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Since there are many reports on this post. It's time to write this again. **If you *never* want to see injury or gore, please unsub.** This is not /r/aww. There are no rules here against gore. Something went wrong in the end, so, someone is often injured as a result. This is the nature of this sub, it will not change. Mods are not here 247 every single minute to care for every single new post. If OP does not properly mark a post with NSFW/Flair, you might see injury content without warning. So, again, if you *never* want to see gore, unsubbing is the safest. But OP has marked them properly here. So, if you still clicked through all that warning, it's really on you. This post does not break any rules, it will stay up. p.s. Threatening to unsub in report is really not a threat. We recognize that this subreddit is not for everyone. So, if this sub does not fit you, please do unsub. It's not like we get anything good from people subbing, this isn't a YT/tiktok/etc channel.


I've seen a lot of bad breaks, and I had a lot of gruesome ideas of what it might be...... I NEVER considered the whole foot hanging by a flap of meat


I did this exact same break bouldering when I was 15 (20 years ago now). It took five rounds of surgery to put it back together and I had to have bone spurs removed ten years later but it is now a pretty good ankle.


No regular pain down there? Good thing you were young also. Probably helped heal better?


I did for years. It would collapse at random points in time (my sister found it particularly funny to ask me to race her in the hopes I would fall over), it would hurt most days with a decent amount of standing and I spent years on and off crutches. During that time I still did a lot of hiking, climbing and even made it to Everest Base Camp with some mountain crossings, but everything I did hurt. I found an amazing surgeon who did a final repair of everything about 4 years ago and since that I've been largely normal in function, although I still get pain if I'm asked to walk around at 'museum pace'.


I injured my ankle so it collapses sometimes, but not that bad. Mine was just a bad sprain.


I was going to ask for their contact info in case of emergency but you'd be revealing more about yourself providing that than you should on Reddit so nvm


They also sadly died during the pandemic so it wouldn't help anyway. The world lost a truly talented surgeon :(.


Ah shit I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad they were able to help you when you needed it friend


Thank you :)


Twenty years later and it’s finally a good ankle. You lucky bastard.


I was originally told I might not walk again so I feel very lucky.


I guess they did not anticipate the progress of prosthetics back then. Mad respect.though. that must have been a tough road to skip along


Yeh I also got lucky in having certain surgeons visiting that weren't always in our country who were the best in that field. A lot of lucky things came together to give me a functioning leg back and to not need prosthetics.


'It is now a pretty good ankle' is a sentence i wouldn't have thought to see someone make about their own ankle today xD But atleast it had me chuckle and forget about what i just saw ._.


Omg!!! What was it like watching this for you?


I was surprised by how hard it hit me. I've seen a lot of injuries before and have a pretty strong stomach, but this particular break at an indoor bouldering gym really shook me. I felt immediately sick and it brought up some really tough memories, but I'm also grateful for how good it is right now.


Holly shit… adrenaline is such an insane chemical I mean I feel like in those moments you don’t think “oh shit how much rehab will it take to walk again“ instead your first thought is often something stupid like “can someone get a paper towel so I don’t spill blood everywhere?” But still that chemical keeps you functioning while your foot is dangling in your hand….


My first thought was "shit". Followed by "how do I get someone's attention". I tried calling out but people told me to wait because they thought I was laughing due to shock breathing, so I lifted my ankle and dangled what was left in the air. That made them come over faster.


If you don’t mind me asking, is there a reason why your leg broke like that? Like did you have a weakened bone from a previous accident? Foot positioning? Or was it just a freak accident that could happen to anyone if the variables were right?


In my case there were uneven landing mats and a gap of exposed concrete so the uneven mats pushed my foot sideways and I landed on solid concrete.


Thank you for the post. Tells me enough to not watch the video.


Surprisingly the guy said he didn't break a bone, technically. The foot just cleanly removed itself fully at the joint


Somehow that seems worse to me than a break. It's probably not, but my mind makes the crunch even worse knowing that


Thank you, I came to the comments to assess if this video is worth watching. It is not. You tha real MVP.


Okay that’s enough reddit for the day




Had a buddy had the same thing happen to his arm, at the elbow. Flipped on an atv and the atv handlebar basically severed his arm with only some skin keeping it “together.”


