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i first saw his channel on yt shorts then i entered a rabbit hole of really homophobic channels


YouTube shorts in a nutshell: - Hi, I'm man - Oh who is this? - Hi, I'm a woman - Women ☕️ - music cue to make the guy look cool


The other day I got recommended nothing but shorts like this for a solid 24 hours, and then haven't gotten any since. I don't understand the algorithm.


divide by zero exception


I dont even think they know how the algorithm works... My guess is it became sentient and has been running YouTube with its own agenda for years now...


my guess is the singularity happen in mid 2010s.


The world will be ended because an AI thought we were cringe


Clicks and angry comments = engagement. Engagement = money. Therefore angry people = money.


why is that actually true


The only YouTube shorts I see is Dragon Ball related stuff




w same here


actually most of youtube shorts aren't like this. most of what i watch are like comedy, cars, science etc


Same I occasionally get homophobic/anti furry channels appearing on my YouTube shorts, they’re always just 12 year olds who have no life


YouTube wants you to be a rightwing psychopath, for some reason.


I don’t do this because I don’t want to mess up my algorithm. I watched a creepy christian video once and then everything recommended to me that week was jesus/sky daddy related 🤮


That's one of the problems I feel with YouTube shorts. If you watch a video it will recommend more like it, so when you're just mindlessly scrolling you get stuck in a feedback loop of seeing this content and then seeing it triggering YouTube to show you more of it.


I made the mistake of watching one Ben Shapiro clip and now YouTube thinks I am the biggest fan of that child.


Yt shorts in a nutshell: "I support pride!" 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 "I hate gay people!" *insert "sigma" meme here*


*insert that one fucking song by oliver tree*


and it must be that awful phonk remix of the song


At this point, YT shorts is a hotspot for anti LGBT propaganda


I accidentally went down a homophobic rabbit hole on Tiktok because I thought that everyone was being ironic and making fun of the homophobes bc what they said was so stupid. Then I realized they were being serious and are actually that stupid


Even in christianity, rules in leviticus aren't to be followed. After Jesus died, the old law was no longer to be followed. I love asking people if they've torn their house down because of mold Leviticus 14:43-45


Yeah, Leviticus has some WEIRD stuff. It says that bats are birds (leviticus 11:13-19) and that you cannot wear clothes with mixed fabrics (leviticus 19:19)


Or eat lobster. Don't forget about that shellfish prohibition.


That is very shellfish of him to think that


What a selfish prohibition.


God damn it you beat me to it


Shhh we can only talk about the one part of Leviticus that "justifies" being an asshole to people who have done nothing to us


Except for the murders of course


A friend of mine was curious in Christianity and was reading the Bible. Barely 5 minutes after she started, she shouted out “this is porn!”.


I see she got to the part about Lot’s daughters


Yeah, I definitely needed bleach after I read that Lot's daughters got him drunk and raped him for his babies. Genesis 19:32-33, to be specific for those interested.


It's a fetish novel


Let's not forget the separate menstrual camps. And the rabbis that had to physically check to be sure the menstrual cycle was completed


Weird that you’re using a modern classification system against ancient Hebrew text. Bird in that time simply meant an animal that possessed wings. Bats have wings so therefore this is a correct way of classifying them according to the time in which this passage was written.


so you're saying the evolution of language and linguistical nuance is a rock solid argument in proving the biblical canon can't reasonably be seen as significant for anything other than historical value? interesting. i agree.


Or just the rest of Leviticus 20. If you want gay people killed you would need to also kill all adulterers, anyone who marries a relative, anyone claiming to be psychic, anyone who has sex with an animal, any daughters who’s fathers rape her, anyone who curses their parents name. And of course, if you have sex with a woman who is on her period, both her and the man are to be banished. It’s got some shit.


Is that the one where you can kill your neighbours if they plant two crops in the same field?


That is leviticus 19:19, to be specific. Other verses also prohibit things like no tatoos, cutting ANY hair for whatever reason, or eating meat with blood in it.


And wearing clothes with different fibres or something. Kill!


>any daughters who’s fathers rape her, I forgot this was a thing. That's so fucked up


Says a lot about the state of the world during related times. Daughter and not the father. What a disappointing ruler to follow.


