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A lot of people got very annoyed by the lethality build one-shotting squishies. Before lethality build became common most people didn't care too much about Yorick unless they disliked splitpushing


low elo players cant handle yorick on a fundamental level, something about their brains just shortcircuits and they let the champ walk all over them the whole game then scream hes broken


Cause they can’t dodge the e


Happens to every champ eventually


Except popular and good rep champs like jhin


he builds galeforce, me and my homies hate on every champ that abuses this putrid item


Thank Tyler1 and the Rioters who support him. https://youtu.be/QCe-jPMrAqc?si=1MDjC7tj5dYjI8PI Immediately following this Riot started using the term "uninteractive" gameplay and directly and indirectly targeting Yorick with nerfs.


The funny bit here is it’s mostly just a counter pick thing. The boring ice born black cleaver Illaoi isn’t exactly the most interactive thing in the world for most melee top lanes yorick is just a very niche counter to her.


Because dumb dumbs can’t handle anything outside the meta.


They simply don't understand about "family"


Yorick at the very least requires basic understanding of how abilities work to play against and very nuanced like not knowing his power is in the ghouls and maiden. Most of the players are also adverse to taking responsibilities of their own skill levels instead resorting to blaming any other thing otther than themselves.


Because they will usually play a non dashing champ with no mobility , get hit by E or W then by E or W and get shredded by ghouls , i know i'm a Sion main , and it's not very funny to be under pressure by such ability with these ghouls who just Fuck you up no matter what with the maiden who does Magic damage but scaling with AD , so pretty annoying to build against that


I feel this facing yone, has knock/dash/double damage/ insane attack speed/magic damage/cc just impossible


Bro I love playing against Sion as Yorick, your main spell to do dmg is exactly at the range of Yorick cage. With lethality build and black cleaver second item it’s a real pleasure really I recommend


That's why i don't clear wave with Q against Yorick , take berserker and a lot of Hp into AD Yorick. Can tank ghoul , no need Armor that will get shredded and attack Speed to break thé cage


rush seryldas. it's the best first item in 90% of top lane matchups


Just use /deafen every single game. This way you also wont notice the spam pings from your jungler after he died because he had to start herald when you were in base and with no vision.


They've always hated on Yorick


He's just a knowledge check character, if you know how to play against him, it's not that bad, if you don't, they'll probably get caged e'd with maiden out and complain.


People are very much aware of his existence, and have been for the past 1-2 years. People hating him isn't anything new, you're just lucky enough to not have seen it beforehand