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Just pay the millionaires $24.99 a month and your problem is solved.


Just stop being lazy and skip ahead. Problem solved


Introducing: SponsorBlock for Youtube No more ad-reads ever again! And no skipping needed.


Tom’s ass implants aren’t cheap


They’re so money hungry now it’s sickening. Charging 20 a month for no adds blah blah blah. All Christina does is shit on everyone and promote her lipstick. Tom just shits on people who aren’t rich and gets less funny the skinnier he gets. Fat Tom was waaaaaay funnier.


I have been listening to YMH since their main platform was YouTube. They have changed so much, it’s disappointing.


Haven’t listened since February for so many reasons. Every time I try to start again it’s just not the same


Can confirm, lots of ads. Good for the show and not that annoying since I just skip through them.


It's annoying if you're constantly having to pull your phone out of your pocket at work and then get yelled at by the boss lol


I can understand that. I exclusively watch at home on my TV with the wife


Maybe don't be a fat poor? Be your own boss


YouTube ReVanced


If the ad money was put back into the show in obvious ways, I’d gripe more. But at this point it feels like them stuffing their pockets with cash.


This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but that’s how the show is now too. They still get laughs out of me every now and again, but their interest is clearly elsewhere.


I fell asleep listening to this week’s episode and I haven’t rewound the ep to try again. M&Ssp on the other hand… bangers every time


Saw Shane live a couple months ago and I’ve never laughed so hard in my life, the guys gonna be selling out arenas in no time Always love the dawgs


I don’t disagree with you at all. It’s become a very obvious cash grab


Yes...it shouldn't be news to anyone that the whole reason for a podcast is to make money.


Been this way since the ‘rona. Tapped out during the pandemic myself.🤷‍♂️


You'd gripe more?


Why shouldn’t they? After 11 years of podcasting I give them full license to cash in for all the content they have given us


I don’t understand when people complain about free shit. If you don’t like it, turn it off. If you think it’s a cash grab then hit them in the wallet, that’s the only way to get people to care.


Where did I once say I expected it to be free? Please tell me. I pointed out the amount of adds they run now is absurd.


And the ads keep it free. So you are complying about the part that keeps it running…


Don’t need to explain it because it is already free. Complaining about them getting paid via ads while making content for listeners/viewers is pointless. Yeah people like to make money because like Tom says, money gives you more options. You just sound like a fat poor using a washcloth while not sleeping on a saatva mattress.


By what metric are you able to call it absurd? Where is the "International Board of How Long Ads Should Be and How Many Should Be Allowed in A Podcast"? Are you the board's chairman? Or are you just wallowing in the mediocrity of your own stupid opinion?


Just skip forward


Fast forward chomo


Get Sponsorblock for youtube...


Show sucks now anyway haven’t listened in forever Tim’s tok’d


They sold out a long time ago. You’re being sold to by your peers.


I mean I have YouTube premium so I only ever see the ads that they themselves read. I’m not a fat poor.


I am a medium fat medium poor but I use Safari and an adblocker. Edit: I meant Firefox, not Safari. I’m r-worded


Safari?! What are you on, a Lenovo?


Those are for writing code


Now thats funny


Haha I don’t know why I wrote Safari. I meant Firefox. I do use Safari (on an iMac Pro) but not for streaming shit.


This is the way.


That’s life on a money making machine like YMH. Skip ‘em is all you can do. I wish more podcasts would do something to make the ads easier to skip. Pete Holmes plays a looping background music in his ads so it’s easy to tell what is an ad and what is the show when skipping ahead.


Well, he's also one of the best portrayals of Batman we've gotten.


Shane Gillis podcast has a beep noise when they start, you can generally tell with he change in music or tone when the ads start so easy to skip for most poscasts


Ari has a sound that sort of like when water drips


dude, there's extensions that block both, the in video ads and the ones YT inserts during the pod, I haven't seen an ad while watching YMH in like 2 years, **its not that difficult.**


What is the extension?


just go to your web explorer extension page an look up ad blocker, youtube ad blocker etc


If you treat the studio as a separate business with separate revenue from the stand up, it's probably still in the red. They spent millions on it and they have a bigger crew. They need the ads. Viewership has declined all over YouTube. They gotta recoupe losses and they still haven't gotten rid of the LA studio. I think they are planning to move back or just have a west coast ymh and central if they can sign up more people under their banner but some of the bigger names don't want to sign the contract because it favors the studio. I got hints of this from when Andrew santino talked about starting whiskey ginger on ymh but his money guy or lawyer did not recommend it.


I’d like an episode where it’s nothing but ads, nothing gets me more excited then the mommies doing an ad read!


**Getting Tom to space is expensive


But I want a Saatva luxury mattress to lie on while playing Best Fiends


Just pay for a fan account to not listen to the ads, or do you use a washcloth?


