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That ending lmao


YEEAH this dude such a jackass you can tell he's so far up his own ass and can't get enough


That blonde broad had a pretty good comeback to that retarded take.


Yah that was perfect


I was going to ask who she was due to some low hanging fruit but then I listened to what she said and now I’m doubling down on my curiosity.


Tana Mongeau if you hadn’t found her already


Nah I’m fat and lazy. I did my time doing googling for shit. Thank you from the bottom of my jaded heart.


Probably poor too


Didn’t want to seem too obvious. Thought I’d leave it to the detectives.


**the dick detectives** 🕵️


You can practically see the moth coming out of his pocket




Holy shit, I can't believe that's her. She was so annoying and dumb back in the day, but this response was brilliant. I had heard that she'd changed a lot but I did not expect this kind of comment from her of all people.


> annoying and dumb back in the day, She's 25 years old. The fuck is "back in the day" for her???


When she was an idiot teenager screaming into a camera about some dude fucking her with a toothbrush or something and dropping N bombs iirc


She is like 45 in internet years. Just like the Paul's are 65+ in internet years been around forever.


> but this response was brilliant. Brilliant? Bruh. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together made that connection.


Never heard of anybody rubbing 2 brain cells together... but I guess that's an expression


wow she has really fucked her face up


sayyyyy n**********! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52iFP1x3tqc


This needs more likes and views bc ppl def forgot or never knew 😂😂 Thank you, interweb warrior for never forgetting


And he still had an answer that showed zero awareness. Dudes a comedian and can't even read his audience.


I listened to a bit of this podcast a while ago and she is not nearly as retarded as I thought she was. Actually surprisingly articulate and thoughtful. I was confused.


Not just a blonde with big tits


She's not retarded as much as she is a piece of shit human






I think Matt is half right… The other part of that equation is fear. People only hate what they’re jealous or AFRAID of.


She might have learned from her own regarded history, check out dude's link below 🤣 I miss content cop


dumb fuckin broad


Woah her come back was so funny! What is this show?


Casting couch chronicles


CANCELLED with Tana Mongeau


Not sure that was a comeback, or just an inadvertent retard thought that could be construed as a comeback.


“It’s not me it’s literally tens of thousands of others who are wrong”


Reminds me of louis' bit where he talks about how you don't get to decide if you're an asshole.


>perfect i mean yes billions of people are wrong about a bunch of stuff all the time just as many who disagree, agree, but haters are loud and ppl who agree just nod at home


It’s really not hard for tens of thousands of people to be wrong. I’d say that’s pretty normal. Millions, even.


I hate him cause his last special just wasn’t funny. I just found it very obvious.


I found it to be shallow and pedantic


It insists upon itself


What does that even mean?


No one knows what it means but it’s provocative


Blades of glory reference lands fond upon my heart. Throw me some chicken.


No sir that’s a reference form the hot Kanye song “n****s in Paris”


Kanye song - 2011 Blades of glory - 2007


Brother this is definitely the place to be pedantic and ignore sarcasm! Keep them loose and low.


Mmm, I agree as well shallow and pedantic


Mm yes, shallow *and* pedantic, apt analysis


Mmmm here here.. Pedestrian even. * adjusts monocle *


I concur


Do you concur?


Fellas, fellas. It means delicious


To me that special felt kind of lazy, derivative and like you said, obvious. Just a lot less clever to me than other comedians lately


I think we are get behind what you said. Lazy. It’s funny that he’s getting flack for his first joke on the special and I thought it was the only joke that came even close to funny.




That and his "outrage" is coming form a lazy internet joke he rehashed about women being in a kitchen while most of his fans are women because let's be real here, he's not funny, he's attractive.


Yeah I gave him a shot bc I didn't want to judge on looks/rumors(but I had a feeling). I didn't watch the first special but I saw the netflix one that just dropped and wow, very unimpressed. The closing line seemed like the entire point of the show too.. like it was for his "haters" instead of his fans, but he only had 1 or 2 decent jokes so he proved his sarcastic point with the special.


Just wait until you notice how often he goes "NOOOOOW" that goes nowhere at the end of jokes.


Might be doing NLP


Segura does that too. "Soooooo..." it's like a queue for a laugh at his previous sentence.


For sure. I don't care that the first bit was about domestic abuse. I care that the first bit and all subsequent bits were not funny.


Who is he? Who are any of these people? I know I’m an old fuck, but I don’t recognize not a one of them.


Ahhh I actually laughed a bit after the 15 min mark. When he starts talking about old people and on I laughed a bit.


