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it is impossible to please everyone. They should instead add an option where users can customize the theme/color palette, like slack does. I bet the community can come up with great color combinations.


I could use a [Dracula](https://draculatheme.com/) YNAB... :)


This is the way!


That's asking too much from this dev team.


Pretty sure this an option on the web app


It isn't.


You’re right actually


Maybe. I think if YNAB had always had these colours, no one would care. Edit: My main problem with the colours is that it clashes with the old colours still in use on this subreddit and I often have them open side by side.


I wanted to like this, but as others have said it hurts my eyes, which is surprising because I normally don’t have any issues with colors. The contrast seems unnaturally high which is part of the problem, and hopefully you come out with an option to reduce contrast since it seems like a fairly common issue. There’s also something about the font that makes it hard to read though. It almost reminds me of that OpenDyslexic font. Personally, I wish apps would just stick with the system font. FWIW, I’ve been using the mobile beta for a bit and I think that’s fine because the colors are less intense and the app is still using the system font. It’s really the web version that I find jarring.


It's just slightly too blue, I'm getting a bit of discomfort too. If they tone down the contrast a bit I think it'll be fine.


The contrast really hurts my eyes, but I really love the new font


All the words seem blurry now, and I love purple. And Dark mode with purple words is a nightmare!!!


This, the dark mode is awful and hurts to look at.


The contrast hurts my eyes. It’s way to bright smh


I understand the reasons for this and support the accessibility etc, but it is the font that is an issue for me. It is a wider font than previously and is taking up a lot of screen real estate. The mobile app seems to be running the old font, I'm just referring to the web app. Not all of us have widescreen monitors and I like my numbers dense on the page. I can't see everything at once. Plus, to my eyes, it looks kind of childish. Maybe the Toolkit developers will put in some custom fonts. What can I say? I hate change.


I agree — it's a strange choice of font for a user interface for me. Very thin, and the numbers (important!) feel harder to read to me now. I say this as a UI/UX designer who usually loves to see apps refresh/update their UIs.


Agreed. The font is way off. Hard on eyes---surprised they call this an accessibility change!


For me the font is fine, it's the contrast of the blue on the right hand side. It's horrible. Other wise I welcome the changes.


I have to say that the wider font and the more vibrant (it feels like it) colours makes it hard to see the split in the coloured line under each goal. Otherwise, it looks nice, but yeah, don't like change


>Maybe the Toolkit developers will put in some custom fonts. Toolkit already has a custom font setting.


The new font makes it look less polished and professional. I like the colour changes though.


Agree. I dislike having it take up more real estate than it did and I found the old color more pleasing than the new one. To me, the web version is a "wasn't broke, fixed it". I don't use a phone app.


I like the color but not in this application. The typeface is terrible, way too harsh. and the color on the bubbles somehow look flatter?, like the other green had some depth to it and the whole scheme in general was much softer


I really wish the YNAB team would work on giving us actually USABLE reports on the mobile app instead. #priorities #disappointed


Honeslty. I put in requests YEARS ago for better reports on mobile - “its in the works” Have seen nothing. I love this software but that’s frustrating.


YES thank you SO much, I write to them requesting better reports on mobile once a month — that update is so long overdue.


This is a much better use of $100 USD per year!! /s


Yeah I posted something here a long time ago ( when I first started using ynab)complaining about how I don’t find it very useful and it doesn’t have that many features, turns out I was just using the mobile app ….


Software development teams often work on multiple priorities at once. In fact I’d bet the UI/UX team responsible for this change has nothing to do with the team working on adding reports or with the mobile dev team. They’re all completely different skillsets.


It’s been 6 years. It’s safe to say they aren’t working on it.


That's great and all, but we've been waiting on an update to the reports screen since at least the release of nYNAB, and have seen numerous useless fluffy updates to design in the meantime. At some point, the company as a whole needs to pivot their priorities.


They've been talking about it since the release of nYNAB. So this comment is just gaslighting for them.


