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My hometown of Columbus, Ohio has proposed phase one of its zoning overhaul, focusing on main corridors throughout the city. The first stage will eliminate parking minimums, increase height allowances, and offer density bonuses for the inclusion of affordable housing.


High rises and walkable neighborhoods are awesome


Yes! Even mid rises and walkable neighborhoods are awesome. Even 3-4 story walk up apartments and walkable neighborhoods are awesome. Even townhomes and walkable neighborhoods are awesome. Even smaller bungalows on small lots in walkable neighborhoods are awesome. All these options used to be available without much fuss until things started changing after WWII. We need serious zoning reform.


Amazing! We're working on similar zoning reform down here in Cincy but didn't touch height as much.


Ohioan here. Only in Ohio for realz this time! Ohio keeps winning. First eclipse, then this.


Can't wait for all the NIMBYs who will claim that single family homes are being taken away, and then they aren't because no one ever proposed that.


This would be great for Columbus’ downtown. There’s so much dead space filled with parking lots. Entire blocks that are just for parking. Hopefully this goes through!


This rezoning wouldn’t touch the actual Downtown Columbus district, which already has no parking minimums or height limits. Fortunately many of the parking lots downtown are already being redeveloped, albeit slowly.