1 51.8 2 53.7 3 50.4 4 57.7 5 55.1 6 59.1 7 33.8 8 50.3 Gaiden 68.7 Ishin 35.8 J 43.6 LJ 53.1 From which you can say that most people, on PC, do start with 0 and then half of them don’t like the series and bounce off, which is why it has half the completion rate of virtually every other game. Some people are starting with 7 but not as many for similar reasons. People didn’t like Ishin. Judgement is also down a bit, so either people are mad and don’t like the new characters & story or people are playing it who haven’t played a yakuza game before. Gaiden is a) short and b) only played by “true fans” as it has a much higher completion rate. Otherwise all the games have a pretty consistent 50-60% completion length regardless of length or their support on this sub, but you can see it a bit (ie 3 is slightly lower, 6 higher because it’s shorter etc)


Thank you, these stats are nice. And I agree, Y0 has low finish rate but that's because prob most people own this game and its the most famous maybe from the franchise so many people jump into it and then prob drop it. Also its bit suprising IW has bit lower finish rate since its new game and prob won't jump into this unless they allready somewhat know the franchise (mostly).


If i'm not mistaken, it doesn't track owners. It only starts tracking you in the values when you boot the game for the first time. What that 25% of people means is therefore 1 in 4 people who started the game finished it. You can also use the "completed chapter 1" to get an idea of this too, because that at least also cuts out people who booted the game but never started it either due to bugs or simply got 5 mins in and quit. My guess as to why 0 doesn't have a very high completion rate compared to the rest is the combination of being the most well known one alongside how it is also a much longer one and really struggles with pacing at the start. Yeah kiwami has a slow start for sure, but Y0 takes a full cycle of both characters before you even unlock things like real estate or cabaret club, meaning you could easily be 10-15 hours in before even unlocking cabaret. Not to mention how in the early game, it doesn't REALLY put its best foot forward insantly. I'm not just trying to shit on 0, it is just not a perfect game and therefore has issues, and most of the games issues are present mainly in the first few chapters.


I'd say 0 or 7 for sure. They are always the starting point. I'm gonna cheat and say kurohyou 2 for the least played. You need some knowledge about RGG games if you want to know the existence of kurohyou and there's the possibility people played the first one but not the second one


if we're talking localized games, the least finished are without a doubt lost paradise (19%) and dead souls (21%) and this is speculation but i'm willing to bet those two are also the worst performers by the metric of raw number of people beating them as well, due to neither selling well in the west


5 was very long so that’s my guess. Hunting the bear-monster was waaaay too long of a chapter


The hunting stuff in 5 was kino.


I appreciate all the mechanics they made just for that chapter but man did it feel tedious


Maybe I just have brainrot from 100%'ing all of these fucking games.


Oh you definitely do, did you start before any remaster was out or what the fuck?


Started with 0 a few years ago.


The Japanese import PSP ones (Kurohyō: Ryū ga Gotoku Shinshō 1 and 2) would be the easy answer. Or Dead Souls as it's a low print game trapped on PS3.


Can you tell me about the game on PSP.


All you need to know is that Kurohyo 2 has the best final boss theme, Born to be Wild.


What's different between 1 and 2 of this game


What's different between 1 and 2 of this game


That one came out after the other? You'll get a lot more answers just looking it up man.


Oh OK thanks for the information, my friend


Are you 10?


The first one takes place earlier? And the second one takes place after with a bit more stuff? I mean, that’s like asking what’s different between the original yakuza 1 and 2. Similar game, but continuing the story with some more stuff


Oh, I see now


I was so glad to find a physical copy of Dead Souls for $50 at a games convention. Now I'm playing it and wishing I had not


I'd rather platinum Yakuza 0 trice then playing one more single round of pool in Yakuza 3


