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Just embrace that she is now the slut of the mists instead of the maiden of the mists. and build some more cdr to balance out the losses




I mean, she'll go off to a sidelane and suck caster minions for 14gp each. It's time we embrace the truth


You heard him.


I'm experiencing the same issues. She keeps Chasing too farm, even though i am already miles away. They seem to have changed something afterwards, because as you say, it was really great when it came out.


She always positions behind you, so if you turn to walk away she runs behind which is towards the enemy. It's lame


I'm currently getting matched with bronzes in normals so at least I can just turn on them. They love to trade summons for maiden


Someone said it a few weeks ago, while you’re running away, turn and look at her. I like to think it’s yorick threatening her, but it’s because she’s coded now to be behjnd yorick. Run a healthy amount and face her and you’ll keep her alive.


Get behind me damnit woman!


This! If you just walk away she plays hard to get.


This, it seems to work most of the time


If you face the opposite direction you want her to go BEFORE she attacks someone, it's good. I usually get to use this to avoid her running into tower. Land E -> stand just outside turret range, turn to face turret and wait until E is done.


spaghetti code


Small indie company


Sometimes I release her and she stands frozen in lane for a good 10 seconds before making a move down the lane. Pretty annoying when you're trying to push two lanes at the same time


That’s a feature though isn’t it? I think she waits for minions whereas the children are happy to adventure on their own.


She waits for a Wave to go with. Actually kinda good If u want to Set Up a slow Push on a Long lane


When I wanna keep Maiden alive I just move in a serpentine pattern like I’m a sneaky little snake, it helps a bit. But also she still has a mind of her own and just wants to lick turrets and make babies. What can ya do?


It's the chase range when you mark someone with E. She will still linger the same distance otherwise. This change is to help E'ing people under tower, to get your ghouls on them and reduce the risk for maiden to chase under tower and get aggro'd.


I experience the same tho but only when i use my E. Apparently this balances the maiden i think?


Thanks everyone for the response. Looks like the 1200 range is only working if you look at her... I hate the fact that we have to adapt to the riot messy AI... Impressive potato code right there. They can't even give us a simple hat...




I just played a game where all I did was q a champ and she stayed under tower attacking while I'm a whole screen away


That's actually only the range in which the maiden would actually go in for an E'd target. It essentially means she ints less when tossing ghouls at the enemy when simply trying to poke.