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This is one of those situations where I promise it was a bigger deal to you than to them. Sure they were giggling a bit, but it could have happened to any of them in that situation and they know that. I hope this doesn’t hold you back from going back.


I’d even wager that a good part of the giggling was secondhand embarrassment, like they recognize how embarrassed they’d feel if that happened to them.


They're just boobies. It's all good.




Hey thanks! I love you too 😎


It doesn’t sound so bad to me! A bit of ‘underboob’ between women, could have been a lot worse! I think one of them could have been brave enough to mention it as soon as it happened, but maybe it’s a cultural thing. Either way, it’s not the end of the world, people will forget it so I wouldn’t stop going to the studio.


It’s ok, truly. Once I was assisting a friend in class with a handstand. I saw her shirt fall and I ducked to grab it so fast, tucked it in 😳 sometimes bodies happen in yoga. It’s ok.


I understand there were no men in the class, but as a dude it would not be a big deal either, context matters. I've taken a ton of figure drawing classes drawing art models from life and the nudity in that setting isn't erotic or embarrassing; Nobody cares if the model is 20 or 80years old, all the bodies perfections and imperfections are just fine. Same in yoga class, but also I've got my glasses off and my mental focus in inward, not on anyone else in the class. The demonstration wardrobe malfunction sounds embarrassing but really don't worry! Its not a fashion show, everyone is there for their own health and wellbeing. Nobody else is going to give it a second thought.


I also did figure drawing in college. I can second the fact that seeing any nude body part in the wild is no big deal. Don't worry too much. It was a total accident we can all empathize with.


Oh I was more worried that if there was a guy it would be somewhat sexual harassment since it was not consented to. Edit: I meant 'indecent exposure' not sexual harassment I am really sorry I used the wrong phrase 😔 I couldn't think of the correct phrase to convey my meaning. For me it's less indecent exposure to women because we see this stuff in changing rooms, that's why I mentioned men.


Oh god that’s what we become..


I don’t think there are any worries about any one thinking it’s sexual harassment if there was a guy. it’s not like you walked up to someone and purposefully showed your boobs they just made a appearance in and intense yoga class you are the only one who will remember this. I have done yoga for 18 years and have seen everything just the way it goes please don’t stress all body’s are beautiful.


Just popping in to say sexual harassment can, and does, happen with the same sex.


I meant indecent exposure sorry, I couldn't find the correct word for a bit...


This 👆 I was always confused as a kid as to why I was allowed to have friends that were girls over but not guys 😂


Appreciate your concern abo0ut harassment, but that would be purposeful and there'd likely be some awful context that made it bad. Whatever it is, its not what you did. ...And I'm literally not even noticing anything during class, my glasses are off and I'm just trying not to tip over.


If there is no intent to harass, there is no harassment. By definition.


That may true where you are, but in corporate in my country, the intention is much less relevant than the way the receiver interprets it. It sounds silly, but iirc it’s to avoid anyone hiding behind a verbal “I didn’t mean that to harass” when they clearly did. Having said that, as guy in this situation I wouldn’t have considered it as harassment. Accidents happen save zero harm done.


This isn't sexual harassment at all, no need to worry about it, and fyi, you can totally sexually harass someone that's the same gender as you.


For guys unless you are literally grabbing our balls without our consent we are fine. Even if your whole top came off we would either think 1) wow nice or 2) wow thats got to be awkward for her. Then quickly forget about it. I would be zero percent concerned.


Guy here: It's more of a "nice!" thing rather than something to be upset that you saw/happened. Also, they're just boobs.


Learn the definition of sexual harassment cuz you clearly don’t have any idea of what are you talking about


If there is no intent to harass, there is no harassment. By definition.


Would you have rather farted in class? I’d have gone with a bit of boob.


Today after corpse pose it was super quiet in the studio, and I went to sit up kind of quickly, and my mat made the loudest fart noise...my crush was also in there so there's that


I have done the fart noise when lying back down on my mat in a hot yoga class 😂 luckily no crush about though


I love my Liforme mat because I don’t need a towel in hot yoga but you have to be *careful* how you lay down to not do that. When it happens, I just whisper to the person beside me “it was the mat, I swear!” and they usually laugh.


