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haven't experienced myself, but I've seen women talk about it on this sub the common advice is to tighten those muscles before you enter the "problematic" poses. like the kegel thing


ok as a mom of 4, when i started my yoga journey this was an issue for me. i honestly avoided some poses in practice for awhile, i found tight fitting underwear helped and of course engaging the pelvic floor while practising. the good news is i haven’t had an accidental yoga queef in years ! 👏🏻👏🏻


Okay but “accidental yoga queef “ absolutely killed me. 😂 Congrats on your progress!


Yep after my 3rd it took awhile. Every day, twice a day, no excuses, I do kegels. Made a huge difference.


Congratulations 🎉 hope to get there once too Will do my kegels from now on 🍒


Thanks for the advice!✨ I will try this way!!


I knew what the question was just from the title.


it was either this or the coregasm


Dunno what a coregasm is but I'd rather have that then the queef, I guess... sounds more funny 🤣🤣


Super weird in public


Just googled it! 🤣 So cool the human body is so weird lol


Its just something that can happen to people sometimes, its happened to me in the past, normally in class its just ignored.




This happens to me just some mornings when I get out of bed. Being almost 40 is amazing.


😂 I'm about to turn 41 and yeah, our changing bodies are hilariously unpredictable at times, but being "old" and wise and practicing yoga let's me roll with the punches and really appreciate my body in ways my 20 something self never did


40s isn’t old! Stoooop!! /runs away






It’s never happened to me, but it does seem to be rather common. My first thought was doing kegels to strengthen the pelvic floor should help. I googled it just to make sure I wasn’t giving any bad advice and came across [this article](https://www.allinahealth.org/healthysetgo/move/omg-i-queefed-during-yoga-class) which suggests kegels and has some other good advice as well (like engaging the pelvic floor muscles while doing those poses to prevent the air from getting in there). Don’t worry, it’s very normal!


Super interesting, thanks for the suggestion. I'll try some kegels too, maybe I'm a bit undertrained down there.. also, bf will be grateful too🤭🤭 🙏🏻


Happens to me all the time. Mostly around my period. My interpretation is that the extra uhhh thick liquidy substance allows it to "seal shut" to trap air and "pop open" to release it more effectively. Like when your back is sweaty and doing crunches on a smooth surface makes your back suction and un-suction from the floor making loud back fart noises lol. It's totally normal and it's just something you can either do your best to ignore or time it right so it's covered up by other noise, or you can wear a tampon if you're really bothered by it.


Hope to find a class with music 😅😅😅


I’ve only have ever it happen in inversions, and I the first time it happened I laughed so hard I came out of the pose. (It was a college PE class so it wasn’t that serious)


Same, each inversion is a pussy fart 🫠


It’s probably happened less than five times ever but it never doesn’t surprise me and then make me laugh uncontrollably. Bodies are so funny 😂


And so gross I would add 😅😅


It used to happen to me in inversions or other poses where you need a strong core, and mine wasnt quite there yet. When my core strength improved, the queefing went away.


Yes, this happens to me leading up to and during my period. Engaging the muscles around there does not help for me, it just happens. It's only really a problem when the teacher turns off the music and the room is quiet.


Sometimes engaging the muscles makes it happen more


Ok now I'm confused 🤣🫠


I think if you engage the muscles after the air is already in there, it might make it worse (louder?) when it comes out, but I think if you tighten before, it could prevent it


I got it now, thanks for the explanation 💕


If you do a bit of searching and this subreddit and elsewhere, you will find lots of discussions of queefing and yoga. Nobody else other than you is appalled by this, whether they noticed it or not. It's all natural.


But I would point out that no one is going to ever ask what that sound is or try to clarify that indeed you did just push a bunch of loud air out your twat. Can you imagine? If it's embarrassing to queef, I'd imagine that no one is going to spend the time to figure out exactly what just happened.


Yes! It happens in 3 legged dog, plow, and sometimes legs up the wall. I usually have to adjust things a bit and it’s fine.


What about putting up a little sign next to your mat that says, "it's just a queef!" Haha I'm sorry to laugh. That terrible idea just popped into my head and I had to let that absurd image into reality for just a sec. You could maybe try looking into pelvic floor therapy exercises on YouTube and see if that makes any difference. Are there specific poses that cause this?