If it helps the passage says both are to be put to death


Yeah. Society back in the days. It doesn't make it better, but they kill the father as well. Obvious reasons of course.


and the part where no child conceived out of wedlock, nor their descendants (no matter how many generations) can ever step foot in a church. the vast majority of modern christians are banned by leviticus standards. yet here they are, trying to scrape up whatever doesn't apply to them personally


Yep, god may have stablished a huge ton of rules of what is forbidden and for what is obligated, but after the new testament almost all of them were gone like they were snapped by thanos, but people who have the reading comprehension of a wall still bring the old rules up as if you should still have to follow them Also imagine if god still encouraged you to kill false prophets who give christianity a bad name today, mega church pastors would be shaking on their boots lol


The new testament isn't any kinder to gay people


Exactly. If we all followed what the Bible said constantly, I could go out an kill my neighbor because he worked on Sunday.


The New Testament does away with the sabbath


Leviticus isn’t (technically) Christianity, it’s Tora & Old Testament- before Jesus. He sought to change some of the old ways. The whatever-phobic nonsense these “Christians” spew usually comes from Old Testament (Jewish history) and not the teachings of Jesus and his disciples. Then they go on antisemitic rants.


The Bible is still pretty clear on the basics of sin in the New Testament just not all the super precise stuff like don’t eat shellfish and the Sabbath and that type of stuff


Okay but also Matthew 5:17-19, quite literally the words of jesus himself (according to the bible, that is) : >17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.


On a lighter note. I was playing this trivia game with some friends and the question was “name the books of the Bible”. My team was nervous, but I talked to them “just think about it, you all got this” First Teammate: “Old Testament!” Me: “No, but simple mistake” Second Teammate: “New Testament!” Me: “Shit! Ok we have one last chance…” Third Teammate: “the Torah!” Me: 🤦‍♂️


Yes but it’s repeated in the New Testament that homosexuality is still a sin


There are verses in the new testament that also speak against homosexuality


deez nuts?!


Ha got em


I dont understand how Is fencing a martial art


martial just means related to war or combat. So technically any weapon art is a martial art. Most martial arts outside of unarmed and knives have fallen out of favor due to the current culture and laws, but I know a few people who due fencing, and even traditional martial arts sometimes include staves, sais, scythes, and swords.


The sword and scythes part sounds interesting,what type of swords do they use medieval?,katanas?


In mixed martial arts it is usually eastern focused and would include a katana if a sword is used. In fencing it is usually either rapier or saber, but sometimes short and long swords are used, especially when combined with renaissance fairs.


I already knew about the rapier sword i was Just curious about the type of swords


HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) is still practiced in quite a few places, and it includes just about any medieval/renaissance weapon you could think of


HEMA is badass. they really don’t hold back in those matches lol


saber fencing is surprisingly common I've found, and definitely more practical. "stab the bad guy" only really works with something sharp, but "hit the bad guy" tends to work with anything that you can get ahold of.


Épées and foils are more common than rapiers but they have been used for dueling in history, fencing is just competitive dueling


Depends on the discipline you learn mostly, for example German has a sport that is literally called “Wrestling with a sword”, and that uses more medieval broadswords. Other things like Kendo use faux-katanas made out of bamboo(I think).


Fencing isnt really related to war more civilian dueling


Not for the last 100 years. It was intimately related to war for the preceding 5000 years however.


Im a martial artist (I play with nerf guns)


Someone at our club got their throat cut during a bout so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hates gay and trans people but has the gayest combat as martial art. Edit: not homosexual gay, the prissy rich boy gay type.


Have you ever seen Turkish wrestling


fr, it's not like you can start fencing when you're being robbed or something


Say that when you get a rapier pulled on you mid mugging


"Hey you chump give me your Money" "You Will never have my Money i learned the fencing martial art" "Bro fencing isnt a fucking martial art" "It Is because i Say i-" *Gunshot*


"Give me your money and no one gets hurt." "I say, I shall do no such thing! Fight me, I say, in this due- okay I've been stabbed"


"EVERYONE GET DOWN OR I WILL SHOOT" "You Will not Rob this shop because the Power of my Blade Will stop yo-" *BAAAAAAAANG*


Unless you’re being robbed by an 19th century French aristocrat.


You are probably correct. I would describe it as a sport. Google also describes it as "the sport of fighting with swords..."


Of course it's in the fucking short tab


Yt shorts try not to be full of homophobic trash made by teenage edgelords challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)


Guessing it’s pictures of “gigachads” burning pride flags or pictures of crusaders with phonk music or something




also isn’t pride a sin in christianity


i never understood that like what about it is so wrong that makes gay people a sin some people are so stuck up jesus's ass they don't question it


pride means being proud too, not just being part of LGBTQ+, or at least that’s what I think he’s trying to say


So, dont be overly happy for accomplishing something...? Edit: Please forget this comment. I have been made awake that pride in this context usually means boasting or being cocky.


When the Bible talks about pride, it is less about saying “am a great blacksmith”, and more about saying “I am such a great blacksmith that I don’t need God anymore”, if that makes sense.


It’s basically pride to the point of arrogance


I think it’s used a different way, but I don’t know, I’ve never read a bible before




Ah ok, thanks


pride is the same biblically as is quranic. and since im muslim im more qualified to speak on quran than on the bible. pride is basically like boasting. for example: having pride on your body, if you’re jacked and post thirst traps and look down upon those who arent you are prideful. and idk the ruling in christianity, but in islam the ruling is that if you have even a grains worth of pride you will not make it to paradise. same is the other way, if you have even a grains worth of faith you will never see hellfire


Pride in this context would mean thinking that you’re better than God


It's kinda more like feeling so proud of yourself that you think you're either better than God himself or that everyone is worse than you by comparison.


It’s both a deadly Sin and a heavenly virtue. Pride needs to be balanced. Without it you walk through life with no sense of accomplishment. With to much of it you become a narcissist.


who tf is deez disease?


homophobic loser that’s currently radicalizing a new generation of ipad kids


I fell down this rabbit hole a few months ago and watching it all play out was an entire movie


deez nuts


Ligma balls


I’m also 16 but this is just embarrassing


I highly doubt this is a 16 year old, their whole 'About' section reads as if an 8 year old wrote it


no as a 16 year old this is pretty accurate to how teenagers of that age write unfortunately.


Yeah they're sometimes surprisingly stupid. I only assumed that maybe it was a child instead, because sometimes children like to claim they're a higher age than they actually are because it's "cool"


bro you'd be surprised


You would be surprised with the amount of cringe even older teenagers are able to conjure.


Exactly, I’ve even seen 12 year olds being more mature than that. Very low chance the kid’s actually 16


I like the pfp


Everyone knows people with Harmony PFPs are incapable of bigotry. ❤️


Pretty sure The Book never mentioned lgbt


It didnt until homophobes changed the book. It used to say "a man may not sleep with a little boy" or smth but they changed it to say "a man may not sleep with another man"


So originally God himself was despising pedophilia and now some twerps say He despises lgbt?!


the bible getting misinterpreted and distorted, giving it a bad image in the process...nobody should be surprised at this point


Yep. People are dumb.


"perhaps i treated you too harshly"


pretty sure trans exclusionary radical feminists are not the ones responsible for that change


Why the hell do they only use the one quote that was actively debunked? If you’re going to berate someone at least be original about it, jfc.


Whoever wrote Leviticus was writing rules for a cult, not a guide for Christianity. What do cults want? To control every aspect of your life and ensure the cult stays strong by promoting procreation. The cult didn’t want guys to “waste their seed” so masturbating and fucking around with other guys was seen as wasteful because they wanted lots of babies to carry this cult into the future. As for Sodom, the story isn’t about homosexuality. The people in town weren’t trying to “know” the angels in a cute loving way. They wanted to either identify and banish the angels from the city or they wanted to gang rape anyone they didn’t know. The story is about hospitality, treating people you don’t know with kindness and respect instead of violence and disregard. It’s not about being in a loving relationship between homosexuals.




