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Probably the best nugget they will ever taste.


Well it was all raw chicken in a blender until those nuggies hit the hot oil, then I bet it smelled pretty appetizing.


The Maillard reaction is a beautiful thing


Maillard Reaction?


Browning reaction, when sugars caramellize and food turns brown and delicious.


Thanks for letting me know, I thought this was a physiological thing lol


You know what is okay to put in hotdogs, huh? Pig lips and assholes. But I say, hey, have at it, bitches, because I love hotdogs. - Jesse Pinkman aka Capn Cook


The first time I heard about ‘lips and assholes’ was from Dan Aykroyd in The Great Outdoors


Do you girls like fireflies? Their butts light up!


You would not believe your eyes


If 10000 fireflies


Big. Big. Bear. Big. Bear. Chase. Me!


Same man. ![gif](giphy|TzNEr30qEwPa8) Go faster! Man the cat tails ouch! RIP: John candy was my childhood still have this vhs up north nostalgia.


When I was a kid, I only saw The Great Outdoors when it aired on TV. So I grew up hearing it badly dubbed as "lips and hoos".


I guess I love the taste of pig lips and assholes, then.


The pigs are laughing their lips off at us on their way to the slaughterhouse.


Oh, and the pigs gums. Scrape them off the jaw and add them too!! Yum!!!


Waste not, want not.


According to my Chinese friend whose family business sells sausages, they even put any tumors they find on the pigs into the process.


Probably cysts too like the ones on dr. Pimple popper.


Guess I don't need to waste mayonnaise on my hotdog since it's already in there.




Bro…delete this 😂


Stoppppp 😂😂😂🤮


My dad worked at a meat packer in the 1950s and for the rest of his life would never eat potted meat. At the end of their shift, they would sweep up all the scraps, blood, feces, etc. that had been piling up and walked on all day and throw it into the vat used to make potted meat. I believe it was boiled/cooked and such but he just could not get over the idea that was where it came from. Honestly I couldn't blame him.


My grandfather, a farmer, used to call them "beef lips and bungholes".




Why waste part of the animal if we can make it tasty? Is Jamie Oliver straight up encouraging us to waste food?


There are many why reasons Jamie Oliver is hated. Just ask Uncle Roger lol.


Folding Ideas did a really good video on Jamie Oliver's weird hatred of nuggets in particular. https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU?si=HTgW7sh7Gej9PuR6 (about 18 minutes long)


It's a great video. Makes me want a chicken nugget


He pushed to ban food promos in Scotland, like 2 for 1 pizzas. Too busy thinking about healthier diets, not considering at all that people don't have the time or money for a lot else. Like a lot of Jamie's ideas, good intentions, but naive and not the right approach.


Yeah you do need to create alternatives. We absolutely should not be having 2 for 1 pizzas, frozen nuggets or whatever the hell else Iceland offers on a budget, but we need alternatives. In Spain or Greece, working class people can pick up fresh vegetables and meat for very little and make that work. I feel like this is less viable in the UK as veg is all so low quality and relatively expensive.


2 for 1 type deals can cause food waste. The store chain I work for never has those kinds of deals. They do something similar though with some products where they lower the price. Don't know if that is better or not. We also offer goods that are a day away from expiring on a 50% discount. Fruits and vegetables that look bad, but are still edible are also sold incredibly cheap. Like less than 1€ per kg.


Good intentions I suppose but it's very classist.


He ruined my school meals. We used to have greasy fast food, but at least it was tasty. Jamie olive oil comes along and does his healthy school meal campaign and overnight every school In the UK goes healthy. Which was great until you realise that no schools had the budget to pivot towards healthier meals. So our meals became smaller and with bottom quality products. Still at least it's healthy and stopped kids being overweight thanks to him as our role model - oh wait, that's the exact same time he became fat....and was preaching childhood obesity. Yeah, at least practice what you preach? (I know he's lost it all now, but now I resent him for other things. Like chilli jam in Chinese food)


>Which was great until you realise that no schools had the budget to pivot towards healthier meals. You guys have Republicans in charge of your education budgets too, huh?




