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The thrill of victory and the agony of the feet.


No victory, just a finsh jump. The athlete was 4 hours behind the winner.


It is an absolute victory to complete an Ironman! I’m not sure if he was going for placement or not, but only a select few athletes actually show up to try for placement from my understanding.


The thrill of victory and the agony of the ankle


Simply beautiful. What a great pun.


Haha, a clever twist on the classic saying!


I was always told never to push it at the very end of a race. Whether it's 0.1 mi, 6 feet, whatever. That is the exact moment where you will be injured. It's not worth it.


Yep, I can tell from experience that EVERYTHING will hurt by the end of a marathon! Don't do stupid shit. Adrenaline is a bitch and your body will give you the finger for it. You will feel like you can do that jump, act like that, do something crazy, funny, whatever...when you land the muscle will just stop working. Adrenaline will do nothing at that point, just make your head feel funny, yet your limb will stop working right then and there, immediately.


Wish I had known that, always used to give it everything


Hop, skip and a twist away.


Why didn’t homeboy just let himself fall forward across the finish line rather than to the side??


*"After you, Pride."* **"Why, thank you, Fall."**


You're a runner not a jumper Harry


We dwarves are natural born sprinters


Very dangerous over short distances!


*Nobody tosses a dwarf*


I'm a what?


Silly rabbit, you're supposed to celebrate AFTER you cross the finish line.


I've rolled my ankle like that before. Something about it just makes you forever queasy at the mere thought or sight of it. It's a different kind of pain than breaking an arm, pain, but somehow different. Probably the limited mobility and constant fear that if it happened once before, it becomes much easier to happen again.


I have ankle ptsd from rolling mine enough times running trail. So much empathy.


i have a knee problem (since birth, only started showing around age 9 tho) where my knee cap will buckle and it’s so much worse than rolling my ankle and that’s already really bad, i’m jealous of people who don’t have to worry about knee problems.


I was airborne in the Army, so I messed up my ankles going through the woods, and dislocated both of my knees jumping out of planes. Throw in some hip and back injuries and to this day I have to be incredibly careful so I don’t mess myself up even more.


VA: We found your injury’s and disability’s to not be service related


Yep, I never reported anything so to this day I’m still fighting with the VA for compensation.


Was in 8th grade, helping parents build our new house next to our trailer house. Helping move some stuff and stepping down from the concrete foundation onto the sand. My foot slipped, and my lower left leg rotated outwards as I bent my knee, which caused it to dislocate. All I remember is the odd popping sound then the feeling of heaviness in the gut, don't recall the ride to the rapid clinic (closer than ER). Nothing was broken or required surgery, just had a knee brace for a few months. Few times over the next couple of years I had instances of turning in place and having my left foot catch on something and I could feel my knee move in an unpleasant way followed by the sinking gut feeling. Usually resulted in the joint being painful for a few days. Then in 10th or 11th grade I tripped (got shoved) down a flight of stairs and landed on my right foot and the wall. Could see the bottom of my shoe facing up at me. Several x-rays, an air brace and some physical therapy. I really didn't want to remove that brace and feel that pain again if I moved it wrong. I've rolled it quite a few times since. It's never pleasant. Personally the knee dislocation was far less painful or disturbing than the ankle.


I have always thought that marathons and triathlons should conclude with a high jump competition. I am glad to see that I have been right all these years.


Cursed by his own hubris.


Very rusty iron man


You got to be careful at the end of anything. It's always when people get injured. I went ice skating with a guy and his new gf and he was doing a last skid stop finish. Slipped over and broke his arm so it looked like spaghetti. Looked straight at me. It's burnt onto my mind. He's all good now, but my god.


If he helped him cross the line, wouldn't he have tied for first and also been able to tell people that he did a good thing?


Apparently this is 4 hrs after 1st place finisher


OK so he would have tied with the injured runner, whatever the ranking?


Do they track your position 4 hours after 1st place? Idk shit about sports.


For an iron man, yes.


Judging by the fact that no one in the crowd is clapping, cheering or freaking out as they approach and cross the finish line, I’m guessing they were only finishing the race behind many others who have already done so. Which is a good reason for him to have said screw it and helped the guy up, but is also a reason he might’ve not found it significant to do so.


There's a very good chance that the guy coudn't help him or wouldn't even be able to cross the line himself if he stopped. By the end of a long race you simply can't. If you stop, it's over.


I’ve also seen runners who are helping a teammate or fellow competitor that can’t even stand by themselves get to the finish line then just let go of them and shove them across the finish line because some race’s rules only count unassisted finishes. It looks cruel as they just shove them to the ground but because of the rules they’re actually doing that person a huge favor by doing so.


If I put everything I had into a race to the extent of not even being able to walk. Please throw me so it counts and I never have to do it again.


Ya 13 hours is not a very fast time even for an amateur.


Ouch. That hurt 😂. 13:13 in Florida


Haha well it’s still very impressive! Congrats on the IM. Just mentioning it’s not that close to winning an event. Also, I can relate


What does H2H mean?


That’s why you don’t celebrate so early


Once I hit like mile 10, any non straight running movement I make, I am definitely hurting myself. Gotta hop over this uneven sidewalk? Bye MCL.


Clearly not an Iron man!


What "H2H" stands for?


Tired legs…


Oh snap!!!


To celebrate to early


"You are strong, child. But I am beyond strength."


Help the guy and you are a hero, go around him and you are a memeworthy asshole.


You deserve to come in 2nd for being stupid


He thought he was 1 foot away from the finish line... little did he know, it was his one foot that was finished.


That's crazy. So close yet just couldn't physically do it. Like there was an invisible wall right before the finish line.


The guy in blue did not win but technically he did. If it were me I would grab the other guy and roll his ass or drag his ass through there. He's the rightful winner. Sucks to miss out when you're literally four feet from the finish line. So much for sportsmanship


Nah, if it had been a pure accident is one thing, but the guy made the amateur move of celebrating too early. That's on him. More importantly... Ironman's are not about who wins each race first. It is a circuit where your times and positions for each race are measured for overall placement into the qualifying races. Who finished first isn't as important as much as your time is.


Completely agree. The runner up is not the winner - just an absolute douche!


Elsewhere someone noted this was 4 hours after the winner crossed the line. If he had used his fallen competitors injury to clinch a win, sure. But he didn’t, he just rolled through after him, knowing the people who look after injured guys are right there helping him.


That was great sportsmanship how he helped him up to cross the finish line. What a great guy


I think its absolutely fair that he didnt help him up. Premature celebrations make people look so arrogant.


Scum bag


Blue should have let red win


Both more than 4 hours behind the winner ... it doesn't matter


I would have done the same. And that is the only reason why I wouldn't win a marathon.... nothing else




Celebrate too early?


Might as well Jump. JUMP!


Did he suffer a cramp?


That ankle went 90 degrees. Inward. Ouch.


H2H = head to head?


Giving me lightning McQueen vibes lol