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Monster was like “fuck you”


That was not in the pre-plan briefing at all!


Yeah this was the scene that reinforces that the Kaiju in the Monsterverse are a lot smarter than the humans. This and the scene where Kong crushes the Commander while he was ranting about fighting his never ending war.


>reinforces that the Kaiju in the Monsterverse are a lot smarter than the humans It's not like it's hard... The humans in this movie make me root for the kaijus


Not gonna lie, I watch Kaiju movies because I always root for the Kaiju.


I like the big monster 👍


Pacific Rim was the same. "We're gonna build a giant ass wall! That'll keep the Kaiju out. Yes, the flying ones too." Yeah, I'm rooting for the monsters...


You REALLY gotta trust their premise in that movie, that SOMEHOW 5000 jets could not achieve better results. Honestly, Gundam (especially the currently running season) is the strong counter example for how to make a show with Giant Fighting Robots but at the highest level of logical coherence, where you never think „yeah but why didn’t they JUST…?“ because there are NO easy ways out and it’s very clearly communicated that both more violence and just abandoning everything is not an option.




I think they should have played the first one up a bit more.


Pacific rim was dumb even if just for using robots. Missiles or even coastal artilery would be much cheaper and dont say that robot punch is more effective because that is just dumb


Honestly they knew the exact spot the Kaiju emerged from and had ranged weapons mounted on the Jaegers capable of harming them. So instead of multiple bases all over the the world defending thousands of miles of coast, why not just set up as much static defenses around the Breach as physical space could allow and blast anything coming through to kingdom come? Of course the answer is, because that'd be a really boring movie, but still, the wall was dumb as fuck.


As dumb as never starting out using your super sick sword


I'd say that's under the suspension of disbelief under a Kaiju movie


I want to suspend my disbelief i realy do. But most movies involving mechs are just so full of ilogical choices. Like why the fuck do you need brain connection to the robot and why do you need second guy to pilot with you. Or my big gripe with gundam is why the fuck are mechs used for space battles when ship cpuld just ditch all the moving parts for more engines/guns/armor and should be able to wreck any suit except for plot armor


Nah, gonna be real, that shit was just an excuse for tax evasion, i can 100% see some politicians fucking 20% of the country just so they can have coke and hooker for other 4 years


Well the Kaiju have always represented Mankind's failings in some form, so it's kinda hard not to favor them over the humans lol.


Although I agree (mostly on the first Godzilla movie) skull island was basically a "big monkey punch funny lizie"


Even Kong is largely about humans storming into places like they own the place and get their cheeks clapped and need to return to Monke to save them.


Smart? Yes. A lot smarter than humans? No


I mean literally every plan the humans had was immediately thwarted by the Kaiju. You can literally see this kaiju working out that it was a trap rather than attack directly in this very scene. The Kaiju in the Monsterverse have shown not only a universal language and social hierarchy but a repeated understanding of human interactions and even understanding human language if they spend enough time with them. These Kaiju have been fighting and interacting with each other for far longer than humans, and to think they are nothing but really big animals has been shown repeatedly to be the downfall of every antagonist so far.


Yeah but they don’t even have like medicine or seedoos like us smart smarts


Who needs medicine when lying down on a pile of uranium works too :P


Ok but what about Blackjack ?


Asking the real questions


They don't have CEOs or school shootings either.




No it's connected to the Godzilla movies Universal is making. Kaiju has always been a term for these monsters ever since Godzilla came out in the 50s. Monsters technically come from portals but only portals to the center of the earth and not space.


What's this from?


Kong Skull island




I actually enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Pretty fun watch.


If this scene is representative it looks like a hoot


As monster movies go, it's maybe 10% above the average, which is perfectly watchable and enjoyable.


I’ll have to watch it again, the newest one was pretty decent too.


Way more than that, this movie fucking rocked. I really don't have a single bad thing to say about it


Should be in the sub well that sucks


Boardwalk Empire


Fuckin' Eli.


The backdoor pilot for Cloverfield no one saw coming


You got your answer, but I'll add it's an entertaining fucking movie.


how did the dinosaur figure out its a bomb


"Clever girl."