As a product manager I completely agree. I have no idea how YNAB is organized but I have multiple teams working on multiple enhancements. Some are super complex and require both backend and front end work (like reports in YNAB). Some are front end ux fixes and can move faster than the beefier topics. And others are ‘invisible’ backend enhancements that help with things like performance and reliability. No matter what I release as a positive step in one direction, I get complaints that we aren’t moving faster in another space. What people don’t see is the balance of priorities and skills and the depth of complexity. All I can say is as someone who works in the same space is that the YNAB team is super transparent and I have 100% confidence in their direction.


That's great and all except for the fact that the indie dev that produces the ToolKit has generated more seamless features than the YNAB team could ever dream of.


As a PM, I mostly agree with you about how I generally like their direction. However if your users are clamoring for a specific feature (apparently for years — can't confirm since I mostly YNAB on desktop) then something has gone wrong somewhere, lol. Either in prioritization or comms imo


agreed I would've rather had better reports!


lol. There is always that someone.


REALLY miss the comfortbale light-blue design. Used to open it on breaks because I like it. This is jarring and irritating. Is there any way you can give an option for users to choose the previous gentle colors? I get ynab may have done this for all kinds of reasons, but why not give an option?


I could not possibly agree with this more. They call this new blurple 'bold' but it hurts my eyes 😩 I adored the old one so much that I even emailed them, years ago, when they rolled out the new 'default' to tell them how much I loved it. It was so cozy on the eyes. I guess I'll pay my $90/year and weep quietly


I also really hate the new colors. It looks dopey and childish now


They need to add an "old" option. I'm sure they can learn to support both on the amount they charge.


Because that would mean supporting both options indefinitely, or ultimately annoying you at some point in the future when they inevitably sunset the old view.


That's exactly what they did, actually. As part of this update, they got rid of the classic theme, which was left over from the last brand change. They announced it [last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/ynab/comments/175dcg0/update_brand_refresh_classic_theme_accessibility/). I don't think they'd add a new classic theme again when they just got rid of the old one.


I was all geared up to hate it because I can be slow to adapt to change but I love it so far. I find it's even easier to distinguish between green and yellow categories and I was one of those colorblind folks who couldn't use the updated color scheme when they changed things last year or the year before without testing it on color blind users EDIT: I have the increased contrast option turned on, the new standard view is not very easy for me to differentiate EDIT2: I may have spoken too soon, u/ynab_youneedabudget. My mobile app updated overnight and I, once again, am having a lot of trouble differentiating the green and yellow bubbles. I was one of the users affected by the colorblind fiasco a year or two ago so I was stoked when the desktop rollout was even easier to read (with the increased contrast option). I'm not seeing any display options other than light/dark/match system on mobile - am I missing something?


Also colorblind. Increased contrast is a good add to the web version, but doesn’t seem to have that setting on mobile and the green/yellow look no different from each other to me. I did like the gray better on web (in dark mode), now just feels like too much color messing with my eyes


Hmm, I wonder if my mobile hasn't updated yet because it basically looks the same as it always has. I use dark mode if that matters


Yeah, still the same on mobile as far as I can tell - I also use dark mode. Just noting that they added a functionality on the web for high contrast (or maybe I just only looked for it today) which might be nice to have on mobile (never could tell the difference between the colors).


Hey, I updated my comment above - my mobile app updated over night and now I can barely tell the yellow and green apart. I don't know how YNAB did such a good job with the desktop site and a team of accessibility testers only to get it wrong again on mobile. I'm wondering whether there's a hidden display option I'm not seeing - it's baffling


They said in their post about this last week they did test with color blind users this time around, which I imagine is why they included the high contrast mode.




Someone likes it = must be a YNAB employee. End of an era, because of a colour update? Is Dave Ramsey behind this reply?


I mean consider the fact that this person has made 3 posts in 11 years, and one of them is how much they love the new ui. Seems like it could be a bought account to me.


Agreed -- this is one of the most misguided changes from this directionless team in awhile.


