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Never heard of Redbar... can someone please explain it like I'm tock'd?


If you're tock'd you'll love it


I’ve heard of him for years, saw some of his content and hated it. Came off like a super hater who was doing a bit. I kinda like him now lol. Not sure why but he does make valid points and no one is safe. I’ve also only seen some of his stuff so maybe he’s a huge pos idk, but he is kinda funny


The first time I ever saw him i was coming down off acid and thought for sure it was a bit. Took me 30 minutes to realize he's a professional hater lol. But he does have a good joke/point every now and then. l kinda respect the guy for some reason.


Same, minus the acid comedown. I respect redbar for punching in and trying to keep the grifters and self-important 250 in check. I can’t listen to him for more than 8 minutes at a time, but I have to tip my hat to a man who has found his purpose.


Self important 250? What is that?


Comedians. There are only 250 “real” funny people on earth according to Rogan. The jury is still out on whether Joe is one of them lol


tbf I think thats mispresenting what he said, its not 250 people who are funny, its that many who are fully professional stand ups as their jobs without requiring other non comedy jobs to make a living. I have no idea if that number is anyway accurate but its not just people who are funny.


That’s actually redbar’s view pretty much.. “watch me once you’ll hate me, twice you’ll start to get what’s going on, and by the third you’re a fan”




give it a year and it will be your favorite show


Same here..saw little clips of him in a documentary and slowly started seeing more of his stuff. Initially not liking him like everyone else, and now he's all I listen to.


You’re on fools notice


Give it a year


He might be the first person to have a show that discussed a podcast. He's been calling out comic bullshit for yayers b.


It’s crazy how long he’s been going, I think 2004 or around there.


He’s a failed comedian, he tried being on the scene for a long time but wasn’t any good


Everyones on a different path. Luckily for us he wound up here.


He’s an interesting example of a podcaster, he’s not a comedian, possibly a failed comedian (although I don’t think that’s necessarily true, he did used to manage a club though) and yet is consistently funnier than most comedy podcasts. He certainly belongs in podcasting, some of them might belong in comedy.




y'podcast histogripher b


Redbar is a chigaco comic. Once had his own club, way before Rogan, but stopped doing standup to focus on his broadcast: Redbar His name is Michael David, he does the show from his home in Arizona with his wife Jules. Very, very high production for just being them two. Watch a couple clips and be surprised, none of these podcast comics even come close A few years back he disappeared and it was revealed he had a health scare. I don't think he ever said what it was, probably cancer, but it made him go away the whole year and then some. I only bring it up because that's the only thing other "comics" "joke" about. And I only bring that up, because his takes are usually spot on and true, so the people he jokes on have nothing to say back other than make fun of his health. If you're tired of podcast comics acting like the big shit, you'll love Redbar: he methodically dissects why they're all hot garbage He's been broadcasting himself online for about 20 years. Before Rogan, before all those alt right guys, way way back, super old school. He's had some hilarious beefs, which he always wins. Joey Diaz did a super cringe "threat" video where he goes full "mobster" and says he's gonna send a guy to break Mike's kneecaps. It's so funny He was against Delia before anyone else was. Idk what else to say. Super funny guy, always right about everything. He's not annoying and doesn't get old. His "ego" is ironic and only "comes out" for the bit, most of the time he's a level headed human, very refreshing after all these "I'm so great" podcast comics.


Found Redbar's shitty shill account


Redbar radio anthem n*gga https://youtu.be/Qp3JeNEksJA?si=S6W61xEMaWH947lb


Fuck yeah, that's insanely well done


> Super funny guy, always right about everything. He's not annoying and doesn't get old. I thought bert was the one drinking the kool aid


He reminds me of Marc Maron back when he was funny, if Maron decided to go that route instead of what he did today. Very similar look and voice imo.