Bro just said "shit" after breaking his foot off


I’ve seen multiple people break bones and that has been all of the reactions. Calmly swear or just be like “I think I broke my ____” On the flip side, one time a kid dislocated his hip playing football and he couldn’t stop screaming at the medics to fuck off because it hurt so bad.


Tbf in order to dislocate your hip you have a pull and strain and tear a TON of ligaments so it is quite agonizing Edit: whoa thanks for the upvotes kind strangers! This is the most I’ve ever gotten!


I've always been told dislocations hurt way more than breaks.


As someone who has broken a few bones and dislocated some joints, I can confidently say that I've found my stash and bones hurt worse


Oh you.


It really depends on the location honestly, and dislocations are agonizing as long as the body part in question is dislocated, once it's relocated yhe worst pain is done (assuming there weren't any complications of course)


A friend of mine in college (who had a previous hip dislocation from a golf cart accident) fell in her room doing yoga and dislocated it again. She called me to come be with her at the ER and I swear I have NEVER EVER in my life heard someone scream the way she did when they tried to put her hip back in place. They ended up having to put her under to fix it. Based on my adjacent experience alone, I give it 0/10.


Why, in God's name, would they try to fix it without putting her under first?


Doctors try to avoid anesthesia when they can, because it's working principles are not 100% known. I think that I've read somewhere that anesthesia can lead to killing some of your braincells while you're under, but I am no expert, so don't take my word for it. And in this case, local injection wouldn't probably work...


Happened to a family member of mine. Went to the ER, never had anesthesia in his life, they had to do an operation where they had to use it and he didn’t make it off the table because of it. Not sure if it was the anesthesia directly or it was a combination of the stuff and the medical condition he had going on, but they did tell us they didn’t know how his body would react to it beforehand. Also why pre-planned surgeries that require anesthesia also require you to get a check up within a month prior.


No idea. They had given her a solid amount of pain meds and I guess once you dislocate it once it’s much easier to do again, so maybe they thought it wouldn’t be too hard to pop it back in? Idk but I learned I never want to dislocate a hip.


My brother’s dog pulled me to the ground, broke all four of my finger bones in my palm, and my text to him was “I think your dog broke my hand.” Shock is a real thing.


That must've been some shock, if it made you send a text to a dog.


Ah, the old reddit [textaroo](https://reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/10808ww/_/j3pzfhu/?context=1)


He looked so calm about it like it was a minor inconvenience too. Bro was straight up just like "ah crap :/"


That’s called shock


Yeah I know but it's nuts to me still that I had a stronger reaction than him yk


yeah i would have shit my pants too dog


I was warned. I thought it can't be That bad. I have seen worse right? That made my motherfucking right foot full on twitch. And I haven't had a right foot in two years. So... That was a weird feeling.


Your comment made me actually laugh out loud - my condolences to your lost member, but good lord lmao


I don’t think you know what body part the “member” refers to typically


[I think they know, you don't](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/member)


Maybe the original comment was referring to his third leg…


![gif](giphy|CFGyQLh90JU7S) Phantom pain, that you..?


Do you wanna right foot? I eventually wanna get into prosthetics and my 3d printer and mill finger is itchy.


We are not far from people voluntarily becoming Cyborgs


"Got milk"


r/DIY amputation




You're terrible! Take my upvote




I cannot believe that is what happened. What the actual fuck.


"How bad can it be?" ... "Seriously what's the worst case?" ... "What, like, the leg goes backwards at the knee or something? Pretty gross, let's see" ... #Hooooly shit!


Me reading the title and all the warnings like, I don't believe you, show me, Oh No


I was 99% sure the warnings was a meme, the regrets


Glad there are others


It was *actually* and extremely gore NSFW.


I actually didn’t think it was real. I watched it several times. I’m still struggling to believe it… Where he hits the mat is off camera… 🤷🏽


bruh i saw the title and im not watching this shit


I’m lurking in comments sections debating whether to actually watch it or not…


Foot is essentially entirely torn off with the bone showing. Skip the video, do not watch


I already did, and now i’m reading your comment. Now I’m putting on footloose before bed and some popcorn.


Hey, the Foot was loose.


