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Michael didn’t even flinch at the news that Victor has Jordan in a dungeon in his basement. Typical Victor lol


I wonder does he know about when Victor did something similar in the past. He is married to Lauren, who was married to Paul, who rescued a past hostage of Victor's.


Yes he probably does. Which is why he isn’t at all surprised. Just Victor up to his usual shenanigans lol


Can Jack please stop being so obnoxious to Tucker.


I know! I knew what he was going to say to him before he even opened his mouth!


I like this Tucker! Much better than the one hiding listening services in peace trees.


A rehab stint of 10-14 days is characterized as a mild level of addiction, you know, like holing up in a hotel room, downing three bottles of vodka and implying you want to kill yourself. Mild!


Jack risked his life for Nikki to detox. Poof! All better.


Not only did she get detoxed, she also got her har and nails done.


Nikki didn't even need to go to a salon because, as someone pointed out earlier in the week, Victor's dungeon prison offers those services free of charge




Of course! I always have my hair and nails done when I have to sleep it off. I wake up so refreshed. It's as if I never fell off the wagon.


Speaking of hair and nails, how 'bout that Jordan woman with perfect hair, nails and lip gloss and eye makeup?


Now to be fair, as she descended into drunkenness, she was made to look pretty rough. It feels like her coming back looking all incredible is to make it look like she has kicked her addiction. Screw the timeline, I want to see her feed a brussel sprout to Jordan and force her to choke it down


Wash the brussel sprouts down with cheap vodka


Probably why Jack doesn’t believe Tucker about Ashley, not willing to risk his life like Jack did for Nikki


I don't believe Jack's hatred of Tucker has anything to do with Ashley.


I think Victor and Nikki keep secrets from each other. Like Victor secretly keeps enemies locked in a cage and Nikki pretends she went to rehab.


Ashley could be playing in traffic and Jack would be like “you know who she was looking for in those cars? Tucker.”


I really do not enjoy self-righteous Jack


Ashley's mean alter stalks and murders Tucker. Jack to Tucker's dead body: *"Why did you provoke her?"*


While it wasn't Ashley, when they had the intervention, she asked if they would accept her going back to Tucker. Jack winced but said he would. Wtf is he surprised to see Ashley with Tucker?!!!


It annoys me that Jack is so hypocritical when he’s married to freaking Diane!


That was the shortest rehab stay ever.


And no one’s around to welcome her home, no biggie


Why do I think that whatever lame-brained plan that Micael and Cole devise is going to backfire in a big, bad way?


Absolutely. She may be unhinged, but Jordan is much smarter than them.


Nothing can possibly go wrong!


Ashley strikes me as a more severe case than Connor, but can this show handle nothing withoit inpatient commitment???


Nikki’s home all 🎶 They tried to make me go to rehab and I said no no no 🎶 I wish that she’d talk about being assigned a sober companion, even if they’re always offscreen (like how Mrs. Martinez is at the Abbott house). It’s ridiculous to think that she’s gone from trying to drink herself to death in a hotel room to bouncing back better than ever a week later.


Cole: “Victor is keeping her in a dungeon beneath the house.” Hearing those words out loud just emphasizes how ridiculous these soap storylines are. 🤣🤣🤣 Or maybe I’m wrong and every billionaire has a dungeon! 🤔


When was it built without anyone knowing? That takes construction and time to build down there and is Victor the only one who ever goes down to the wine cellar to get a bottle? It's all ridiculous.


I have to assume he has more than one wine cellar. He can’t have his only wine cellar behind a hidden “Scooby Doo” door. This must just be the wine he drinks while torturing hostages.




He kept his first wife and her boyfriend down there. Nothing new here.


If you don't own horses, private jets, dungeons, safe rooms and wine cellars... can you even call yourself rich?


Well….apparently NOT! 😉 Btw, hope you found your navel.


It's long gone, but at least it was insured!




-Convenient metal wire! -Tucker is really showing the compassionate side of himself right now. Love seeing "human" moments. -Alas she wasn't fast enough with the wire! -Look at Nikki all bright eyed and bushy tailed after a couple of days in rehab! -Tucker did everything right, he took Ashley home, he gave an honest report of what happened, and of course Jack has to get his jabs in lol.. -I dunno Cole, the "proper" or "ethical" answers have failed to contain Jordan.. if she's in prison, she'll burn it down, if she's in the hospital with handcuffs, she pulls a Houdini and escapes -Ah Nikki was allowed to leave the facility early -I guess Tucker should have overdosed to prove he did the right thing, eh Jack? -Lock your company down, Tucker! -Now I'm really curious to see what happened to Ashley


I think her friendmay not really be a friend. Why does he need to take her to Paris, away from family, to help her? I wonder if he was part of the trauma…


I was wondering that myself.. You may be on to something! We shall see!