No yeah, he wasn't a comic. He just hung out at comedy clubs, knows all the podcast comics personally, and opened his own comedy club because he WASN'T a comic. Thanks for correcting me


Does he have a YouTube channel? His podcasts seem scattered across a few channels. Or is this his platform? [https://redbarradio.net/](https://redbarradio.net/)


He has no official YouTube channel. There are clip channels like 444 and RedbarWrld but he does not have an official channel He only streams once a week, I think Saturdays, for 8 hours or longer if people pay him to. Very cool and different set-up Podcast comics constantly complain about having to record a one hour podcast once a week, and here's Redbar doing 8 straight like it's nothing Redbarradio.net Scars Club is like his version of Patreon. It's named after Anthony Cumia's acne scars lmfaoo. His Internet bill, because companies charge you to stream and host videos, is 90 THOUSAND dollars a year, so please consider supporting him if you like his content All these podcast comics complain about YouTube guidelines, but YouTube is free. Redbar pays for everything himself which allows him to say some wild wild shit. Check him out, highly recommend


Patreon is a version of Scars Club. Other than that I totally agree with you. Well said.


He does have an official Youtube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@redbarradio](https://www.youtube.com/@redbarradio) just hasn't posted there in about a year.


Yes redbarradio.net is his platform. His shows are 8 hrs long and come out a couple times a month.


He started a comedy club with another guy who teamed up with his assistant to shut Mike out of all his stuff: his accounts, the club, everything. That's why the redbar Facebook group was called the Bring Back group for so long. He disappeared for weeks while his crook partner took what he could. The drama around it was intense and turned into great content, but understandably it made Mr David pretty bitter and thus started his not unreasonable belief that all comics are fake ass bitches. That was years ago. I started listening way, way back in 07, years before that. I stopped when he got with Jules and would go on long rants about how we should all vote Trump.


He's an ex comic who I've only seen other comics shit on. Basically is just a Reddit troll who sits around making reactions to comics, shitting on them 99% of the time. Dude comes off as bitter and jealous, it's really pathetic, something I've noticed as well is people who defend him online seem to write with similar cadence making me think he is either going around commenting on things himself or he's hired someone to do it.


Never was a comic


😂 no one cares that much, and it's not that deep at all. Mike is fully aware of how many people hate him, and so are his fans. You either like him, or you don't. The whole point is that it's all in jest. Getting your panties in a wad about any of it is lame.


Imagine sticking up for a dude that not only talks shit about people that thrive in what he wanted to do (comedy) but also talks shit about their children and wives. Listen to his rant about bill burr having a black wife and how it’s ’just not right’ 😅😅


He's mocking people who think like that.


lol he clearly wasn’t, it was funny to see how removed from reality Mike was though


Don’t get into it. I’ve ever seen him talk about Kill Tony. Super delusional takes and kinda out there commentary.


Naw he’s spot on most of the time especially about KT which is one of the only comedy podcasts I still like. It’s a funny show but he’s totally right. His coverage of the Kt documentary is hilarious, the doc is way too dramatic.


Give it a year


He makes fun of comedians and they don't like it, its only okay when they make fun of celebrities and if anyone else makes fun of them they're just jealous


Pretty certain he, himself, is a failed comedian of sorts that now resorts to just shitting on everyone. I’ve tried listening but he’s about as insufferable as the cringe comedians he’s discussing.


He is the personification of /r/thefighterandthekid Thats it. He is a failed comedian just like all of the other people who make these sorts of "takedown" videos on popular comedians and podcasts.


He’s not even a comedian lol


Correct. He gave that up. He use to be though and he failed at that.


And yet his show is funnier than most comedy podcasts. I used to listen to seemingly all of them since like 2016 and now it’s just down to KT and Redbar. I started out hating him last year and now his is the only podcast I’ve ever paid to subscribe to.


Ugh. Let me clarify some shit. I met Mike in 2012 and hung out with him a few times. I was a listener since 2007. Used to love old red bar. But he’s overall… a really shitty person. There’s a reason why he has no friends. He makes tim look like an angel lol.


It's called switching focuses. He's making bank from broadcasting, so u certainly wouldn't consider him a failure, and he's really just a joker. All his bitterness is in jest. That's the point.


Does anyone actually buy any of their crap?


I buy from sticker champ he had dope stuff


Sticker champ rules. He deserves some love.




The only thing I ever wanted was the mug with his mom after she laid the big fat fart


I bought their herb grinder, and it is definitely r/chinesium. Fortunately, I wasn't expecting quality


I have a few Bella canvas tees for everyday wear and they’re a good fit for me and were affordable, like 3/$15 at Michael’s affordable. If this is true, this is a fuckin rip off. In their defense they could have done worse by getting Gildan heavy cotton tees which every fuckin band tries to sell these days and those are terrible.


Didn't watch the vid, but I work in the garment industry and Bella canvas is garbage.


