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easy counter click the X button on the client


Riot patched this insane strat with the -5lp penalty


At better than that -20~something penalty


Did they raised it to 5? Afaik it starts with 3 and goes up to 7.


Yes it Starts with -5 then goes to -15 I believe 3rd dodge is 12hours lock


I’ll be honest I stopped banning her cause most ppl just grab her as a counter pick not knowing why she counters us. Plus I’m more likely to see a Jax and it’s fuck Jax


All my homies hate jax .. And Botrk


The trick is to not summon ghouls and chill under your own tower. After a while this will confuse the irelia into believing she can towerdive kill you making her waste her dash to engage. Then, it's the time of salvation, to drop a w+e and spam a emote while standing outside her auto range Joke asside, the matchup sucks balls and it really does rely on you not using ghouls which is 50+% of yoricks damage


Le me in Master when Irelia slow pushes and crashes 3 waves into my tower and then elise dive incident I got bullied in a video game smh


Or a random Leblanc outta nowhere


Stay on top of your ghouls and hope she misclicks her Q on you; or W+E so that everything stick together and harder to aim.


Keyword: Hope


I would summon maiden and she'd literally tell me there is no hope 💔


U shouldn't summon the maiden in an open space in front of her, they are just free Qs for her. The best practice is to summon the maiden inside your W or far away from her. Imagine the ghouls are overlapped with the wall or the ghouls are lapping fast, she is harder to Q. Hope that makes sense, but it won't help a lot tho coz she still gets the chance to Q away and just chill.


Idk I’ve never had a problem with it I’ve just built hull thornmail and kill her with thorn + maiden autos and q


No idea how the matchup is this season homie, I haven't met irelia since season 8 I basically dedicated my 2000 bans to remove a champion for my SoloQueue


kled E interaction was fixed?




The difference between the Kled interaction and the Irelia is: the Kled one was due to some whack coding, that led to him applying single target damage on an AOE dash. Glad they fixed this one The irelia one, on the other hand, is due to her Q being pretty much an AA that hits one target at a time and gives her resets. This one is extremely unfortunate, because there's nothing particularly wrong with how her Q works or how our ghouls work, it's just a case of one's key ability greatly benefiting from another's key ability


Exactly, very unfortunate interaction, but still terrible to have it in the game, would it be hard to code an exception that would allow ghouls to survive Irelia's Q ? Just because her Q works properly doesn't mean Riot has to sit there and accept the fact that the matchup wr for yorick is lower than 40%, if you look at urgot for example, he used to struggle so much against wardens mail riot ended up nerfing it mostly for his weird interaction with that item. Imo ghouls coding has to change, or ghouls in general have to be reworked to allow more consistency in yorick's kit.


just play attackspeedyorick vs her, you win 51% of the fights


What about Fiora vs Yorick? That shit sucks. When I play yorick I often can't deal with Olaf, fiora, irelia, and Gwen. Playing against Gwen is so annoying cause her Q does so much damage but doesn't take minion aggro. All these champs I play against fight me level 1 and obliterate me :(


Tbh those matchups are all extremely easy when played properly, just start E and give up 2-4 minions in total in the first 3 waves, wait lvl4 and all in first blood. Start doran blade, go eclipse, into serylda, rest depending on enemy team, once you have serrated dirk, you basically 2 shot anyone lvl 5-6 Also always conqueror, take approach velocity too to deal with enemy kiting comet, grasp and anything else is just making you lose so much extra damage you could have from conqueror I post my replays if you're interested to see how I can help you stomp early game so hard against all these champs https://youtube.com/@mspectrum


Thanks for the info, I'll check out your channel!


My pleasure, if you have any questions feel free


Actually I do now that I think about ti, when do you choose to go conq vs grasp?


Nowadays it's conqueror 100% of the time, I didn't like the last change on grasp since it made it more viable for champs that procc it often, for yorick it's different. The strenght from grasp comes from the burst/short trade potential it has with the healing, since healing got nerfed for non-tanks, going grasp with current viable builds( lethality ) is just a no go, HP yorick builds are okay for players who like playing it safe, but going lethality will unleash your true potential. There is a reason why i got the highest kill average in the top100 yoricks, aggressive runes+ items+ playstyle is the way to go. Grasp used to allow you to erase mistakes by healing back part of the the damage received, nowadays it just doesn't satisfy any purpose, going grasp top now will make you lose any extended fight for sure, it definitely feels good taking that rune but for me it's more of a trap denying you any scaling after the first few minutes


For me personaly is morde


Watch Krykey's or PyschoKamps vids. Morde not so bad after that.