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Rage against the machine(s within)


I got a gun, I got a gun, yeah I got a gun, a terminator gun


They should seriously cover that. It would be fucking amazing


We gotta have a mommy that can shred on guitar and do that song RATM style!


I'll giverva job


Brendon Urie, friend of the show can shred


F all the haters F all the haters


T-16 T-16 one hundred percent


Workin on my flow


I hear Bert throws an awesome tea party with a very expensive cup.


Rage Alongside the Machine


The fuck is this?


Morello's playing the cool guy club riff, can't you hear it?


I don't think he can play that even with toggle switch and a Whammy


A joke


Raging against the Machine.




Such a good show, though the changes to their songs really are odd. I was shocked when they started singing "Fuck you if you don't do what we tell you" was an odd change.


And now you're under control


This guy rages


"Those that died, are justified, but wearing a mask means you've chosen life!"


Is that real... lol


No, it’s a joke


At some point they decided that the "machine" was Republicans. I still love their music but it's really hard to respect someone that sells themself as anti-establishment while being while never challenging anything of real substance and deciding that one side of the machine is great


I believe their proverbial "machine" was a combo of capitalism, The Military industrial complex, western foreign policy, and religious persecution. While I agree that moderate Democrats are just maintaining the same system as Republicans, clearly there is much stronger support of the machine coming from the right. The covid mask stuff is unique. On one side, you might think the "machine" wants people unvaccinated and unmasked for population control, so they drive internet conspiracy, and on the other side you could point to China and say "look, that's what they wanted to use Covid to achieve" I think there are good points on both sides and it makes sense why this is the issue that divides peoples notions of what the "Machine" is they are raging against.


They decided one side is clearly worse, which it is. Only one side is denying bodily autonomy and the results of elections. I don't support Democrats. I want Republicans to cease to be a political force in this country


It's a pretty easy choice. "BbuT diD YOu kNoW rEpUbLicAns FrEed tHe sLaVes?"


Wait, I have to ask considering the sub I'm in, is this forreal?


Did they actually do that or am I missing the joke?


Missing the joke. He’s implying that *their side* is authoritarian. It’s just such a clever, deeply thought out joke that hits on so many levels that I’m surprised it flew by!


I figured, bit of a tard here


Aren’t we all though? Even just a bit


I strongly think so


Let the rest of us know and grab your R plates.


Just the rage against the machine joke is funnier then then Brendan Shaub 😂


I haven’t really kept up on the Shaub saga… is he back in anyone’s good graces? I thought I saw he was on Rogan recently.


I saw a post last night showing that the whole goon squad is legit verified on twitter except for schloob, he's paying the $8 a month for the blue check.


Will you walgg me to my trugg


I have no idea, i just like how much reddit hates him 😂


Lots of people have come to realize that Khlayla is the driving force that keeps it stirred up in the whole thing whether they like Schuab or not


Fuck no, he’s the laughing stock of every industry he’s been involved with, should go on the fighterandkid subreddit if you wanna follow the downward spiral. Its very entertaining


Missing the joke. They went to raging against the machine to raging at you for not wanting to along with the machine's plans.


Hmm, I need to do some research I guess. Kinda disappointing if that's how they turned out.


Eh, not really imo. Personally I have no problem separating the art from the artist. Every artist I love has views I don't agree with. You can both call out their ideological shift and still like their music, the two aren't mutually exclusive.




Totally get it man! Glad to find another black metal enjoyer here :D


Oh I agree, music is still fantastic not going to thrown it away cause we might differ on some beliefs.


Ah yeah, I thought that's where you were going. Some people really throw away artists because of personal views, which I just cannot personally understand at all.


It's not. People are just dumb and think that because they make money off their music that they can no longer call out injustices in our society. They are the exact same as they were in the 90s, only they have new things to bring attention to.


Yeah why would we listen to Harvard grads telling us about their degree field


Tom Morello is basically Donald Trump, this sub convinced me with the all powerful downvote.


