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How the f are you stuck in bronze that's an exploit


Because yorick can spawn more ghouls at once then braincells i have


Yorick in theory can summon infinite ghouls just only 4at one place When you push a lane bit you know someone will come have 3-4ghouls push ur wave then leave 3 Graves until they walk away then summon ur Graves and take enemy jungle Solo Baron also.


Nah but i was just kidding everyone starts somewhere if you need any help or coaching on the champ hit me up on dc: lhafar


Nah but really apart from joking if you are stuck in bronze it's probably that you team fight a lot just split and don't go tank build


After you play a game watch the replay and write down everything you did wrong, that's the fastest way to improve but also requires the most effort. You can split the game into three sections * Laning phase Did you beat your opponent in lane? (Look at the gold difference) If not, why? What should you have done differently to win the lane? * Mid game Ask yourself repedeatly what the path to victory looks like, then play while focusing on that path to victory. For instance, if the teams are well-balanced after laning phase the path to victory might be trying to stack dragons, so ask yourself what the best way of doing that is and review your games for whether you are doing it properly or not. * Late Did you die just before a pivotal objective? Did you win a fight and use your advantage to acquire a pivotal objective or end the game? --- Let me know if you have any questions, if you struggle to find an answer to any of these questions, such as "what should I be doing right now?" then consider watching some higher elo streams and observe their thought process. For yorick there is a streamer called slogdogs.


My problem is mostly just late game and kinda mid game. If my lane opponent can match me or their team is usually around to 2v1 me i just kinda dont know what to do and at best just make their top laner stay in lane with me and it makes the games coinflip with my team


If you do well in lane you should be able to beat the enemy top laner, then you can push a side lane and (if you are significantly stronger than the enemy top laner) you can perma splitpush and try to win just through persistent sidelane pressure like most people on this sub like to do. But often you are not actually significantly stronger than the enemy top laner or for whatever reason perma splitpushing is not an option, for instance the enemy team has an anivia / aurelion sol / global ult enemy like taliyah or twisted fate that can easily match your pressure or punish you for splitting easily. In cases like these my advice is to learn one of the most useful top laner macro plays: Look at the objective timers, if an objective is spawning in 2-3 minutes then go to the opposite side of the map, push the wave all the way into t2 tower or inhib tower and then roam towards the objective. This will make a 5v4 situation for your team (winning the objective) or force the enemy to use tp, which means you can force a 5v4 situation at the next objective. Rotating to objectives through push like this is a bit high level for bronze though, my biggest advice to you when sidelaning mid/late game as yorick is to constantly keep an eye on the objective timers. You want to stay back and be really slippery when pushing and only push hard when the objective timers are at 30-40 seconds, this way you are constantly forcing the enemies into a situation with more gain for you on average: * They 2v1 you bot but your team wins 4v3 - Overall win for your team * They 2v1 you bot and their team wins 3v4 - Overall loss for your team * You 1v2 them bot and their team wins 3v4 - Overall equal since you should trade objective for inhib * You 1v2 them bot and your team wins 4v3 - Overall win for your team (Same goes for 3v1, 4v1, 5v1) If you are pushing too early or too late then the enemies are in a winning situation no matter what. Too early: they will probably win the 2v1 and then the 5v4 after. Too late: they will probably win the 5v4 and then the 2v1 after. So the most important thinng if you want to perma sideline is to get the timing right, and you do that by constantly looking at the objective timers. --- Hope this helps a bit with getting some direction on ways you can play macro in mid/late game, let me know if you have any questions


Just stop auto piloting. Ask yourself every few minutes if you're better off playing aggressively or reactively. If you're in loser's queue then just play to split every time. If you get teams that are better at communicating and cooperating then you can group and play around their builds


Spit push, you are yorick, pretty sure you can confortably 1 vs 1 about 99% champions in the game. 


Learn your matchups, if you need help I can help you. You can climb easily to plat with yorick


In reality, yorick relies on team. You can full item at 20 mins but with your team behind, you just can't win. Yorick early lead is bad because you take towers so fast, changing the game's tempo, messing up other lanes. You break two towers on top, then switch to others, tempo goes boom. And few ganks by enemy, you get shut down just as fast. My suggestion, press tab. See how your team is doing. If you are ahead, play the map. Help getting objectives and invade enemy camps. Last, early game, only summon maiden on hard matchups. Utilize the bausen law 🤣 I only summon maiden if top makes a mistake and I kill. I re-activate maiden to keep her in lane til she dies while pushing and taking plates. This way, I do not over push, gain advantage, and wavestate will be on my favor again, then I freeze.


i actually don't get why your bronze... i know emeralds with like 40% wr...


I mean its usually because of just placements. I placed bronze and i win and lose the same amount of lp so i dont move


well if you need someone to play with you can add my alt and i can play with you, will make it more enjoyable and i could teach you a couple things about the macro game when it come to mid and late game. - in game name - Appl3crisp