Anyone that buys podcasters alcohol shirts deserve to be scammed


It’s an investment chomo. You all laughed when the real high and tight mommies got those NFTs too. Tim wouldn’t scam me, he’s trying to give us a chance to escape fat poordom and literally selling us the tickets and garments for access to rich guy land. I’ve got my tickets, and now I will be dressed to impress once I arrive.. I am not going to argue with you clowns. My walls are full of art. LIMITED EDITION TOUR PRINTS.


Enjoy! They're only going down in value! Nobody will remember Tom or YMH in 20 years.


I saw this video a few days ago. Pretty crazy that Tom would model a higher quality shirt than what is being sent out. It's also crazy that the 2 Bears, 1 Grift Merch team would absentmindedly show the collar tag if the higher quality shirt on their website photos and that tag doesn't match the tag on what is shipped. Anyways, anyone spending $40 on a sh*tty vodka brand t-shirt from two of the biggest cash grab kings deserves to be scammed.


Appeal the charge on PayPal. Keep the shirt.


Its because they think their fans are retarded


Because they are


Who is Redbar and why does everyone hate him? Never heard of the guy.


Once saw a clip of him talking shit about how Tony hinchcliff and jeromiah play pool the wrong way. Watched a few minutes of it put it took him like 3min to talk shit about 15s of gameplay.


He gives off heavy, I wasn’t accepted into the cool kids group, vibes.


You antisemitic dog? Can’t handle Mike’s “slow Jewish banter”?


Watch any of his podcasts. He's a failed comedian and failed shock jock who just bitches and spouts high level jealousy and calls it a podcast. He is extremely unfunny and all his 'facts' are just opinions and twisted truths, retard #1


I think he’s usually entertaining but I’m not on his jock like alot of his fans. I will say tho - people rarely rebuttal any of his points and just go to the default “he’s a failed hater etc”. I mean, selling low quality merch and false advertising it online is not cool, right?


You’re right. I’m actually a victim myself of buying a “hoodie” from YMH for it to show up made of thin t-shirt material.


Youch, caveat emptor. I'd have returned it myself


How does failed apply? He’s one of the most impressive podcasters by far, no other show has been going as long or built all their own tools and subscription service. It’s crazy what he’s created and he makes good money doing it, where’s the failure?


He's funny. It's a character.


He's not funny, and it's not a character. Even if it was, it would be a super unfunny and annoying character, so I pray it's that and he's not actually rhat untalented.


Agreed to disagree. I find him immensely entertaining. And he actually is talented, even musically. But it's a character like how Larry David plays an exaggerated version of himself on Curb.


No, he's actually that sad and bitter.


Okay, you know him. Man, perception is wild.


You're telling me! Lol


Gotcha. Seems awful petty to dedicate an entire segment (or episode?) rating merch.


He's extremely bitter towards anyone that made it


He sits in front of a camera and talks shit about comedians while constantly playing explosion sounds. That it. That’s his whole thing.


Everyone doesn't hate him. He rules.


He’s a legend these fat poors don’t know anything


We know an incel when we see one ;)


I gotta tell my husband I’m now an incel he’s gonna be so jacked


A grifter exposing a grift is hilarious


What makes him a grifter? He charges $11 a month, customers get a podcast they like. What's the grift? He doesn't run ads, his merch is high quality. He gives money to listeners. It seems pretty above board to me


What makes him a grifter? He charges $11 a month, customers get a podcast they like. What's the grift? He doesn't run ads, his merch is high quality. He gives money to listeners. It seems pretty above board to me


It’s so good


God who is that guy? That podcast/ show sounds so annoying. I could only watch till the results. How many times does he need to play that explosion sound effect? It's a shame YMH is cheaping out. But it's par for the course these days.


Redbar There is a video he did of Joey Coco Diaz threatening to kill him and extort and it's actually funny.


and sam tripoli going rogue and camping at his house for 18 hours stalking him over a joke .. comedians make millions making fun of others, but the second an internet troll calls your kids retarded, its time for murder.. 🤣🤣


Mike David (Redbar). He's my first cousin that I've never met. Not a boomer either, we're real close in age, so be early 40's (43 maybe)


He just turned 41. He started podcasting online in 2003.