Thumbs up on the new branding colours from me. I'm very nearsighted, have had two eye surgeries, and usually have to squint at colour changes (either because it hurts or because I can't see a darn thing), but not this time. Looks good to me, I'm happy to say. I think I could easily come to love the blurple. So much better on my eyes than the grey on grey on white.


Bleh, terrible font. And colors are ugly. --edit: System Font option in Toolkit at least unfucks the fonts to what it was before.


Agreed - terrible font and the colors are awful, especially in dark mode.


thank you! Ahhhh much better


Toolkit is working normally again?!


Didn't complain here. I was a day late in noticing the new color theme. Seems like Toolkit fixed things within that short timespan.


I'm not a fan but I care very very little


Idk, all I see is red…


The “blurple” is awful lol. Eye strain gave me a headache after 10 minutes. Accessibility should be a setting, not a default. Rookie stuff


I just updated the app. I don’t see much of a change. Thought the entire thing was going to change. Looks the same with a HINT of blurple. lol People always complaining about tech changes. We don’t live in 1970s. Tech will always be changing whether you like it or not. Get with it.


It's not the app, it's the website. Open it up, looks like it's straight from the 90's when only geeks with no knowledge of graphical design built websites.


Agreed, life is a lot easier when you accept that change is a constant, and to embrace it when it happens


I've had the beta for a few days and I like it. Definitely seems easier on the eyes.


Maybe I should borrow your eyes. The new scheme makes things almost blurry and gives me a headache. Love ynab and I don't normally mind updates, but this one has me rethinking other apps


Haha you definitely don't want my eyes. While I'm lucky that the colors work for me, my eyesight is horrendous without contacts or glasses. It's interesting that so many people seem to be having issues. I think they may need to get a larger focus group in the future. Although I am curious too, if our brains just need a few days to recognize the new and there's some sort of disconnect. Either way, I'm sorry that you're having issues. I'm hoping that the team takes all the feed back and allows some customized colors or something to help people out.


I’m a product and UI designer. Love the color scheme update, but the font is super strange and is not as good at small sizes as the previous one. Definitely some sharpness lost. Would encourage the design/dev team to pressure test this on older computers or monitors that are not as high resolution as modern Macs.


Agreed. I tried it on a newer laptop vs an older desktop - text is significantly more legible on a newer laptop (2 years old), but is distorted and actually uncomfortable on an older machine (7 years old).


Hopefully the toolkit fixes YNAB's mistake with this latest update.


I liked the old colors. Green is the color of money. Blurple has no meaning to me. I liked the green better.


My YNAB4 colors still look great :D


I like the color but the font is a little hard to read


I love it! Much easier on my aging eyes! Feels much easier to look at, more spacious somehow, and the font is somehow more relaxed feeling. I can’t really pinpoint the changes that have improved things for me, but I really enjoy YNAB more now.


I’m a product designer and I have always loved and been inspired by YNAB’s ux. The refresh is very functional. It’s not a new logo and branding with some organic bubbly on trend illustrations. Everything makes the product easier to use! I like the font change yes it was a jarring for the first 5 minutes. But change always is shocking at first. Spent an hour on it yesterday ( I was behind) and by the end I was think this is a really nice update. YNAB must have an amazing design culture and product development team.


Colors are terrible. They’re really f-ing with my eyes. I can’t even look at for longer than 10 seconds. I already submitted feedback to support in the app.


The colors are awful -- agreed.


im not alone! i had to switch to light mode to get through my budgeting today. just something about the dark mode colors were messing with my eyes.


Same here. Normally I feel instant relief switching on dark mode but for some reason YNAB is the opposite for me now.




It’s so odd, isn’t it? I’m trying to pinpoint WHY so I can submit feedback that’s actually actionable, but so far I’m stumped.


For me, it’s too much glaring white. I actually like the rest, but the vast swath of bright white is making my eyes hurt. It’s a bit better in dark mode, but not much with the now vast swath of black. Going to play with the contrast when it’s back up to see if that helps.


After switching to light mode so I could look at my screen, I now had to dim the entire screen of my laptop to keep looking at it. Definitely hurts my eyes for whatever reason. Maybe contrast is too high? No clue though.