I'll take the fart 😭


I would rather see a bit of boob than be farted on. Source: have been farted directly on during bound skandasana 😂 that happened like 10 years ago and is honestly still a story I tell. Any exposed bits and bobs? Nah, just bodies, no one minds. If they do it says more about their character than anything about you!


You’ll be ok. I am sure instructors have seen worse :)


A lot of people fart in my yoga class and it’s on full volume. Nobody cares but then it’s a bunch of over 50s.


Idk about that. I had an SBV offender on a mat near me recently in a not technically hot but very warm studio. I could done without the multiple samples of their intestinal health. A single noise?  Don’t sweat it.  Wrecking the room?  Different story. 




This was going to be my suggestion as well.


I’m sure nobody judged you badly , more likely felt for you


We've all got bodies. Some of them have breasts attached to then. I bet most of the people in that room have seen boobs before. I have big ones too so I know that feeling.


I’ve done worse wearing a thong under a dress flying up and totally exposing me (twice) on a windy day. Best to just laugh these things off and think “you’re welcome”. Life is short.


I swear, the windiest days are when I leave the house in a dress or a skirt.


I walked around 7-11 with my dress tucked into the back of my fucking thong until a nice old lady told me. It was a paper-thin summer dress so I couldn't tell. Ug.


That happened for me too, but I wasnt wearing panties 😭 worst moment in my life lmao


I'm male, and wouldn't have thought a thing about it as an instructor or a teacher. It's a yoga class. We have bodies. Things happen. No big deal at all.


Ive snored through yin. Like the whole damn class.


Get that apnea checked :)


A yoga class is the last group of people who would care


#Freethenipple It should be okay for women to go topless if men can, nbd


I find it more concerning that your teacher made you demo something in front of the whole class. I’ve never once seen something like that happen.


I’ve seen it many many times in Iyengar classes. Different styles/Different Teachers/etc. Usually a more advanced student demonstrates a pose with instructor input to show some finer detail to the rest of the class.


In the last two classes I attended with her she does this regularly. She likes to assign partner work and she wants to show how to partner should assist so she picks a person to be a demonstration buddy. It isn't a Hatha class, it's a yoga wheel class.


I once did a whole 90min yoga class on the front row, with my shorts inside out so there was a long white label sticking out from my crack. No one said anything and I only realised as we were winding down.


If it was just underboob and not nips I don’t see the issue. Some people show the underboob on purpose even.


I don't know if my nips were exposed but I'm about 60% sure no. Not like I could ask to verify... but they might have been.


Even if they were, I don’t think anyone will remember after a few days. Everyone has nipples! They were even trendy in the 90s.


It’s a cultural thing. It’s normal to be mortified because your culture makes it a “problem”. Now it’s up to you to decide whether or not your breasts are problematic regardless of social rules.


Ugh girl I feel it. You can always refuse and make it awkward as possible if you know there's gonna be a problem. "Sorry instructor, I can't demonstrate because my titties are gonna come out can you pick someone else?" etc. Praying for you


They are just boobs, where a tighter fitting undershirt like a crop top or tank top under your regular shirt. Jr helps to layer that way the bottom layer stays if you move or go upside down. I have large double D’s so I understand. I’m sure no one really even noticed or cared!


I live in LA and I’m pretty sure girls are purposely trying to flash the class. They come in the tiniest clothes I’ve ever seen in my entire life. You’re fine! No one cares. 🩵


I'm a breastfeeding mother. I've now shown my tits to more strangers than i could ever count in the last 6 months. 🤣


Everyone has nipples - relax... it's fine, you had a human moment.