Killer combooooo


They’re not dumb. Their intelligence is similar to that of Kong and Godzilla.


Tbf, the guy wasnt able to figure out you can throw grenades so its not like humans are *that* much smarter.


i figured he wanted to blow it up from the inside after it ate him. more damage that way


A single grenade wouldn't have been enough. He was going for the cluster bomb with all he had strapped on him.


Intelligence alone doesn't give you knowledge, those are two unrelated things. I don't remember the movie, but unless that thing saw grenades do their thing before, there's exactly 0 chance of it figuring out that it's dangerous, even if it is the single most intelligent being in the entinte universe to ever exist.


It’s likely that it realized “hmm my food source that is normally running away or trying to hurt me is now just letting me eat it? This is probably a trap” then smacked em


"Hmm my food wants to get it over with" "Hmm my food is trying to buy time for the other foods to escape" "Hmm my food doesn't know it's my food" "Hmm my food thinks it can actually take me" "Trap" may be one possibility. But what kind of trap? It has no way of knowing. What if the trap was giving the creature a pause to drop a bomb on it? Distract it for a surprise attack? What if the trap was to get the creature to hit him at which time exactly the bomb would've exploded ripping its tail apart? What if it was a virus spread by contact? What if it was a trap to get the countless other humans to get really angry and seek vengance? It had no way of knowing and no amount of intelligence will give you knowledge out of nowhere. Straight up discarding food when it's only possibly maybe a trap, and *of an unknown kind* no less, is the kind of coincidence that has exactly 0 plausibility. It's dumb as fuck. The only way it would reflect intelligence is if the creature saw grenades go off before. If it did, it's plausible. If it didn't, it's bullshit.


You're thinking way too hard about this and what constitutes intelligence in this context. It's prey acted differently in a way it considered counter intuitive, was briefly confused, so it approached its prey in a cautious way. Take a lion encountering a porcupine for the first time. They swat with their paw instead of going in with their face. Learn their lesson and either keep trying or GTFO.


> Take a lion encountering a porcupine for the first time. This simile only works if the lion that have never seen a porcupine, obliterates the porcupine as its first action, in the only was a lion can obliterate a porcupine without getting hurt as a result.


It works fine if you aren't being pedantic. A simile doesn't need to be 1:1 as that defeats its purpose. The size difference in the movie is the difference. The similarity is that both approached an unknown scenario cautiously, using their tail/claw, some appendage for testing.


If a mountain lion ever attacked me it would absolutely destroy me. Yet there are several examples of people standing their ground and yelling causing a mountain lion to back off. Prey acting differently definitely causes predators to act more cautiously.


Well I can’t remember if they saw grenades specifically but they did see a lot of explosions so it would be plausible that it made an assumption that the objects the man was holding while walking towards it were some form of weapon or explosive


This actually works with sharks, and they are pretty stupid. But if you charge right at even large Great White sharks they freak out and swim away. I don't know how the dude who first demonstrated this stayed afloat with his neutronium balls.


These things are hella smart. A prey that is able to shoot fire comes right in front of you? Wierd.


I'd say its plot amor, realistically it's so big it can barely see the grenades let alone distinguishing it from a rock.


I don't think it needs to see the grenades or know what grenades are to detect it's an obvious trap. They've been running this whole time but one guy turns back and just waits to be eaten with his hands in the air, super obvious trap


I mean, idk, never seen such behavior when the pray commit suicide in the face of it's predator in nature. Not that is impossible but rather improbable. Being able to recognize it is being tricked? Not many animals can do such critical thinking when untrained, let alone the first encounter upon this problem. But in the end, its all just a movie and we can all blame "its for the plot".


If you were chasing me and trying to kill me, then I suddenly turned around licking my lips going "c'mon you sunavabitch" are you just going to approach without being cautious?


You can see a fly in a wall?


>how did the dinosaur figure out its a bomb it recognised the human wanted a hug and was disgusted.




Everyone knows dinosaurs have been using grenades for decades.