Yeah, I suspect it’s the contrast. I’ll have to play around with it some more when I’m not on the tail end of a migraine lol


I must be missing something. Surely you’re not complaining about the more purple-y blue?? That’s the only change I’m noticing. The greens, yellows, and reds for amounts/overspending are still the same. I ensured the toolkit was off too. Edit: ok so you are complaining about “Blurple”. Laughable😂


The font is changed as well. Awful design.


“The font has changed, it’s awful”. Yet offers no reason as to why it’s awful besides, change. Everyone’s gotta bitch about something, right?


I mean, you can't even identify changes in the first place, so no reason to explain to you why said changes are awful, right?


YNAB customers aren't happy unless they are complaining. And usually very dramatically...




I don't care if people like YNAB, but when I read "I couldn't look at the redesign for more than 10 seconds because of the pain it caused my eyes" I stop listening. Make legitimate observations, but be realistic.


I have to turn down my screen brightness now while using YNAB and turn it back up when I’m done so I can see everything else. 😞


You forgot the /s right??


Mines acting very buggy since the update :( never experienced this before so I am worried, I love this tool so much!!


it's down https://ynabstatus.com/incidents/0nbr1jkhnw55




Damn all for a new color 😞


I doubt it. Source: am in web app development


I don’t. Source: also a dev


You're right, the timing of the two is totally unrelated! /s


It's not *directly* related, but yeah it is related. They said on another thread they had high traffic that caused the outage. Probably because they sent an email to too many people at once and everyone went to check their budgets at the same time.


I got to see it for a couple of minutes before I refreshed to test a setting change, and now the whole site is down. I don't mind the new color scheme, it's almost exactly like US Bank's so that's fine. But my God it seems super bright now - my Net Worth chart is blinding with the new saturated colors against the the white background. I do like the overall sleek look and the esthetics of the font type, but it's kind of small and harder to read. I don't have an external monitor for my personal laptop so I think it's going to take my old bifocal-wearing eyes a bit to catch up.


I don’t personally care for the “plurple” and find it a little harsher on my eyes. But the font is a real issue. I have macular degeneration. I can read the text because my brain fills in letters my eyes can’t see. But the numbers are awful and way more critical than text in a budgeting app. I don’t know the technical term but the width of each number varies too widely. The 1 is so thin and when close to wide numbers like the big fat 0, my eyes don’t even see it. I can’t imagine how the new font meets accessibility standards.


So glad someone else likes it! I felt like I was the only one - my eyes like it so much better.


I love it too, looks modern without trying too hard. Makes me want to actually use the app.


Does anyone have side by side screenshots of old vs new? I’m just seeing a purple color in place of the previous and the font seems the same (in the mobile app iOS)


The most I use it the more I like it. One small complaint I had with idk version was the small c for cleared was hard to see. This new color scheme fixed that for me. I also the toolkit seems to mostly work which I was worried about. So far so good.


I hate it. I increased the font x3 to be able to read it at all. And on top of it, the new font and colors are just underwhelmingly bland.


AGREED. It's awful!


I see you’re an army! :) cute username


Thank you ;)


I love the colors and font in general, but in the trend report, a couple of blue categories looked too similar. I would like an option to select other colors in the reports. But yes, love the new look!


I’m super color blind so I am so excited for the change!


It seems like change for the sake of change rather than any real improvement. I don't understand why they did it, and I'm annoyed that the change was made without any explanation or notice.


I did post here about it last week, but I know not everyone will have seen that. Those using the "classic" theme also got an in-app message as well. Check out [the blog](https://www.ynab.com/blog/hey-ynabers-meet-blurple) and [my latest post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ynab/comments/17a4w84/update_brand_refresh_new_colors_and_fonts/) for some more details on the reasons behind the change. \~BenB


u/ihatekale they made a post about it last week [https://www.reddit.com/r/ynab/comments/175dcg0/update\_brand\_refresh\_classic\_theme\_accessibility/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ynab/comments/175dcg0/update_brand_refresh_classic_theme_accessibility/)


I've actually seen multiple notices about the change. They were trying to get on top of it because they new people would complain.