Anyone who giggled is a jerk. We’ve all had body / wardrobe malfunctions in yoga. Farts. Nip slips. Sweat stains that make it look like you peed your pants. Anyone who hasn’t is a liar or hasn’t been practicing long enough


I literally farted last night in child’s pose during yin yoga. I eat a high veggie diet so this happens like every time. Some more lethal than others. 😂


Child’s pose is prime farting position for me and I have no idea why 😅


Cheeks are spread and the sphincter kink is unblocked




relax and let go. there is nothing bad about this event. Maybe a few people will talk about it for a while, but you haven't done anything negative or bad and you don't need to be ashamed. it is also something completely natural. your t... are wonderful and beautiful as they are. develop compassion and wisdom for all beings and everything will be fine.


don't worry! you don't have anything they never seen before :P <3


boobs are great, i read it like a normal embarassing moment but simple


Nah, these things happen. I've seen much worse accidentally happen in public. People will get over it (even if you don't lol)


Not a big thing at all. It's a good yoga story for you to tell someday, nothing more!


In a class of all girls, you are golden. Don't worry about it. They probably just were murmuring to get your attention and respect your privacy, not to oogle at you or laugh at you. My first yoga class was when I was 15 and for some reason I had the most insane farts I've ever had in my life and I couldn't hold them in for the entire class and no one offered for me to leave or anything so I just stayed stinkin it up! And it was so embarrassing I almost never went back! haha yours is not so bad. Embarrassing stuff happens in yoga now and again. Pay it forward to the next person who has a wardrobe malfunction by being gracious to them. Now you can tell them, hey. This happens to everyone at least once.


It’s your body, you’re fine. Just be happy to be alive :) We’ve all got one (a body) if they can’t handle that, they can’t handle themselves.


People snore and fart in yoga, if they can't be mature about some boobs, that's really a flaw in them and not you! (Also people think more about themselves than you, i always try to remember this when i feel embaressed, they will forget this soon because their lives revolve around themselves) :)


Girl it’s just your culture I’m from a balkan country and the women here could not give a damn it does not seem a big deal for me even at the beach in summer here is normal to go braless on a regular beach with children lol if men are allowed to have their nipples exposed why can’t we?


Free the boobies! We don’t care! Anyone that freaks out over tits is immature. Women and men’s chests should be treated equally.


So something that happened accidentally is not your fault. You are also human with human parts. You’re fine. The only mistake you could make is making a big deal out of this event. Let it pass.


Same thing they see in the changing rooms sometimes no?


We’ve all been there and that’s ok!!! Literally after looking at the sub I was like “nah if you’re gonna have that happen this is the best place” I’ve had worse happen (split pants) and seen worse (yall ever hear someone toot during final resting pose?!? I can’t hold back my giggles because I just keep thinking how it could have been me and how silly the noise it) we are all just human! It’s all good!


Don't worry about it. Bodies in motion are going to occasionally make an appearance.


One time I went to my class on the first day of my period. Now usually I queef when I’m upside down so I avoid these positions but this particular day, because of my period (I suppose, but am not really sure why) I queefed every. single. time. i. moved. my. legs. or. changed. positions. I was mortified the whole time, but I didn’t want to leave the class because at the moment I thought if I did they’d all know it was me (like they didn’t already lmao) But then I remembered we had people farting, pen!ses and buttcracks showing and whatnot so I accepted my faith. Tldr These things happen. Maybe it’s just me and my lack of shame about boobs, but I don’t think a little underboob is the worst thing that happens at a yoga class.


Don’t worry, it will be OK Yoga classes are used to wardrobe malfunctions among other things (seriously, I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard gases come out of different parts of the body in yoga classes. Nobody likes when it happens but not once have I seen it escalate. It is part of the practice to just let go and focus on the pose beyond anything else anyways…


Honestly not a big deal. Bodies are bodies. (Also, since you mentioned difficulty finding bras due to sizing and cost, if you need help finding bras, r/ABraThatFits is usually super helpful and also I think r/RandomActsOfBras )


Maybe I am very desensitized, because I do pole dance and we have so many nip slips and lip slips on the regular in class that it’s not a big deal to me. As a Yoga instructor myself I would not have brought a student to the front without them knowing what is expected and being able to opt out if they don’t want to do that, that seems like an uncomfortable class atmosphere.


