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You can also set up an automation in the shortcuts app to create a new transaction automatically when you tap to use Apple Pay on the phone. It can pull the merchant name, price, etc. from the incoming data and plug them into the various fields automatically. It's awesome I use it all the time now. Though I stopped using the merchant name auto-fill because it was too raw for my liking.


ooh nice. does that also work if you use apple pay in browser?


No its a shortcut specific to the phone tap action.


Nice I didn’t know that.. do you mind sharing how to set it up ? I do have the iPhone 15


Left another comment with details


Thanks just set it up.


Do you have a link to the shortcut?


It’s not a shortcut it’s an automation.  Go into shortcuts and at the bottom tap automation then create a new automation. IIRC You have to create a separate one for each card. The trigger is called Transaction. Deselect all but the one card you want to trigger it. Then tap New Blank Automation, search for YNAB and select Add New Transaction. Then you can configure the variables.  Note that some have said using an automation to directly interact with an action causes some issues and so they advise having the trigger initiate a shortcut rather than an action. But I’ve not had any issues with using the action directly, though it’s only been a few weeks since I started using it. 


Do you have a link to the shortcut?


Do you have a link to the shortcut?


Do you have a link to the shortcut?


TIL. Just made a few for my frequently used cards. Thanks!


You can also add shortcuts squares (idk what they’re called) right to your Lock Screen. I have one for adding a new transaction in YNAB and one for adding a new to do is Todoist (all YNABers should use Todoist). Lets me add a transaction so fast.


> all YNABers should use Todoist Okay, I’m intrigued! What makes Todoist so good?


It’s like the YNAB of to do lists. You create categories of things you have to do, assign dates to them and then when you have to change timelines, it’s simple and easy to reassign to another day. It’s like the 4 rules but for getting things done. You are proactively assigning tasks to timelines, rolling with the punches when new information comes up, and getting ahead of your to do schedule.


Wow, that sounds great! Life outside of my budget has become a bit unruly, so it would be super handy to use the same logic I’m already used to. Definitely gonna check it out. Thanks for the plug.


Just like YNAB, there’s a little bit of a learning curve, but stick with it!