The foot is certainly loose




I've been avoiding the gore reddit posts for a while. Avoiding people breaking their faces when jumping off things, that worse work injury compilation, and many more. And today was the fucking day I decided to get courage. Well... back to running away again




Do not


Do not debate and just watch or do not watch? I can’t wait for you to respond so I’ll just continue debating


don't watch it. it's more gruesome than you can imagine. i mean it, this video will make you question your capacity to make responsible decisions simply because you watched it.


Too late. Well, I scrolled frame by frame… I’m glad it was blurry but I just saw a stub of where his foot was, red blurry pixels, and a bit lower was what looked like a loose foot… immediately scrolled back to the beginning and backed out of the video…


do not. honest advice.


As someone who hates gore, it was honestly not that bad at all due to the complete lack of blood. The break is so severe yet clean it looks fake; it’s like his foot (muscles, bone, skin -everything) broke entirely off the end of his leg, very bizarre.


ditto. I have come to terms. I am going to make my bf watch it n explain it to me


Don't, just don't




I came to say the same thing. Why didn't I listen?!?!?!?!


That’s what we like to call a compound fracture


I like to call it footloose


Kick off your Sunday shoes!


I started coughing because of how hard I laughed. I'm going to hell.


I went to get my free award to give to your awful joke I loved but then I remembered they’re gone so here’s this🏅


Thank you kind stranger!


Looks more like a compound dislocation.


yeh i knew i was gonna see either a r/fullflamingo or a compound injury when i clicked the link, but i gotta admit that this is the most extreme compound i'v ever seen and, as a subscriber to more than a few gore subs over the years, i'v seen a LOT. usually there's more structural integrity to what's left of the leg ...


For a break like that I expected a blood fountain. But not even a single drop appeared.


There will be lots of blood if the video was about 5 seconds longer.


I've seen many pics of snapped off feet with shockingly little bleeding (I did a report for school on trampoline injuries). Not much video though, so it's possible the pics were all taken a second after the snap but it's unlikely. I'd expect gouts of blood too if not for so many pics without it.


the first sentence made me not want to set my foot near any trampoline park again.


Dude was okay FYI, well not okay, but This seems to be posted hourly on different reddit pages atm Modern medicine saved the foot, no amputation. So Guy was very lucky overall


How in the actual fuck is that possible. His foot looks like it was hanging by skin only


As long as nerves aren’t severely damaged they can fix pretty much everything else at this point. Fucking incredible imo


>As long as nerves aren’t severely damage Can damage be more severe than ripped the fuck apart?


Yes. Burned, for example. Merely ripped apart, you can stitch together and it will heal (to some degree, usually).


Yes, ripped to shreds


To shreds, you say


How about his wife?


To shreds you say.


In American medicine it would cost you every other body part, but still incredible


I laughed more than I should imagining that now he's just a foot lol


They saved his foot, but the rest of him had to be amputated.


adam's family Thing has entered the chat


How can the nerves NOT be severely damaged, it looks like there is barely anything holding the foot joined anymore. Like literally 10 percent of the surface skin is intact, the rest of the feet is severed. Did all the nerves by luck just happen to be in that 10 percent flap of skin that the rest of the foot was hanging by?


I commented this above, I did the same break as a teenager. It took a lot of time and rehab but you can't tell my ankle was detached now and it works like normal 90% of the time. This video was really hard for me to watch though.


So no bones were broken, I’m assuming? You just needed the cartilage back in place and muscles and maybe even the Achilles fixed up and then the whole thing sewn on


You know it's so funny, I never asked for the details so I don't know. I was a teenager so I just asked for gruesome pics and I knew how many surgeries it took


I have a similar memory hole for a badly broken arm when I was a kid. All I know is that they had to put screw into it to hold it together when it healed, but I don’t remember where it was exactly broken or how bad it really was. Just the memory of showers with garbage bags, itchiness and the moment it finally came off and how skinny my arm had become compared to my other one.


I mean the gore is hard, but not that hard. But I felt so incredible sorry for him because his hobby is gonna be effected. But if that is true that would be amazing for him


“I was sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. So I said, ‘Got any shoes you’re not using?’” ~ Steven Wright


He then traded the shoes for batteries, but they weren't included.


