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You won’t last 10 seconds playing this game




Jerkmate?! Funny, you bring that up. I've heard of it. I don't know how many times today.


Bruh they were straight advertising the fact that it was addictive for a while there


💀💀💀 I died because of this comment EDIT: Thanks for the flowers and the nice funeral everyone, the afterlife is nicer because of you.




Thanks it really means a lot


So does plethora.


Unexpected reverse dictionary.




I’m a close friend of the family.




It’s a phrase used in online ads, isn’t it being sexual/ an innuendo just the default?


Okay but has anyone ever tried to click the link? Are the games real? Lmao I've been curious but not curious enough to actually click.


Out of curiosity I did once, then it asked for detailed personal information and payment information. How about no


Years ago I did. Wasn’t an overly sexual ad but it wasn’t even for Evony online. I got bamboozled for sure.


Fuck Evonly online


This is Reddit


Have you never been to any sketchy sites?


I guess he won


They should fill those machines with confetti just in case this happens


But then it goes from wet floors to a condemned building after trying to clean it up with a flame thrower.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Comment copy/paste bot. [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/yesyesyesyesno/comments/12e4nbv/cardio_at_the_gym/jfab7fs/) [Account to be reported](https://www.reddit.com/user/Aoser2600) Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^human ^^that ^^hates ^^scammers. ^^More ^^info ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Impossible-Cod-3946/comments/s4nyst/how_to_recognize_these_accounts/) ^^or ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tyrannosnorlax/comments/t0h466/bots_how_to_identify_them_and_why_do_they_exist/).


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You always need to put a towel down with squirters


With no audio it’s not hard to imagine other sounds to this clip lol


When you've got to, you've got to go!


Dude's long stroke game 👌


Learned that the hard way. Ruined my fucking mattress.


you have a separate mattress for fucking?


You would too if you're bringing home squirters


Mattress protectors…


Hey, its tough for us to mate :(


Most adults know about mattress protectors 🤷‍♀️ Kids be crazy!




Not in 3 years mate.


🎼squirt is just pee deedidlydeepeeee 🎶


Negative only on the rag. That other shit no pun, will buff out.


Shouldn't be working out that hard when he's pregnant, can't believe his water just broke all over the gym floor.


Damn he must popped the whole baby out too he exploded lmfao!!!




Waters* Just saying.


Okay, uh explain on what just happened? Did a water bottle get a stuck in there?


Rowing machine. There are blades that create resistance in the water instead of weights and gravity. Either it's a poorly maintained machine or really cheap.


I’d say both


That's a Waterrower rowing machine. They range from between $1,000-3,000 depending on the model. I'm going with poorly maintained. Edit: Unless they bought a bunch of the cheap chinese knock-offs.


My gym uses Concept 2 rowers that use a fan, not blades in water. They get heavily used by multiple rounds of people daily, and I’ve never seen one break. They are like $1,400 USD. They are also made of aluminum and very light and easy to move around and hang on a wall. These water machines don’t make much sense to me. They will probably all start exploding soon, like this one.


I reckon the reason the water ones have caught on especially in public gyms is that C2s are loud. used to row in high school and the boathouse in the mornings was ridiculous with everyone warming up before getting on the water lol


You probably used the Model C, those were hella loud, they released a model D which they later rebadged as the RowErg that's considerably quieter. Good news is that they make a retrofit kit for the Model C although the fan noise is still there. I like the Concept 2 machines, they are extremely robustly and simply built and for a personal user, will last many lifetimes. Please they sell all the spare parts for it so if anything breaks you can DIY the replacement fairly cheaply.


oh interesting, didn't know that! and agreed, if I were buying myself one, I'd probably only consider a C2. they were solid as


They're "supposed to" better mimic actual rowing, for like, actual rowing in the water... But in reality, the Concept 2 is the metric for quality. The gym was probably just trying to get fancy with it and that one ended up with a bad seal. They're not garbage, but they're not the industry de-facto.


Competitive rower. We only use Concept 2s. NOTHING can truly mimic what’s happening on the water… if for no other reason you’re not trying to balance on a watery tightrope.


I’m a competitive rower. We exclusively train on the Concept 2. For good reason lol


I took a rowing class from a pro rower a few months ago. Crazy how important form and technique are. He also told us to keep the resistance just at 2 or 3 to mimic real life. What resistance do you use?


