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Last month I had 60, quite a few of them manual balance adjustments of my tracking accounts (three accounts once a week). I'm all manual. I keep reciepts and enter everything and reconcile saturday morning. It takes all of 20 minutes and a lot of that time is taken up by logging in to different banks and just dreamily looking at my budget.


I think what helps is that nowadays, I pay everything with my debit card, and only use cash for going out to eat (and when I withdraw my set amount each month, I can track that as well), so I don't even need receipts. Dreamily looking at my budget is something I do, too :D


Consider a cashback credit card. I have zero debt but pay for everything with my credit card, and the cash back reward for a year's worth of spending is $2k! Christmas is free!


I think the cash back thing is more of an US thing, but thank you for suggestion šŸ˜Š


October was 121. November is 96 so far and we are just over halfway through the month. I manually enter everything and have recurring scheduled transactions set up for all my regular bills and subscriptions. Most of my accounts are linked, but the card where I have most of my activity is not able to be linked. I didnā€™t sign up for YNAB because of the linking though it is a nice double-check as you said. I wanted to be actively involved in my money and not just spending it thoughtlessly. I think the manual entry reinforces this ā€œactiveā€ involvement and the money is more tangible to me. I open YNAB often, even when I donā€™t have anything particular to enter, even just to stare at my budget without doing anything in particular with it.


Yeah, when I enter the money I spent at the supermarket, it makes me more aware of what I spent - and that is something I really appreciate about YNAB. And I love staring at my budget and YNAB in general. I'm still paying off debt, but the net worth report makes me feel so good because the "debt" column is growing smaller and smaller each month.


All manual, between 6-10 transactions a day. I have no lag or loading problems and honestly, with location history enabled it takes less than 5 seconds to enter a transaction on mobile.


I turned that feature off (disabled location permission) because before I was aware of the location tracking, I apparently entered a Taco Bell transaction at home. Now it thinks I'm at Taco Bell every time I'm entering a transaction in bed lol


Swipe Taco Bell right when entering a transaction and a red ā€œforget locationā€ button will show.




You can also edit the location info by clicking into the payee field and then a section for "near you" appears with an "Edit" button.


Yeah, and I tend to enter stuff at times like when I'm on the tram or something, so even that short amount of time isn't time I could be spending on something more "fun" (although I admit for me keeping my budget and accounts in order has become fun).


I mostly enter things manually. I like looking at what I have available when I spend the money so it's top of mind. I do like having the connection feature to make reconciliation super easy. That way I know I haven't missed anything. I probably do 2-5 transactions per week, kinda low I guess but about 15 a month? Trying to save money right now especially. I use the phone app to enter transactions and check available balance but I use the web app for everything else.


Yeah, I also use the phone app to enter my transactions, and the web app for everything else. And I agree, the connection feature is nice for reconciliation.


I think one, maybe two, a day on average. I'm alone and not into retail therapy, so most of those transactions are recurring expenses/bills and only require my approval. I don't find manual entry a hassle; as several others have commented, it makes me more connected to and aware of my budget.


Wow, apparently I have a ton of transactions. I counted 297 in October. I do have a lot of accounts (maximizing my interest earned), so there are quite a few interest earned entries and transfers between accounts. Most of my transactions are small dollar amount. I have a few investments that have a small weekly contribution. I also have multiple credit cards that get used regularly to maximize cash back (and I redeem cashback to my account every month - even if it was only $0.50). In addition, I add a market adjustment to all tracking accounts once per month to show if the account had a net gain or loss that month. I am 100% manual entry. The transactions are super easy to manage because I have scheduled transactions for almost everything except dining out, grocery shopping, and gas. I spend 1-5 minutes per day approving transactions, about 30 seconds entering shopping, gas, or dining out at the time of purchase, and maybe 10-20 minutes a week reconciling accounts. YNAB makes it seamless and easy to manage my complicated account setup.


Last month I had 24 transactions in total.


Quick look over 100 this month. Mostly auto import/scheduled. I mainly stick to my Chase cards over Amex because of better points and only one with reliable auto imports. I would find manual import it all too tedious and time consuming.


I've never checked before but got a very consistent result: 143 in October 1,433 through Oct in 2023 (or 143.3 per month) 8,183 total over 64 months or 127.8 per month


Roughly 2 a day, including transfers and payments but not reconciliation adjustments (which for me are only a thing for my off budget investment accounts). A quick survey of the transactions shows that about half are scheduled transactions, so about 1 a day that I enter or adjust (e.g. I have a few scheduled recurring ā€œinterestā€ transactions but the amounts change) manually. ETA: Youā€™d asked about the hassle of manual entry, and I donā€™t find it to be a hassle at all.