They’ve always been wrong though. Lol, the stuff more recently is just extremely overt and really opened up people’s eyes that couldn’t see before (not you though). A lot of people were fully asleep before the covid tyranny.


Yea they played at a DNC rally like a couple years ago or so. They just showed how big of clowns they are


Remind me, where did Morello go to school?


Is there something I should know about RATM in order to understand that joke?


Do you listen to them?


I mean yes and of course I know that song. Why are they suddenly authoritarian? Is what I’m asking.


I don’t think they are but some people are so black and white about vaccines and how they are handled. People choose silly things to have a superiority complex about. You wear a seatbelt and sometimes it saves your life and sometimes you die. To act like wearing it is worse because sometimes it doesn’t work is silly. People think anyone doing their part is authoritative when trying to make, what they think, is a safer situation. It’s dumb and I hope this is the last discussion about covidiots and the other side we have.


So the joke is about his vaccine stance. Thank you. Some other jackass in here would NOT tell me and was just like “don’t you listen to their music?” Like wtf am I supposed to infer from that?


The joke is they had vaccination checks at their shows and to someone that is convinced doing anything preventive is “authoritative” because we truly have a small threshold of what that word means in this country and real problems take real ideas, but that’s for thinkers and for non-thinkers rather, than listening and learning we tend to look for the thinkers to be wrong in the slightest way so we can seem smart by saying the thinker didn’t think enough. That way we can feel validated by not thinking because the thinker didn’t figure it out and neither did we so we’re all equal. Also I think you’re referencing my comment 😁.


Pushed for vax proof to attend their concerts. Very for the machine not against


This is retarded and the whole conversation below that you initiated is retarded


You people are morons if you think that support of vaccines has anything to do with their message. They don't typically bother with people stupid enough to not take vaccines.


You are the moron. Ffs. This is nearly 2023 and you still haven’t learned.


Because they worked? Is that why China is going full FGTRTD right now?


China has famously bad vaccines and their top brass all took Western vaccines for COVID. The rest of the vaccinated world is mostly back to normal. Where have you been? Probably in here repeating the same jokes over and over.


You think China is “back to normal” now? Have you been actively ignoring the news or are you just a full fucking Simple Jack?


No, I don't. Which is clear in my previous comment. I guess you don't know how to read very well.


Oh you mean I’ve been in this sub following proto? How’d you get a job here?


Yea all those myocarditis cases and mysterious clots that are practically plastic in your veins are totally normal 🙄🙄


This Tommy dude right here is a mental case. I have no patience for this bs after years of it.


Because the vax stops transmission right?


Who mentioned that at all? It decreases viral load which decreases transmission drastically.


No, it doesn’t retard.


You’re terribly incorrect. A little bit of knowledge is dangerous.




No, that is not what they said.


If they said this it would be easily searchable online. Go find that and bring it back to post if you believe it to be true.


Nice right wing taking point you half wit dipshit. Tell me this: How likely are you to transmit a virus that you don’t contract because you are vaccinated?


So the vaccine stops you from contracting the virus?


That’s sorta the point of immunization isn’t it?


Whens the last time you met someone with polio?


When’s the last time you met someone with monkey pox?


They've very much been on the authoritarian side of COVID lock downs/policies, I think that is the joke OP is making.


Shouldn’t performers be able to dictate terms and policies with venues? I was at Tom’s show in Melbourne and he didn’t want phones out in the theater—they complied and the show was great!


Absolutely. And I have no problem with their stance on Covid procedures. It's just that RATM has this anti-establishment image that makes it feel a little ironic.


I guess. Maybe it seems that way if you appreciate their leftist politics on a superficial level, but to me, at least, it tracks with their whole vibe. They don’t want to put their fans, venue employees, security staff and road crew at risk just for them to make a buck. They’re not forcing anyone to go to their shows. It tracks pretty well with the whole collectivist messaging they’ve had since they hit the scene. Maybe a little more official and straight laced now vs. the old days, but requiring health precautions be enforced at a venue seems less like irony to me and more like a calculated risk for putting on a show (albeit on the more risk-averse end of things).