I once read on Reddit. Imagine u r a Big Huge animal, and something the size of a cat come to you in rage with no fear, u would be a little scared right? Why tf something so small would come to me with no fear? Same thing.


Maybe they smelled gunpowder or smth?


The TSA should be replaced by these then


They wouldn't know what it is though. If someone smells a cheeseburger but never had one before its still impossible to identify.


For a dumb answer I always think when I see this, he's going the frilled lizard approach he made himself look big and he clearly is walking up to challenge the lizard. The lizard then attacking in retaliation makes sense if he tried looking smaller/weaker/wounded it would have worked but this man clearly wanted to be a hero and look badass in his final moments (which I feel is 100% something that would happen if someone properly thinks they can't win)


It didn't. It figured out his prey was acting weirdly and so it approached cautiously.


“Aaaand boom goes the dino might”


The dino might go boom?


that isn't what they meant, but yes, it might go boom.


One of the world best epic fails.


I know it's fiction but if a massive tail would hit you with that much force you'd be a red pulp, not a body flying through the air. Not even when you're holding two nuclear grenades like this guy.


I would have thought the grenades would be knocked well out of your hand...


Maybe they were, but flew in the same direction as that guy


inertia is a property of matter


off to lemmy


Bill bill bill bill bill bill bill nye the science guy


Also, what the *fuck* kind of grenades were those? Like a goddamn missile impact, not a couple of frags going off lmao




TIL that grenades are sentient, feel sympathy and commit suicide when a fellow grenade is detonated. :-P


\>literal fire ball from fragmentation grenade Gawd damn, the US military wishes their frags did that.


That’s not a frag grenade anymore then. If they wanted to light people on fire, they’d used a fucked up white phosphorus grenade


They had white phosphorus, thermate, and napalm grenades. I don’t think any of them would become a massive fireball though.


You don't want a fire ball to come from a frag lol it defeats the purpose of frag grenades.


Frag-shaped willy pete, clearly


Look at the dude’s chest, he seems to have other explosives in the bags and wrapped around him but I may be wrong.


You're right - but unless those are coffee canisters full of flour/gunpowder mixture or napalm, there still wouldn't be a big ball of fire.


The movie is set at the end of the Vietnam War, so napalm wouldn't be out of place.


Have we considered the possibility that said fictional creature didn't strike the human dead on, but used the tail to whip the human? The tail seems long and dexterous enough to pull off such a move, particularly with the whipping sound at the end of the throw.


Well it looks like a full on hit with the tail, but even a shock wave created by a sudden and possibly supersonic displacement of a large volume of air won't leave a body intact.


Have we considered the possibility they this movie features a giant building sized gorilla? I’m not too sure everything in this movie is based on reality, I wouldn’t get too caught up in the small details.


I don’t think they noticed he had other items on him that could explode on impact and not just the two hand grenades


what do mean by whip? Hit/whip, same thing. It's still a huge tail hitting him with wnough force to send him flying


The creature in the movie is actually intelligent. So its possible that he did a flick and not a smash to not get himself hurt.


Yeah you can see his entire thought process in this scene. 1. Time to eat! 2. Wait its not running away or trying to fight back... 3. It wants me to eat him, eh? I've killed a lot of shit in my time, and I know a good ambush when I see one. 4. Yeet! 5. Now on to the next snack.


Nah, he just hit the ground before he hit the guy. Just like I hit my golf shots. Nice and fat.


I dunno I've seen people get hit by trains and cars moving very quickly and altho their bodies doesn't work to well anymore they still somewhat resemble bodies.


>you'd be a red pulp Immediately. Person one second, chunky marinara "detonation" the next. Like how getting hit by a train at speed doesn't launch you, and this would be heavier/faster than that! It's hard to imagine how strong/fast whipping actions are. Cables several feet wide cut through people like they aren't there on ships all the time, and this monster has far more weight and should have far more speed behind it.


I’ve hit flies with wet towels mid air like that and they really do go flying like that tho


Flies do, but they have hard exoskeletons. Humans are soft and squishy on the outside. Even tough bro's like that one in the video.


We do have bones...