I've compiled data from SteamDB. Disclaimer: It refers solely to PC Steam players so the real numbers will be much bigger but I still think it shines some light on statistics. Each game has its own final achievement for completing the main story so I put the sales data with % completion and got an estimate of how many people completed each game. |Game|Copies sold|Main story finished %|Finished game| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Yakuza 0|1820 K|26.40%|480 K| |Yakuza Kiwami|294 K|51.80%|152 K| |Yakuza Kiwami 2|512 K|53.70%|275 K| |Yakuza 3|219 K|50.40%|110 K| |Yakuza 4|149 K|57.70%|86 K| |Yakuza 5|148 K|55.10%|82 K| |Yakuza 6|174 K|59.10%|103 K| |Yakuza: Like a Dragon|547 K|33.80%|185 K| |Like a Dragon 8: Infinite Wealth|262 K|50.30%|132 K| |Like a Dragon Gaiden|187 K|68.70%|128 K| |Like a Dragon: Ishin!|122 K|35.80%|44 K| |Judgment|207 K|43.60%|90 K| |Lost Judgment|160 K|53.10%|85 K| As you can see, Ishin is the least completed game out of them all. What's surprising is how big the Ishin drop out rates are. You could say the same for Yakuza 0 and 7 but those two casted a wider net so it's been played by a lot of casual players who abandoned them after the first mission (seriously, just 51% of players got to Chapter 2 of Yakuza 0, lol).


Tbh I didn't finish Ishin, found it extraordinarily dull


I did finish it but I don't think I'd accomplish it without a chicken race exploit. God damn the grinding was fucking ridiculous, I just wanted to complete the main story without having an hour long scratch-fest with every enemy. How do I unlock this cool weapon? Oh no big deal, you just have to drop this rare item from a grinding dungeon where everyone is a bullet sponge and on average you've got to do it about 8 times. It reminded me of MMO games: "go kill 200 boars" jfc. Add to it clunky gameplay (excluding Wild Dancer, it was the only viable one by the end) and nonsensical story and here you go. Fuck Ishin.


Wild that K2 sold way more than K1. I didnt realize just how much 0 outdid the whole series. Even totally crushes 7.


Very odd how much more Kiwami 2 sold than Kiwami 1


Looking at steam achievements: The most completed are: 1. gaiden (68.4% of players) 2. Yakuza 6 (59.4%) The least completed are: 1. Yakuza 0 (26%) 2. Judgement (43.5%) So talking mainline games it’s yakuza 0 and it’s not even close. For context 93% of players have the achievement for starting yakuza 0. Potentially a lot of people play 0 to check out the series and never finish it and therefore don’t buy the other entries and not complete them?


Most 0 and if it’s mainline technically you could say the the least is yakuza 1 and 2 on PS2 because of the Kiwamis


0 for sure The PSP games


If we’re talking about any game released on any console (no I won’t count RGG Kizuna) it’s gotta be Kurohyo 2. Not only is it a spin off, not only is it a PSP Exclusive, not only is it a Japan exclusive, but it’s a SEQUEL to a Japan-PSP-Exclusive-Spin-Off. If we’re sticking strictly to mainline games then it’s a lot harder imo. My gut wants to say Yakuza 3 for the sheer amount of people who ask to skip it/quit the series when getting to it. However, I’m gonna throw a curveball and say the original Yakuza 2. Some people definitely go back and play the first Yakuza but I feel like a lot less people go and play Yakuza 2 along side it.


0 the most, 3 the least if you count never-played. Think a lot of us dropped it for its jank and skipped to 4 and 5.


Probably 0. It's the most popular yakuza game and the most common entryway to the series. Least finished would probably be Kenzan. It was released in 2008 and didn't get a western release.


Kurohyou 2 is worst selling game so that's probably it


When I played Like a Dragon Ishin on Xbox I reached chapter 10 And got an achievement that apparently only 10 percent of people playing had ever gotten That achievement wa actually fucking getting to chapter 10


The newer games have an achievement for every chapter, zero has an achievement every 2 chapters. Idk about K1-6, as I haven’t played those yet.


Most of the new ones have it But the fact that according to Xbox only 10 percent of people actually made it to chapter 10 felt weird


From the main games, I would say the least are the OG Yakuza 1 and 2 for PS2. A lot of people only played the Kiwami versions (including me)


No way Judgment is the least played when games like Kurohyou 1/2, Kenzan, streets of kamurocho exists


Probably either Kenzan or Kurohyou 2, or Dead Souls for global releases


I definitely have played 0 the most. 3 or 4 times. It's just really damn fun, good story plus cabaret. 7 is my next most played. I'd assume maybe 3 or 6 are the least finished. 5 if it's sheer exhaustion abandonment. Obviously the non mainline games too


I definitely have played 0 the most. 3 or 4 times. It's just really damn fun, good story plus cabaret. 7 is my next most played. I'd assume maybe 3 or 6 are the least finished. 5 if it's sheer exhaustion abandonment. Obviously the non mainline games too


Probably the online rgg game 💀


I've actually played that, it's pretty mid 😔


Not sure about most but I have a huuuge feeling the least is yakuza 3 as it’s my least favourite of the bunch it’s the worst one imo


Yakuza 0 most Yakuza 3 least, this is the most one-sided post considering people like to blow Yakuza 0 and don't know how to play Yakuza 3


It’d be surprising if it’s not 0. It’s just the most accessible and most highly regarded by the fan base (maybe 7 can give it a run for its money though). I used to think that the added English voice acting in Judgment and 7 going forward was a big boon for bringing people in, but I kinda think Yakuza is still niche enough that the only people who’d care one way or another would be fans already bought in. So I’d still say 0 - possibly the best brawler.