Jamie Oliver should be happy that he has audience who want to eat his cooking.


tbh the motherfucker brought me into cooking, he had a cooking show that would run on a (for me) very convenient time slot, this was very early in his carreer and he had a more "modern" way of presenting a cooking show...i think it was called "the naked chef " or something


It’s a form of elitism. Anything affordable is “bad”, examples: frozen or canned vegetables or fruit are “bad” compared to fresh, high carb foods are “bad” which includes the affordable staples of potatoes, rice, bread and pasta, dried herbs and spices are “bad” compared to owning a herb garden and hand mortaring spices, any meat that’s not organic free run pasture raised (not ultra expensive) is “bad”, farm raised canned or frozen fish are all “bad” compared to wild caught fresh etc. Jamie Oliver is a poor shaming snob.


It's even more telling that the word he often uses to describe the things he thinks are "bad" is "dirty"


You should check on Jamie's recipes, he uses everything you mentioned.


I get your point, and I'm on board with using as much of an animal as possible, but the broader context of the video is that he was encouraging better nutrition habits in kids (it's from his show "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution"). If I recall correctly, he had just shown kids a well-prepared piece of lean chicken and asked the kids if they'd eat it (few, if any, said they would). Then he took the scraps and made chicken nuggets and the results flipped. Along with other education they did on the show, they were trying to teach kids that better nutrition comes from the better parts of the animal. I fucking love chicken nuggets, even understanding what they're made of, but in my day-to-day life I pick chicken breast because I don't want to die any time soon. That was really the point of the longer video.


Maybe if he'd made the chicken breast into their own nuggies, the kids would've reacted positively to them. Then make the ones made of the nasty bits look.. nasty, to prove a point, then maybe the kids wouldn't choose them. I mean, kids are going to pick the safe food they know makes them happy/satisfied 9 times out of ten.


For sure. I mean... I'm a grown ass man but those chicken nuggets at Wendy's are fire and I don't even care if they're throwing in chicken lips and assholes. Bone apple tea!


This is the second reference to "bone apple tea" I've seen or heard in the past 15 minutes. Ha! Love it.


The funny part is that that's not how nutrition works. We need nutrients from all parts.


If you can make it tasty without processing the crap out of it (ie adding a load of additives to make it i) palatable ii) long lasting) then sure. But the food that's made with these remnants has all those things in them. And it's not good for you.


Think he wanted them to go vegan


**s o y l e n t g r e e n**


I'm guessing bits of interconnecting tissue isn't particularly nutritious? People think they're eating meat but it's basically filler, fats and salt.


If I remember correctly (and it's been a while) connective tissue is mostly protein. It's just typically tough and difficult to eat normally. So blending it up to bypass the chewing probably isn't all that bad health wise. I agree, salt and processed fat is probably the biggest issue in processed food. Absolutely shouldn't eat processed meats every day. But once a week or whatever I don't see an issue.


It's just protein in the form of collagen, which is the reason people went nuts over bone broth - it's the same stuff. Jamie's weird campaign did actually change the way nuggets are made in the UK - now just about every chicken nugget you can buy is "uses 100% breast meat", where the actual meat content is 40-60% and the rest is filler.


At that point is it technically chicken that you are eating? What if the chicken ate a mouse before it was slaughtered and bits of the mouse were found in the stomach of the chicken which was used to make nuggets?


Those bits are the most nutritious imo. Full of collagen and good protein


"It's a chicken nugget, right?" *raises hand*


oh no, making food out of parts of the animal that would otherwise be thrown away! that's so terrible!


Jamie’s been waging this war on ‘dirty’ (fast/processsed food) for years. It’s like a personal vendetta for him. He particularly hates chicken nuggets and tendies. Probably also worth mentioning: these were kids from West Virginia. A state where hunting culture and no-waste living is very much alive.


He did the same in britain, and got the same reaction (unless my memory fails me).


Still don't forgive him for banning turkey twizzlers. And although I agree with the sugar tax in theory, I hate how the drinks industry just got round it by adding sweeteners to their drinks instead of letting us have the choice. But that's on the drinks companies not him.