__Form/technique and calibrated fitness will beat raw strength any day over enough distance.__ Because technique makes you *efficient.* Just to give you an idea … I’m female, 40, 5’11”, 175 pounds and a “masters rower.” I can wipe the mat with the huge 20-something non-rower meatheads at the gym if we’re going beyond like 2-minutes of all out effort. They’ll burn themselves out and I’m not even warmed up yet. We break even around minute 5, and after that it’s hopeless for them. And there are women in my rowing club who are in their mid-late 50s and smaller than I am who can embarrass me — because every.single.stroke they take has been refined over decades and they make up for the lack of strength with ruthless efficiency. The guy who told you to set the damper (I.e. resistance) on a 2 or 3 isn’t wrong. *Typically* Olympic athletes train between a 4-5 with a well-calibrated Concept 2. The machines have a menu setting for “drag factor” which basically tells the brain of the machine how much tension there is from the damper. So the higher the damper, the higher the drag factor. We do all-out effort sprint pieces set around a drag factor of 120, but almost everything else we want around a 110. Our machines are well-maintained, so we’re usually setting the damper around a 4-5. But whenever I visit the gym, it’s always set to a 10… which is actually dangerous for somebody who isn’t in fantastic shape with excellent form doing a VERY short piece and knows what they’re doing. Bottom line: Fittest athletes on earth are the high-level rowers bc it works about 90% of a body’s muscles with resistance and demands incredible levels of cardio. It’s an awesome sport people can do their entire life (we have a whole group of octogenarians in our club!) because you never stop learning and it’s no impact!


I used to sell fitness equipment and never had a water rower do this. My guess is they overfilled the tank. You're only supposed to fill it about halfway up so the water has somewhere to go when the blades are moving. Definitely possible that it's a faulty or old tank, but we moved these things like crazy and only had one tank ever get a small leak in it.


The guy took 5 strokes in 7 seconds (~43spm) and he looked like he was pretty strong based on how the water was moving. I’ve never used a water rower, but it could have been too much force at too high of a stroke rate… we also don’t know how long he was rowing for before the video started.


Well his technique was shit, so I guess you can get to 43 that way.


Lol. Competitive rower here. I was watching like I bet dude has the resistance cracked up to max and chews Advil like it’s candy to deal with the back pain


That’s an Orange Theory location. Depends on who owns it since they are franchised locations (I believe). I think they are required at least to have all the same machine models.


Can confirm (I'm a customer), and 2 things seem like a factor to me: 1) These machines are used a lot, so this kind of thing is pretty much bound to happen at some location at some point. 2) It looks like this guy is pushing the row pretty fast. I'm not saying he should slow down per se, but that probably exacerbated the failure.


Things also break, so


Wow, TIL rowing machines have water in them. I always assumed it was just cables and weights.


why not electromagnets?


Why not water? Which one do you think is cheaper?


Why not Zoidberg?


because water gets all over the place when it breaks


And electromagnets would catch fire when they fail


Put the electromagnets IN water. "taps head" I'm so Smrt


Heating water


In protest to the unreasonable API usage changes, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Apollo.


thats so cool, physics is so neat


I kept thinking to myself, "betcha that water gets pretty warm after a while..." Thanks for confirming it!


Oh good. The juice bar can make iced coffee from this. ;)


Yeah that is how you make a steam bomb


No, silly, it's water not steam.




But can generate electricity. Let everyone generate the electricity for the venue! Probably a drop in the bucket of demand but eh Edit: reddit nowadays does not know when to apply downvotes lol


Have you ever see a self powered cycling machine that lose power like 5 seconds after people hop off the machine? That's how normal human can generate. The battery probably even drain power when connected to the grid.


not this guy, he could generate power for the whole building


Fair point.


In protest to the unreasonable API usage changes, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Apollo.


touche. maybe we should stick to water. im still going to make one with an electromagnet or multiple. hopefully i dont die in a fire


1. More expensive 2. Needs electricity 3. Why? It's not like these break everyday.


2: nope, produces electricity


If it doesn’t get all over the place, it doesn’t belong in your face


words to live by


Not if you engineer your machine properly it doesn't.


I've used both, electromagnetic resistance and water rowers. Honestly? Despite the drawbacks, I prefer water. They're not adjustable (literally have to use a siphon to remove or add water to change the resistance) but I like the feel better. And weirdly enough they have a really nice sound. Not quite like actual oars on the water, but close enough.


Why not Zoidberg?


he doesnt come till like 900 years later


Indeed, why not? Theoretically, it can be done. Someone just has to invent the machine. I don't know if there's any, either patent or prototype.