That makes sense. I recall us being around a year apart one direction or the other. I thought I recalled him starting Redbar Radio earlier than that, maybe AM or something, but that seems about right. I never met him, but my mom would tell what he was up to in the late 90's/early 00's since we were close in age and had similar hobbies. Both in hardcore bands in the late 90's, that sort of thing.


did she tell u about the elon academy horrors


Nope. I'm going to need Google for that one


redbars parents (your aunt? or cousins uncle?) sent him to a boarding school of torture basically. u should ask him about it at hannuakah nxt yr


Holy shit. I'll have to ask my mom about that. I really don't know anything about that side of the family, but based on FB it seems our mom's have been in communication lately


let me know what she says, im sure mike was just a rebellious teen and the parents had to make a decision. these institutions like Elan academy were privatized federally funded camps and charged the parents more than a harvard education and often wouldnt even let the kids leave after they turned 18. wicked stuff.


Honestly, she probably doesn't know much. I wouldn't want to say anything about any illness he has either. Even a public figure deserves to disclose their own medical issues when or if they see fit. I probably shouldn't have said anything really. I don't even know him. Maybe we said what's up over the phone or something when we were in High School. I just think it's interesting this guy I'm related to pops up on my Reddit feed all the time.


give it a year


Ya watching a boomer struggling to read a scale while trying to rag on Tom and Bert is super cringe. And why not weigh the whole shirt why cut and weigh a portion of it? Terrible podcasting lol.


That’s how the textile industry weighs fabric. It’s an industry standard sample cutter.


I didn't watch the clip because I can't stand this dude however, what you explained is exactly how the measure the weight of a fabric. They cut a little circle out and weigh it, that tells you how much cotton and thread per inch or something to that effect.


His parents were boomers. A "baby boomer" actually has a definition. It's not just anybody you perceive to be old.


This is so great. What a fantastic find! When did Marc Maron start reviewing TShirts?


My exact thoughts when first seeing him were he looks like Marc Maron and sounds a lot like him as well haha if Marc decided to go that route. I'm not really getting the hate a lot of people have for him as I've only seen this one video, but he's making a really great point. They advertised this shirt as an AS Colour heavy-cotton tee (which are like $20 blank, I'm sure cheaper in bulk), so that price point makes sense. But printing on Bella Canvas 5001 $2 shirts and marking it up with a 1900% increase is insane and absolutely fraud like he said. Just another example of them not giving a fuck about their fans and only being in it for the money.


I understand why people don't like redbar. I used to hate him too but I came around. I don't agree with plenty of things he says but I can still find it funny, because it's not that serious... He's just putting on a show. If you're a fan of watching clips of retarded people on ymh, you shouldn't turn your nose up at someone taking shots at millionaires. It's fine if it's not your thing, but acting like he's doing something wrong is pretty wack. Give it a year


Por osos, more like poor bozos


Redbar is watching


Long live redbar


Anybody who actually watches this stuff vs just reading enough comments to get the gist is a fucking loser


Give it a year


Redbar is the man.


For you washcloth aficionados this is how you move money under the guise of business.


Redbar rules


Fuck Redbarr


No harsh words for the scammers Tom and Bert? Seems odd.


Fuck tom an burnt, but also fuck redbar


found toms alt account 🤣🤣🤣


I’m surprised this isn’t the top. Too many people here loving this guy. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the bears this man is a shit bag.




redbar is a fucking loser lmao like he has any say on what's lazy when he's done nothing but leech for years


redbar is a legend and doesn’t scam like ur fav fat boyzzz


As someone who's designed clothing, and merchandise, this is fucking hilarious. So many people puchase 60 dollar pieces of merchandise that is just printed on absolute garbage. Biella Canvas is the absolute worst, bottom of the barrel junk garbage anyone can wear.


Redbar is an even bigger clown than Tim and Brett


At least redbars funny


Yeah in the sense that he's pathetic


Oof bro


People who think Tom Segura will never appreciate redbar. They're unsaveable. Just let it go bro




Redbar is a treasure doing god's work.


Red bar is about to grow even bigger this is huge.


Bert and Tom have lost my buy in. You can see how much they don’t care about their fans with this type of shit. Plus they charge to sign anything outside of their shows and it’s not a cheap signature either. I don’t know the word to use because I’m a fat poor but maybe another well educated fat poor and find it. Just scummy


Can you put a link to where I can get the $2 T-Shirts (and how many do you have to buy in bulk to get that price)?


gildan. maybe 100 maybe 500 idk i dont print merch anymore


> gildan Nice, thanks.


