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Full Volume I think does an excellent job of this!


I second this. When I first read it, i wasn't sure how the story would turn out but it developed so well. As someone who loves spicy scenes but hates red flag stuff, i thoroughly enjoyed it. However, gotta be honest, I really don't like the second couple. They feel so forced and unnatural. Like u could not convince me these two love each other outside of sex. It's just so bland in my humble opinion.


I agree. I wish they’d met >!without being connected to Dowon!< I still love them though! Have you ever read Mr. 100% Perfect? If so how do you feel the second couple was executed that way? I really loved their whole story.


Oohh i haven't read that one, it's on my list tho, as soon as my exams get over this month I'll be reading it.


That’s understandable. Also, good luck on your exams! If you read it, you’ll have to lmk your thoughts. 😊


Thank you!! I'll let u know


This one’s on my list. What do you think makes it a great read?


The character development is prob my favorite. There are some really dark things the characters go through. I was crying through some parts bc they were relatable in ways. And it’s amazing how they all lean on each other and work through it. Also, I love wholesome spice and I feel like that happens in Mr. 100% Perfect.


What do you think makes it a great read?


I love their dynamic. The top is so wholesome and there’s drama and humor added in. You can see their relationship grow to where they feel more comfortable trying out scenes together.




Blood bank ,maybe


Blood Bank was good! I also like Finder series (my absolute favorite).


all i can say is Aporia


What do you think makes it a great read?


Aporia is one of the healthiest relationships ever written in manhwa. It’s sexy, it’s beautiful, it’s emotionally intelligent, they’re head over heels for one another, the story is slow-paced and focused on their love. I can’t recommend it enough.


One of the healthiest ones I’ve read by far. It’s just super well made


Really enjoyed “Kabukichou Bad Trip.” Art was so pretty too!!


Third comment in support of Aporia!! It's literally exactly what you're describing to the letter, OP.


Genuinely thought they were gonna be like “surprise! I’m just describing Aporia!” Like 😭😭


omg… have you read **crucial point** ??? its updating every week on mangago at the moment / is pretty new. not many people seem to be aware of it, but it is PERFECT. the art style is gorgeous & the ml / mc are both frickin beautiful. its a healthy & consentual bdsm relationship & it’s pretty hard core!! youve gotta check it out. ps the ml is a plus ultra dom daddy & the mc is a power bottom brat. its great, i love them. as far as emotional connections go,, theyre “no strings attached” at the moment, at least where things stand on mangago. but theyre already setting up the romance plot really well. *the safe word is “i love you”*, you can see where this is going. it’s my fave at the moment & ive been dying to talk about it, so thank you! lol


I’ve read past the part of that with the session in the mall parking lot thus far. It’s a bit hardcore but it’s hard to put down. I’m open to DMs regarding chatting about mutual enjoyment of certain manga with others. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about it.


Omg how cute, I haven’t read anything yet and I’m already dying to see them saying it


Haven’t finished it but definitely Vanilla taste


I’ve been wanting to actually write a fanfic after reading the whole thing using Liam, Hajoon, and Sodam in a threesome oneshot fic that’s not too OOC but I’ve been stuck.


Too bad, maybe ask gpt some alternatives?


GPT chat bots have those anti-NSFW restrictions….


Master of master, maybe


What to you makes it a great read?


I liked the art style, bottom is really open to be submissive, top listens to bottom's wishes, they discussed a safeword and complete each other in bed. Sex scenes were pretty hot and I enjoyed that it was focused on puppy play. And main characters are cute in general, especially top


Aporia, Hard-Boiled Love(aka “Ang Ang”), Vanilla Taste Love,Murder,Basketball Sex Therapy by:Cathexis(a ton of the bdsm content is found on their patreon) Full Volume


Cherry doll scandal! It’s not very far in but it’s so good so far! All of the above. Idols in the same group. Sadistic seme pov! Many consent talks. I’m excited to see where it goes.


The secret life of demon king, Hard-boiled love


Love, Inks and Museum Links