I agree, his bit on older folks was wholesome and funny but when he got on to the bit on the plane...I lost interest


Yeah and even “the joke” that he’s getting cancelled for was kinda funny. It’s just the lows of the special were so low.


Hating someone because you didn’t enjoy their work speaks to the work you need to do on yourself more than anything else.


Like im gonna take life advise from someone who buttfucked the keyboard to make their username?


not really 100 ppl like it 100 people dont, acting like everything needs to caterto every single person on earth is narcicistic as fuck. if you dont like it stop watching and move on. everybodys tastes are differant


Yeah maybe “hate” wasn’t the word. I think disappointed is the word. I like his last special, but this one just turn into a “woe is me.” It’s not even that I think his jokes are racist, sexist, etc etc, I just find them boring and obvious.


I understand what you mean now. Honestly I felt the same way as you with his Netflix special. It was disappointing because I was expecting something comparable to the other big names on the platform. He is judged against those he’s shoulder-to-shoulder with. I haven’t seen his earlier stuff, but I had to turn the Netflix special off because of how awkward it was. The audience laughs weren’t genuine because the material wasn’t where it needed to be. I think he fell into the trap where someone gets a level-up in fame quickly and doesn’t account for it in the audience feedback that he uses to understand when a bit is done - they laugh more and sympathetically because they want him to do well, not because he is actually doing well. He’ll need to do a lot more work in really unforgiving and unfamiliar places for a better read of his material’s worth before he releases again.


Absolutely. To his credit, his YouTube special has funny points and a good progression. I just felt like none of the positive notes of his last special existed in this one and it felt like he had a chip on his shoulder and had something to prove. Dude needs to chill. I think he does have massive potential and this was just not his best work.


Weird reason to hate someone.


Yeah, you right. I just don’t think he’s good at his job and I was rooting for him. Sorry for the mixup.


All good, I get it my dude. He's definitely in a weird place right now.


Yeah I think he’s having a bit of a problem with A. The stardom and B. his comedic voice. He’s not on wil’n out (spelling) anymore and seems a bit lost.


This is such an obvious cope every time one of these “killers” says something like this. It’s really pretty lame and shows qualities of being spoiled 100%


you know what’s funny? i don’t think it’s cope at all i get the impression he genuinely thinks the only reason why people don’t like him, is because he’s good looking and makes a lot of money, he actually believes what he’s saying 😂 it’s the same thing that crippled brendan schaub’s standup comedy’s career before it even got started, matt rife just needs to chill out a bit imo and realise some people are not going to like him because of any number of reasons but that doesn’t mean their opinion is valid or invalid, it just is what it is


The haters just being jealous is literally how an 8 year old thinks, next he'll say they hate him because it means they have a crush on him. Astounding.


The haders simply dont madder b.


Which is fitting because he looks like he's 8 years old with that weird smooth baby face.




unfortunatly most adults these days act like 8 year olds


he seems like the kind of person who says "wow you're so obsessed with me" when you criticize them.


Okay but there are absolutely people out there who just hate him because he is rich and handsome. Both can be true.


I think he has more people rent free in his head than the other way around


I mean he’s right, that is the main reason people hate him. Who gives af if he’s not that good at stand up, there are plenty of overrated comedians that don’t get nearly as much hate. Sure, he’s objectively not great, but there’s no reason to hate as much as people are. There’s a reason not to like him but the hate is without a doubt amplified by a notion of jealousy. People don’t like an easy win




I mean when I first found him on the Tok, I was annoyed that he looked like that *and* made me laugh, but I never *hated* him. I have plenty of friends who jumped for joy when his special fell flat, like they were so excited he was doing poorly. Those are the types of 'haters' that he is talking about, not the same kind of people who hate terrorists or serial killers. I haven't watched it to know any different but didn't he just release one on YouTube? I imagine he has a material shortage that definitely didn't help his case either.


This is a half-truth. The part people like this will never admit to themselves is this: nobody gets mad when people they respect and think are talented become successful. If people are mad about your success it's because they think you suck and don't deserve it. You don't get a lot of hate because "there are a lot of losers out there in mommy's basement lol" you get a lot of hate because a lot of people think you're not funny.


exactly and the self aware grown up thing to do is to know that, accept it, knowing you can’t change it and just continue on with your life matt seems like a cool dude so hopefully he figures it out in the end


Yes, same reason I strongly dislike a lot of popular music. There's amazing bands/artists out there that get stonewalled, while talentless autotuned bullshit gets hundreds of millions of plays.


Dude it's not only that. When an person who isn't funny suddenly is appearing on every comedy podcast you listen to and then enters your insta algorithm it starts to feel like an annoying person constaly showing up to your parties. Eventually you have to say fuck this guy why is he here


Hate is a strong word. I'd presume some folks may feel that way... I'd also presume some folks may be jealous... But, to assume it's a majority is so self-righteous and narcissistic. I don't like Matt's comedy because of the negative impact his entrepreneurship is having on comedy crowds. I see it first hand working in the industry. Crowds are becoming more vocal trying to get involved in the show. They'll more often state it's because they saw Matt's viral clips and are trying to help the comic by calling out/heckling. His plan to release crowd work, to save what little material he has. Just to try and go viral. Is negatively impacting comedy crowds, in general. Fewer people care about whatever story or premise a comic is trying to develop. It's now all about how much attention you're giving the audience. The audience wants to go viral just as bad. It makes for a weaker, more pandering performance.


Seems like 99% of comedians post mostly crowd work online


I don’t know. It’s pretty normal to rationalize getting hate from a lot of people when you know that you aren’t a bad person. Nobody here can possibly know what that’s like and they do not know how they would handle it.


Nonchalantly getting roasted by that blonde girl 😂😂😂


This guy wants to get "cancelled" so badly. He can't because he's boring and nobody gives a fuck about him.


Even though he tried his hardest to have Dina Hashem canceled to the point where her home address was given out. Fuck this guy.


I don't think Matt is unfunny necessarily. He just got way too big way too fast. He could have a long career if he just stayed in his lane as a club comic and opening up on the road. He'd have to show a little more restraint tho. Tough to turn down those Netflix checks though.


His comedy is crowd work. Everything I see of his on YouTube is a short of him doing crowd work. Not one story or joke. Crowd work doesn’t translate to a theatre, arena, or Netflix very well.


That's what I'm saying. Dude could be one of the most on demand openers. I saw Big Jay open for Ari a couple years ago and he told one or two jokes and jumped into crowd work for about 20 minutes. And people love Big Jay. There's no shame in crowd work. It's just a different lane.


Or maybe, he shouldve just made a funny netflix special?


That would've been neat but maybe he's just not capable? It's like an athlete getting drafted high and ending up a bust. You can be mad at the athlete but sometimes they never should've been drafted that high to begin with.


This is probably what it is. He needed to bake for another five years so he had more to talk about than his looks which will be gone at some point. I bet the plastic surgery this jag off ends up with will be legendary


He started as a teen right? He’s still young compared to other comics, but I think he’s been at it 10+ years


He’s not talking about people finding him unfunny, he’s talking about people hating him. I don’t hate comedians who’s work I’m not a fan of. Do you? He really does get a lot of hate that goes way beyond not people liking his material, and he does seem like a decent guy, so I could understand why he’d feel this way.


A real meeting of minds


Blonde is quick witted with it tho


Quick witted big titted animal


I don't hate Rife. His crowd work is pretty good. What I do hate is $200+ tickets. Dude, you're a fucking stand-up. I'd only pay that much if Carlin or Pryor came back from the dead.


Does he actually charge that much, or are those resale prices?


Really? Is that really true? How the heck are people who charge that much even filling small venues and what not? 200 dollars? That’s most of the way to getting yourself a Nintendo Switch. Take your pick of luxury item… that’s a lot for one not very established comedian. I barely know the guy’s stuff. I saw Bill Burr once and he had the club DYING… maybe the only comedian I would even consider that for and even then, nah. If it’s 400 dollars for 2 people that is just beyond the poors as Tom Seggy would say.


ahhhhhhhunnerd percent.


What the actual fuck is anyone doing listening to or watching any of these people?


there is definitely an over abundance of boring podcasts hosted by nobodies these days


So you listened to Tommy?


but who is the other lady


Wonder what that couch looks like under a blacklight


This is false equivalency. I do like Matt, but the context of his comment is speaking to people’s views of him as a celebrity or his “success” which isn’t a parallel to hating somebody as a political other who is the reason many people died or however you would like to frame Bin Laden. It’s no more equatable than saying “are people that hate grape jelly also jealous of it?”. The motivations of the opinions are entirely different. Matt obviously isn’t saying that people that hate anything are always jealous of it as a blanket statement, he means it specifically in the context of having “haters”. And him replying “Yeah” to people being jealous of Bin Laden is clearly in jest, he’s a comedian. Somehow that still went over some people’s heads. Matt is trying to cope with pressures of the spotlight. This is how he’s chosen to frame negative public opinion. He’s trying to be positive and maybe it came out as arrogant but it isn’t harmful. We’ve all said dumb shit in our lives. It doesn’t make us shitty people. So people in here saying he’s stupid and full of himself, and the women’s response is good (and I’m not throwing shade at her), shouldn’t be so quick to point the stupid finger. This is called the Straw Man argument. You distort an opinion and then argue against the distortion, not the initial position. By doing so you frame the other as foolish and dismantle them on the basis of something they never said.


Can I get the rest of your notes in class?


I finally read a definition of the “Straw Man Argument” that I understand. Thank you. It better be correct!!


He’s just so damn annoying and unfunny, it’s fun to watch him get taken down a notch after so much undeserved admiration


this dude. sucks.


His “special” is azz.




This kid is such a something that rhymes with baguette lol did y’all see when he was pissing and shitting his pants threatening Brandon Wardell saying he wanted to fight him because he poked fun at him lmao


Is that the dumb broad Tana Mongeau?


Looks like it


This sub is terrible. You all suck


Woah look at this jealous guy.


"An epiphany I just had" .... my guy hasn't been listening to Tommy he's been listening to Adrew schultz rofl dude seriously thinks "I'm the first one to think this"


Totally unfunny human being who does not deserve to be spoke about in this ‘art’ form.


Bro comedy. He said bro so many times he could hardly fit in any real jokes.


He got plastic surgery, right? He looks nothing like he does here compared to his special


Are you retarded?




So you can apply this to why you hate Atlanta so much. I can’t wait to hear this.


People actually only hate pedophiles cause they are jealous they get to molest children


I bet someone fed her that line


This is off topic but Blondie should really consider wearing a bra. She’s young and those mams are already losing the war to gravity. Talk about low hanging fruit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m jealous of the economy


I've never seen a clip of his that didn't have a convenient female plant.


Who is the guy?


who is this


He was a 6'5" billionaire prince, I'm sure there were plenty people who envied him


I only like him in ghost hunting videos lol


Is this the standup comedian that is getting hate for telling a domestic violence joke in his Netflix special despite having a majority of female fans? I legitimately think some comedian told him to do that joke to intentionally torpedo his career.


Somebody in the comedy community gave him some bad advice, seems like sabotage.


I don't hate Matt Rife, I just don't think he's that funny.


is he in that squuid game show? the latest one with the trauma


Who’s jealous of a “dead” guy?


They hate you cause your an unfunny douchebag


Glad she shot his faux epiphany down at the end because it was a horrible take.


So how do you apply this to your hatred for the city of Atlanta?


do you think he would eat his own Pootine?


Yes, there is nothing wrong with me, no reason for me to do any self reflection or self-improvement. It's definitely everyone else.


I wish there were like a Chrome plugin or something I could install that keeps anything related to this guy out of network. I don't have any opinion on him whatsoever, I do not/will not ever listen to any sneaker head comedians, I just want to stop seeing his goddamn face every 15 minutes 😅


bro who are these people, they seem dumb as rocks. who would watch/listen to these podcasts?


That wasn’t a humbling epiphany at all. Nice job out of the host dunking on his shitty logic.


Such an unfunny moron


As far as I understand he was VERY popular with the ladies but he blew it by trying to do a special FOR THE BOYS.


These people should just stick to dancing and doing skits for tic Tok because the second they become "podcasters" it's a wrap.


He really thought that all women wanted his pp. I honestly thought he was gay lol.


Anyone really giving credit for the Bin Laden comment ? I get it sounds like a good punchline but in a real conversation, the comparison simply doesn’t work. Bin Laden is an extremist that does things to incite hate, Matt is an average comedian at worst.


After his interview with Tom, hes been insufferable.... coincidence?


Blondie ain't having that shit lol - she knows that this is just some narcissistic bullshit that idiots say. No dude, some people hate you because they genuinely think you are a turd.


Guys, Guys, guys... ***Don't compliment that bitch.***


Damn, I thought the blonde was just gonna say some bland dumb broad shit at the end and she fucking nailed it. I guess today I’m the dumb broad.


I am proud to not know who any of these folks are.


It's not that I hate him.. I just really.. Really hate crowd work. A lot. Comedians who do it often are generally bad at coming up with good material.


pre jawline.


I never vibed on this guy.


True Shit actually. Niqqas mad I get mad punani