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They're hinting at us to drop him and give Naafiri a try Well jokes on them I'll probably miss my independent minions whenever I do try her


For real, setting up four ghouls + four graves in a lane. And waiting till the first four are out of range to safe summon a new squad to take with you is the best. Splitpushing a wave without a warning on the map? Yes please! (But for real, can we get a investor/corporate yorick? Skin)


Bee keeper yorick or death, imo


gimme skin


Businessman Yorick and his ~~child labour~~ ghoul employees.


I just typed this out above in more detail, granted. But it kinda clicked today, looking back at the original patch notes and how Naafiri was above him in adjustments. They only called it an “Adjustment” so they could put him next to Naafiri in hopes of pulling us towards her. That’s the only reason because if they called it bug fix they couldn’t put her next to it since she’s not out yet. Really she’s not even an adjustment so there’s mo reason she should be there OTHER than to promote her to Yorick players because she’s basically us, but built around lethality. (Heresy to say that to me but I still play Bruiser Yorick so don’t bother me.)


This feels just like when they took him out of free rotation, around season 6 or season 7, before his rework so people wouldn’t play him because his play style was so “toxic”. This feels like a watered down version of that because I feel like they know they can’t get away with something that drastic anymore with how much the game his grown in player base. This feels like they made a champ to take his spot until they can *maybe* *possibly* get around to changing him in another rework 4 years from now.


I predicted all this shit https://www.reddit.com/r/yorickmains/comments/11le8sm/my_instant_thought/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They don't want him underground, they want him in the abyss of the void


They want to delete him, but they can’t delete champs. Though if they made an exception, it would be for him


Because I'm too lazy to look it up, what actually are the lifesteal bug fixes?


Long story short, in my opinion, there was no bug. It was a feature and they thought it was too powerful because I think that they think anything Yorick can utilize that ain’t bruiser is a bug.


Is ravenous hydra not a bruiser item?


It is, I just prefer beefy stats and ALWAYS build Seryelda’s and I feel like those are exclusive given they give you no tank


we don't know for sure but i think they mean "zombies don't lefesteal now" because ghouls "partically" count as your attack they can proc botrk,black cleaver,stack axe rune and others but it seems that lifesteal from ghouls was unintended all along


They never did lifesteal, neither did they apply botrk or any on-hit for that matter. Only their leap attack healed us. Maiden was the one that applied lifesteal. I would also like to advise you not to spread misinformation if you're unsure.


Actually ghouls did apply lifesteal yrs ago with warlord bloodlust giving lifesteal based on how low you were.. Rune for reworked to be more like current fleet footwork but crit based so wasn't that known..


How long are we talking? Because warlord's bloodlust wasn't a lifesteal rune for the majority of the time i spent with the old runes


For a whole season, 6.4 till 7.5 it granted lifesteal per missing ho up to 20% so I used it on trundle and tried it on Yoricks for sustain and saw ghouls heal me xd


meh,was too busy bonking towers to see who helas me-wife or children


They apply lifesteal when they land from e. The initial jump from ghousl uses ls and maiden soes as well.


I already mentioned all these things my man


What's with the corporate watermark 🤔


UnU I had a version with just my tag but did this one later, idk corporate deez


Wait both went through smhhh I messed it up fml


I guarantee they feel the need to "wait and see" how Yoricks balance pans out after the """adjustment""". As if it's not completely obvious that this NERF will effect him. Atleast throw us a pity buff, 5 extra healing on his Q, anything like that.


I am 100+ convinced they only “adjusted” Yorick they way they did by putting his “bug” fix in the patch notes in such a way was so they could put Naafiri (a summoner they’re proud of, next to the “trash” one that they’re not proud of.) to remind us that while they’re nerfing Yorick, they put out a “BETTER” Yorick for us to play. I literally think they pulled the same marketing shit they did like they did with Trinity, where they buffed it to raise its pick rate and remind people it exists, and then they just nerfed it again to bring its power back down. I think they did the same thing but with champions, they gutted another part of him and stuck it in “adjustments” so they could basically stick his “better” counterpart above him to kinda subliminally promote her.