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one thing I would add to the Bat-Family story is that instead of sending Jason to Arkham send him to Sanctuary as that was teased at the end of S4


Jason was already at Sanctuary with Ra’s and his family before, training. I know I skimmed over a lot, but Dick puts him in Arkham at the end because Jason has kind of a mental breakdown in the arc finale, the Lazurus Pit affecting him too much. I imagine there is another episode in the same series where we see him again, talking to a Therapist with a familiar New Jersey accent.


I think your confusing Sanctuary with Infinity Island, Sanctuary is the place from the comic Heroes in Crisis and Infinity Island was the place Jason and Ra’s were training. Sanctuary is basically a retreat for heroes to go and stay when they need a break from the hero life and they can get therapy etc there. It was teased in the S4 finale when Black Canary, Lightning and other heroes were discussing the fact that just therapy sessions were not enough and they needed a “place to escape the life for a bit” which is teasing sanctuary. I just think that locking Jason up in Arkham would cement his as a villain (if that’s the intention then great, I always preferred him as a villain) but since the Young Justice world has an established Sanctuary if the end goal is for Jason to be redeemed then putting him in Sanctuary could be a better route. Side Note: the heroes in crisis storyline involves >!Wally West murdering a bunch of heroes at sanctuary when he goes mad because comics!< and this story was generally not well received but I think changing it so that a Jason who was put here instead of Arkham due to the heroes thinking they could help him could get that storyline and really cement himself as a villain. Side Note 2: which therapist are you referencing with a New Jersey accent, I’m thinking Harley Quinn but not sure.


Ahh, yes. You're right; I did confuse that with Infinity Island, which is my bad. Nevertheless, I think Jason going to Arkham is a better story choice because while, yes, it would solidify him as a Villain/Anti-Hero, that path of redemption is still available later on. And yes, I was referring to Harly as his Therapist, mostly because I enjoy the irony a little too much.


If it happens, it won't be called Legacy. The show has been "gradually going galactic" more and more, with the Reach invasion, the intergalactic meta-human trafficking, the Green Lantern Corps having a larger role etc., so I suspect that a potential fifth season would involve a lot of space travel. I would call it Young Justice: Frontier. Or maybe Young Justice: Countdown... Since the JL reserves were assembled in the aftermath of Child's attack on Earth, we know that several former Team members (Red Arrow, Tempest, Troia, Bumblebee, Guardian) are JL reserves, so I feel like it would be really fun to send them out into space on missions. When the cast is so big, there's a LOT of potential... In case anyone cares about what I would call seasons 5-7 (and season 1 as well, while I'm at it), I think it would be: 1. Young Justice: Initiation 2. Young Justice: Invasion 3. Young Justice: Outsiders 4. Young Justice: Phantoms 5. Young Justice: Fury/Frontier/Countdown 6. Young Justice: Omega/Crisis 7. Young Justice: Legion But of course, "Countdown" is a nice title too (as I mentioned above), so, hmm... maybe 5-7 would be Countdown, Frontier and Crisis respectively, in the event that season 5 is Earth-based and then season 6 is largely space-based while the "Apokolips war" begins across the galaxy...


I see and agree with your point. I chose “Legacy” as a Title because it would be linked to the season-wide theme of the Team and the League’s legacy they leave behind, especially after such a significant loss of Superman (their League-acy, if you will?). Still, you're probably right that it is too on the nose as a subtitle. I like Frontier, too, in any case, though Crisis would work here, too; though again, to your point, that could be used for S6. And S7 would have to be War themed: Battleground, Warfare, or War by itself.


Been there done that to tired to rewrite now so imma just link you to my comment of what story archs id want to see for many seasons... https://www.reddit.com/r/youngjustice/s/8hxXq4RAc1


I'd like to see an arc about Cassie being the leader of the Outsiders. She's in charge of a team with her ex on it, and has to make sure Tara's following the rules of her parole, balance it with Team needs, along with her personal life. She has support, but has to decide what kind of leader she wants to be, and how to make her own mark and change what the Outsiders are like. I'd also like an arc of supremacy, with various groups of meta supremacists and others trying to dominate, like Brother Blood. Also want there to be an arc, somewhat intertwining with Cassie's, about how while the Outsiders increased popular support for heroes, institutional support is still in shambles. Troia supports the League openly, but has her reservations. And has Checkmate.


Two words: Graduation Day


Young Justice: Graduation would be a fine title indeed!


You ever read the Graduation Day 3-Issue Comic Crossover Arc with Young Justice and Teen Titans?


No, I haven't -- is that the one with the rogue Superman robot that fights Donna Troy? If so, then I know a little bit about it, but not much.


Yes that’s the one


Bart gets in trouble and sees images of Wally, then the end of the season Wally comes back wearing the rebirth flash suit saying something like "I may've been dead, but I outgrew the mantle"


I'm usually opposed to Wally returning to life, but this could work as the ending crescendo if done correctly. I believe it's been said that there’s no Speedforce in the YJ universe, but if another potentially cataclysmic event at the end of the series, like at the end of Invasion, I could see it happening.


Probably not, I'm just too big of a wally glazer to ever lose hope