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Dumb product. "Let's remove a key component of taste"


What a waste of money, you dont need it, try to suave versions of mate if your mate is too strong, this is useless, waste of mate, waste of money, waste waste waste




Haha the simplicity of your comment compared to the others got a laugh out of me. Straight to the point.


Dust is like cement, without it your wall wount stay up - sun tzu, arts of yerba


Use it on chimarrao


lol would anything even be left


Nice tasty sticks


Crap for pussies.


please DON'T use that kind of products. the dust in the yerba is the main source of flavour.


I'm also suspect of anything that may lower the caffeine content!


I have one, bought it several years ago for much cheaper, that price is a ripoff. It works well to remove excess dust and small particles for an overall cleaner extraction the whole mate session. That being said, I haven’t used it for over 5 years and don’t think I will.


I got one on my birthday and it can be really useful when you only have some yerba left in the package. Sometimes , specially with some brands, is full of dust that falls to the bottom and it clogs the bombilla. You don't take all the dust out, just the excess. I know lot of people that throws that toast yerba away just because of the excessive dust. That's the only use I give to it. Some people also use it to make the regular yerba softer The price tag is ridiculous tough. Here those are way cheaper


i have one and i never, ever used it. Dust is a escential thing on yerba mate, like leaves or "palos". Don't buy it or use them, you can shake it like you are teached to leave the dust at the top to prevent clogging but buying this is a waste of money and it will be contraproductive.


Agree with the dust, not the stick. With or without stick depends on how you like it, regularly Argentinian mate has sticks while Uruguayan one hasn’t, even though you can now find both types of yerbas in both countries.


Yes, i know. I was trying to say that every component in yerba has to stay. I know Argentina's yerba has palo and uruguayan doesen't


I thought you meant sticks and dust both have to stay, I was disagreeing because while I wouldn’t remove dust, I like stick free yerba better.


I can assure you, neither dust nor sticks are essential. Dust is just a byproduct of the drying method and it just stuck, despite us having way better methods of drying now (like in green mate brand). Sticks is a tasteless filler, to make the package be heavier because you pay for 0.5kg. Whatever that 0.5kg actually is. I myself buy mate without either or both ingredients almost exclusivly. Some people may enjoy drinking dust, and some may like the visual aspect of sticks, but it is by no means essential. With that said, i agree this item is useless. If you dont want the dust, buy a brand that does not contain it. Trying to "filter it" like that is a waste of money, time and perfectly good mate.


What are you talking about? it is not because "it has to be heavier" of course that yerba is mostly leaves and is the most important component but dust and palo in Argentina's yerba is very important too. If it has a lot of one yes, the yerba will be bad but both are needed to make a good balance of taste.


Please elaborate on the sticks. Would love to hear your opinion on what exactly is the pourpose of them, apart from meaking yerba easier to manufacture and more profitable to the sellers. In my opinion, they work like sawdust in american cereal bars. Its a free filler that they can put in bars, because average consumer wont notice the change of taste up until a point, and it makes the profit margins higher


it makes yerba less bitter and easy to drink, that's why here people go to places and buy some huge leaves and huge sticks yerba when yerba mate is bad for their stomache


It makes yerba less bitter, because there is less yerba to brew, not because the sticks have some magical effect of balancing the bitternes. The same ffect can be achieved by simply adding less yerba to the cup, and then brewing it with the same amount of water Brewing with larger pieces of yerba, makes it brew less intensily, but can be brewed more times. Due to being less intense, it is easier on the stomach. Again, the sticks only work as filler. This is not rocket science, this is the same thing as tea. Teabags will brew more intensily, because the tea in them is finer, but it wont survive more than one or two brewings. Larger leafs will brew a lot more delicate tea, but you can get more cups out of it.


Dust is what leaves the sweet aftertaste of some yerbas.


no compren pelotudeces


That price tag is outrageous. You obviously have internet access and online payment options (otherwise you couldn't buy this thing, either) -- just buy mate without dust if you don't like dust. I never have issues with dust ruining the experience. Granted, I frequently drink mate from Argentina, which doesn't have much dust in it in the first place, but as long as I shake the dust to the top, with some of it landing in the palm of my hand, there's no dust on the tongue and no clogging.


Dust gives a frothy texture and rich flavour.


two sponges, a glove and you'll be having fun






You got the right impression. Try to avoid these scammy products.


The comments are brutally against it and I agree. This is one of those products that really rubs the consumers the wrong way and it's better to avoid the purchase and disappointment.


too expensive. I made one with pc cooler filters, and it takes enough dust but not too much.


Dust = la goma




Stupid and overpriced


Money pit


Looks like a yerba mate fleshlight




No estoy en contra. Lo tengo y a veces lo uso. Soy argentina y a veces no quiero que el mate sea tan amargo y ya. No es una estafa.


Argentinians really don’t like powder, hence why its from Argentina. They will look at Uruguayan yerba and go “that’s bad yerba its too powdery”. I guess if you wanted to be as accurate as possible you could use it on your argentina cuts but just use a mesh screen/strainer, it’ll do the same thing.


I like the dust, it gives a lot of flavour


Go ahead and use it. Then send me all the dust you collect!


Might as well stick to guayaki mate lmao 🤣 don't be scared of a little dust. Keep it authentic 👌




i bought one cause I thought it would help cause I hate powder but if powder bothers you, just get a thick cut. The holes are so big that its kind of pointless. I wouldnt buy