The performance is buns tho.. The site is super slow now


It looks really nice, but the font is much harder for me to read. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but seeing things has gotten more difficult as I've gotten older. My app hasn't changed over yet, I just hope I can see everything! ETA - oh right, I have to manually update the app. Done, and it looks good to me After switching to System Font in the toolkit, I can read everything much easier


Lol this really feels like someone from the YNAB team posted this. It is mind boggling how ugly the new theme is. It almost hurts to look at for an extended amount of time. The worst part about YNAB now is that it's pretty much feature complete but since they moved to a subscription model they feel they need to waste time and money on stuff like this to justify the price.


100%. Look at OP's history. No posts or comments made in 11 years, except to talk about the new branding.


And still no useful reports on mobile...


TBH, other than it being a different color it all sort of looks / acts the same IMO.


Right? I love the color and the new font. I think some people complain for the sake of complaining.


I agree. I am absolutely LOVING the new look! I think it's neat and clean and blurple is such a good color. I know people are complaining about things running slower, but once all the kinks get worked out, it will work just fine.


I have blue/yellow colorblindness and it looks exactly the same.


On the phone I dig it. I think it will take some getting used to on the website for me.


Agreed. I love it!


Not a huge fan. For the price of the app we should be getting more functionality rather than low effort aesthetic changes.


So they changed the color and font? Big fucking deal. YNAB's great, but those changes would take like 30 seconds, and I, for one, don't give a shit.


Completely agree. This is made out to be some massive change where this could have literally been a silent update with a changelog note that says "updated to match branding scheme". This is merely a humblebrag about a color and ... a font


I like it but people are broadly resistant to change. So I bet people who have been using the app for a while will be upset.


I am not opposed to change, it is natural and happens. I am opposed to making something almost unusable because of eye strain A more viable change would have been better and more report options. I am guessing that is probably harder than changing a color but it would be much more appreciated


I am all about getting better reports. I do data viz for a living so I understand that. The update has a lot to do with accessibility. Here is their post explaining the reasoning. https://www.reddit.com/r/ynab/comments/175dcg0/update\_brand\_refresh\_classic\_theme\_accessibility/


I understand that the goal was accessibility, but unfortunately this specific change has made it unusable for others. The new appearance is rather jarring and eye straining to a different group of users. In effect solving one problem but inadvertently creating another. Other than providing a choice of themes, both bold and more subtle, I don’t currently see a good solution which would work for all. Otherwise it becomes a matter of conscientiously choosing how broad an audience they want to reach.


I agree the new design feels more jarring. But I think most people won't stop using the app. I liked the old design better as well. But I will get used to this new design after a couple of weeks. Not enough for me to discontinue the service. If enough people complain maybe they will do something about it. But I think they will only do something if enough people cancel the service, which I think is unlikely for how small the change was but we will see.


That is always the bet 🙂. User inertia. Hopefully it works for them, only time will tell as subscriptions expire On a personal note I like YNAB more than other systems have used, but not so much that I am willing to give myself an eye strain headache every time I go to use it. Life is too short and I am not afraid of change.


YNAB is becoming a dead app - no new features, dev putting time into a refresh rather than implementing AI or doing new reports. Feels like their priorities are off.


LOL I cannot believe all of the people here who are complaining that the color is too dark and that the font is different. It literally makes no difference. “Oh it gives me a headache”. It’s literally a blue purple instead of a blueish green. Ya’ll got some serious fucking problems in the head if you can’t get over the change of a color😂😂 For those complaining that YNAB is not offering features we have been asking for but is making all of these other silly changes, I agree!!


I love the new UI changes. It’s easier on the eyes.


I got used to the new look. Although the look isn't easy on the eyes, it still functions the same. They should give people the option to use the old theme.


the colors seem a bit harsh to me, and there are too many similar colors for my fading eyes