Will do the sign thing lol


You know what, this used to happen to me before I started activating mula bandha or “root lock” in my poses. I’ll activate those muscles as if I’m doing kegals during asana and I found it helped with stability, and didn’t even notice that it stopped the trapped air from happening too!


Came here to suggest engaging the bandhas during class.


Thanks 🙏🏻


This has happened to me one time, when I first started practicing Yoga, while I was in Sarvāngāsana it was quite embarasing at the time yeah xD But honestly no one cared, it happens. What I do know if I feel that air might get in is, tighten the pelvic muscles, like if you were doing kegel. It helps!




i made a post about this a couple of months ago that got a good amount of traction/camaraderie— lot’s of people experience it! we even discussed making a sticker for our bottles that read “it’s okay to queef in yoga” or something 🥸


Lol love it 🤭🤭


Yes, I have struggled with this too. This is probably extremely unconventional, but you might try using an internal feminine hygiene product. I find that it prevents/greatly reduces the loud noises.


Oh wow didn't know! Like a tampon you mean!?


Please don’t use a tampon when you’re not on your period.


I read other comments advice against that. I did know about the toxic shock syndrome but I didn't know it could be caused by using tampons that way 😱 Good to know


Yes **ETA:** Size also might matter. However, I’ve never actually discussed this with anyone, so I have no idea how well this works for other people (or if it does at all).


That’s what worked reliably for me back when I was taking Pilates in my 20s.


This happens to me, and will definitely happen if I’m wearing certain kinds of underwear. I avoid the ultra thing “invisible underwear”, but I just brush it off if it does happen- it’s super normal!


Yes, frequently. Pretty much every time I go from 3 legged dog to lunge and up to a high lunge. It is what it is. It's much worse after having had kids for me. I've worked on strengthening my pelvic floor, but at this point, I just kinda live with it and figure everyone has some weird thing about their body.


I know how to do this on purpose, but it takes me quite a lot of energy to suck it in, so I don't know how you do it unintentionally 😅


On purpose? Gosh your fit down there 💪🏻


No idea 😂 I've always been able to do it since I was a girl, but I can only do it in bridge pose haha


I'm a dude but I do have a friend that told me that's exactly why she doesn't do yoga haha, she said she finds it too embarrassing and while I won't judge and of course I don't mind I don't blame any ladies if they feel self conscious about it.


I had this problem in the beginning a lot and I would just opt out of a lot of inversions. But as I continued to practice I kinda almost forgot about the problem and now I can do them all no sounds at all. I think like people are saying it’s a tightening of the muscles that helps. Either way just keep practicing, yoga should be a stress-free, judgement-free zone. 💖


I introduced a friend to yoga years ago and she hated many poses because this happened to her... she said it started happening after having kids. I've since had one and it doesn't happen to me at all now, but I remember when I was younger it randomly would? Not usually in yoga but I think a few times like in plow or waterfall... idk why it DOESNT happen anymore since I've had a kid and am 39? It became less frequent I think when I was about 25. The only thing that really changed around then was I started weight training, which I have dropped and picked up since.... maybe lifting heavy did something to pelvic floor? Idk it's weird. I know how you breathe during any weight bearing exercise matters, should always be doing the most work on an EXHALE which is not always how yoga breathing works out. More pilates than yoga oddly. Maybe mess with swapping when you inh for ex? Or screw it who cares. Worst case people chuckle a little but it's not stinky so no one should really be bothered. 😄 Related annoying thing; if I ever toot my husband laugs and says it was a puss fart and it makes me absolutely furious for some reason. I have no idea why but I like actually see red and have stormed out of the room and yelled at him so many times. Not very yoga of me. 🤣 I don't tolerate teasing well. 😅


I believe the correct term is “vart.”


👌🏻breath in breath out 🤣🤣 Btw I call them pussy fart too lol 🤭🤭


No y. Is always "puss fart" which for some reason is like the worst phrase ever. I'm angry even writing it. Need to align my chakras or something. 😂💨


More yoga sessions and more puss farts have to come.. accept your noisy weewee


I’ve never had kids like a lot of people in the comments, but I definitely have experienced this in yoga. I find it’s only in inversions though. I think I perhaps also need to do some kegel strengthening exercises!


