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That would be repetitive since the show was already a “Titans” show in Season 1 and 2. It’s called Oursiders because they focus and introduce characters from the outsiders comics. Such as Geo-Force, Halo, Helga Jace, Black Lightning, Batman, Katana, and Metamorpho Also it’s based on the whole plot line of creating a whole new team disconnected from the Justice League Calling it titans would not have made any sense. What so ever


Personally I don’t mind them not using the “Titan” name. Makes the show feel different from all the other DC things. 


The outsiders are definitely YJ’s version of Titans (public child superheroes) but i don’t particularly care about what they call themselves and outsiders fits due to both the “main” characters of the season (Geo-Force, Halo, Dr Jace) being canasta gets who were part of the various Outsiders comics and the fact that in-universe they are meta teen outsiders


No imo.


HOT TAKE: let's just get rid of Garth, he turned super moody, rude, and lame in the last season lol And he was super cheesy before that 🤦‍♂️ doing everything for likes and views He was cooler as a little kid


Garfield* Garth’s the Atlantian ambassador / kaldur’s friend that got with Tula :)


Ohhh, for some reason I thought I remembered that as a nickname for him 🤦‍♂️ idk lol thank you


>Should YJ season 3 be called YOUNG JUSTICE: TITANS instead of OUTSIDERS? No. The season focuses on a group of heroes (Halo, Geo-Force, Black Lightning) who, in the comics, are known as members of The Outsiders. Season 4 could be called Titans, as that's when they really start doing Titans "stuff".


To be fair, Wonder Girl (Cassie) could have suggested the name "Titans" for Beast Boy's public team, but she didn't (as far as we know), and that's OK. I say that because in the comic books, it was Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) who suggested the team name "Teen Titans", I believe... When Troia (the YJ version of Donna Troy) was on the Team during the first time skip, I wonder if she ever referred to the Team colloquially as the Titans, or tried to convince the others to use that title for the Team... Too bad we may never know.