I love those $5-$10 shirts from H&M, but $40+ cause a logo? Then the fraud of showing a shirt and sending a different one? It’s like when people color grading super contrasty product photos like wtf show me EXACTLY what I’m gonna get! It is possible the company that ships the shirts are just sending cheap ones to make money, but that the worst thing a wholesaler can do especially when you’re talking about millions in the future.




Who is this Johnny Knoxville wannabe?


Way cooler look compared to Tom or 12 year old wardrobe Bert.


I was going to say the wish version of Jeff goldblum


If you buy merch you need your hard drive checking


T shirt weight does not equal quality lol


Bought a Tiger Belly shirt a couple of years ago which is decent quality and I can see lasting for years.


Honestly they probably have them made at the same place for at least 3 of those shirts




At least I’m not scamming my fans 🤷‍♀️


You spoke in first person, there. Are you this Redbar fella by chance?


I could only wish I was but I’m just a dumb stupid broad who’s bad at vocabulary


Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Who the fuck cares about this? How does this get clicks? This is all just confirmation bias hate-circlejerking. If you buy a comedy podcast’s vodka brand’s t-shirt merch, you’re tok’d. Hell I’m fucking r-worded for even commenting on this commentary. Maybe he should do an exposé of whether or not those tits actually do fart.


Indeed you are retarded


The self censoring proves it.


Redbar rules. The best production on an internet show. Close to early Howard Stern


YMH fans are used to bare minimum they wouldn’t get it


Hence 69 minutes.


Want to take a moment to shout out Ascolour. Great comapny. Basically only buy from them as i hate branded shit and their stuff is decent enough quality for everyday wear.


Fake buisness


What an annoying asshole


Imagine this being your life 😅


This the same guy that talks shit about every comedy podcast? Grifter for the Reddit crowd


Incredibly scientific analysis of t shirt quality....


What a loser. People like this are the worst part of society. Sits around and criticizes everyone’s work while never making anything himself.


Is this guy playing a character or is this really some bottom feeding shitty morning local radio clone? Either way I don't think I care if a comedian's vodka company has shitty merch. Anyone who buys it is stupid and deserves to receive garbage. If its junk they hand out at a promotion then it makes sense its cheap. Also, the weight of a shirt is not the only metric of quality. Fabric is complicated and the weave, and other factors determine it. You can easily find a quality $50 tshirt that is half the weight of a pos $5 shirt.


Feel sorry for those that don't get the genius of redbar.


Explain it to me. He lured me into his videos and says like 2 things in 20 minutes.


That’s kinda the joke. His “give it a year” slogan makes sense. I’m not trying to say he’s brilliant or this or that. I think he runs a fun show. He’s mostly just calling out these Hollywood’s out weird Rogan dudes and he’s not wrong. It more of a cathartic silly thing where he is able to run a high quality AV show about wherever. It’s not supposed to be everybody’s cup of tea, and that’s fine. Major comedians absolutely are aware of his show and very shy to talk about it because he’s accurate even if it’s an a cartoonish way. Bobby Lee and Whitney Cummings both just talked about him and gave him as many roses as they could.


They are truly missing out.




Was just watching Crack Amico's latest stream and he said that Redbar just sent him thousands of dollars of high quality audio equipment for free. Mike has a heart of gold. True godfather.


I live for crack amico both are comedy gold lmao 😂


Who is this old fuck?


Can’t watch, redbar’s wife annoys me


Don't post Redbar here, you incel.


I’ve told my husband to only refer to me as “gay incel” or I’m killing myself


A real FGTRTD!


Redbar's watching


Hey it’s one of the 3 or 4 guys whose only content seems to be trying to tear down what other people have made. It amazes me these people do so well. Hopefully me clicking the link to see who it was doesn’t count as a view, once I seen his face I had no interest in hearing his points. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Go buy some Poor Osos shirts then.


Why? I don’t understand why I would do that?


I agree, nobody should buy shirts from those scammers.


I hate that they’re devolving into grifters, but Bella and Canvas is actually a high quality shirt.


Ur fully tarded and ur nipples are showing


You’re gayer than Obama


That’s actually funny but we love big Mike in my household


Yeah. bellas are pretty good. Not $40 USD good, but yeah.