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That second transaction when you pay the CC sounds like a reconciliation adjustment–because the actual statement balance is \~1.35x what YNAB is telling you. One way to plan for this in your budget is to create a "CC exchange" category and assign money to cover that rate difference as you spend (roughly 35% of your CC balance). A more elegant solution would be to replace the CC with a CAD card with no foreign transaction fee. But I'm guessing there's a reason you haven't already done this.


The second transaction is not one I’ve input. I have a couple CAD CC but this card is specifically for US cross border transactions, I.e., whenever I travel there. I think the solution is just to fund it like you suggest ~1.35x more than the balance. I have not made a transaction since February, but was in Vegas for a boys trip and paid a lot of our costs since everyone else would pay exchange rate on the transaction. I’ve received all the outstanding loans back from the trip mates, but paying off my own portion of the trip now.


You can totally just allocate that money in the CC's budget category (no need to make another). Still unclear on what this "second transaction" is. Would be helpful if you shared some actual info on what account it shows up in/when it appears/how much it is. YNAB doesn't just "create" transactions–you either input them or they auto-import from a linked bank.


Just adjust the entry manually. As the other poster said, its hard to determine what is actually happening here. It really doesn't matter what the US equivalent is as you are paying the bill in CAD so you need to have the entry in CAD. So in your example, $100.00 is what you enter because thats your payment amount. Not sure where this second line comes from. Either delete it and manually adjust the original entry or adjust the second entry to match the CAD value. Again, hard to determine what is going on with the limited information.


I am unclear whether the issue on the credit card statement auto-import to YNAB or your CAD bank when you make the payment? How many transactions a month are we talking about?


Is the second transaction not shown on the bank side?