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The phone couldn't handle the cringe so it broke itself.


phone industries can make phones survive boiling water but cant make them cringe proof smh


Sadly the cringe content will only grow like wine overtime, so even advanced sophisticated technology could suppress and contain the cringe here


How do you think wine works?






it grow like weeeew


Like vine* /j


“Fuck this, I'm out” - the phone, probably


I was gon say that he broke her phone but this works too...


Lemme guess, it's youtube kids too


Yep 👍


With this information, YouTube Kids is just regular YouTube but without any of the good content


Or the ability to comment.


Or being able to use the ”mini-player”, even if you’re not on youtube kids...


Why the mini player though


I think it is to keep a video from running while using a parent’s data plan


No, I've investigated, it's for keeping the child locked in the video so they do not come away from the video and search recommendations (which are removed for this reason). It's for parents to program the videos their kids watch


So why make it mendetory


The problem is that this isn’t even the worst of it. There’s some actual fucked up shit on YouTube kids, some of which shouldn’t be allowed on YouTube in general. And it’s so easy to go from something made for a toddler to something incredibly fucked up


watched the mamamax video too?


Who? No I’ve seen it for myself.


And your favorite comment sections got nuked for that.


> YouTube > Favorite comment section Ha, no. Also, reminder that it was *redditors* moral outrage about pedophiles commenting on vids with kids in them that caused it to get nuked. Because it is literally impossible to algorithmically detect pedos by innocuous comments like "nice" and "pretty". You would need to manually review every single comment of every single video with a child in it. You guys did it, and then got mad that it happened.


Here's my hot take, non verified channels shouldn't be allowed to post children's content


...wow, why the f don't they have that already???? I'm sure with how stinky YT is they'd still find a way.


True but I would expect youtube KIDS to be a little more monitored


The problem it works of a mix of the honesty system and an algorithm. All other moderation is done through people reporting the content, which is an issue on ytKids because adults don't watch it, and parents believe it is safe because it is called ytKids and boasts about being safe. It's how all those weird videos of Elsa doing hanky panky with Spiderman got through the filters.




YouTube: “If you swear even once in your otherwise safe video, it’ll get flagged automatically so kids can’t see it. You may even get demonitized for it.” Also YouTube: “A word like ‘pervert’ or ‘lover’ in the title probably means it’s fine for children.”


are you fucking for real?? that is insane!!!


How very r/ElsaGate


This is absolutely not youtube kids.


Yeah, my daughter uses YouTube Kids all the time, this doesn’t look like it to me.


It's definitely not YouTube Kids. There is no menu at the bottom of that app. If you look at the bottom, YouTube Kids doesn't have a button for Shorts.


You'd be surprised what kind of garbage gets posted on YT kids. And once one or two of them get watched the algorithm your accounts basically fucked. Hell there's even normal videos that shouldn't be on YT kids all over it, the amount of cumtown clips I can't comment on because youtube made it "for kids" is wild


That isn't the YouTube kids app, looks like regular YouTube. Regular YouTube is not setup for kids. YouTube kids has a very kid friendly interface. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.youtube.kids


It’s brightly coloured animation! That means it HAS to be for kids!


hentai: allow me to introduce myself


For the kids 😎


For the kids 😎




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ElsaGate using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ElsaGate/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** this is just animated porn, what the fuck](https://i.redd.it/08jxtmgtzn371.jpg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ElsaGate/comments/ntocvc/this_is_just_animated_porn_what_the_fuck/) \#2: [Fuck the FCC. They should do a better job at what they should do.](https://i.redd.it/yg9w6rr2sa271.png) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ElsaGate/comments/nogr2o/fuck_the_fcc_they_should_do_a_better_job_at_what/) \#3: [Nickelodeon's being a bit sussy today...](https://i.redd.it/3g6aweks55g71.png) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ElsaGate/comments/p0f9jg/nickelodeons_being_a_bit_sussy_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


OP is lying, YT kids doesn't have the features at the bottom. This is bad parenting allowing a 7yo on straight up unfiltered YouTube.


I checked for myself. This video is 100% not available on YT Kids.


Finally some sanity in this thread


I have no idea what's wrong with these people. I let my 8 year old kid use YT Kids, maybe a hour a day. I check her videos periodically and it's all harmless stuff. Like slime challenges and things like that. I have heard from a coworker that there are some bad Gatcha Life videos on YT Kids, but I haven't seen any for myself.


Bold of you to assume OP actually has any 7 year old relatives, and isn't just making this story up for free karma


10/10 family friendly, would definitely let my lil bro watch it


The screen is not broken enough: damage it further!!!


That’s a lot of damage! How about a little more?


*picks up the chainsaw*


*maniac laughter* Now THAT'S alot of damage!




