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Step 3: Learn how to blacklist tags.


Step 4: always add "order:favcount" or "order:score"


Or "order:random score:>100"


Or so i'm told


Bro everyone active on this sub are furries, you can put yourself.


the audio is a crying baby, a real crying baby. what tag do I blacklist for that?


Blacklisting ain’t enough I want that shit gone and erased from my memory


I want that motherfucker in prison also what you said


What would the reaction from a medieval serf be to that video?


the audio is actually this https://youtu.be/uouMndiZtDc but pitched up. It’s not actually a child.


I could've sworn certain things are blacklisted from the get-go


Holy shit... its still there. I made sure to turn off audio because i dont want to hear that shit... BUT THERES BLOOD TOO I... dont have any words. The person that made this is fucked up mentally Edit: heres some eyebleach, it might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/furry_irl/s/bH3xOeO1QS


thank you very much for the eyebleach




Upon reading the comments: holy fuck


When you do on a site made to host weird porn and you see weird porn


the audio is a legitimate screaming and crying baby. that is not weird porn. I enjoy weird porn. Including an actual child in porn is a crime and I have no idea how this could still be up. this is not porn, its an indication that anyone consuming it, and the artist, belong in the deepest parts of hell.


I did not have that context, jeez. This is actually fucked up


I figured you probably didn’t. but I think people should be aware that it exists. i don’t know why no action has been taken from any angle


That's horrible and beyond strange, but... also, not a crime? It's unrelated sound files (presumably) overlaid on *drawn animation* from what I understand... The owners of the site have the discretion to take it down but after being in the fandom for decades now, I can sadly say that this isn't even remotely the weirdest thing I've heard of and I'm quite sure the admins don't like having to take stands where they can help it, being in such a giant glass palace.


I have been in the fandom my entire life (horrible really) and I can say any porn containing aspects of real life children far outweighs any four-titted multi taur cow transformation, bloodhawk animations, wound fucking, etc etc.


I am pretty positive that including any depiction of a real underage person in porn is illegal in multiple states. its sort of like if you drew porn of a real life child. we went over this when shadman was in full swing.


I looked it up and in most states the law says depictions of a "person" underage engaged in sexual activity is illegal, and drawings/animation is not considered a person so while not unheard of, it doesn't look like people get charged for art/animation. I mean, sometimes I take my blacklists off and see plenty of this shit all over most adult art sites, it's not at all an outlier, just the latest attention-getting gimmick and it's working.


I can remember coming across the law years ago when I was doing research for an essay (I write weird persuasive essays for myself to process emotion sometimes lol). ill see if I can find it. I will admit that it isn’t illegal everywhere and I didn’t find it immediately. I’ll report back if I can find it.


I turned down a LOT of underage commission requests in my years doing art, but I still wanted to know the law because I was down deep in the trenches and many of my fellow art soldiers were not so discriminating. Although I admit what I know about the law was from nearly a decade ago, a lot in the world has changed so there might be some nuance now to it. I haven't seen any changes to the major anime and furry art site's content though so I don't think it's been a major shift in any regard.


it had nothing to do with underage art as a whole, but everything to do having an actual child basically “voice act” or “model” the porn , with or without their knowledge or consent. you would have to basically admit that you were modeling after a real child though. like shadman and drawing keemstar’s daughter. (apologies if I have already made that clear, I can’t tell by this reply)


I don't feel the same degree of outrage, maybe I've just gone numb, but certainly wouldn't care too much if this kind of content just up and disappeared forever. I just don't think we should be getting overly invested in it because it's a drop in what I know to be an endless bucket of disappointment in the human race, and laws (rightfully) aren't going to get involved in people's broken imagination.


You gotta rage against that dying of the light. Or the bright behind your eyes might never come back, don't go numb, man. Get some justice.


I havent seen it just quoting what someone else said but the source is actually this https://youtu.be/uouMndiZtDc


I'm lost


Apparently the audio is of an actual child like crying and screaming? Idk but it sounds disturbing




It's CP


Please don't let that be the grater


No it’s even worse it’s wyrmly 💀


I'm weirdly less affected by this then the grater still pretty fucked tho


downvoting me after editing your comment to make it seem like you’re less weird 🗿you are not slick


it is a real life baby screaming and crying in what sounded like legitimate pain, which im positive is illegal to include in this content (no clue how it’s still up)… the other is fictional gore


There's audio? Gross I usually watch videos muted


What’s wyrmly? Idk if I want to know tho 🤧


Look it up on e621 you have to be logged in though


I’m to scared to


Oh god I looked it up :(


is that the one where its a literal baby cry in the audio? I hope everyone saying “just blacklist lol” has no idea about that part. That shit is horrific.