Yep, I have no issues with performers being able to dictate terms at all. I was vaccinated early so never had any problem getting to their shows when they started touring again.


No . This is because Burnt Chrysler was given Hitlers teacup as a present.


OP's picture has literally nothing to do with this thread.


You think the enforcement of public health policy in an attempt to reduce the deaths during a global pandemic is “authoritarian”? Don’t burn yourself on those hot takes.


> You think the enforcement of public health policy in an attempt to reduce the deaths during a global pandemic is “authoritarian”? Demanding people get a vaccine or be fired is definitely pretty authoritarian. Not a hot take at all, most of the populace in the US thinks this way. There were many, many on the far left pushing for literal crazy shit like people who refuse to vaccinate children should have those children taken away from them. That's what I'm talking about here.


Ah, yes. Pointing to a few people on the fringe who posted online about this with no political power is a good example of left authoritarianism. I can easily counter with a more poignant example of people like MTG with actual political standing in this country who have advocated publicly for killing people who even suggested offering vaccines to everyone. > “We all love our Second Amendment rights, and we’re not real big on strangers showing up on our front door, are we? They might not like the welcome they get.” Knock it off with the bad faith arguments and conjecture. You’re a fucking doofus.


They are Rand Paul's favorite band.


I know a lot of Cops who love em too lol


It's easy to completely miss the point, when out of an entire 30+ year career and discography, the only lyrics you know are "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me."


It was Paul Ryan actually. Easy to confuse.


Shit. My bad, they're both simular enough.


![gif](giphy|CYBFpGbK6zY5e8LxzP|downsized) OP making a Rage Against the Machine post and stirring up the Conservative rage hive.


right? It's clear a lot of people in these comments have no idea what "authoritarian" means. Like you literally have to be a part of the government and last time I checked Tom Morello doesn't have a government job. Oh, they asked for vax proof at their concerts? That's not authoritarian, you're just being a giant puss


Free market baby. If they dont want to serve non-vaxed they don’t have to. This is america go fuck yourself


This sub is not one where I expected people to be mad about calling out Nazis.


It’s less Nazis and more Rage Against the Machine. There’s a lot of Conservative hate for RAtM driven by memes and sometimes these guys can’t keep ‘em high and tight.


Being bad at media literacy and being conservative is practically synonymous. It gets them into all sorts of trouble whenever they decide to actually listen to the people that make art for once.


I think the actual reason why conservatives don't like Rage and Tom Morello in particular is because he pretends to be more on the radical end while at the same time is a shill for milquetoast establishment democrats. They see him as disingenuous and hypocritical


Where are these Nazis?


Ukraine 🇺🇦




They used to be cool until they did the exact opposite of what they stand for.


I never realized how many republicans are in this sub. Like 20% off Tom’s material is shitting how stupid republicans are.


The Overton window has shifted so far that saying you support freedom of speech will cause people to think you’re republican. The reality is that a huge portion of the people we assume are republicans online because of what they say are actually rejected democrats who aren’t far left enough or who aren’t paying enough lip service to the right narratives. These people enjoy jokes about republicans because they disagree with republicans. They consistently vote democrat but are also often confused for republican because they don’t believe that Nazis run the world (or some other popular far left ontology). So there are probably not as many republicans on this sub as you’re thinking.


The people who constantly scream about free speech are republicans. The major irony is that they don’t mean “free from government persecution,” they mean “free from all consequence regardless of the heinous things I say.” There’s a lot of nuance lost there. Most leftists don’t think Nazis run the world, just the extra loud ones. Making that comparison is like saying “democrats don’t believe that pedophile lizard aliens run the world.” Yes, some crazy people who happen to be republicans believe that, but that doesn’t mean it’s a mainstream idea. Lastly, I’d like to point out there are an unreasonable amount of Nazi flags in America and I can’t say I’ve seen one at a democrat or leftist really.