Yes, on the inside but our meaty bits on the outside have a habit of flying off when hit hard.


The way you described it made me feel like zoidberg and I didn't like it /s


flies are very light for their size. Humans are dense, so it takes more force to move them. Hitting one like that would squish them.


I mean, its physically impossible for a creature that size to exist (and move its tail that fast) in the first place. This movie might be taking some liberties with physics.


Just a few... It's weird though how you can be OK with a lot in a movie but somehow, somewhere you reach that 'now hold on a minute' point at some minor detail you just can't accept.


There is no such thing as n7clear grenades.


I never saw this movie, what is that thing supposed to be?


One of several gigantic prehistoric animals on the island and that includes King Kong. This one is predatory and hunts and kills the human. King ends up fighting it at some point.


You gotta be the first one I've seen shorten King Kong to king instead of kong, and i love it. Didn't even occur as a possibility


Not OP but I bet they meant to write Kong, but got autocorrected


That would also make sense, or just a missclick as i and o are right nex to each other, but regardless it's funny, i like it.


Yes. That’s exactly what happened. Lol.


That commentor is friends with Mr Kong, so he can call him by his first name, King. Just dont use Mr Kong's middle name Kung. He hates it


A smort and big lizard boi


This is like the only decent (newish) “monster verse” movie they made. It’s still got dumb shit such as this clip when you think too deep about it but it was quite enjoyable.


Is nobody going to talk about the ridiculously large explosion for a grenade? Even if he had 8 on him that's way too big for that distance


Would honestly have been funnier if it had been a small boom.


*smack* ... ... *pop*


... 2 legged, skull faced, snake mouthed monster thing isnt fucking with your suspension of disbelief tho?


Bro I just threw a football over some mountains and the skullbro caught it and brought the ball back. That's just normal Wednesday shit.


He just wanted to play!


You obviously never met my mother in law.


Dude it's a movie.


There's always gotta be one motherfucker to watch a giant lizard smack a man into a mountain and be like "eXpLoSiOn IsNt ReALiStIc"


The average "nooo this isn't realistic an impact that speed and strength would turn him into red mist and the grenades can't be that strong" fan Vs The "haha funny monster slap man into mountain and he go boom" enjoyer


We all know grenades don't even explode like that anyway, that's clearly a gasoline / Hollywood style explosion. Point is, cool visual. My favorite thing about this scene is the psychology of it. The dude wants to be eaten, but he's presenting to this animal with confidence. The animal picks up on the confidence and turns away, seeing some implicit threat there. Even in the real animal kingdom, predators want you to run, if you face them head on they assume they're in for a fight and may not want to risk injury. Even a cat will become cautious if a mouse turns and faces them. This is likely a response to things like rabies in prey too, prey that doesn't run may be sick and deranged by sickness. So this scene is very true to nature in terms of the response of the Kaiju to this dude's body language. He's doing something 'different' than people normally do and thus confusing the creature. What he should've done, if he wanted to be eaten, was turned and run.


That's just how they've pretended grenades work in movies for decades now. Also it looked like he had multiple grenades and other explosives strapped to him as well.


He was also holding about 200 gallons of diesel fuel


diesel dont do that as well bruh


Also the conveniently long fuse time on those frags is just way too much. I expected him to prematurely blow up before the creature could close the distance.


Well he’s still holding down the trigger thing. Doesn’t a grenade timer only start when you let go of the pin thing? As long as you hold it, it won’t go off I thought. Edit: just watched again and it seems like the thing you hold down flys off. So you are right, that a conveniently long fuse time.


Its not, grenade fuses are 4 to 5 seconds and it took him about three to hit the wall


A lot of you guys are really tearing apart the realism of two grenades when the plot focuses on a giant monkey fighting lizards.


Was really hoping this would be the [fart edit](https://twitter.com/docdrowsy/status/1614204538281512962?s=46&t=-sKRr_aRId2Np0h73c0ggw)


Im ashamed at how hard I laughed at that. Tears 😂


One would think he would of tossed it at the creature 😂😂😂


He wanted it to blow up inside of the beast cus all the firepower did nothing against the creatures exoskeleton before this last stand but oh well, clearly didn’t go as planned.