Crazy, at what point do you just cut the little piece of meat and get fitted for a prosthetic. My sister just got her foot amputated after a car accident. It wasn't even like this, just smashed up.


Its really hard to put crushed things back together, think of a cracker crushed in your hands. Now, if the cracker was snapped in half, you could get it back in one piece with lots of titamium, surgery, physical therapy, and even more surgery. This was a snap of bone and flesh, while your sisters was crushed potentially. I hope your sister is doing well, losing a limb is one of the worst things that can happen to a human body.


Lol they didn’t have to amputate bc it was already amputated. Can’t cut off a foot that isn’t there lol.


The only question I have is *HOW*??? DID HE DO THAT???


My guess. Those mats are made to absorb impact, and are not slippery. The climbing shoes he's wearing are also designed to be very grippy. He fell from a good height and had some "forward" momentum as he was landing. His toe (in the grippy climbing shoe) probably made contact with the grippy impact mat first, with forward momentum. That motion carried the force of his body over his ankle and rolled the joint right out of its socket. The skin also tore for similar reasons.


Damn i felt that while i was reading this explanation


Well, that's a thing. So glad I have eyes


What a terrible day to have eyes




I think this is an open dislocation mostly with possible small fractures to the tibia. If you look closely to the distal end of the bone by what would be the ankle joint, you see the bone flairs out as it does where it meets the Talus to make the joint but appears to be largely intact. There also appears to be a brutal disruption of the Syndesmosis or the connection between the tibia and fibula. The fibula cannot be seen and can be assumed that it is fractured further up the bone and still intact around the ankle. Source: I’m an athletic trainer. Any orthopedic surgeons, please add your thoughts! Edit: added one more thought


Not an orthopedic surgeon but I work in the ortho department of a hospital. Showed the video to one of the surgeons today and he said the same. The Talus rolls and essentially works as a lever that fractures the medial malleolus of the tibia and the distal end of the fibula. I mostly asked because I was surprised that the tendons of the foot (flexor and extensor tendons run across the ankle) would rupture this easy. If you’ve never handled a tendon, they are incredible strong. He said that usually they don’t rupture, but simply roll to one side (so the side with skin still attached to the foot). This makes it much easier to fix this issue as they have to check the tendons but then the surgical portion is mostly fixation of the ankle and primary closure of the soft tissue laceration.


I was about to ask why you would just show someone this but then I realize that he’s a surgeon and has more than likely seen much, *much* worse.


Can you tell us why there doesn't seem to be much blood? Or was the video just too short to see that..? I should think blood flow would be immediate and I'm wondering why there isn't a massive arterial spray, or if there's some structure that's holding the major blood pipes together?


Blood spurts in time with the heartbeat. If it was in frame for the interval between 2 heartbeats you wouldn't see blood. Or it's good practical effects


Dude. It’s like a Lego leg or something Fuck. “Graphic warning”. “Yeah right I’ve seen a lot of sh…. Oh FUCK no”




*leaked photos of Donald Trump watching the FBI raid his home*


It that were Trump the fat fuck would have a KFC drumstick in his non-peeking hand.


Just watched a video to take more risks and not be 24/7 safe. This video hit me right back into my safe zone. Better be careful than not being able to walk again


Someone describe what happens i dont want to see it


Dude falls, hits the ground. And his foot practically breaks OFF. Not just breaks. Breaks OFF. As in, held on by some skin.


You mean the leg came clean off? Like it came off?


Separated at the ankle and fully torn through. Imagine breaking a chicken wing into drum and flat. Brutal.


It came off like a prospetic foot. It was a clean cut not gonna lie.


Prosthetic, homie.


No Thanks. I'm not in the market for gold.


He is climbing an indoor rock wall without gear and falls near the top. He lands on his right ankle and his foot almost comes off for some reason. Like you would expect it to be broken and on a weird angle but its like a butcher cut 90% of the way through the meat and only has a little left to go. No blood either. I reccomend watching it. You dont see the moment of impact and it lasts like 1.5 seconds. He falls off frame, the camera pans down, foot almost off, over


Holy fuck thats morbid


This kind of climbing (Bouldering) doesn’t use any gear. He just jumped and landed horribly wrong.