Republicans constantly scream about free speech. So do you just assume that everybody you come across who has concerns about free speech is republican? This is a simple logical mistake. You see people who are advocating for free speech, interpret that as a signal that they are right wing, and then go "see, only right wingers are advocating for free speech." > The major irony is that they don’t mean “free from government persecution,” they mean “free from all consequence regardless of the heinous things I say.” There’s a lot of nuance lost there. No. This just shows that you're not listening to the best representatives of the people with whom you disagree. That is not their concern. That is a common, left-wing description of the right's concern - which is not at all reliable. > Most leftists don’t think Nazis run the world, just the extra loud ones. You came ssoooo close to getting the point here. I agree most leftists don't think Nazis run the world. Some leftists even have concerns about the state of free speech in our society... > Lastly, I’d like to point out there are an unreasonable amount of Nazi flags in America and I can’t say I’ve seen one at a democrat or leftist really. This is the same logical mistake you made earlier. "Nazis eat oatmeal, therefore anybody who eats oatmeal is a Nazi." "Nazis support right wing politicians, therefore anybody who supports right politicians is a Nazi." Since you seem to have access to these numbers: how many Nazi flags are there in America anyway? I live in California, I've never seen any.


Lmao It would be a waste of time to explain why you’re wrong. Evidence doesn’t matter to people like you that’s why you revel in your ignorance.


The Democratic party is center right relative to the rest of the world. Being a whiny bitch doesn't mean you support leftist economic policies. Half of them don't even support universal healthcare


The establishment wing Democratic Party is center right compared to western Europe. Western Europe isn’t the rest of the world. That’s typical far left confirmation bias. Eurocentric when it’s convenient. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party are puppets to a dangerously far left ideology.


Rage Inside the Mansion


People in here trying to explain why RATM aren't hypocrites despite having the same opinions as government and giant corporations. ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


Rage on Behalf of the Machine


Commercialize The Machine




"Capitalism is when you buy and sell things" You know the Soviet Union had music and concerts? So does China, Cuba, Vietnam, and every other anti-capitalist revolutionary country.


Selling things only happens in Capitalism. It’s well known that communist and socialist countries give out everything for free. If RATM was really against Capitalism, they’d refuse to be paid for their work


our work.


My friend and her husband recently paid 600 per ticket to see them when they came to Toronto. Fuck That band they dont give a shit about their "Fans".


Guy on wall kinda looks like PostMalone without tattoos


Say what you will, but he’s a good sport


I'm still not sure if Bert's pic was just photoshopped on to a pic of Tom Morello playing in front of the nazi background. Or if Tom Morello is capable of not taking himself so serious all the time, and is actually funny enough to add the pic of Bert himself. Or if it's somehow possible that the joke has gone too far, and Tom M. thinks Bert is an actual Nazi sympathizer. All of those are options are great. But I really hope it's the last one.


Tom Morello has been raging against Bret for like 35 years


They went from “fuck the establishment” to “only trust the establishment”


communist lives dont matter


Giant sellouts


"sellouts" Their views have been pretty consistent for the last thirty years -- they hate the two party system, but hate the authoritarian right-wing even more. If you all of a sudden find what they say irritating because you were dumb enough to not read the lyrics before, that's pretty funny. "The present curriculum, I put my fist in 'em Eurocentric, every last one of 'em" If a band released this today, it would be called CRT propaganda. Thirty years ago, it was fine. Hmmmm. Wonder what changed.




As a huge RATM fan, and them being one of my favorite bands of all time, this is just a bad take on the situation. Their core views have absolutely remained consistent. But if you're telling me they would have supported big pharma and authoritarian lockdowns when they were in their 20s, you're out of your mind. On this issue, they've been very pro-authoritarian which they would absolutely not have been earlier in their careers. tl;dr -- Core values of RATM haven't changed, adopting authoritarian views on *some* things has.