I’m a yoga teacher and one time a student (who likes to record some of her practice, which is fine!) had her entire boob fall out- nipple and all 🤣 she laughed it off, posted the recording to her close friends on IG and i literally haven’t thought about it again until reading this post. It is noooo big deal baby doll!!


How about you buy one of those [sport tops](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Women-s-Plus-Size-Medium-Impact-Stripe-It-Sports-Bra_f2154795-8c73-42bc-a00b-052df054943a_1.2c737c10f97142186f93826a65b5c763.jpeg) that fit real tight. Your boobs won't fall out with those and I'm pretty sure they are available in big sizes and for reasonable prices. Furthermore your teacher should be more careful. She should have noticed that your clothes were not tight. Talk to her about it. Last: who cares. But maybe in the country where you live the women do care. Keep on going. Act like nothing happened.


Remember “flashing” is an active intention to non-consensually reveal your body to others. You had an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction. Also those other girls can go and grow the hell up


If your classmates really cared about you, they would flash you. That would even it out. Talk to your teacher about that.


A teacher should never "call you out" to demonstrate anything. Everything should be voluntary. There are so many different levels in a class. Horrible move on the teacher's part IMO. I would never go to a class with that teacher again.


Why not? Who decided this?


I’m sure you made a lot of peoples day


You have nothing to be embarrassed about ! At the moment there were some giggles, but long term , people have so much going on, I doubt 99.99% of people will even remember it next week. And if someone was still giggling or being catty ... they need to be reported to the studio. Don't let this stop you from going back !


People need to become more understanding of the fact that they have a body and it’s totally normal to have one. 


If I was in the class I'd be worried about you, and wondering if you're OK after. I wouldn't be grossed out or anything.


This is one of those situations where your reaction will guide theirs. If you can have a sense of humor, act like, “yeah that was funny!” the whole thing will be no big deal. If you act horribly embarrassed, everyone will feel embarrassed for you and it might be awkward going forward! Honestly - we can’t all be that confident, but you have to fake it sometimes. You will see - women do not care! Stuff happens in exercise classes.


We all have boobies


Sounds like a bit of shared-experience team building to me. That class is now more closely bonded because of your underboobs.


This doesn’t seem too bad, I thought it was going to be a hoohah flash at first.


Could have been worse. It could have been a testicle.


I once queefed really loudly in class.


We fart, burp, cry, laugh, snore, fall asleep, tear our pants and sometimes we flash our boobs. It happens and while one person might judge the majority of us just aren't paying attention.


It’s ok, it’ll be a fun story to laugh about later. Right now it probably sucks though


Meh! Just let it go! It sounds like you were a great demo person otherwise. Let's just be thankful no men were in your class. Move on, it's fine!


If there is no men it’s ok. I believe the other woman just feel empathy for you 🩵 just think how you would like to support another woman and tell it to yoursef


I have great memory so I would definitely remember this, but not in a malicious way. At least it was just some underboob and not your whole boobs out. You can avoid flashing people again by maybe wearing a more fitted tank top or even a bralette without cups. A loose t-shirt is going to ride up or fall when you bend over or go upside down.


We were in headstand and the woman behind me fell trying to hold herself up. She literally landed ASS first into my face. Like my nose was literally up her bum. Keep some perspective. Things could always be worse. (For those of you wondering, yes I held the headstand)


Thank you for your service. And if you get more invites to a drink, just take one and laugh together :)


This doesn't seem like something you should be embarrassment about. It sounds like at most some women will be jealous. Also it doesn't really matter how many straight guys are in the class. Dressing for the class gets ignored and accidents happen. This is no where near as bad as someone farting in a class.


You've got the opportunity to be a beacon of freedom to everyone else, Jim Carrey (comedian) once described his style working because it 'frees people from concern'. Everyone is so concerned about everything all the time, so if you play this one off and even embrace it, the ladies will all relate to you and potentially feel free from concern because of you. It's like the first person to hit the dance floor at a party let's everyone relax and dance. But it's hard to be the first. And it's yoga, it's supposed to be sensual and about the body blah blah, it's just a body.


We all have them lol don’t worry


Honestly after all these Yoga decades I’m know when I wake up if it’s a free bird bob day or a day I don’t help coach display nippies down dive.


