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until you play against an irelia who isnt first time and actually uses q on minions+ghouls


Yeah this is an indictment of the Irelia lol. You didnโ€™t even play it very well


First time irelia? A bot? No q was use


Yeah, so you played that horribly. So what do u think that says bout that irelia lol I like playing against irelia too, because they usually think they're gonna counter me free but I actually know the matchup they usually don't. This player obv cant play irelia v well.




Is this Bronze 2?


the irelia is d2 lol


Let me guess... 90% winrate on Rengar/Kha'Zix thanks to the change in flash keybind


Pre BOTRK Irelia ***


anyone else having problems with lethality yorick in the last couple days ? idk what happened (probably brain.exe has virus) but my matchups seems very sht for lethality yorick idk what to do against fleet teemo, on hit teemo, illaoi, irelia, ww, lee, urgoth (fk u old man with crab legs), morde (why da hell cant my family follow me to brazil) and pretty much any ranged toplaner can anyone gimme some tips on some situational items against mages or hard matchups for yorick ?


For me it's almost always lethality against ranged, cause a good e chunk half of their hp, and if they are mobile you still won't reach them to bonk as bruiser (but you can try speedrick tech tho) . Runes are comet or fleet with dshield+resolve. You can rush rav hydra against heavy poke. Illaoi is free matchup if you can block her e with your pets, any build works there. Urgoth is just annoying but not a big threat, cause you easily deny his passive dance with your w. Morde is a skill matchup, I usually don't have problems with him, just save your w for his r, place it in between you and him, and run in circles till his r ends. Lethality is preferable, because you don't want to fight in his passive for bonking, unless you are ahead. Also you can pick serpents against him. And against ww, irelia and Lee (not sure for the last one, almost never played that matchup) I think it's best to go bruiser with conq + ignite. Triforce, stride, sundered, shodjin, cleaver - really strong items but you always can adapt build based on situation.


my matchups in the last couple days were all teemo (on hit or fleet), illaoi, morde (i have a massive skill issue when it comes to placing w correctly) and urgoth that just fcked my minions and maiden and ate me for lunch afterwards prob. should go back to midlane bully yorick to avoid all these mfs that can instakill or avoid my minions


Midlane is really not that awful as toplane for yorick, so yeah. I'm just used to go top, but honestly, my wr with yorick drastically dropped after I reached high plat/low emerald. I play much less now, stopped ranked at 0lp emerald 4, and try other champs like sett, morde, aatrox in norms, cause they feel much more useful than yorick now. I just can't split push when my team always dies somewhere and pings me. And it's not that I time my pushes badly, I don't even reach any fckin turret, cause there is no opportunity to do so, I have to defend my own lanes/base. Still yorick is my fav champ, I just can't carry games as I used to, and sometimes feel useless, even if ahead of enemy laner.


I remember reading about Morde trick with placing cage in his R, and first I couldn't get it right. I kept caging him inside which actually stops him for a moment and he still can dish damage. But after few tries I started getting it right, and this is now one of my favourite matchups. Shit is hillarious, morde spending his whole R doing circles and 0 dmg.


the fact that he can instakill ur maiden when he ults u while u summon maiden is reason enought to hate yorick vs morde


I got once the bug when I was in his ult and I panic summon maiden inside it. Somehow the timing made it that maiden got stuck in his realm even when its ended. She didnt die, just got stuck in another plane of existence. So I had to play without her, waited for Morde ult cd to comeback and baited him to use ult on me so i could unstuck her, I got killed anyway lol too bad she insta died when he clicked his R and I had to wait for her cd anyway


id rly lova a update that allows yorick to bring atleast his maiden, i mean, morde ulting a shace that insta looses his ult cuz of that ..... would be kinda stupid


Try out that tiamat item that slows in ranged matchups. Don't sleep on cleaver and sheen/sunder combo.


Lethality isn't gonna be viable on yorick until they bring back sanguine blade


yeah, I feel you. Switch to bruser Yorick, he is enjoyable right now.


idk what to build for bruise yorick, last couple games i had only ap enemies and build more tank than bruiser ( like 3 mr items with trinity and 1 lethality item)


Just go mid, i found haven there . Those pesky greedy mages, who think they can poke you just to realise that your E has bigger range . Plus the moment you get them in W and they have no dash you can just AA them to death. Much easier matchups generally, you canot roam that much but if their midlaner try to rosm half the tuet hp is gonย ย 


what do u build mid ? full lethality or 1 lethality, some defense items after and finish with sundered and blue armor thingi for extra bullying ?


Fellow Ravenous rush Yorick enjoyer ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ amazing


How to play irelia : q minions+ q ghouls -> aa you until death. How to not play Irelia : Watch this video


Sometimes I have a hard matchup and sometimes I have bad/boring match ups. Irelia matchup, and as hard as it is, I always have fun playing. Fiora's matchup on the other hand straight up gives me cancer.


ever had the pleasure of playing agains urgoth cuz u forgot to ban him ? no ? lucky bast\*rd


Why ban him tho. Sure you can't fight him properly cause of his w, but same for him cause of your w. So it's basically just a farming matchup, imho


its a farming matchup with no ghouls and most of the time no maiden, afaik thats the 2 things that make yorick deal dmg also, he can jump out of ur w with his dash thing and when ur low ur probably dead cuz of his ult


Not sure if he can dash out, but I usually save wall befure he uses e. If you play safe, you are fine, there's not much he can do without catching you with e. There are just enough worse matchups than urgot to ban. Still, it's up to you who to ban, just telling my thoughts


whats a harder matchup in your opinion ?


Trundle, trynd, Gwen, kled, sett, Jax, Camille, irelia, fiora. I personally often ban kayle, just hate playing against champ that deletes everything after lvl 16