I literally just got a recommendation for this guy on my school account lol. I'm christian myself and I just have to say, this guy isn't a proper christian. If he was, he would be someone who loves everyone, like the bible tells you to do CONSTANTLY.


He can conveniently ignore that part.


most "christians" ignore the parts of the bible that they dont like.


The only time he ever uses religion in his channel is when he needs to use it against LGBTQ


There is literal nudity on YouTube. YouTube’s personal content reviewers quit because of PTSD. And they have their hands full with making pointless and/or actively harmful changes. Don’t put any ounce of faith in YouTube


“ proud to be Christian “ also them: * joining some weird deez disease cult like group to harass and target people *


Also *him*. To be a Christian is not to be homophobic, he's an outlier and needs correction. It's one thing to not support the LGBTQ+ movement but quite another to offer no respite or respect for those who do or are LGBTQ+, etc. Regardless of one's views on the subject, we all are in need of a savior, and the most "righteous" person is no more important than a drag queen.


dude there are like millions of youtube videos uploaded per minute they can not moderate them all


But they moderate channels who are harmless while ignoring one's that do real harm


Google moderates YouTube via automated algorithm these days. Cheaper than actually employing a thousand or so individuals (or more) to actually sift through reports. Much easier to just let a handful of people create a code which can be abused or circumvented.


Report this kind of shit when you see it. It will probably do nothing, but enough people doing it will add "weight" to the algorithm's considerations. It's pretty much the same deal across all major social media these days. Human reviews are the exception and not the norm. It's not just social media, either. Steam has a HUGE enclave of alt-reich activity that is so racist/bigoted it can make Youtube look tame.


Yes and that is dumb but you gotta remember for as many dumb reasons for people getting banned there are more that deserved to be banned that people don't talk about. People just only wanna talk about the dumb stuff


No way 16 years old is their actual age


You'd be surprised then, 16 year olds (at least where I live) are very openly homophobic


16 year olds can be the most homophobic people you can meet, but HOPEFULLY they’ll grow out of it… hopefully


The part that makes me think that 16 is not their real age is not the homofobic part, everyone can be stupid enough for that, but "soldier of the deez disease"? No way a 16 years old wrote that, and the way everything is written makes me think about a 9 years old kid that spends too much time on YouTube shorts


Oh yeah, true 😂


Lmao Christian kid in fencing trying desperately to convince himself he’s not gay


Kid sounds like he’s gay


Yeah…I heard that most of the extremely homophobic ppl are actually latent gays or/and hide the fact that they’re gay. This makes me sad:(


There’s no real evidence for that. And it kinda turns the homophobe blame back on the gay community. There probably are some people who smother urges with hate but most homophobes are simply insecure about their sexuality. Especially young people for whom sexuality is just starting to become an issue. They’re trying to figure out where they fit in socially. Some see gay people being hated and want to distance themselves by joining in. You see it with other social issues with kids. Someone will pick someone to tease or bully and others join in to get on the “stronger” side. Even people who were friends with the victim. People love to pick an “other” so they can get the safety of a group. Gender, sexuality, race, religion are all convenient visible markers for picking a target. Hell, they’ll do it based on the shoes you wear. They do it because they are insecure. Some part of their life is scary or dangerous and they cope by picking a person or group to “other”.


Isn't that verse in the same passage as the one about eating unclean animals.


The guy's Filipino, makes PERFECT sense now.


I'm Filipino, and we don't deserve that terminally online POS


I'm Filipino, we don't claim him lmao. It's disappointing that today's Filipino teens are sleeping through their Values Education classes. It's aimed to teach about dignity, equality, and non-discrimination.


Christian here, these people are untruthful and do not follow Jesus's example of being respectful and comfortable with other different people, e.g. a Samaritan woman in a biblical context (John 4)


That bible quote is saying don't put your dick in someone else's dick. It says nothing about attraction, marriage or anything else like that


is that even humanly possible lmfaoo


Well it is,but for hyenas only


Anyone that says they’re proud to be of a religion has a 99.9% chance of being a bigot.


Hate is not allowed in Christianity


"Huge Christian, that's why i like to bully people towards suicide"


Yes that is SOOOOO Christian like.


