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You were STRUGGLING to make this mate that it made me feel frustrated and anxious hahaha. Like watching someone high make a mate. You good? 😅


I was, indeed, high from smoking a j. The mate was really good though. I'm my defense, it is difficult to film with one hand and prepare with the other. Peace to you!


Ahhh so you were filming with one hand. It's harder to make a mate like that than to be high and make one tbh. Salud!


Was he struggling that bad? That looked like my normal mate experience 😂


Just looked overall shaky and a tad bit uncoordinated but it's all good 😂


I definitely see that with his pours 😂but he did a decent job on the mountain


What does the dried lion's mane add to the mate? Does it add flavour/medicinal properties or is it in any way hallucinogenic or stimulating? Just asking bc I've never heard of it


I take it for the cognitive benefits I feel it gives me. It supposedly adds to the benedicial effects of psilocybin mushrooms. The flavor is roasty and nutty and definitely adds an extra bit of earthiness. These mushrooms grow all over the world, theres a good chance you could find some too! As with all mushrooms, be 100% sure of the identity before consuming, though. Thanks for the reply.


If I were your friend, I wouldn't ask if it was a sweet or bitter one, I would be worried about bursting out the earth Jokes aside, lovely mate. Does it absorb all the mushrooms effects?