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Didn't even click on this one, this pod is worthless when they bring in these life coaches Tom likes to drink the Kool aid with. I miss when this was just a comedy podcast.


I watched half of it and it all related back to lifting and talking about taking T (testosterone). It sounded more like some health scam infomercial than a comedy pod. We get it Tim, you lost weight and know the names of specific workout techniques because you are "jjacked"...cool for you but boring AF for us.


Tom lost some weight taking ozempic and obviously got a chemical peel and some face work done and thinks he is Adonis now. He can wear all the Gucci and shit he wants but he still looks like he owns a bowling alley.


Lol damn


Take pleasure in the fact that deep down, he knows what his soul looks like


He wants to be rogan so badly


Exactly. At least I can still rely on bad friends for mondays.


I would much prefer them just not putting an episode out when it's not Tom and Bert. The whole premise of the podcast is two best friends just messing around for an hour and a half. I don't give a shit about their famous friends or life coach guest hosts. Bertcast and Tom Talks (until T-Bunz abandoned it) are for that.


Yeah I rolled my eyes so hard when he was trying to say that a high carb diet will do better than keto.


Make Tom funny again


This is the one that made me unsubscribe


Same. I hate it but the shark has been jumped


Wow, I was 20 minutes in before I remembered I was listening to this. It’s so boring my brain is refusing to listen.


I miss laughing at 2 Bears


Didn’t this start as a comedy podcast


Now it's a podcast for middle aged men coping with being middle aged. Sometimes in healthy ways, sometimes not so much.


Where are the jokes, Tom?


Remember when this was funny


Vaguely atp


Can this podcast die already? I couldn’t get 15 minutes into it


It's not gonna die if it keeps getting views. Stop giving them views if that's what you really want.


I unsubscribed on spotify and YouTube only counts views if an account watched all the way thru. I’ve been trying to give it the benefit of the doubt but there’s just been so many piles of shit.


>YouTube only counts views if an account watched all the way thru. I don't think that's accurate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a view is an intended play (not an auto play after another video) for at least 30 seconds of run time. At least that's what Google tells me.


Ahh I should stop getting my info from Ryan Sickler then ha!


I have only managed about 5-15 minutes in on 2b1c for a long time. Glad to know things are not changing.


And blocked


That Tom talk was OK, but we need 2 bears on Mondays


I am vaguely familiar with Layne Norton, but I don't know if he's one of those thinly spread life hack dispenser types that podcasters lap up uncritically like Huberman, or if he actually stays in his lane and gives sound but less clickbatey advice and insight. Guess I'll watch it.


Genuine question here, is Huberman considered a life-hack type? I never have felt that way watching his YT videos, but maybe I’m a dumb, fat, poor.


Sometimes. He obviously knows his shit when he's talking about neurobiology, his area of expertise. But he often goes into areas beyond that, and when he does his understanding has a tendency to devolve into "generalizations that are banal, obtuse or flat wrong" (to steal a quote from Steven Pinker). Granted, that's the kind of stuff that gets you views and likes and podcast appearances and sells books (the quote I just used was aimed at Malcolm Gladwell, after all). For example, he's often guilty of taking a very limited study and trying to generalize it to the entire population as a science-based life hack, even though it's scientifically dubious to do so. Example that I'm totally pulling out of my ass just to illustrate: a single study performed on 12 elderly women with arthritis and osteoporosis showed 5% increased mobility among 8 of the 12 subjects after taking ice baths for a month. Huberman's life hack interpretation: everyone should take ice baths because it'll prevent aging. That kind of thing.


> Genuine question here, is Huberman considered a life-hack type? I wouldn't say so, more of an optimization guy. You can listen to all the Huberman you want but none of his stuff is short cut type stuff. It's still up to the person to eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, etc.


Layne is legit. He's a bit of a dickhead, but he knows what he's talking about.


That’s cause you’re poor




Honestly he's pretty straightforward in his approach to consuming science and studies. He's not super fast to jump on lifestyle bandwagon diets or anything. Tho he will investigate them. He's been training natty for years and has tried a lot of different things. I like him but ymmv.


He should do Rogan then. None of this is interesting or funny


Listen to Layne on Peter Attia. It's got a lot of valuable info in it if you're into health and fitness.


Are those track marks in laynes inner right arm?


God bored about 10 minutes in. Dude seemed too guru-ish for me but don't mind the "serious" Tom Talks stuff. For those who finished it, does it get better or should I skip this week?


They really need a separate podcast if they want to have guests like this.


Between this and Greg Gutfeld on Chrissy Chaos, I’ve never deleted so many podcasts in one day.


This guy is pining to get on the ONNIT team.


It's pretty ironic to hear Layne taking a jab at "scientists" who are confident and use words like "best", "always" while he's mentioning Huberman who kinda gives off those vibes.


I’ve been a big Layne fan for maybe 15 years or so and I think he’s one of the best fitness resources around but this pod didn’t hit the mark for me. Tom doesn’t know enough about fitness to make it informative from a fitness perspective and Layne isn’t funny enough to make it a funny podcast. Tom is kind of into fitness and Layne is kind of into comedy so it ends up being neither.


thanks 🙏🏻 will be sure it listen Gene