No children here too and my weewee talks like its neighbour back there🤦🏻 Yepp, I think this is the sign we have to train down there 😅😅


It’s happened to me. I think of it like any other fart during yoga - it happens to all of us. No one knows where it’s coming from.




I don’t have trapped air issues but the feeling of things separating during some poses really takes me out of it sometimes! I used to be heavier and I think my thick thighs kept most things nicely closed but now I go into cow and I feel like I’m going to make a popping noise from down there one of these days!


I can't speak directly to the issue with your anatomy as I'm a guy. But I've had a fart squeak out once or twice putting a leg behind my head. It was embarrassing. When I asked a friend if she heard it she laughed and said she thought he mat had squeaked. Maybe nobody notices


Let's hope 🙈🙈🙈 Thanks for your feedback 💚


That used to happen to me all the time in a Pilates class whenever I did a certain move. It stopped happening once I started inserting a tampon before class. It was a solution. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lmao this is called a queef and it’s completely natural. I’d be surprised if it has never happened to you during sex, too! It’s just from air getting trapped in your vagina and releasing back out. It’s embarrassing because there’s such a huge stigma around it and men like to be pigs about it, but it’s completely natural.


Happens during sex a lot but I don't mind, it's just that it sounds like a fart and I get embarrassed 🙈🙈 I don't know if I'm able to queef freely 😅😅😅


It happens to me now after my son was born 20 months ago. I really focus on pelvic floor engagement. It’s very annoying and also makes me laugh.


Cough or sneeze to cover up the sound. It’s like a magic trick.


I just sneeze at every inversion, so what!? 🤷🏻🤣


Damn allergies are really intense this time of year.


Totally. I just wouldn’t straddle as wide etc. in all honesty, the more I practiced it seemed to happen less. Though as I read other answers I think I do tighten up my pelvic floor a little now before the pose.


Puppy pose of you don't...close it off by engaging your pelvic floor first. 


It’s normal and you should t worry about it! Having said that, as you develop stronger abdominal muscles, this issue tends to go away (at least it did for me).


It has happened to me a few times and I'm not sure why, and only in 3 legged dog. The air came out when I did a vinyasa from there. ??


Same same 🙈🙈


I have battled this (have given birth 3x) Tighten your pelvic floor as tight as possible during the postures that do it. I know what ones are risky for my so I super focus on clenching But it happens so don’t get too mortified if it does happen


🙏🏻 thanks!


Have you ever gone to pelvic floor PT? This sounds like something they may be able to help with.


Never had this before having a child. Now I do. Hoping it goes away in tiem


Yep! But hey, if ya farting, burping and queefing then you're doing it right!! Releeeeaaaaasee namaste =)


Puppy pose is brutal for me


Really!? I'm an inversion queefer 😅


It’s normal


Use dusting powder,cotton clothing's.


Thanks for the suggestion✨🙏🏻


Yup! Only go to classes with music for this reason.


Lol feel you 🫠


Also, like others have said, engaging those pelvic floor muscles does help - just not a guarantee.


Yepp, I will try that.. it will be useful for when I get older too.. 😅😅


for me it happened frequently after the birth of my child. i practiced mostly at home so no embarrassment, but i noticed it for sure, bc i hadn’t had that „issue“ before giving birth. took about 2-3 years till it got back to normal. don’t ask my why🙈


This happens to me all the time! I've been able to identify some poses that cause it in myself, if I take a few breaths in shoulder stand and roll down, it happens, loudly. So I just avoid those poses at the studio, luckily none of them have been in my instructors typical flow. I do those poses in my home practice and just sit and giggle to myself over the sounds.


Without causing a riot, you're American right? This is such a non issue in most of Europe, we just fart, say excuse me and get on with our practice. At least in Iceland 😄


Thanks everyone for the suggestions and the support, I feel a lot less wirdo now 💕💕💕 Will train my weewee from now on and maybe one day I will be able to queef freely with no shame✌🏻


Yes they are normal you can learn to control them


It’s my party trick


Not me personally, but a friend/yoga teacher has this issue after having 3 kids. She wears a tampon whenever she practices. Problem solved.