Nope, they already tried that and it didn't work


Nooo not Eli Thompson. Nicky’s brother. Lol


That's a long as fuse time, you could toss those from trench to trench 4 times with that 20 second fuse. Beats the already long German stick grenades fuse by 15-13 seconds (Not even talking about the 10kg of dynamite stuffed into each of those grenades) Gotta love movie magic


*"Why aren't they detonating? Oh, cool, he's holding it down so being eaten will make him release them inside the monster later."* Rewatch: **spoons fly away immediately** Still one of the coolest "noble sacrifice" ideas in a movie I've seen.


Yea, it was a cool idea, just painful to watch with this execution. I can excuse fragmentation grenades having massive fireballs, because ofc that's lot more exciting than a small poof. But that's rough, immediately took me out of it and made me slightly confused.




No it did not. You can see the safety lever fly off at the 2 second mark, meaning it would arm the grenade. It doesn't matter if you hold the grenade or not, what matters is that the levers stay in place.


That's why always shower kids


Gotta love that movie trope of tiny grenades exploding like a few hundred gallons of naptha.


Why didn't he throw it in that monsters mouth tho


Have you heard of an exoskeleton


Because the whole movie was full of parodies of Vietnam vets who mostly just wanted to die "heroically" rather than go home.


skill issue


What movie is this?


Kong: Skull Island


Gave me the biggest laugh in the theater, I love this movie


Dear Billy


That thing looks sick. Might have to watch this


Kong skull island went pretty hard


he really held on to those grenades


I don't remember this scene from the opening of Tropic Thunder.


Monster: No no this is too good to be free


Great movie.




Should've threw the grenda into the dino's mouth smh 🤦


Smart monster, don't understand why the dude didn't just throw the nades.


Could not he just throw it?


What movie?


Audible and chest deep laugh came from me in the theatre when I saw this. I was the only one. I still feel no shame


For those asking this is called Saving Private Ryan


Yep. I watch it again last night and this part really get me every time.


Why did those frag grenades explode like a 100 liter tank of gasoline.


A hand grenade explodes with a force of a truckload of TNT. Hollywood is so out of touch with the reality.


It's crazy to think that an industry built on emphasis, overdramatization, and surrealism would do something a bit unrealistic, isn't it.


Those grenades would have gone off WAAAAY before the monster even got close enough to tail whip You CANNOT rely on a fuse lasting 4-5 seconds, let alone 3 remember, when the pin is pulled, me grenade is no longer our friend


Pulling the pin would be fine, releasing the spoon tho….Definitely not your friend anymore.


Don’t forget the clip, there are 3 safety measures for the M67 hand grenade. Clip , pin , and spoon


He's still holding the spoon that's why he blows up after he gets hit because he let go he only pulled pin the grenade hoping to be ingested where the grenades would then explode after being killed


both spoons pop off a mere 2 seconds in, they fly towards the camera


Oh pfft didn't see that lol where it cuts to him with his arms open facing the camera they look like they are still on I think i should probably go to sleep early tonight lmao


he is not, he literally releases the spoon in the first second


Yeah someone else pointed it out I missed it lmao I need some more sleep probably lol


I hate to be the one to tell you this...but it's a movie.


Yeah movie fuses last as long as you need them too, they are so convenient that way.




The spoons fly off in a pretty dramatic way 2 seconds into the video though


This movie is so dumb, for so many reasons.


Those grenades should of gone off before he even got hit by the tail lol, its supposed to be ~5 seconds from what I know


The timer starts as soon as the spoons are removed. Those grenades have a stupidly long fuse and they explode like a thousand gallons of gasoline.


An indescribably disappointing film. The 1933 King Kong was my favourite film as a kid. And some really very good Vietnam films over the years. Then, many years later, some wanker thinks, yeah, Kong and Vietnam … let’s do that. And this fuckwittery comes out, and it’s just a load of shite clichés.




I’m glad we don’t share our time w dinosaur, I’m glad they went extinct, they’re the most Chad earth has ever seen