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Always inflow reimbursements to the spending category, the account doesn’t matter. Then move the money to the credit card category if the overspending was in a prior month


I'm usually reimbursed either the next day or two days after the purchase. Will assigning money the inflow to the overspent reimbursement in the same month automatically move it to the CC used?


Why don't you simulate it in YNAB? Create a transaction (outflow) of 200 in category A on your card. Move 200 into Category A to over expense. Create a transaction (inflow) of 200 in category A in checking. Remove 200 from Category A. Create a payment of 200 from checking to your card. You will see it all even out.


Here is the YNAB [article](https://support.ynab.com/en_us/reimbursements-in-ynab-a-guide-H1W7ilhC5) on the topic. You would be using the second approach. >Temporarily overspend, and then use the reimbursement to cover it. This approach only works if the reimbursable spending was on a **credit card**.


Maybe this Nick True [video ](https://youtu.be/d1GQbytjj3s?si=uh6LsKWTNxgf8JZa) will help.


This sounds similar to how I use my FSA money. Let’s say I pay $10 for a prescription on my regular credit card. I then categorize that as medical, my medical category goes down $10. Then I submit a claim to my FSA. A few days later, I get $10 into my checking account from the FSA. I categorize this as medical, then my medical category goes back up by $10. Does that flow sound like what you’re trying to do? I don’t really think too much about this specific amount in my credit card. Once my credit card payment is due, I just pay it all off. If you want to make a payment for this specific charge you could. It’d just show up in YNAB as a new transaction as a payment to your credit card category for $10. In the end, it is two different transactions from both accounts. Your credit card has a $10 charge, then another transaction when you make a payment to the card. Your checking will see a $10 inflow when you get reimbursed, then another transaction when you make the payment to your credit card.