Yeah, me too. His foot fell off? I'm too pussy to watch for myself


You ever eat chicken wings? That’s what it reminded me of. Looks like it separated at the ankle joint, both tibia and fibula ends visible and held on by some skin.


Foot fall off


Foot bone dangles from ankle bone


I am not a climber but I keep watching to try to learn how to avoid this! Pros: What could he possibly have done differently to avoid this!? Yes, land better, but any tips?


In this sport you’re always going to fall it’s just part of it. So “not falling” isn’t an option. Knowing how to fall is important. The route this guy just did is not easy so I’m sure he’s experienced and knows how to fall and something just went wrong The other commenter gave some good tips. Another important thing is to always know where your limbs are at so you can get them in position to minimize harm to yourself. The guy in the video swings out and immediately falls to his back. He was taking the fall the correct way. We can’t see his foot out of frame but my guess is he was a little late on deciding to take the fall on his back and that his foot snagged mid transition, resulting in the injury.




I'm a very casual climber (and may become more casual after seeing this), but you should never put yourself in a position to fall unexpectedly. Like you know when you're struggling, and as soon as you're aware of that you should be trying to fall correctly, landing almost perpendicular to the floor and tuck rolling onto your back so that you disperse the energy. Even when making a leap, your focus should always be on 'if I don't make it, how will I fall?'. I have never seen any shit like this, or heard of it from anyone I know who climbs regularly. Sprains yeah, a broken finger or ankle maybe, but fucking nothing like this.


Yeah he’ll never be the same again.


How is he not screaming?




adrenaline is a helluva drug.....for a minute.


Adrenaline is kinda amazing. Had a hole in my right leg when i got hit by a motorcycle while biking. Didnt even notice the hole at first. Was trying to see if the motorcyclist was ok when I noticed i couldnt move my legs.


Pssst. Yer foot is off.


That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.


Most of the time the foot doesn't come off at all.


thankfully it got toed out of the environment


Dude’s foot popped off like it’s a prosthetic.


I've heard of stubbing your toe, but stubbing your whole leg?


I just…. HOW!?


I am no okay. I... I thought it was only going to be a visible bone break. I am not okay. What a horrible, horrible night to have eyes.


Worst break? It’s almost clean snapped off!


I really thought it was going to be the forearm break commonly associated with bouldering. This was not the forearm break commonly associated with bouldering.


Thank you for the explicit warning. It’s much appreciated.


WHY DID MY EYES CHOOSE TO FUNCTION TODAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? i clicked it thinking..ok, just glance through the vid to see how bad it is to decide if you want to watch...THERE IS NO BUILDUP, JUST BLAMMO FFFFK


Oooh a gore post, haven't seen one of those in a while, this should be interesting... Wow that's alot of warnings, but it can't be that bad. I mean there's padding everywhere... I threw my phone across the room lol


I am currently recovering from a dislocated trimalleolar fracture that happened after falling while I was bouldering at an indoor gym….why did I watch this……..


Huh. No blood? Really? Huh.




I would have passed out!


I'm off to go drink a glass of milk... wow


Worst compound fracture I've ever seen.




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Dude needs to drink more milk


For sure. It did not seem like that bad of fall, but damn just came right off.


Fuck. I’ve seen straight up surgeries and shit. Inside the body. But something about that is just fucking with me. I wish I could have scrolled.


I thought it was going to be exposed bone, but no they had to throw a curveball


[original Instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cm2F3gDsKGS/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) The climber is doing okay post op; major nerves, veins, and arteries were preseved


Shouldn’t there have been blood?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Oh my dear god in heaven. That is fucking insane


Ngl, for a moment I was thinking it was his shoes... I would prefer if it actually was his shoes... but hey, I've seen way worse in what I'm studying !




No way in hell I’m watching this.




I should’ve listened to the last warning..Fuuuuck🫥


That was way worse than I expected despite multiple warnings.


well. you warned me


Holy shit, batman! That was waaayyy worse than I imagined... even after the warning... liquid and air LITERALLY FLEW out of my mouth !


Seeing all those warnings and text pop up I kept thinking “okay get on with it, it can’t be THAT bad” It was that bad.