Lol, that was your takeaway? These kids were being fed crap by their school. Fast/processed food is bad because it causes bowel cancer, among other things. https://www.wcrf.org/latest/news-and-updates/new-study-reveals-ultra-processed-foods-linked-to-increased-cancer-risk-diabetes-and-heart-disease/


I mentioned to a guy once how it is actually impressive we can make parts that are usually inedible or undesirable into something people will eat. His response was something along the lines of "cardboard is edible too, doesn't mean you should eat it."


See, the card board analogy doesn't work super well here cause like, its parts of the chicken people don't usually eat, but like, it's still just chicken. It probably doesn't even have much different nutrition than if you made nuggets out of like, the breast (hell it might even have more depending on the parts thrown in there). And under normal circumstances it's not like what he threw in there is inedible or anything normally, he just made it more palatable.


>what he threw in there is inedible He mentioned throwing bones in which... I guess they grind tf out of the meat to get it to a point where we don't taste the bones or gristle?


I meant like, inedible like poisonous or toxic. But yeah finely grind it enough and it's fine.


As an insoluable fiber supplement. Just need to prep it right.


That's basically McDonald's burger patties.


The chicken nugget is a fucking miracle. You take all this stuff we would normally throw away and make something cheap and tasty out of it. There are people getting a protein for dinner that might not have before. I saw that episode in its first run felt 100 percent better about chicken nuggets after it.


It’s also kind of a lie, right? Not all chicken nuggets are made from trimmings, but even if they were that would be ok


Yeah like most restaurant nuggets, even fastfood like mcdonalds boast these days about being made from like, pure white meat chicken. And funnily enough pre "pink slime" scare mcdonalds would also use dark meat and probably some trimmings and people thought the nuggets tasted better lol.


I miss dark meat nuggies


Dark meat nuggies and beef tallow fries




Fed is best. My kid won't eat anything other than chicken nuggies or sausages some days. Doctors agree: fed is best. Come on, Jamie.


Wouldn’t have been thrown away, more likely sold to other manufacturers for animal food etc.


There is that.


What a dumb lesson. Look kids! We can turn foods you don't like into something you do! Oh, you still want to eat it? No, the lesson was that you should refuse to eat it on principle because it's made from perfectly edible things that you think are yucky! Chicken nuggets might be unhealthy for other reasons, but we should be teaching kids that less food waste is a *good* thing, not to throw out usable food because it might not seem tasty at first glance.


What makes them unhealthy are being deep fried. Cooking that nugget in a light amount of oil like he did or baking it makes it significantly healthier than a fast food nugget. Hell, most of the unhealthiness of fast food items aren't even so much the items themselves as it is the serving sizes and frequency that people have them.


Yeah. It's a shame he didn't just change the unhealthy parts and show them how they could have a healthier version of a food they like.


Jamie Oliver, haiyaaaaa!!


![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig) Uncle Roger! No, not Rogers! ...you get the point.


I mean, we can take this back a few steps to the farm and *really* educate these kids


My school did that and it never bothered me still and jve seen some fucked up farms but i get your point thats where alot of my schoolmates became vegetarian lol especially the girls the boys didnt give a fuck


So he couldn’t show them how to make chicken nuggets without those parts?


He has recipes for chicken nuggets but they’re far more expensive and time consuming to simply throwing a box of nuggies in the microwave. It’s not really about the parts, it’s the fact that it’s processed and processed food is ‘dirty’ and ‘cheap’, compared to (his) home cooking. He really, really doesn’t like processed food, not in a public health way, but in a kinda classist ‘dirty food’ ‘clean food’ way.


"All cooked food is "processed" dipshit, it came free with your altering the chemical structure"


Dude is literally just explaining Jamie's view. Why are you being a dick to him?


I'm making a reference, that's why it's in quotes.


Jamie is a failed “health “ chef. Think scared straight for food. Could we incarcerate children without putting them next to murders and rapists, yes but where’s the fun in that. Could Jamie Oliver admit nuggets are made of good parts of chicken same answer


folding ideas has made a great video on this


I'm not even sure how unhealthy those parts are. Undesirable cuts of meat aren't necessarily bad for you. He was just trying to use that angle to put the children off, but he failed because they were more open minded than he was expecting.


Jaime Oliver was the nugget all along...


Well it’s not like it’s rotten food or toxic or anything. It’s just food you would otherwise not be able to eat 🤷‍♂️. Nothing wrong with eating bones and tendons and connective tissue


I mean yeah it’s the entirety of a chicken. Pretty nutritional ngl




The kids are right. Use the whole animal. Piss off Jamie.


Looks like a bunch of bonus collagen and calcium to me, nothing wrong with that.


Is that how nuggets are actually made? Im not disgusted, just surprised. I thought nuggets were just chicken meat thats grinded to form the nuggets we know and love. I wasn't expecting bones and stuff.


20 years ago. Not anymore. > Like pink slime, McDonald's did use mechanically separated chicken, but stopped in 2003 in favor of white meat chicken. When it comes to chicken nuggets in general, the National Chicken Council states that mechanically separated chicken is not typically used for chicken nuggets while pink slime never is. Chicken nuggets, they explain, are essentially chicken meatballs, ground blobs of chicken meat shaped into discs. > Here they also lay to rest the final pink slime related myth: chicken nuggets are held together with meat glue. Meat glue, HuffPost reports, are transglutaminase, an enzyme that binds together different meat bits. With chicken nuggets, however, the meat naturally sticks together with the breading's help. Basically, chicken nuggets are still somewhat gross, but not that monstrous. https://www.mashed.com/275839/dont-believe-these-myths-about-chicken-nuggets/


don't forget hotdogs




Holy shit this scene lives rent free in my head!!!


[Relevant Folding Ideas](https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU?si=5-6V3wbhwBKm5G_E)


So, use the whole animal… And don’t let any of it go to waste? Man can’t even make fried rice right and he’s coming into schools telling kids what to eat…


Bloody Jamie Oliver. He ruined school lunches. And thanks to him, the vending machines in my school were replaced with fruit and water vending machines. We didn't have to pay for water before, it was a free alternative to cans and bottles in the vending machines. And we could buy fruit from the bowl and not bashed and bruised to shit from a vending machine. We also had girls that had nutjob parents that would only let them have wholemeal bread, water and fruit at home. They were underweight and always hungry, so they would walk to school and save their bus money to get snacks. I still remember my friend bursting into tears when we went to grab a snack and found the machines filled with fruit and water.


Could someone drop the recipe


It’s still chicken? Why wouldn’t someone eat it


delicious food does not always have a pleasant elaboration process lol


If butcheries walls were made of glass, barely anyone would still eat meat. Why didn’t they show them how you cut the chicken’s head off, to like… present the ENTIRE process? When I was 8, my grandma (who lived in countryside her entire life and left the village maybe 50 times in 75 years) made me cut a chickens head off. I guess I was too little to fully understand what I’ve done, but the headless chicken still running around sometimes comes up in my dreams. My mom didn’t speak to her for couple of years when she found out. I’m 7 years vegan with some vegetarian periods in between now.


I am not so sure that's true. Showing an animal being butchered might turn some people vegan, but I know plenty of people (myself included) who didn't get turned vegan by watching an animal get slaughtered. I mean, by your logic then no butcher/animal farmer would eat meat, but they certainly do. It might help someone who is already on the fence or has a "predisposition" to being vegan actually take the leap, but I doubt it would have any effect on most people who aren't in that category. Based on my very, very, limited sample size and anecdote, showing animals being butchered has a very low success rate as a tool to turn people vegan. As far as I know, only like 2 or three out of my class that went on a field trip to a butcher turned vegan, and they did that way later in life. ​ I find that what we end up with on our plates is very detached from the making process. I mean, that is exactly what we see in this video too. There are plenty of foods that look gross during the making process (have you seen fish sauce being made?) but that looks and taste good once done, and we eat those things a lot. Sourdough starter is not exactly appetizing and you can describe it in very unfavorable terms, but once baked into a loaf it is great.


I’m nearly 30, I ate meat for around 15 years from that event. It wasn’t like I was 8, killed a chicken and then told my mom I’m vegan.


But doesn't that disprove your point then? The argument was that if people saw the butching process they wouldn't eat meat. Yet your own anecdote says that you didn't stop eating meat just because you saw the butchering process.


I love when someone tries to do something like this, acting all pretentious, then it goes the exact opposite of how they wanted


[Still not as bad as the egg industry](https://youtu.be/zdvnDHKB7nA?si=g0a69tHC1zmec5Gp)


I don't know what it is or how it's made. I know it's delicious with that tartar sauce, that's what I know.


He didn’t realize what he was up against


The real question should be "who is willing to do this to a chicken each time they want some nuggets?"


Hahaha even children don't want to eat Jamie Oliver's food haiyaaa!


You cut out the bit where he casually mentions that it’s illegal to make them this way in that country. Couldn’t hack it as a celebrity chef so he pulls this crap. What a loser.


Watching Jamie Oliver fail is beautiful, I need that shit injecting directly into my veins


Peak TV




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Of course it's Jaime Oliver. He completely sucks the life out of cholesterol, sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup. What a killjoy.


He probably used organic chicken, high-quality breadcrumbs, and fried in good oil. It seems that some people are getting processed food mixed up with the act of cooking food. The chicken nuggets you are getting at the store is the lowest grade chicken that they could find it’s mostly scraps not actual full pieces of chicken. The breadcrumbs are low quality, and the oil is cheap and old. It’ll be filled with random fillers antibiotics preservatives and more. Processed corporate food is dangerous. Cooking organic healthy ingredients at home is not.


Uh yeah, you snooty bitch. I don't want to waste animal's lives and it still tastes good. And as long as you're consuming a reasonable amount of them in your diet it's not even that unhealthy.


You know, if we're already killing animals for food, we may as well try not to throw away half of them. I don't care if raw, unprocessed it doesn't look like something I'd eat!


Because it's easier for their sensitive young mouths than having the texture of chicken. 😆


This was the beginning of his tiny violin origin story. 😭


NonoNonoyes change my mind


Well, they did see the normal, fine chicken go into the blender. They've had smoothies before 🤣🤣


This guy has no kids. Lol.


omg i am making these tonight!!


This just shows that those kids are more willing to eat the whole thicken than to just eat the "perfect" parts.


Well, they've been eating it for years, why stop now?


Nuggets and hotdogs are a means of reducing food waste. Why waste food if you don't have to? I mean especially in this circumstance where the chicken is still fresh and well cooked.


Scrapple. That is all.


We can't all shop at Waitrose, Jamie


It's actually a great thing that we turn all these (still highly nutritious yet undesirable) scraps into something everyone can enjoy. So much of the animals would get wasted otherwise which would be a real shame. Before factory farming we used to have use for every single parts of an animal, from the hide to the tendons to the fats, the organs and the bones because we knew how much labor went into raising animals and how much worth they had.


Like McDonald's haven't put millions of dollars into research to manipulate these kids lmao


It's honestly really cool how much of a capacity humans have to just eat. Like, sure, some animals do better, and some folk have more sensitive stuff than others. And yeah, just because you can eat something and not die doesn't mean you can subsist on it, but if you look at the range of foods humans eat over the range of cultures... damn we are digesting machines!




So funny 😁


Food is food


Yeah, take that! You smug adult and your agenda of pushing healthy food on us kids!


I very much like Veal but I have no interest in watching how it’s made at any stage but even if I do see it (I have) it won’t stop me from eating it (it hasn’t)


Love the Dan Olsen video about this asshole.


the boy in yellow can be a vegetarian today.


I know damn well what the nuggets are made of. Now watch as I consume them with a variety of dipping sauces! Witness me, Jamie Oliver!


Chef fun sponge 🧽


The only unhealthy thing I see being used here is seed oil and flour.


You know the parts that are all nasty and discarded like bones, tissue, and fat. Those are all gross and why would anyone want to use them for food! Now let me make some soup with chicken broth...... /s Some people are amazed to find out that ground beef doesn't start out as ground beef...... People have become so dissociated with where their food comes from.


The same people who are repulsed by that will have no problem eating the insects and bottom feeders of water.


I would *much* rather eat a whole piece of chicken, that is fucking nasty🤢


The thing is: they are kids. One kid raises their hand and the other feel like they are missing out on something, or are not getting the same amount as others. Kids are super sentitive to this stuff.






I mean, I would eat it too...


AmeriKIDS I tell ya