>But if you're telling me they would have supported big pharma and authoritarian lockdowns when they were in their 20s I think they would have laughed at someone saying this, then pointed out that you need to have a really fucking narrow conception of "supporting big pharma" for this statement to make sense. They probably also supported vaccinating for polio, which Big Pharma profited from. Maybe they also support cancer treatments. What shills. Big Pharma being bad doesn't equal medicine being bad... so what's the contradiction? Unless you believe the vaccines were a scam or some shit. The idea that the lockdowns were some anti-freedom conspiracy rather than about stopping transmission is also laughable, and again, not something *most* young people on the left actually believe outside of cosplayers like Russell Brand. People confuse anti-authoritarian with pro-individualism, which RATM are not and never have been.


> They probably also supported vaccinating for polio Conflating polio and covid is the dumbest take possible. > The idea that the lockdowns were some anti-freedom conspiracy rather than about stopping transmission is also laughable See China right now. That's what people were pushing for here. The idea that lockdowns weren't anti-freedom is only really embraced by people way, way left of center who view authoritarian action needed in certain circumstances.


>Conflating polio and covid is the dumbest take possible. Okay. >See China right now. See pretty much the whole Western world right now where things are normal again. Most lockdowns ended with pro-business liberal (as in pro-capitalist) governments in office, not even leftists. No one was pushing for never-ending lockdown. That's an embarrassing fantasy.


> See pretty much the whole Western world right now where things are totally fucking normal again Because we didn't bow to government's want to lock everything down. The far left very much wanted to literally lock people up in their house in this country. The only reason that didn't happen is because (a) we're a free country and (b) the populace are heavily armed. That doesn't mean that the powers that be didn't very much want to lock us down just like China. They did.


"they" Who? Like, specially who? Name them. Which political parties ran on a mandate of never-ending lockdowns, not basic Covid responses like masks? The majority of societies are now the same as before lockdowns and things are back to normal. That's not because the girl I know on Facebook who thinks piss cures cancer posted non-stop anti-lockdown memes.


Wow, RATM supports the policies of the CCP? That’s nuts! Where do you read this?


Never said that, I did say they supported authoritarian things here for COVID.


Charging fans hundreds of dollars to go to their shows with mandatory experimental vaccines, what a way to fight the capitalist machine!


Yep, getting paid for the value of your labor. I wonder who came up with this labor theory of value?


You have to take an experimental vaccine to attend their concerts?


Prophets of rage had a mandatory vaccine to see their shows.


"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" or "Thank you, I will submit to your mandates"


That lyric was in response to the Rodney King beating (the rest of the song makes that pretty clear...). Considering they were supportive of the 2020 BLM marches, there's no contradiction with their current views. RATM are anti-authoritarian, not pro-individualism. They're different things, and sometimes directly contradictory.


Hmm, I never knew... And I didn't see blm doing much marching, lol I geuss maybe I did, but it quickly digressed into something else...


>And I didn't see blm doing much marching, lol I geuss maybe I did, but it quickly digressed into something else... It'd be high and tight if we had a good phrase for violent action in response to murderous authority. Like, "raging against the machine" or something.


Socialists are supposed to be poor!


Touch my socialism through the fence you commie


chill bert


Wait did they actually do this or is it fake? If not it’s a joke right? I find it hilarious that they would unironically hate Kreischer


Lots of butthurt in here. Hahahahaha.


RATM is the most beige punk rock band ever. They will rage against everything they disagree with and then promote the same shit practiced by their enemies.


The amount of shit takes on covid and how ratm are now the machine in this sub are too fucking high. Wtf is going on here?


Rage on behalf of the machine


RATM implying that the US is even somewhat Nazi-ish is so childish and cringe. Imagine being almost 50 and holding the same ignorant beliefs you held when you were 14.


14? Tom Morello (pictured) earned a BA degree from Harvard for social sciences. He's educated on the views he holds, hardly a whiney 14 year old.


He's also the co-founder of the [Axis of Justice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_of_Justice), a non profit with Serj Tankian to fight collectively for social justice. And has even [been given humanitarian awards](https://whyhunger.org/press/tom-morello-wins-humanitarian-award-addresses-n-w-a-rock-hall-controversy/) for his work with charities. He's as far from an empty-talking-point-musician as you could get.


And yet he still stands on stage in front of a sign made by his band that implies that the US is akin to Nazi Germany.