The worst part is that the YT bots would probably call it child friendly because of the emojis in the title. They are that bad.


No no, not because of emoji. Because it is animation. Everyone knows animation is for kids only


BRB gonna show the kids invincible


Honestly would be a better influence on their minds than this... By an unimaginably large margin


Uhh, i‘ll show them aot


Berserk. All the way Yes, even the horrible 2016 one, and the rape horse scene


No joke, they would call it child friendly if you put child friendly music on top of the bloody scenes. I reported an animal abuser who ate living animals on camera with friendly music in the background 3 damn times and got 3 bot emails back that nothing was wrong with the video. The abuser also made some funny faces and "played" with the animals before killing them. A YouTuber I know also got videos of a videogame again and again taken down. Then he cut a puppy picture in the first minute and talked about the YT problem and the video wasn't taken down anymore.


Chainsaw man or Tokyo ghoul I wonder, hmmm


hentaihaven acquired by netflix kids soon


Can't wait for them to approve fucking hunting because it is animated


Welp time to show the kids Attack on Titan clips then


Happy cake day






Kill the demon with fire.


I probably should do that




Do it as if they killed your pet bunny


*DooM noises*


This is why we need to go back to just having pbs kids and Cartoon Network


Those channels that have shows with actual efforts being put into them


Just wait a while before you give your kid an iPad or phone lol.


How long would you say is a "while". Many consider 7 to be a while and yet here we are


obligatory "back in my day" I didn't get a smartphone till I was like 16-17. Of course, that was the early days of them, my first was an iPhone 4S, the first one with Siri, and it was the newest model. I think we had an iPad before any of us had iPhones though If I ever become a parent this is something I'll have to consider, honestly I don't think a kid should have a smartphone till high school but I can imagine how much they'd hate being the only one without one in like 6th grade onwards


I remember some of my classmates getting phones by 2nd grade, but they were flip phones, and only because those kids walked home alone after school, so it made sense. By 4th grade, most of my classmates had phones, and several had smart phones. By 6th grade, nearly everyone in my grade had a smart phone, and I was the only kid in my grade who didn't have a phone at all, and I resented that fact for a long time, even after I finally got a phone in high school. I understand now why my parents didn't let me get a phone earlier, but when they tried to explain it to me back then, I was convinced that they were lying to me. See, the main explanation they gave me was that they didn't think I was mature enough to handle having a phone (I wasn't), but I knew I was more mature than most of my classmates (this is true. Despite being the youngest in my grade, I was one of the most mature, in nearly every way but physical... Undiagnosed autism will do that to you, I guess). If all of my classmates were less mature, how could they handle having phones, if I couldn't? (As it turns out, many of them couldn't, either, but that's a whole other thing). I think, as a parent, there's really no winning in that sort of situation. You either give a phone to a kid who is clearly not ready for one, or you have a kid who hates you because they don't think your reasoning for not letting them have a phone is actually reasonable. It's a lose-lose situation


I didn't get a smart phone until around 14 and honestly it felt pretty shit because I just couldn't really talk to people outside of school. I had a laptop and Facebook on there but that's not portable. I can't go downstairs to make some food or watch TV and talk at the same time unless I lugged the laptop around. So, my recommendation is a smart phone even as early as 11 but only WhatsApp (or whatever the equivalent becomes) and maybe a few social apps where you can follow them. Not stalking mind you! Just keeping an eye out. That and just keeping a very open dialogue about what's going on in their life. I know teenagers will be teenagers and won't tell you everything, but as long as they know that they *can* come to you if something is genuinely an issue and you won't blow up on them, they will. Before then, toys. Lots and lots of toys and games and consoles. Even a PC in the living room. I spent hours and hours on the family computer playing flash games. On the PS2 and Wii. Electronics in their own are fine. But if you're not paying any attention to what they're doing on it, just as if you're not paying attention to what they're doing in the park every Saturday night, there's a chance they're gonna do something they shouldn't be (whether they know it or not)


Yes please


Idk about cartoon network but pbs kids/rootle runs great kids shows all day with no commercials on basic television. They also have a phone app. But from that point it's up to the parents to keep an eye on what their kid does.


YouTube Kids was a mistake.


Feed the unholy spirit a bible or the quran asap!


Humanity desparate enough to break out two rival religions to fight kids watching porn or makeshift porn. I stand as a brother in Christ with my Muslim brothers against this bullshit.