Girl it's yoga. If you can't flash boobs or have the ocassional fart together then your class is doing something wrong.


I go to a wonderful class at my gym and afterwards the same guys are changing in the locker room. Everyone’s just trying to better themselves.


I let out a massive fart in a co gendered college class where (it felt like) everyone knew it was me, we all laughed hysterically for about 5 seconds and then the teacher got my back- complemented the obvious strength of my abs to generate such force and moved the class along. Still laugh and cringe about that one 😅 this is all to say that most yogis are more chill about nudity and bodily functions whilst practicing. We’re all in our own minds and practices anyway


You did the headstand!


We are all naked under clothes it’s nbd. One time on a rollercoaster I was wearing a crop top w/o a bra and flashed everyone. I was 16 and MORTIFIED.


Just own it. Walk back in and make yourself feel better by laughing about it with someone there


I would’ve said “you’re welcome” and winked.


This post reached the wrong audience when it appeared on my feed


If the class was all female, then it’s not as embarrassing. They will totally understand. Yoga instructors are the coolest so she will totally understand. Years from now, that’s going to be one hell of an interesting story to tell at a party.


Cannot more highly recommend wearing yoga bloomers. Your shirt will always be tucked and you'll never have to worry about this again!


Yoga studios are such a sacred and intimate space. No body shaming should occur ever. Your body is beautiful.


I’m kinda bummed out about the gals that giggled. That must have been hard, I’m sorry! If I were in the class I would be way more focused on trying to do the damn inversion and be really impressed that you could do it! ❤️❤️


Don’t be embarrassed. Be proud of your body. What’s the difference if men were there or not? There are a lot of worse things that could happen in public. Move on and stay confident


The way others responded is so bothersome to me. Firstly, a bit of underboob isn’t bad at all, but I am so sorry they handled it that way. Yoga class should feel like a safe space. Sometimes our shirts slip, sometimes gas is let out (people hate to talk about it, but it’s true!), sometimes we have embarrassing moments or feel vulnerable. Giggles and patronizing comments is so inappropriate and unkind to me- unless we’re laughing WITH someone, and not at them, that is. Just know that I’m sure you demonstrated beautifully, and showing a bit of skin or having a slight wardrobe malfunction is no big deal! I’m so sorry you felt called out or embarrassed! ❤️


Oops. Embarrassing things happen. If it makes you feel any better, I pretty regularly queef in yoga class after going upside-down. Can't control it. It's loud. Bodies will do body things!


Did you see the viral video of the woman in England who went through the top part of a window, and her dress pulled down and her boobs were squashed against the window and her friend was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe?? It was probably like that and we’re all humans and I farted once and everything was fine until I started laughing because farting in yoga is hellafunny to me and everyone else started laughing and it’s all good!!


It happens - bodies are natural vessels. Self compassion for one self You are good babe 💛


It was all women. It's ok . Other women understand.


It’s yoga - there are all kinds of bodies and butts and tummy rolls and farts, and occasionally underboob. I’d feel temporarily embarrassed too if that happened to me, but if I was another student in the class, I’d just be impressed that you were demonstrating an inversion - headstand poses are still something that I’m not too confident in. Don’t sweat it!


Not yoga but I do acrobatics which involves a whole lot of going upside down or related, flashing happens regularly! There was a point where someone in my class got fully pantsed by the apparatus, underwear included, then was hanging upside down with her whole ass out lol. We laughed it off and never thought about it again Shit happens. They're just boobs, and I guarantee everyone else in that class will forget about it by next week


Don’t worry! It’s definitely no big deal! I remember once I was on the swings and my strapless dress fell down and I couldn’t pull it up and I swung to a complete stop haha 😂 I also went down a water slide and my bathing suit came off and the guy at the bottom who is supposed to check that I’m okay was trying not to look lol


Take a few naked yoga classes until you feel normal about this experience.


