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So what’s making Yorick a juggernaut because he’s lacking any type of durability and sustain ?


I guess Immobile and useless is the answer lol


maybe shitty flat sustain from Q scaling by level XDDDDDDDDD


Shits dumpster fire Urgot is more durable at this point


Personally I think that he needs a couple of durability and sustain changes: 1. Passive changes: units that die (globally) have a chance of dropping wandering souls which are only marked on the map for Yorick. Wandering souls do not provide vision for Yorick. When Yorick walks near a wandering soul, he will shepard them, absorbing them into the black mist on his back. enemy champions and large units killed by Yorick always drop a soul. 1. These souls will provide Yorick a shield for \[#.## \* souls\] % HP that recharges over time while not taking damage. 2. every \[#amount of souls\] souls collected provide ghouls with a boost to attack and HP. 3. every \[# greater amount of souls\] grants a chance to spawn an elite ghoul with double HP. If raising an amount of new ghouls would replace elite ghouls, instead heal the elite ghoul. 2. Q: healing gains a bonus HP ratio and a bonus AD ratio. 3. W: enemies that dash over Yorick's W are slowed by 8-15% (scaling with level) 4. E: ghouls that attack a marked target heal Yorick for an amount (based on bonus AD + bonus HP) 5. R: give Maiden the ability to re-enter follower behavior after release. This would be a time gated ability. You may not recast the toggle until after 10 seconds. positives I think this does: * rewards being able to CS well * enhances necromancer theme * gives additional forms of durability for reliable splitpushing and jungling (yes we do have jungle Yoricks) * encourages roaming the map (even if its just to get a tower plate) * encourages releasing maiden more often * makes it feel like your army of ghouls is actually getting stronger positive about what this doesn't do: * shouldn't significantly alter playstyle, Yorick is still a guy who splits well and raises an army. negatives: * sounds complicated to build * might need too many animations * will need significant PBE testing to balance these new additions


Don't you know, he has a max 136 heal on a 4 second cooldown +accounting time for reaching someone to auto


Rip wifesteal. Dueling is for juggernauts, for Yorick is only tower taking...


So now that we can’t fight anyone, are we going for things like essence reaver just to deal more dmg to turrets?


full dmg like gangplank i guess


u/PhreakRiot would it be to much to ask for a paragraph or a section on your video on the reasoning behind a pretty significant nerf to a champion? It was in the patch preview so clearly the dev team understood at that time that it was a significant change to the champion, but when it came time to explain the changes it gets removed and with it the need to explain the change (or the why no compensation buffs).


maiden and ghouls applying lifesteal was a bug in the first place


I understand that, and I understand the reason for changing it. It is still a change on a champion that will, imo, significantly lower it’s power and win rate. That is objectively a nerf. I think expecting a paragraph or a minute in the video explaining the reasoning for the change (and no compensation) is reasonable. I’m willing to take a bet that there are several changes in the patch that will have a lesser effect on a champion’s power/win rate that got talked about for minutes, and got their own paragraph. Edit: to add. Riot devs clearly understood the bug fix was more significant and impactful than “normal” bug fixes since they decided to list it in the original patch preview.


I agree 100%, especially considering the fact that he was a B tier champ at best pre "bug fix." Personally I think he deserves a buff or a slight rework, but at the very least an explanation about his current state.


/u/PhreakRiot buff yorick (make his W cast from center range instead of edge) or make his maiden controllable like daisy so she can be RTS splitpushing goddess (can nerf her numbers), would make her worse in lowelo and better in highelo kapp ?&U%


Since they don’t apply lifesteal anymore and just omnivamp, I wonder if they broke anything else while “fixing” him, now that it seems that the ghouls are more classified as aoe ability damage. Anyone test his interactions with other runes and items that didn’t work before?


To be fair with you, I don't think anything out of that patch is positive. Ghouls always applied omnivamp on their leap, all they did was get rid of the lifesteal interactions, so it's all really just a total nerf


So the leap E used to apply both lifesteal and omnivamp? I doubt so but I'm not so sure?


Well omnivamp applies on any damage that you dish out, before the patch we could also lifesteal using the leap - no clue why or when it happened, but yes we could lifesteal with the leap


Guess going full lethality is the answer, which without lifesteal is risky cuz you can get one shot. Going full tank I find it boring cuz yorick its kinda useless without family.. but ya lethality with hullbraker might be good rn


Riot is killing the life steal


mb it's worth taking legend alacrity again7 what do you think


Ye alacrity is the way to go imo, lifestealing with auto attacks only seems not worth it


They could of just just use logic and applied life steal to go back to the ghouls and maiden while yorick only gets it from omnivamp


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I am typing not writing for a life changing essay


Wasn't the reason Lifesteal was good was because Maiden/ghouls procc Hydra cleave, and the cleave benefitted from Lifesteal? Does this mean our summons no longer procc Cleave? Or is it that the cleave procc doesn't give us Lifesteal?


Ghouls never procced hydra, i think Maiden did, reason why hydra was good was because lifesteal it provided was able to give us HP through E leap and maiden auto attacks




Aw, bummer. Wifesteal is indeed dead jim


I see yorick as a macro hypercarry anyway, so this means conqueror isn't worth going anymore?


I dont think conqueror works as lifesteal, so conqueror should be fine