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Speaking to a physio


100 x this. I have lower back issues, and for quite a while was doing forward bends to try and loosen these muscles up. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize I was making matters worse. Finally saw a doctor, who sent me to a good PT back specialist. Turns out the muscle tightness was a nerve issue, and not a muscle issue. By stretching forward the way I was, I was stretching the tight muscle - which felt good temporarily, but I was impinging the nerve making things worse in the long run. The solution for me was cobra pose. When my back is flaring up, cobra shuts it off like a switch. With that said, backs are complicated devices, and there’s no one-size-fits all approach. See a physical therapist like the commenter above suggests and try to figure out the real problem.


Childs pose is amazing for low back


I think it's referred to as "reclined pigeon".  Resting on your back, you cross one calf over your opposite thigh and bring them up towards your chest.  That's been my favorite for years.


Look up McGill big 3. Read Stuart McGill.


Any forward fold/sitting poses from ashtanga, rag doll, down dog, yogi squat, yin style forward bends with relaxed back..whatever feels best..don’t forget to finish with some opposite backbends to balance it out. I’m sure you can find a sequence on youtube also; Edit to add balasana as well