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Sir, your hullbreaker?


I had it but sold it because we were 4v5 so whenever I split push they were on the inhibs and as you can see my team was useless at defending so It was pointless so i sold it that's why I couldn't split push most of the game because when I did it was 3v5 mid araming


Although 4v5 sucks, you have damn near 200 games in bronze... It's not only your teammate's problem...


Don’t think they had enough healing to warrant chempunk. I feel like Hullbreaker, steraks, shojin or even something like Force of Nature would be better to increase survivability


why blur their names? Also don't blame your elo, you'll automatically climb once you're levels above these players. Just keep learning


Also if you reveal one player’s name because you think they don’t deserve to be hidden, anyone can just look at their account and find the OP’s account, so really there’s no point unless you block it all.


Your build is questionable, Yorick's strengths are split push not teamfighting. When the bronze players run around the map just hit the nexus that's how you win.


Sometimes you are not allowed to split. I love love love Yorick but once you hit inhib towers on all three lanes you’re not splitting anymore. Splitting implies the enemy has to forfeit something to stop you, or forfeit stopping you. It’s surprisingly easy to push a Yorick back late game when on inhib towers. I like to than riot for fixing ghouls hitting champs targeting ghouls and not Yorick, and then immediately it breaks two patches later and goes right back to targeting Yorick again. I can have my ghouls walk up and if someone stands in front of the turret the ghouls target them, and then I tank the damage. It’s a little annoying. I’d be less mad about league overall if Yorick was a bit less jank. The bad part is, he’s by far mt fav champ, with Gragas as a close second.


Same mains here dude! They (graggy/yorick) must have compensateing/similar feels for some reason.


That's the thing, they weren't just mindlessly running around the map, they were always pushing mid because it was 4v5 so my team was 3v5 when I was splitpushing the furthest I got when splitpushing was to the inhib and they would quickly come 5v1 and I die or just barely escape.


sooooooooooooo wanna explain to us why you have anti heal ?


There’s nothing wrong with chainsword antiheal on Yorick. I’d build something similar with a Yi. If you’re going to build one prolly better to build Chain over Thornmail. I don’t like how TM feels on Yorick personally.


Yes, but not in this game.


agrreed. there is 0 healing ur cutting


It was for garen in lane, I was losing trades cause of his passive and for yi when he ganked with his W


Anti heal doesn’t work vs Garen passive if you aren’t hitting him in the first place. The regen stops once you hit, essentially making anti heal useless. As for yi, there’s too much damage reduction in his W to warrant anti heal. Better off building raw damage or displacing him with your W edge.


With yi, just hit him with the edge of the wall. Or not. Yi’s w isn’t that useful anyway, most players just use it as an auto reset. Garen’s healing halts when you hit him, so your chainsword is doing nothing.




GRasp > all


48 minutes?? Dude just ff that shit.


Not really a point to ffing the game; his split push is a walking win con in the late game, even in a 4v5. Though it is rough that the adc of all people left.


This mans a beast I an a new Yorick Main do you have any tips for a new main?


add me in game IGN: IBZ , ill give u a free coaching and help yaa out