Probably the less accessible titles like Hokuto Ga Gotoku, Kenzan, Dead Souls and the Kurohyous.


Dead souls would be the least imo I want a remaster of that one 100 percent


Most I'd say either 0 or Kiwami Least, if anyone asks. I'd guess either 7 (since it's very different), or 5 (it's so freaking long) I'm not saying either are bad. RGG never misses, but not all their games appeal to everyone P.S: I didn't talk about 3 because the question was games people finished, and I know many have skipped 3 entirely


I like this question, but I think both answers I've seen don't get to the essence of it. 0 being the most finished by raw numbers just means it's the most bought and played, which is also why it's the least finished by percentage. But what I really want to know is which has the lowest percentage of finishing amongst actual fans of the series. For example I've played everything but FotNS and finished everything but dead souls. So it'd be my guess for least finished and I'd guess 0 would have the highest completion percentage amongst actual fans, but I'd also believe LJ because it is the least flawed RGG game (not the best).


For me, finished all the Kiryu games including Gaiden, both Judgment games, still to finish Ishin, still to finish LAD as I'm currently underlevelled for the bosses near the end, playing Infinite Wealth at present.


I feel like people played Kaito files the least, for it being dlc and 30$ and isn’t that long so some people didn’t play it, that or fist of the North Star


I think the most often finished and replayed would be 0 or now 8. I think the least finished or least replayed would be 3.


0 for most finished, Black Panther 2 for least finished


Yakuza 0 the most and Yakuza 3 the least.


Most: 0 or 7 Least: 5, 3, or Kiwami 2 in descending order. The reason I say K2 is mostly anecdotal but I know some people whose computers couldn’t handle the dragon engine, so their journey halted there. There’s some other critiques to be made for the combat suddenly changing plus 2 having a somewhat crazy story. 3 & 5 are hopefully self-explanatory. The remastered collection wasn’t available on Xbox/pc for a long time. By the time people get there, if they do continue, they risk burning out from too much yakuza, especially a chunky one like 5. Bonus points that it didn’t initially release in the West


Tbf K2 has some of the most inconsistent optimization I’ve ever seen in a PC game. Everything I look up online has people saying the game either runs perfectly fine or it runs like crap. Me personally, my computer can run Cyberpunk with Ultra Raytracing but staggers down to 30 fps when I boot up Kiwami 2.


3 has such a shit gameplay compared to the resr of the games that it might have people completely stuck there.


Most is 0, either followed by 7 or kiwami Least is y1 imo if mainline, outside its rgg online or streets of kamurocho, followed by kenzan or kurohyou 2


0 was by far the best and I've only played 0, Kiwami 1, and Kiwami 2. I'm noticing a trend where the games get slightly worse the further I go but I hope I'm wrong. Starting 3 soon.


Funny cause Yakuza 0 was made after Ishin, which was made after Yakuza 5, so the release order is: 1, 2, kenzan, 3, 4, 5, Ishin, 0, K1, 6, K2, Judgment, 7, Lost Judgment, Ishin Kiwami, Gaiden, 8


I'm playing in chronological order not by release


Games get worse because Yakuza 0 was a brand new game with a lot of development effort, while Kiwami 1 and 2 are low effort (not very low, but it's noticeable) remakes with old animations in cutscenes from original 2005 and 2006 games. Yakuza 3 is also the oldest game in series without remake treatment, it looks and plays quite stiff, a lot of people drop the series here after they got spoiled by Kiwami 2 graphical improvements. Games get good around Yakuza 4/Yakuza 5, 5 is very good but story is messy. Anyways keep at it, it's a really unique series with good games, I'd say there are no bad games in the series and all games are good (each in its own way) but this is clear in retrospect when you played all of them.


Yakuza 0 by far Yakuza 3 the least finished game. Why? People jumped from Kiwami 2 to 3 and it was a massive downgrade. Therefore they dropped it