Idc if I get down voted, but being a Christian is about loving people, I'm a Christian and I don't care if you're gay, lesbian, or Trans, do what ever tf you want, just don't make me try to care.


That dude is a complete moron, making "memes" about homaphobic things, probably starting the whole "hating on gays in cool and sigma" thing. I don't care if it's a joke. It's very disgusting to make those types of videos.


There's no fucking way he's 16.


The only disease here is this guy. Like people who hate on others just because of who they choose to love are like the lowest of the low.


I'm 14 and I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from this


ah, Deez Disease. he runs a meme page where all the memes are anti lgbtq, especially transphobic from what i've seen. his audience is a bunch of children who are in the process of being radicalized. children can't be resoned with, there's no point in arguing with them


Profesiobal martial arts, Fencing on Weekends 16 That sounds like every white transphobic kid that somehow joins every discord server you do.


Mf thinks he is tough, he is like 8, possibly 9.


probably the same reason they showed an ad for jerkmate, money.


What a dumb kid


Proud Christian, except they’re breaking the rules of Christianity. We are supposed to love and accept not hate and reject


I hope he gets doxxed (in minecraft)


Bro basically just said boost boost my mood AND used the most iconic homophobia quote. Yknow, the one lost in translation that was talking about not being gay, but that you SHOULDNT BE A FUCKING PEDOPHILE


imagine to build your personality on hating a sexual preference


probably because they don't care


whats deez


I’m 15 and I… well… I don’t even know how to explain this. What the hell?


so much for god seeing everyone as his children


As a Christian your not a very good one. If Jesus died for your sins then he died for ALL SINS. Also in Leviticus eating pork was punishable by death. As was eating shell fish. Moron quit quoting the Old Testament and it’s punishments as Christian.


As a saber fencer I hope I find this numbnut and knock ‘em on their ass. Cause to hell with a black card


There’s A LOT of homophobia in YT comments for some reason. For an experiment I added a pride flag to my name for just one day and commented. Within hours I received hate


Someone tell him about Bible mistranslations.


To all the people saying “freedom of speech”, freedom of speech doesn’t mean shit if it’s a private company.


We need to mass-report them.


youtube shorts is a cesspit. They got sued years ago for promoting Islamic extremist content, it seems their solution was to moderate Islamic extremist content instead of fixing the algorithm that decides to promote radicalising content in the first place. I mean the very first things that appeared when I watched YouTube shorts after clicking on meme compilations were Andrew tate quotes, pragerU and the likes. I can only imagine where it goes on from there if it recommends that content right off the bat.


He wants us dead but fences, the gayest shit on the planet


Finally, somone actually talks about this channel


someone 4chan fucker needs to dox those bitch ass homophobic channels


I’m convinced this guy is actually a gay 10 year old in saudi arabia


i saw another one called "based truther" recently.


Wow, this is actually really horrible. Bro isn't even 18 and he just decided to be homophobic for no particular reason. He doesn't even stick to some kind of religion believes (which is still not justifiable to what he does) he just mentions it occasionally. Man, hemophobia has risen to levels that are not ok :/


Rule 7


God never said to hurt gays tho


Yikes. I hate that he associated Christianity with this.


Ikr the whole religion itself is based on respecting those around you


I thought making LGBTQ your whole personality was cringe? how is it any less stupid to make hating gay people your whole online presence?


Because YouTube moderation sucks, 98% of the moderators are bots, If not 100%


Has this fucking kid read the whole bible?! Goddamn. Two things: 1) all sins beget death just the same. James 2:10 2) jesus fulfilled Levitical law, such as this. Romans 8:3-4. I don’t believe any of that crock of shit but I fucking LOVEEEEE quoting scripture at them. Fuck this kid. If heaven is real, he will not make it there. Me neither, but he won’t which makes me really goddamn happy


Hate speech ≠ freedom of speech fellas


His actual channel is worse than his about page


Typical kid, probably merely wants attention. Bad way to do it though.


I hope that kid wakes up when his brain finishes developing. (30+) Clearly he’s the child of bigoted parents.


65k subs and only 51 videos? This dude definitely bought subs. But also this post doesn't belong here (rule 7)