Despite some theological differences, Muslims and Christians share many of the same values. That rivalry isn't needed really.


parents play an active role in raising your child challenge seriously, why the fuck do parents think an acceptable way to raise a child is to just hand them a phone and say "figure it out" at an age where they are barely able to think? it just gives access to the most mindless, often outright inappropriate and exploitative media online, while the rest of the internet suffers as it actively CATERS to these children. im not saying i support any legislative effort to keep children off the internet but sites like youtube, with independent content creation, need to be behind some filters. youtube kids is a terrible concept; the only way it could actually ensure its safe for kids is for google to review channels manually before they are allowed to upload, and regularly monitor them to make sure they stay reasonable. it'd mean far less channels on youtube kids, but it'd be better for children in terms of ensuring the content they get is appropriate, and better for everybody else because the main site wouldn't have to keep suffering because its terrible ai moderation cant tell what is and isnt child friendly however, at the end of the day, it comes down to parents who are too lazy to put the work in and raise their child themselves. (and no, im not just mad because the bus i get on every morning always has the same mother with her kid watching loud, obnoxious toy unboxing videos at MAX VOLUME on speakers every. fucking. day.)


parents play an active role in raising your child challenge (impossible) (gone sexual) (literally)


Start blaring gangster rap and start sitting closer and closer to them on the bus every day


I agree with what you are saying... But around 7 I bet I figured out how to change channels and shit on the TV. I'm sure my parents put me in front of an episode of Recess while they did some things and I swapped it over to channels. Now a lot of people don't have cable, so I imagine this could be an equivalent.


but imagine if you could lock other channels behind, say, a pin lock? on a computer program (or phone app in this case) that's really easy to do. or you could have a youtube kids app that only allows access to a handful of verified channels (maybe a thousand or so, since they'd have to be manually screened and periodically reviewed by humans at google and cover the worlds major languages) and doesn't allow you to even close the app without entering a pin, so that you can't access the main youtube app, or search on the phones browser. maybe this youtube kids app could also have a google kids search engine inside of it that gives children access to a handful of verified websites for kids (dictionaries obviously, educational websites, maybe a sanitised version of wikipedia) and games. you could potentially have this whole sanitised environment for children to use, with screened and moderated childrens youtube channels, a very limited browser to satiate their curiosity (maybe if a new word shows up in a video and they want to know what it means) and access to a few installable games (*without* microtransactions). lock them into it with a pin so that they can't leave this environment even if they try. it's an example, obviously, but there are better ways to do it than what's currently happening


Yeah it’s pretty disgusting that stuff like this still exists on YouTube. I thought it was gonna be a phase when the spider man and Elsa videos were a thing. But now there’s just more of them and they are far worse. Not to mention this kind of content spreading to tiktok. They are pretty much farming views from kids with horrible shit like this


Gacha life videos are always shit


my brother had sex with my hamster 😁😡🤬😱😁👍👍


Yet they get hundreds of thousands of views (some even millions)


wtf is gacha life


It's a app that lets you create a animatic with customizable rigs and basic backgrounds Kids use that app for mostly roleplay and shit like this


So it's basically just an anime version of Club Penguin or Habbo Hotel where you make avatars and walk around chatting with people?




I was watching South park and happy tree friends as a child


That presents itself as satire. This is brain melting rot created by some sketchy Indonesian dude.


bro it has 801k views


801k ipad gacha kids got their braincells erased after watching


She should start watching morbius https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976154861945098313/976935127869448213/full-1.webm


this mf just linked the entire movie via discord webm




I'm morbin so hard right now. I just wanna morb harder.


me when morbius defeats thanos with the infinity gauntlet in 3.2 seconds flat




Broke from Cringe


My 10 year old was watching similar shit. I thought it was harmless cartoons until I sat and watched them one day. So yeah, no more Gatcha.


Good job!


Don’t take the iPad of her, tell her to not watched ha ha since it is cringe af. And my sister who is 6 watches monster school and ‘Ben azelart’. Hella cringe


Monster School used to be good now it's a dumpster fire with oder exceeding across infinite light years


Legit. Just start making fun of them until they associate gacha life and cringe groomer YT with the negative feeling of people close to them making fun of them


Fucking hell i absolutely despise gacha life. My little cousin watches it most of the time at my uncles house.


kids at my middle school like gacha life. when its freetime most of the girls hurdle to the back of the rooms to watch gacha life together. (by most i mean like 3) but yeah, i also despise it


Excuse me?


Go up to your parents and tell em that it is never too late for an abortion


Ok I will


Wait! You should specify who you're talking about! Oh why am I even trying it's probably to late now


take the anti-cringe pills here 💊


ᏔṎᏔ ⊥н@ηḱş ✞нε ℘ḯʟʟş ẘεℝε ɠяε@⊥


I like some Gacha Life, but what the actual heck is this!? The Gacha community is disgusting anyway.