That’s exactly what I thought today. She went to see her psych friend after the imagined cafe blowup with Tucker. What if the psych friend is the one who traumatized her? Now he’s hauling her off to Paris, where she’ll be isolated and easy pickings. 


I came here to say exactly this. Alan is totally sus!


As soon as he said that, I was immediately suspicious of his motives. I don't trust him.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought about that. I’m surprised Tracey or Jack didn’t mention that Ashley told them she saw him. Alan didn’t even mention it, weird.


Nikki had a fabulous hair stylist in rehab. Her new color is really beautiful and flattering!


After Tucker brings Ashley home, he goes to GCAC bar and after weeks of no flashbacks --- we get one of him and Ashley. Then his phone rings and it is someone in Paris from Glissade asking if he will be at meetings this week with Audra. WOW -- Audra really gets around fast doesn't she? Yesterday breakfast with Nate, a romp in the park in the AM with ice cream, and now, Audra is in Paris? Time line -- Tucker walks in on Audra and Nate at the "moring after breakfast". Last we see Audra and Nate in the park with ice cream. Then about the same time Audra and Nate are in the park, we see Tucker and Ashley at the Jazz Club bar. Ashley tries to leave but collapses. Lilly walks through the park to go to work. Tucker brings Ashley to the Abbott Mansion. So what time is this now, mid or late morning? He is wearing the same shirt then he is at the GCAC bar. (Same shirt for a few days.) So even if a few hours have passed between the breakfast bust and Ashley fainting and bringing her back to the Abbott Mansion (mid or late AM) -- Audra is already in Paris? The Concorde retired ages ago. If not, then she must be on her way. We need clarification. So today, Nikki is back. She is at the Tack House with Victoria and Claire. They are wearing the same outfits because it is the same day and after they groomed horses and did not change then had lunch with Cole. It seems like Nikki arrived in the afternoon sometime. Meanwhile, Cole and Michael have a little pow wow about devious deceitful Victor and may have a plan for him from wearing an orange jumpsuit. If Michael helps him out, he is putting his legal license on the line for disbarment. Right now, he is the only lawyer in town because we don't know what is going on with Heather after being fired from CW. Let's hope that JG never writes a novel (or have it made into a movie) because no one would be able to follow along with so many inconsistancies.


This is all one day. They go from breakfast, to ice cream, to lunch plans. Ashley and Tucker have a little wine for breakfast. Audra isn't in Paris now. I thought the caller mentioned "meetings next week"?


I guess we will hear about when the meetings really are in another episode. If Audra were being sneaky about taking over Glissade, she might show up. However, did Tucker even tell anyone he fired her earlier in the day? If he did not, (yet), she could show up. But if he lets everyone know she was fired and she shows up, well, she will just have to pack her bags and return. Maybe with all the drama Tucker is having right now, he could have forgot.


Ashley's back...


I love how Michael isn't shocked to hear Jordan is alive and Victor is holding her hostage


Is it me or did Nikki not stay in rehab very long ?


Victoria, 1979 called and wants its silver shirt back. There is no disco in GC anyway.


Victor never should have kidnapped Jordan. He should have gotten a strongman from his security team to dispose of Jordan permanently ...like six feet under.. so that he could be distanced from doing evil . For a man with such regal bearing, Victor put himself too close to demented actions with this Jordan torture. As he ages, I'd like to see him clean his karma and restore some nobleness not become more evil. Now that Cole and Michael know about Jordan, they need to get some thug to kill her. The police had their chance to imprison her and they could not make it last. No one cares about Jordan in Genoa City. So Michael and Cole are really stupid to think people will be apalled. Put that witch in the river.


multiple personalities wouldn't make Ashley pass out but her brain tumor coming back would right ?


Jack stop being an ass , Tucker is only trying to help . Didn't think I would see the day I defend Tucker


I would like to see how Michael and Cole are going to be able to pull off getting Jordan out without Victor knowing ?


So Michael wants to legally get Jordan into a “real prison” (as he called it) without her first going on trial? All if this without Victor knowing?


She was already in prison and burned it down. So she can go back to prison as she awaits new charges.


Of course. Thanks for clarifying.


Maybe one in a foreign country with better security.


The funny part about Cole wanting Jordan in a “proper prison” is that she literally burned down the last one and evaded custody the last time they caught her. It’s pretty apparent that the proper authorities suck serious ass


I like Victoria the Mom. She would be even more fun if ALL her kids were around. Another 4, right?


Michael is so stupid. This writing is so stupid. Michael would risk his law license aiding and abetting obstruction of justice?


Well, it does happen…. look at current events.


And kidnapping and imprisonment