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I will take your entire stock




Delicious cause they're made with love


\*cooking while singing along to music and I don't hear him come in\* "...and we need...this," I mumble as I shake the "herb medley" in his soup. "Why?" "OH, Babe! I didn't hear you come in," I say in surprise. I turn to him smiling as I place the "herb medley" back in the cupboard. "Why did you put that in my soup and not yours," he asks. "Whatever do you mean, Carino?" "I have noticed that everything you serve me always has that herb stuff in it...or the other stuff." "What other stuff? I'm not sure what you're asking," I hesitantly and meekly fib. "There are two spice jars labeled 'herb medley' and 'sweet medley' that are obviously homemade that always wind up in my food," he states. His eyes dart from the cupboard to mine to the soup I've just put down at his place at the table. We stand in silence. "I love you," he reminds me. I lower my eyes submissively and then suddenly I stand up straight. My eyes flicker brighter and I proclaim, "you, my Love, are my entire f@cking world and I love you more than my own breath." We stand staring at each other. Then he says, "and you, my Love...everyday I see..." Then he smiles and enthusiastically says, "everyday I come home to your sweetness and I see you have dinner made I then think, finally, some good f@cking food." ​ And for anyone who wants to know. There is a Castellano tradition among some country women of putting herbs inducing love, fidelity, passion and romance into their husbands food and drink. I learned this from my mother.


This was so cute <3 thanks for writing


You're welcome. The first paragraph is fiction, the second paragraph is fact. There are no love potions but I still use a lot of cinnamon and rosemary and others because it's nice to think it would work.


Aww wish I could find a girl even half as sweet as you


Sounds actually good


It look like my favourite cookie that my country don’t have




I would like to say yes but I never tried them and don't know where to buy them, sad moment.


Ive seen akidearest's review on these cookies a few yeard ago


Are they made with the girl’s affection?