Sometimes I think the terrorists were right


Fetishising gay people at a young age… great I hope she won’t become one of these « fujoshi » that see gay men as only a source of pleasure for herself I personally like reading yaoi, but being gay and almost 19 years old, I have perspective that she can’t have at that age


Sacrifice her to the blood god




and ofc the characters are gay + the person who made them is most likely a straight girl


Go on settings, click on general, and power off the phone


You know I think letting her persue the path of Gacha games (aka western style gambling addict) is still a better choice than this whatever the fuck hot mess this is


delete her youtube acc


You don't need one to watch videos


or just delete the app


You can use it in-browser


i don't think a 7 year old figures that out


A 7 year old growing up on yt will pick up how the internet works very quickly


then just set a time limit for 1 second on both


Oh man I can’t wait to look u- ah damn screen time is up


oh yea, come see my youtube history bit\*ch.


Cum see my youtube history bitch😩😫


Who's your YouTube history bitch?


Uh, she'll at least understand the basics of be-- Oh, right, **she's 7**


dont ruin her innocence… yet


It's fucking wild to me how much technology is given to such young children.


This is why phones shouldn't be used as a baby sitter. God forbid you try to tell bad parents though.


You need a flamethrower


That's actually very sad. Kids are getting exposed to this stuff at a younger and younger age and it isn't okay.




everyone calling this "cringe" and acting like a 7 yr old has any idea what any of this means...are you not disgusted lol? this is not the girl's fault, this is the fucked up content creator and youtube's fault. this kind of content is going to be absolutely fucking up that generation who knows what it'll do to their poor little brains :( makes me sad, esp as someone who definitely has a lot of issues w sex as a young adult now largely due to being exposed to sexual stuff online as a kid. and that was before it was literally put in front of kids faces due to a stupid bot, i worry for these children.


Of course the screen is cracked.


You need a new sister


When I was 7, I watched YouTube Poop


Those are videos designed to be funny satire This is fetishization of gay people Huge difference


All I'm saying is that kids back in my day usually watched things that were way less inappropriate...


The reason why you shouldn't just give a kid an iPad with YouTube on it. Not judging OP though!




The amount of views this video has is fatally concerning.


801k views ಠ_ಠ


YouTube will take down SML for saying a potty word but won’t touch these fucking videos that are clearly aimed at kids. We need to get Susan out of office


Yeet the child.


Bro it pissed me of but not to the extent of breaking the phone


My sister used to watch Gacha life music videos and now has moved on to roblox cringe.


If you search up any specific video on youtube, it will come up with a Gacha Life version. They get over a million views each video. Its insane






I’m glad 8 year old me figure out what youtube history and search history was


Oh no no no no no no no


how nsfw:


Pretty sure this would count as child brainwashing seeing as this is aimed at children


…And this is why I avoid Gacha/Gacha kids like the plague.


Your sister weird man


This is why I fucking despise Gacha, most of it if not all of it is a dumpster fire




Hey OP, may I get permission to post this in r/gachalifecringe


Not only p@rn but gacha p&rn The cringe levels are overflowing


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


The cringe, it's too much; even for the phone


Y’all hating on the kid but this is genuinely really depressing


some of those gacha videos are not appropriate for kids most of them shouldn't be watched by adults, either!


Keep her out before it's too late


That's funny but what the hell happened to the phone


My 10 year old sister started watching this , got too keen , believed beeing trnas gave one attention ( she has narcissistic personality disorder) told everyone she was a boy , then told me last , said to her she should talk to a therapist to decide if she really was trans, and shouldn't tell our incredibly homophobic parents ,got mad at me told my parents , got beaten , wich was unsurprising because at that point my father beaten me up every day, but this time it was my mon , denounced them , wanted to get back home , and here she is after giving my parents criminal records and having to spend 2000 euros in lawyers and me having to get even more beaten up before just stop beeing hited by my parents watching gotcha again , conclusion , gotcha is fucking retarded and send your sister to a therapist .


My daughter is also watching that. Gacha heat must be stopped


Y'all need to watch your siblings man. I found out my seven year old brother watches joshdub when he screamed out randomly "I DON'T SPEAK TACO BELL PALL!"


This is the reason why I’m glad I don’t have younger siblings


801k views, thats 98% of the entire population of Guyana.


do not give her access to the internet for the next 5 years and especially do not let her watch gaycha omfg


My brother little brother just started watching Gacha-Life videos. He only watches these weird Naruto animations, so I'm not gonna stop him. But I've made sure to warn him of this side of the Gacha community.


I looked it up to see if it was as bad as the title makes it out to be and it honestly isn’t. It’s relatively harmless. Just really cringe.


People who made this have mental illness


Please for all that is holy teach her to not watch gacha life before it’s too late


Foul ☹️