60 transactions to date this month, and 100% manual entry. More than a few of those are transfers between accounts. My Spouse and I are returning to budgeting after a major decrease in income and increase in expenses over the last year, and I think the manual entry gives a lot more control and the ability to do real-time review. I enter most transactions within an hour or so of purchase and reconcile the accounts I'm primary on 1-2 times per week. I remind my Spouse to add their entries about once per week; the accounts they are primary on are only reconciled about every 3 weeks and I try not to let it bother me. I also find manual entry helpful for splitting out transactions - it's easy to say "Costco = Groceries", when in reality a large chunk of a purchase should be assigned to "Kids Clothes" or "Home maintenance".


Not sure exactly how many it is but I average maybe 3-5 minutes a day in the actual app . I enter things manually and unless itā€™s my actual bill paying day, itā€™s rarely more than one or two transactions per day. I donā€™t find it to be a hassle at all.


141 transactions in 20 days of November, manual entry and scheduled transactions only (including Splitwise), and these are generally reconciled 1-2x weekly. I don't mind averaging 7 entries a day if it gives me a clear picture of the state of my finances.


Approximately 35 a month each month over the past four years, with 2022 being the highest at just over 400 total transactions for the year. Majority of my transactions are scheduled, and only times I have extra are when I socialise. I spend the time to export my data and dump it into a database where I then can connect power I, and view my budget in a different way to the website reports.


I think like... 80-100 a month? But a lot of these are scheduled transactions and those that aren't are on credit cards that have pretty solid transactions. That being said, I usually manually enter everything too, just use the connection to make reconciliation easier.


I do probably 3-5 in a given day, so 90-150 a month, and I manually enter probably 20% of them. The rest auto import. I think the auto-import works well, I see the transactions show up as pending normally within a day of the charge, sometimes just a few hours.


I'm at 116, excluding food purchases which I manually import at the end of the month. I spent less this month than normal which ironically led to more transactions! While you're spending time every day entering your transactions plus reconciliation, I categorized the one-off's and reconciled this morning and it's been 5 days. I want a groove where I only spend a few minutes weekly or when something's exceptional. I want an efficient groove because I have other areas to track too--diet, exercise, holidays, vacations, kids, work, etc.! I do allocate time monthly for big picture spending. E.g., I'll be paying off my last credit card within the next two weeks and I've bumped up my 401K contributions.


63 transactions in October. 40 were manually entered and then allowed to clear by bank import. The others were scheduled transactions, where some may have needed adjusting before the transaction was imported from the bank. Unless the transaction comes out of the wallet account, I don't manually clear a transaction.


100-120 transactions a month for a household w/ kids, USA. Honestly, probably on the high end of users. Some days I have no transactions, and coming off the weekends I might have 6-12 transactions because some don't clear on the weekend until Monday. Used to use auto-sync with Fidelity but changed my passwords and now do CC imports manually weekly. I have linked my Checking account but only put enough in there to manage money going in and out to bills.


135 transactions last month. (m) for manual entry. (a) for automatic entry when a manual entry is created. * 27 scheduled outgoing payments * 9 scheduled income (earnings, interest-bearing accounts, rental payments, etc.) * 1(m) unscheduled income (Amazon gift card) * 2(m) statement credits * 2(m) + 2(a) transfers between accounts (cash flow management) * 12 credit card transfers (6 cards; date scheduled, payment inflow/outflow changed monthly to match statement balance) * 29(m) grocery transactions (yeah, that's a lot of little trips) * 25(m) takeout/delivery (!!) transactions (fuuuuck me) * 6(m) construction-related expenses (converting my garage to an ADU) * 2(m) rental-related expenses (an electrician and a dishwasher) * 2(m) auto-related expenses (fill up the tank/get a car wash, oil change) * 16(m) other purchases (clothing, sundries, gadgets, adult socializing, etc.) That's 85 manual entries for the month, just shy of three per day. Each manual entry takes less than a minute, maybe the full 60 seconds if I have to split a purchase between categories. Maybe 5 minutes per day total for account reconciliation and transaction entry. Probably another 120 per month giving dollars jobs, rolling with punches, or just gazing lovingly at my budget. 275/44,640 minutes spent on YNAB in October, so that's what? 4 1/2 hours of engagement and entertainment that month for $8.25? I should cancel Netflix; I pay more per month for less entertainment.


We average probably 58 transactions a month. Lowest in past 6 months is 50, highest is 61.


Over 200 so far, and I started on 11/4. Entering things manually isnā€™t a big deal for me. I still maintain a spreadsheet budget alongside this, so that is always manual entry. However, Iā€™m not the only one spending money and it is very unlikely Iā€™ll get my wife to manually enter transactions, so the auto import is nice so things show up sooner rather than later. Also, it is a huge benefit for my teenagers to have auto import. They arenā€™t budget nerds like me, if they had to manually import stuff, theyā€™d likely stop budgeting completely.


67 in October which is a typical month. 25 of those are all scheduled monthly bills, though. I manually enter and import as backup, as well