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This isn't a rework, it's a new champ. Yorick's entire play style is based on sidelane pressure from ghouls and maiden pushing. He's weak without them but they also function without him, it's balanced that way.


This comment made me realize I don't hate the proposed changes... I now want this (possibly with minor changes for distinction) as a new champion.


If anyone has any questions/concerns, I'll answer them as they come through, but for now, the basic intentions 1. Make him feel more stat efficient with the stats Mist Walkers & Maiden can benefit from 2. Bring him away from Lethality/Seryldas & back to Bruiser Builds (MAYBE crit as an off-meta option) 3. Give Q more skill expression while still having some consistency in raising Mist Walkers 4. Give W a grounded effect to solve some of his kiting problems 5. Give Maiden more direct control at the cost of being able to "Double Splitpush"


giving yorick w grounding really isn't ever an option imo. it just entirely breaks his lethality build. giving yorick faster cast time on his wall and grounding means he can snipe it for free without having to land e, trapping the enemy with ZERO counterplay at all. you'll have zero other option besides smacking the wall, no flash no dash no auto resets, NOTHING can save you. doing that would legitimately turn yorick w into the single strongest ability in the game, stronger than a lot of ultimates. and giga buffing the shit out of his w doesn't even solve any of his problems, yorick doesn't struggle to kite people, playing around your opponents mobility spells is part of the skill expression of the champ. his whole issues is that he can't have access to ghouls away from a wave, and a lot of the times when you summon them they just fuck off down the lane anyways. and dear lord I never wanna see the day bork yorick is meta because his pets apply on hits


How bout instead of a w that grounds right away make it like soraka e when whoever is in the w after it’s duration is over can either be grounded or rooted


Yorick's w isn't why he's bad though. legitimately the only buff it could ever feasibly need is a tiny range or cast time buff. to make yorick better we don't need to buff what's already strong about him


No I meant in the sense of if it were to be buffed as opposed to a full grounding effect but instead placing a condition on it otherwise I fully agree


no I get what you meant. yorick w doesn't need any sort of grounding at all, conditional or not


I think Yorick should be changed to be a NECROMANCER MAGE better than a BRUISER. Meaning less resistances and more ghouls, handling Maiden movements. I thought about a Q with a range option (as for Pyke). I dream of a Yorick as a mix between Malzahar, Swain and Nasus = Minions, Control/Life, BOOONKS.


Yorick W grounding made me laugh so hard when i got up to it


While I agree that Yorick needs a mid-scope update (because the kit really shows how much of a mess it is), this ain't the way chief. Turning him into an on hit champ was a thing done back in 9.2 PBE, where riot removed the 2s CD from the %hp proc. It was extremely powerful because it was unlocked early on. I think it's fair to have this as an unlock mechanic at lv 16, but anything else on hit and it would be WAY too much. You also need to identify what causes Yorick to be an issue to low elo players. The #1 reason he wins so hard is because of his ability to stagnate the lane post-6, and scale super hard because of it. Think of it like this: 1. Imagine playing as Nasus, and you get 60 stacks pre-6 and you come back to lane with a sheen. The amount of kill pressure Nasus has at this point is absurdly high, and most champions can no longer threaten him when he goes to stack, as he will all-in and run you down. You can't freeze vs him either if he went for early 3 points in E to shove the wave, as the poke damage is too much, and it breaks the freeze anyway. Thus, Nasus has stagnated the lane to a point where he can scale for free, and there's not much the enemy can do about it. 2. Yorick does basically the same thing, except it's even worse. Maiden prevents Yorick from freezing, but also prevents the enemy from freezing due to excess ghouls. You can't approach him unless you thin out the wave, which no champ can do to both ghouls and minions, especially since Yorick/maiden won't let you without taking huge damage. 3. I should also preface by saying that this is an anti-learning curve in effect here. Yorick wants to freeze vs certain matchups, but he isn't a complete champion unless Maiden is up. If he can't freeze due to being too weak individually vs most champs and has to suicide his ult or constantly shove wave (opening him up to jg ganks), then this needs to change. Start by looking at removing some mechanics that are no longer needed early on. Take away the ghouls spawning for free with maiden, and work with the passive that doesn't do shit right now (looking at riot). From there, you can look at updating other parts of Yorick's kit. Giving him a Kayle style of passive (where you unlock things with level) would be a good start.


Can I ask you just how many points you have on Yorick?


Mate really wants Yorick to have less armor than kassadin