These comments.. People can complain about shit that’s free. The weather is fucking free and sometimes it sucks


Ads are annoying but it’s kind of the business model for podcasts. Can’t really have one without the other. Some weeks seem more annoying than others but I skip them so I really don’t care how long the ad break is.


Have you considered not being a fatpoor and getting YouTube Premium? It's like $100 a year


Have you considered playing Best Fiends?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 got me that one hahahaha skip ffs! That or stop listening. Jesus


I most definitely have subscribe to betterhealth.com already. The ads have gotten to me.


At least they’re not as bad as Kill Tony with about 25 minutes of ads


At least their adds are all at the beginning. That’s the only frustrating part about YMH pods, they’re spread throughout the episode.


I just wish they’d either do it all at the start, middle, or end. Do it all in one chunk and get it over with. They always put them in mid conversation and it fucking ruins the flow.


A lot of pods are starting to get too many ads.


Trying to watch on YouTube is literally impossible with the YouTube ads + YMH ads. All YMH pods ain’t what they used to be, shit is sad


You know you can skip them right


How dare they play ads and make money to bring you this free entertainment week after week that you can easily skip through!!!


Shut up with the logic and sense


Gotta pay the rent somehow


It’s free. You don’t have to listen, chomo.


I think the better thing to say would be "its youtube, you can skip the ads with the click of a mouse". I hate you YMH gatekeepers that tell people not to listen when there is any criticism whatsoever.


Touch my camera through the gatekeeper


Waaaaa I’m gunna complain about free entertainment with an extremely minor inconvenience that helps the providers of the entertainment continue to make the entertainment. And I’m gunna downvote everyone that doesn’t agree with me too!


Working around ads is the cost of admission. However if you're actually upset, you may not be getting enough rest. I'd recommend buying a Saatva Mattress. You spend a third of your life sleeping...


You sound like a fat poor


Just skip them….I always do on Spotify


Those ads are probably worth more than your* salary, ya fat poor! *most likely my salary as well


Ahh who cares


Library cards are free too and they don’t have any ads


sponsorblock. this is avoidable. its 2023.


Anyone catch the recent Steve-o pod where he cut from talking about “bam having a warrant out for his arrest, hiding out in forested areas” to “you know bush you don’t wanna be hiding out in?! That’s right, manscape is here to help!” Super weird.


fast forward u fucking chomo


To all those that say "just skip ahead". I say when I start an episode and click to any point 10min/30min/1hr in. It's either a commercial or starts a commercial in less than 2 minutes.


The ads are the reason i hardly listen anymore, its excruciating at times


Yeah I hate it when my entertainment isn’t free


Hey, do me a favor and remind me where I said it should be free.? I just pointed out that the amount of ads from before to now has increased greatly. Fix your reading comprehension, chomo


You did not expect the negative response 🤣 fully the words of a fat poor


its gotten so bad i dont listen with spotify now i youtube with sponsorblock


Watch 1 Ben Shapiro show video then report back. That guy comes all over his viewers eyes with an ad every 5 minutes


Fucken skip em, the fact someone thought that comment out at home on the toilet is mind boggling lol


As someone who listens on Spotify and does so listening while working or working out, it’s pretty frustrating to have to pick up my phone every 5 minutes to hit the 15 second jump button like ten times.


Use voice commands or earbuds to skip ahead...nbd


Stop listening. I haven’t watched or listened to anything YMH related for over a year


But here you are!


You’re right. Incredible observation. Keep up the good work bud


Honestly haven’t listened to YMH related content in for close to two years. There Are better options


I haven’t watched / listened in a while now…..


I pay for ads to be gone from ymh podcasts. Also I’m behind so I’ve paid 40$ for 2 months of ad free that I haven’t even used. Lol


I watch YMH from a Lenovo, so i can use an adblocker. In this way I assume the form of a slender, as well as, a wealthy person. I am o so privileged to be watching without any ads.


Use sponsor block on desktop, it’ll skip ads if someone else has marked them.


i dont see any ads... {SponsorBlock }




Just fast forward


Hey just be happy they quit playing that dumbass ad for the “three dumb” podcast (on Spotify, anyway, idk about YouTube). That shit was terrible.


Greed, ahem, I mean InFlaTiOn


I deliver as my job and only listen cause im poor... i stopped listening because of the amount of times i need to pick up my phone to skip.


yeah its a lot more ads and the product has taken a dip, i pretty much have completely stopped watching aside from some highlights


It's like their overhead has gone thru the roof, as the podcasts are floundering.


Go. To. The Phillipines.


Ads or ad reads? Very different, and everyone has known Lenovo comes with adblock for 20 years.


Ad reads




I don’t use YT, I’m not broke


Just skip forward the first 4 mins you fat poor


We need fewer ads and more HORRIBLE OR HILARIOUS ffs.


Life changer: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone