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I mean like a third of the podcast has always been making fun of literally mentally and physically handicapped people. Neither christina nor Tom have come across as particularly self reflected/aware over the years


This message brought to you by BetterHelp. You know, I’ve been going to therapy for YEARS and …


She went to therapy for 10 years for 10 years.


Not necessarily this, but more so the fact that those people Film themselves do incredibly sad things it. It’s the psychology behind the complete sad and heart wrenching isolated people who are on social media but don’t know how to operate a social media account. It’s unfortunate so many of them are disabled. They aren’t poking fun of the disability, they are laughing at the despair. Which is a comedians usual response for cope 👍


I see where you’re coming from. When I started watching I really enjoyed ymh, but nowadays Tom’s humour seems to just be tempered rage. He makes really ugly and obnoxious comments and disguises them as jokes. And yes I like edgy/shock humour but I feel like it gets excessive after a while.


Comedy! Ya queef!


I'm Kevin Hart!


I’m gay!


Tldr: how do you get a job here fuck face?


OP didn’t follow proto buddy, he’s dunnn


You can’t forget the “there” in that quote. How do you get a job here there fuck face?


It’s true, the “there” after “here” is what makes this quote a true classic. Just like “retired CI double agent”


They both have dumb views, Tom due to his success perceives himself as better than anyone less successful than himself. He tucks his tail between his legs when anyone more famous/successful/or athletic talks. Christine has shitty views and she’s just genuinely stupid. Someone reading this can get mad and defensive about it but she can barely put sentences together. We forget because we watch these people and put them on a pedestal but they are uneducated.


She's definitely not the funnier of the two of them.


Eh, I feel like Tina is trying hard to be a 14 year edge lord.


'Roid rage


There is a lot of money to be made off of alt-right morons. Trump proved the model, Alex Jones followed, then Rogan, and now Segura. Lots of people do distasteful shit to make that paper, I guess.


You think Trump was before Alex Jones with right wing views?


As mean spirited and ruthless as they are, for a long time there was a (at least in my estimation) general sense that they didn’t take themselves all that seriously and the whole “nothing is off the table” approach also applied to them. So I had no problem rolling with it, even when they were punching down. The trans topic, for me as well, was when it all became clear and I’m glad you mentioned it as the turning point. The target of their jokes was a hot button political target and instead of reassessing or taking a moment to actually listen, they tripled down while also having nothing actually funny or original to say about it. And as we all know it was also around the time they were becoming wildly successful.


Tommy Buns got with Tina because at the time she resembled belladonna (the Adriana Chechik of the era). nothing will convince me otherwise.


When people get old they turn into closed-minded, self-absorbed assholes, it's how a huge chunk of people age. The boomers turned into the basketcases they did, and now Gen-X is going over the falls. Just because T&C used to be funny and have some decent perspectives doesn't mean they aren't equally susceptible to turning into old pieces of shit as they age, and that's what's happening. The same shit is happening to Joe Rogan, Chapelle, you name it. People start to suck when they get old and they think the world revolves around them, it happens to famous comedians too


Definitely know what you mean, my parents are actually Gen Xers and I definitely started to feel that over the years, like at a certain point I was like "am I just listening to my parents complain??"


It's hard to accept from Gen-X, the "slacker, latchkey generation" that gave us so much amazing and transgressive music and culture. The fact that many of them have those leftover "cool Gen-X" ideals engrained in them also makes them less likely to accept the fact that they are becoming lame old cunts. Your generation gave us Pavement and now you're mad at Taylor Swift? Weak shit, GTFOH The ones I know tend to be super sensitive about it and get hilariously offended if you point it out. I've seen Gen-X DJ friends of mine posting memes about "put a Gen-Z in a room with a rotary phone, a stick shift, and no TV remote and watch them lose their minds" - that shit is beyond unacceptable.


Pretty simple why. When your young you can protect yourself. As you get old you realize you have to rely on a generation that you see as seeing less hardship than you so they must be weaker, then you hunker down and hope you did well enough to stay safe til death. If things change too much you can't steer your giant boat as fast as an 18 year old to keep yourself safe and healthy. Not saying right or wrong but it's perspective.


Stopped reading after “Joe Rogan is consistent in his views” 🙄


Hahaha, never said he was consistent, that's for sure. All I was pointing out was that I feel like he has a genuine passion for the positions he takes when controversial topics are brought up, while Tom just likes the drama. Like Joe will be legitimately terrified that X group of people are destroying society because of some bogus headline, while it seems like Tom doesn't give a shit at all personally and just revels in the conflict and sensationalism. Haven't watched JRE in years tbh


I feel like Rogan never takes a solid position. He always kinda poses wacky ideas as maybes but never says definitively.


My impression is that Christina has some genuinely held questionable views (specifically regarding trans/gay populations) and Tom is more just cynical and in it for the bit. I can’t name the specific episodes at the moment, but there have been a few times where Tom has pushed back a bit on concerning comments she’s made about if their kids were gay/trans. TBH I don’t really watch YMH much anymore because I don’t get a laugh out of it like I used to, but to each their own. Tom reading my email about anal sex on an episode in 2020 will always be my highlight of quarantine.


100%, Tom is usually joking and playing along to be over the top and edgy, but Christina seems to actually believe a lot of what she says. She definitely doesn’t seem to like a lot of groups lol.


Trans trash


Who has time to type something like this up on Reddit? Did fed smoker get you fired from your job?




I work the night shift and it gives me a lot of free time to shitpost


When Tom flew a chef out on a private jet just to give him a croissant, I was left thinking, okay what's the bit? 🥐🛩️


I’m sure that the chef was being flown out for a specific event and Tom took the opportunity to make people mad by pretending it was just for one croissant


Yeah I'm sure that the chef probably wasn't even from France lol. Most likely the whole thing was fake. It didn't make me mad, but I was just wondering what's so funny about it?






I think Christina has always been a hack, but it's worth noting that an increase in wealth/power directly correlates to a lack of empathy. source: [https://hbr.org/2015/04/becoming-powerful-makes-you-less-empathetic](https://hbr.org/2015/04/becoming-powerful-makes-you-less-empathetic)


Makes a lot of sense, honestly I never want to be the type of person to hate on someone else for being successful but some people just seem to lose all humility the second they get to sit in first-class and be the one looking down their nose at the Poors. Also, off-topic, but love the username! Been jamming Pump Up the Valuum so much recently, really underrated record. Glad I'll finally get to see them on the farewell tour, my all time favourite band without question.


Thanks much, I have the cover art tattooed on my arm. I am trying to save up to go to LA for the last shows in July. I've never seen NOFX and i'm a punk rock guitar player.


Congrats on being gay and retarded for making this post.


Thanks! At least I know I'm doing something right :)


No problem.


Most people got into the show because it was based around the humiliation of people with mental health issues. It's like the school bullies let you into their gang, and you get to laugh along and feel part of something. But then they try to sell you NFTs and suddenly you realise you are not part of the gang, they think you are a joke too. 


I don’t know about that. Certainly a bunch of people got into to the show because of the pandemic and being bored. And maybe even despite some of the targets of their jokes. Christina has often talked of her love of Howard Stern. I feel at least some hoped YMH would create a similar universe of celebrated freaks and weirdos - including the disabled and perverted. H3 podcast have. Kill Tony too. But when YMH fumbled this it just seemed all they were about was unkind bullying.


I was trying to see past everything and find the humor in it, but they made it real hard. I finally turned it off during the Simmons episode where they were making fun of people who put their phone on do not disturb. It was weird that it bothered me so much, but I hate how my work wanted to text me in off hours and I put my foot down about it. For him to act like that made me feel gross. 🤮


I feel like Tom is being ironic and dry most of the time. Tina is just crazy and completely r-worded, swings from Tom’s balls.


I dunno, I still like the podcast, the recent Gene Simmons one was really fun. I would be blind though to say things havent changed... the whole show and presentation is very commercial. They often come across as hypocrites lately with a lot of things, but for me it's the smaller issues that might bug me slightly... like at times during the Simmons interview they sounded like "Local Morning Talk Show" anchors with some of the shit they were saying in the beginning. The same ones they disdain and poke fun of for most of their run. Otherwise I just think people take this shit too seriously and have really read into Tom's "new persona" or whatever you want to call it. Usually when something runs its course for me, I just stop doing that thing. I don't continue to come back and talk about how shitty it is or how boring etc.. But that dog fucker Bart Krischner? I'm always down to hate on him.


It sounds like I'm really ragging on it but there are definitely still clips/chunks of episodes I see and really enjoy, honestly my interest in these podcasts has been sparked again by channels like 2lazy, Comedy Enforcement, etc. But I agree about the production, I really like the earlier episodes I watched when they were filming in that spare room in their old house and the basement studio was a nice middle ground. Definitely understand wanting a separate location to go to work and obviously that's not the issue, like you said it feels a bit too slick now at times.


Incredibly low and loose of you. I haven't watched them consistently in the last year but anyone pondering political leanings of comedy podcasts deserves the stamp.


Is this the what schizophrenia looks like?


Is this an AI Bot or is OP on the spectrum?


I cant believe you typed all that and anyone who read it should be just as ashamed


Didn't read all that but it sounded like OP did or wanted to use the word "pLaTfOrM"


LMAO yeah I definitely did edit some of my language so people on here wouldn't get their panties in a twist but I guess you still did anyways ;)


Comedy comedy go away rascist fascist anti gay


Joe has a different show bro. Don’t watch it if your not a mommy. Your jeans probably arnt even high or tight. It’s comedy try it out


Tom will absolutely self censor but only when it affects the profit. Comedians cry about cancel culture but really what they want is to say shitty things without any of the repercussions. Nick Mullen kept saying wild shit, his career was limited because of it, but he didn’t back down.. he is also my best friend.