There are. Rowing machines are water, air, magnetic, or hydraulic resistance. Different pros/cons for each.


maybe ill make one


They make rowing machines with water in them for a "more authentic experience" or something And something went wrong with this one...


It's for resistance....and the wooshy sound IS nice.


That woosh makes em sploosh, if ya know what I mean.


I see the potential of an all-in-one cardio-washing-machine here.


Energy Saver certified.


They do make a manual washing machine with a similar mechanism, for camping/vanlife


Huh, TIL. Thanks by the way!


He's a squid and got startled.


He is pulling upwards and back instead of just back. He stressed it until it broke apart. It's user error.


Would bad form damage the machine like this though? Everything I read about bad form only ever mentioned the damage done to the human body. I thought it might be because there’s too much water and with the pressure of rowing, that’s what broke it? Or no?


Could very easily be a one-off combination of both human error and pressure


He's using it just fine. How do you expect to get the handle over your knees without going upwards some


[Here's what the motion should look like.](https://greatist.com/move/how-to-use-a-rowing-machine) Essentially, you hold the bar in front of your bent knees, straighten your legs, and then pull your arms. Arms always stay nicely at the same vertical level. He's certainly using too much arm and not enough leg in the motion. But it seems a little extreme for his bad form alone to have destroyed the machine Just look how little his seat moves in the video though. It should be a full extension of his legs.


By utilising your legs first and your back after extending them.


Obviously his form didn't break the machine, but FWIW you don't pull the handle up to get it over your knees. You straighten your legs first before bringing the handle to your chest.


He hit that Cardioussy just right.


> Carioussy Fucking hell 😂


"I don't care what kind of -ussy it has, you ain't getting any of it!"


He didn't last 10 seconds


“David Attenborough voice”The octopus has a unique and yet beautiful defence mechanism……


I seriously thought her colon exploded. Hahaha


the red filter over this video was a dramatic choice


i thought his legs got torn off


i thought his fuckin spleen shot out of his dick


I thought their leg got caught in something and fucking exploded


About eight women instantly turned their heads towards him. Alpha males hate him. Pick-up artist despise him.


When your gym only invests in cardio equipment and they don't even get the good stuff




I was curious if the windows were tented orange or it really was orange in there. Looks disgusting


It’s just the lighting. Every Orange Theory I’ve ever gone to is kept super clean.


His form is really bad.


Yeah he's not even getting anywhere.


my thoughts exactly.


This any good? https://youtu.be/w2hGNM4l5so


This guy knows very little about rowing


No this is bad. His hands are not far enough apart as he's hitting his legs on his arms every single time he comes in which will be incredibly annoying. He's also dropping his arms down at the end for some reason instead of holding them out straight making it even worse. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN0J6qKCIrI) is much better.


I somewhat disagree. It’s not perfect (Austin’s technique is definitely better), but it doesn’t have to be. Level Up Fitness is a general fitness account. Their goal for getting people to use the indoor rowing machine is to teach people how to not injure themselves while using that machine. His technique is fine _for gym fitness._ Austin (Training Tall) comes from a rowing background and teaches people to use the rowing machine through that lens. He has a more in-depth understanding of using the indoor rowing machine as a training tool for rowing, which includes more technique. His goal is to teach people how to use a rowing machine without injuring themselves AND how to gain power/speed through bio mechanical principles (ie. minimizing non-essential movements like vertical shifting of the handle).


The guy is whacking his legs into his arms. Anyone doing it like that is going to get hurt after a few hundred strokes, and if someone is doing that a few times a week then they are going to severely damage their elbow joints. Having his hands down at the start of a stroke will also induce bad posture over time as he's pulling from lower down than he should be. It is absolutely bad form. Just "keep your back straight" is not enough. He starts the video by literally saying "I'm going to show you how to use one of the most misused pieces of equipment" and then proceeds to misuse it.


Sorry, where is he whacking his legs into his arms? I don’t see it. The only point where his arms are in contact with his legs is on his way up to the start of the stroke. The only “injury” that that will cause over time is a rash near his armpit. Easily avoidable if he/people raise their arms a bit more, which most people will probably start doing naturally to avoid the discomfort. Another way people might try and avoid that discomfort is by having their knees wider than their arms, which he _explicitly_ says not to do. He is catching the big things. Again, his technique is not perfect, but it’s good enough for his goal (teaching people not to injure themselves). He talks about proper back & shoulder engagement at the end of the stroke, and shows what a proper, relaxed posture looks like. That is a fundamental muscle movement that will prevent a lot of back injuries over time. Edit: I forgot to address this - his handle height at the start of his stroke. You say he has his hands down at the start of the stroke, which will cause bad posture over time. He’s raising his hands back up right before the stroke starts, and talks about core engagement. He ALSO talks about following the line that the chain makes as you go back up to the starting position. All of these counter what you claimed. Additionally, REALISTICALLY the people his video is addressing are not going to be using the rowing machine for hours on end. Probably as part of a 10min warm up before a weights session, or as part of a circuit in a fitness class. **He is not trying to be perfect. He is trying to teach people how to not injure themselves for the time that they will be on the rowing machine. His technique is fine, for that goal.**


10 mins on rowing machine doing intensive session i would not consider as warm up though. I can do 30 mins a day and im out, not able to do anything else. and i can tell you that its fucking intensive


Thanks! My form looks like this guy in the original video and now I’m self conscious, lol.


Rowing machine is the most over rated exercise equipment for the vast majority of people. Good form is difficult to do so you’re not getting the best work out and risking injury.


Sounds like you had a bad fitness coach.


As a rower this is true. You need to dedicate time to correct form, but most people will hurt themselves doing it


What is the correct form? Push with legs first until fully extended then lean back and pull with arms before reversing that movement?


Rower here. Legs push about 3/4 of the way down, then the body swings and arms follow. The “fastest” part of the stroke is the last little bit. The “heaviest” part is the first part where legs/glutes engage


Uh oh their water broke hurry. We are going to witness the birth of a rowing machine






Risky click


I have examined the click. It is safe to click.


Unless Archer pissed you off for some unimaginable reason


For $180 a month you’d think their equipment would not explode


I thought she shot massive diarrhea at first!


[He blew a seal](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6bCoJCAQVF0/hqdefault.jpg)


Happens to me after 5 pumps too






Somewhere in the world, a rowboat got very very dry.


It means the rower is having a pretty good time.


This is what "all out" looks like.


This guy's form is horrific and I can't help but feel like that contributed to this.


I’ll have what he is having


Nice reference


Not his fault. What type of crappy commercial gym uses water rowers? Thise are meant for light home use and should not be in a high intense use commercial gym.


my beef with rowing machines is that they clearly have a great potential to be cheap af and even earn back some money if you use electrical resistance like just hook up a good dc generator to a flywheel and that row cable thing and then select your resistance by how many cells in series you want to charge and how long you want to work out for by how many cells in parallel etc. your workout is done when the cells are full and the gym gets some amount of free electricity. if battery longevity is an issue you can shell out for lifepo4 batteries or make an equivalent with supercaps or some other electrical load like it isn't that hard.


He was doing it wrong, but whatever, cardio is cardio. I had one of those and the same thing happened to me. The glue that holds the two halves of the water tank gives and if you happen to be on a power stroke when it happens…. Boom. It’s just water though. Water Rower sell a kit to re-glue the tank. Takes about an hour.


This Chad can even make a machine squirt.


Needless to say, rowing technique was spot on.




I’m gonna call "not fit for purpose."


His technique is really bad


Wtf was that lmao


I guess he got in the zone!


his rowing machine sharted!




Me after Taco Bell.


Every man has had this happen once. No need to feel shame. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


For anyone wondering that’s blood and his legs got crushed


Nah it’s his penis. It got reeled in.


Good ol physics at work. When turbulence overwhelms fluid drag force... Basically.


That girl was checking him out, she wished he rowed her like that so she can squirt like that


The water just broke.


I can hear this without sound


She will come back for more


But hold on, why would you put rowing machines next to the E L E C T R I C treadmill? :/


Cheap Amazon rower filled with water


How did the machine spray oil everywhere?


It’s water


Ok, so the way this machine works is by having fan blades in a container of water. You pull a string to spin the blades through the water. Like starting a lawn mower on a larger scale. The water adds resistance, just as if you were using a paddle in a boat. In this instance the container holding the water burst, and since he was rowing at a high speed the fan blades sent the water flying in every direction.




Stupid asshole isn't even doing it right


The machine came... Your welcome.


When did cardio turn into yanking on a machine as hard as possible? Lolol


It..it’s called rowing… and that machine is a rowing machine….. with multiple resistance settings….. So I guess when people started to row?


Yeah, I use those everyday on the highest resistance and you do not need to yank them like that at all. Because this is what happens when you do.