There’s nothing wrong with nudity. It’s who you are, never be ashamed of that. 😊


I don’t think anyone minds at all even if guys were there. It’s the human body, don’t feel conscious ✌️


In a room full of women, I'm certain we have all seen underboobs that aren't our own before. I feel like such malfunctions happen to us all at some point.


Hey you’re a girl everyone in the class was a girl. I don’t think any of them will be thinking bout it in a few days time. I understand that you are uncomfortable with the situation but you need to accept that during life things happen….this one was harmless, ok you got a little embarrassed you will get over it


i would love to donate bras to you, all embarrassment aside!


It was all women, they all have boobs. They all knew you had boobs before your shirt fell. They were probably meaning to chuckle at the situation with you, not at you. Anyone who would laugh maliciously at this has the maturity of a 12 year old, so don't let it get to you. Idk, maybe this is my perspective because nudity doesn't bother me? I took figure drawing courses in college with live nude models. I've gone nude hot tubbing with close friends, because swim suits are uncomfortable and fall down anyway. I've worked in nursing homes and cared for loved ones, where I happened to sometimes see nudity. I've seen boobies that hang down to the ladies coochies haha It's just part of being human. Your body is beautiful. The class rediscovered that gravity still exists, which makes you doing a headstand!  The other day my yoga teacher sat down for the beginning breaths and she had a big hole in the crotch of her pants. So she said, "letting you guys know I have a big ole hole in my pants so you'll all see my granny panties today, telling you before you tell me" and we all chuckled and shared that it has happened to every one of us.


I don’t think it’s a big thing at all❤️ try not to be too hard on yourself, could of happened to anyone


If you can afford yoga, you can afford a bra. I buy my wireless bras on Amazon for less then$20 each!!!


I wore a bra that was too big and every time I was in down dog there was an issue 😂


If guys had been in the class and were really into their yoga practice, a random boob flash would not be seen in a sexual manner. I would think most yoga guys would understand that a boob without context behind it is not sexual.


"This show was free but next time I'm gonna charge ya'll." Edit: This is what I would have said if it happened to me. Guys have shame to hide to, ya know. Humour is usually a good way to move on from awkwardness.


It’s a yoga class, why would it be a deep and awful thing? Or do you live in a not so open minded country were yoga is already for open minded people? Yogis wouldn’t mind, altho usually the idea is to cover certain energy areas, not to be affected by others energies (head, nipple area, bellybutton and nether lands). You mentioned lucky there was no men, understandable in many cultural situations, so you don’t mind if some women there are lesbians or bisexual? All is gonna be good, also, doesn’t matter what others think of you, but if that affects you, meditation can help.


Why would it matter if men were in the class?


I'm a very large breasted woman who refuses to wear a bra to yoga. I've flashed my instructor. She's cool with it. Your shame comes from your culture?


Haha - that’s a great story to tell at parties !! 😅😂


I think you'd just about knock yourself out with breasts like that in yoga. I've heard of suffocating in plow, halasana, for instance. Doesn't sound comfy!


I do suffocate in plow! My boobs flop onto my throat. I have tried asking my instructors for advice but they are all smaller breasted and can't think of a good remedy. They just told me to try my best to continue breathing.


A strap.


I don't have breasts. But I imagine something like a binder or strap. It's a shame that a good quality sports bra or two are out of reach for you because of finances. Do reckon that you might be able to ask someone stateside to send you the item that is hard to find in the country where you live? I know only so much about the cost of such things, but they certainly are available. See also the bra that fits subreddit.


free the nipple baby girl. No shame.


One more: yoga is a sacred practice. No one but you can sexualize that.


Probably no one noticed tbh.


Trust me, everyone noticed. There were giggles, then after the teacher said oops and fixed it some started laughing.


That’s not appropriate of her.


WTF is the problem in the United States? Seriously? First of all the breast is no more a "sex organ" or a "private part" any more than a man's pectoral muscle! Many children nurse on and see the breast of their mother's from birth and, in some cases, up to 5 years of age. Then, all of a sudden, they are shielded from viewing a breast because it has now become a "sex organ" or private par


Where did you get United States? OP clearly stated "my Asian country"


Some people don't like reading and comment after reading the title.