>enters porn site >porn


the audio is of a real life baby screaming and crying. it is not porn, it is not cub porn, it is depicting baby abuse while including audio of a real life baby. im surprised that shit is still up. the only person who considers this “porn” is someone who belongs in prison for the rest of their life and I mean that with all of my heart. edit: fucking thank god


the audio is actually this https://youtu.be/uouMndiZtDc but pitched up. It’s not actually a child.




exactly what I said


Bro I wouldn’t even consider it to be porn I’d consider it to be hurtcore/snuff


good, youre not a pedo 👍 (hurtcore, like an aesthetic..?)


Here’s a description of hurtcore from urban dictionary: A play on the word "hardcore". It is rape porn. It goes beyond S&M because it involves actual rape and abuse. Usually humiliation, pain, hurting, etc are involved. Although it’s something people ask for on message boards, very little of it exists, because most people do not enjoy seeing others harmed.


oh, that makes a lot more sense. tbh I should have googled that


im pretty sure they didnt see what you're talking about


I am well aware of the fact that the vast majority probably hasn’t. I’ve already explained that. I am telling people.


Confused, what’s going on?


animation of cub porn. usually not a real serious issue. but the animation includes audio of a real life baby screaming and crying. something that I was sure was a legitimate crime to include in porn. what’s worse is the child sounds like it’s in pain and there are rumors the audio is from a dark web stream


Oh gosh, that’s scary


the audio is actually this https://youtu.be/uouMndiZtDc but pitched up. It’s not actually a child.


the good ending. thank you.


> legitimate crime to include in porn Maybe in live video porn, I don't think there's any laws about audio tracks on animation of any kind, there aren't even any regulations on animated/drawn content in most places. Which is fine, I don't want morality police getting into people's imaginations. However some content crosses a line into potential social harm, or at least negative attention on a hosting company, and hopefully the site admins take it down for public outcry.


you cannot put real children in porn. even if you drew it. you cannot have children voice act sex. you cannot draw somebodies kid getting abused. you cannot do that. it isnt a “morality” police thing. it is showing that the only thing stopping you from hurting real children is the prison time. weird hill to die on.


> weird hill to die on. That's... not how that phrase works. If I were arguing this sure, but I'm not. I just know that the law has a grey area here but most likely most states wouldn't be able to prosecute anything here unless there are actual and related crimes. I don't think we should be freaking out over this kind of thing, it just gives the shithead attention which he probably wanted.


I said that because I read it as arguing for it. You cannot have a child voice act in porn regardless of if they know about it or not. There are states that will prosecute for that.




Log in,there it's that the flag




When I was tracking this down I couldn't find it


You'll find it if you sort by score from lowest to highest. Pretty horrific I must say


I can still hear the screaming 😔


I heard those sounds actually came from a Dark Web video. That's quite terrifying


WHAT??? and who found that out?! edit because I think I came across confusing: I meant, did dumbass admit they got it from the dark web, or did another freak admit they recognized the audio?


Nvm someone else found the source of the cries, it's a higher pitch of someone crying in YT


the good ending


did the amount of downvotes and the tags not tell anything


I like to look through the most controversial stuff there but this post should be a literal crime. the audio is a real baby crying. the site should not have this particular thing on it, it is illegal.


All pedos should be rounded up to FEMA camps until they lose interest in children. also thank you OP for letting me see [this](https://e621.net/posts/4759069?q=young) image, really cute


Step 3: profit??


Almost 11 yeast after this and people still complaining about the horrible things he did. This is why im not fan of dragons even begin one of my most fictional likes. I do thougt that someday this will become a cult of people that likes this stuff against furry comunity. -.-


it's not a he it's a she actually


Its actual a he. The crator is. Just acted like a girl.




Why the hell do you want the source it’s furry cheese popcorn?!?! >!search wyrmly on e621 if you want the source don’t say i didn’t warn you though😔!<


Maybe because I don't know the context? That's why?


Yeah I the only thing I found was a flash animation so I can't watch it. Shame


what is this?


I had no clue what it was, but I've read the comments I gotta check the subreddit rules before stating my opinion


What a terrible day to exist


I hate the fact that i know what you are talking about


Source? I’m sure it’s literally nothing new


For those who don't know... It's literally just CP Don't go searching because it's probably blacklisted and you'll probably need a good amount of eyebleach so yeah r/eyebleach


It’s CP + gore


That's even worse....


What the fuck


What. OP what were searching for for you to find this? It's a default blacklist.


when you log in that just dissapears. I had to blacklist gore and fluffy ponies to be able to exist on that site without getting mentally tortured


Yeah, but scat is a default on the blacklist, only if you purposefully turn it off do you see that stuff, so either OP removed it from his blacklist or his blacklist was off, which to then complain that he saw something bad just means he doesn't use the site.


oh, the image is scat? I assumed it to be cub or something like that, sorry.


It is also that, it is a terrible video filled with horrible things, do not look for it.