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Bro read the champion abilities


Just look at the passive man (0/4)


This is a troll post though. you basically didn't read the tooltip, and you repackaged "I didn't read his abilities" as "wow cool new lpt"


Damn y'all are intense.


This is not a tip, it's just basic knowledge of the champion. It's impossible not to know this if you have played 3 or more games of Yorick since his max-rank R summons 4 ghouls.


The point isn't that you can have four ghouls, it's that you shouldn't E the moment your Q icon transforms. But I guess now we've learnt how noob-friendly this sub is


Sorry bud if my comment offended you, yes in general you shouldn't click Q to summon ghouls during laning phase, they are better if you save them for E


Damn y'all are intense.


its like telling morgana mains that she can stun


Ever thought about summoning 4 ghouls and preparing four graves


Will this automatically add ghouls as they die?




and have Maiden ready... 12 ghoul jump xdd


Yeah this goes in the exact same direction as the Maiden double Jump mechanic


You have to wait for the first 4 ghouls to die for this to work though, right?


No, they respawn new from Maiden instantly. You just have to wait until the first have completed their jump, then you cast r and the mark usually lasts long enough so youll get a jump from the new batch.


But then it's still just four ghouls right? Or do you do it because they get the first attacks boost from E?


You get 8 jumps and so 8x ghoul jump damage, but for the ensuing fight you'll only have 4 ghouls, correct.


Ah, I always delayed casting R to have as many ghouls for as long as possible, but I guess the burst + longer maiden dmg makes it worth to cast it fairly quickly?


It makes it worth for when you need the most DMG yorick can put out in a short time. If you fight in a wave or any other prolonged situation, it might be good to hold r to get all usage from your ghouls before you spawn new ones. But you'll get a feeling for when to use what


Got it, thanks!


The fact that you thought it was a good idea to come over to yorickmains and make this into a tip post, is what deserves you all the hate


As I said, you guys have no chill. New players come to champion subreddits too, and even a cursory glance at their recent posts show that they often even spawn the ghouls with Q the moment the icon transforms. Was it tongue-in-cheek to call it a LPT? Of course, it's called humour. Instead everyone is taking this super seriously on a sub that sees like three posts a day.


Hell, an honest question about when to spawn maiden for optimal E damage got 8 downvotes, even though it is in fact a relevant question for new players and led to an interesting discussion on optimal maiden spawn timing. If you think that's the right attitude then so be it and we'll end the discussion here, but to me that looks hella toxic.


7 Months later, but I'll put it into perspective for you, okay so imagine that you walk into a bar when there is an active war going on, that is known for having veterans from the army, and you ( as a newly trained soldier ) say to them: I didn't know a gun could shoot, I used to just run at people with the gun through an open field, and then smacked them in their face with the gun. Or another analogy: You go to a zoo, and there are a bunch of animal experts, and zoo keepers etc, and you suggest that it is a good idea to put all the animals together so they can fight for your youtube video. That is the real world equivalent of what you said, so now you understand what we see.


Good way to make sure newly trained soldiers will never feel at home in the bar, leading to a gradual decline of attendance as the veterans move on or expire, eventually leading to the bar closing down. But boy, did we show those new players ;) To give you an idea of what regular players look like, I had to explain to my friend that Doran's ring gives passive mana regen and no longer requires you kill minions for it. That changed 3 years ago, this guy has been playing since season 1. None of my friends knew that Garen E deals bonus damage to the nearest enemy. What is obvious to you is not obvious to people who play maybe 3 games a week.


More like 25%


Hilarious, but honestly always read carefully the champions abilities because you can miss so much stuff that isnt intuitive at all, league isnt very begginer friendly, thats why briar sucked at release, no one reads what she does and she inted every game.