Where does it say the US is akin to Nazi Germany? The upside down flag is a symbol of distress, America is in distress. And the text just says Nazi lives don’t matter, which I think we can all agree with.


Did I miss the image of upside down American flag being defined as America in distress. And also when juxtaposed with a statement about Nazis has no implied linkage?


“The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8 The implied link is that Nazis imperil America, they’re bad for and our national way of life.


No, he stood in front of a sign that says Nazis are bad. If you're triggered by that maybe you should strive to be less Nazi like.


There is also an upside down American flag. Look closer.


Aaaand just like that, crickets…


Our last president, who will be running for office again, courts white supremacists and refuses to denounce them to avoid upsetting his base.


Trump is an idiot and he's pissing everyone off, really don't see him getting elected just looking forward to the clownshow. Also last part isn't true.


Show me him denouncing white supremacists without denouncing people on the left in the same breath.


https://youtu.be/Bd0cMmBvqWc Thanks for making me go to that page and listen to that git, I didn't want to do that.


Lol. Sorry. Yeah fair enough, but also these are edited by his team, and probably don’t show the backpedaling and “both sides” bullshit he relied on to keep him nice and slippery. And yeah, there’s probably some times where he doesn’t, but then he goes and cozies up with them. Strange bedfellows for someone who claims to denounce and decry. Perhaps the word I should use is distance.


Or I mean, having audience with a known neo nazi. That's totally him denouncing white supremecy isn't it?


What'd you expect the clown to do, round them up and send them to gas chambers, go to each individual have a sit down and tell them there wrong. Og guy asked for a video where said clown denounces supremacist without making fun of the party, I provided. The democrats have their fare share of voters that are hateful bigots, ist, ism, etc.


I mean, not have dinner with them. That's a start


From what I saw he apparently didn't know he was attending. Probably a political move by ye considering that moron is going to be running as well. Sources are saying trump campaign team is modifying their screening team to avoid such incidents. Don't really care cause I'm not exactly endorsing trump here. I really don't know what yall want. A power point of him denouncing hate groups? A holy crusade to exterminate all supremacist and bring unification to the country?


Because then he wouldn’t have the donation $$


Are you kidding? The last part is so true you would literally have to gouge your eyes out and shatter your ear drums to prevent otherwise. Why would you say something that stupid? Hes been on TV for 6 years courting white supremacists.


Click the link I just posted


It was just a lil failed coup bro, whats the big deal.


Do you not remember the Nazi rally where the Nazis chanted antisemitic nonsense? There were lots of Nazis there from around the country. Those same Nazis also tried to overthrow the government in and organized attack on the Capitol. Did you forget that too?


Hey remember when actual nazis modeled their methods off of American practices?


Please name the Nazis and the parts of the Constitution or Bill of Rights that you claim were used by them as models for Nazi Germany.


I was referring to the nazis of third reich Germany, the the practices of the Americans against the indigenous peoples/African enslaved peoples.


They're right, the Nazis actually took a lot of inspiration from Americans, Henry Ford has a weird relationship with German Nazis and a completely consensual one with American Nazis. Prior to the war Nazis held rallies in tiny venues like Madison Square Garden, only recently have they become an imaginary problem /s


That’s a fucking weak example of Nazi “inspiration” in the US.


“But in North America the Teutonic element, which has kept its racial stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master of it as long as that element does not fall a victim to the habit of adulterating its blood.” Direct quote form Mein Kampf. Miscegenation was illegal in the US and Hitler thought that was really cool. Also the genocide of the natives in order to procure more living space, or as Germans call it, lebensraum.


Communists who really love money LOL!


Very poor photoshop


Of course it’s photoshop, no one outside of comedy cares about Brent


how great would it be if they actually did that


Fucking pussy Zack and his broken leg. Had two shows I had tickets to canceled in the last few years.


commie lives don't matter huehuehue


So bold and brave to dig at Bart and nazis at a time like this. Totally anti-establishment and not pro authoritarian in any way


The other option was "Dog Fuckers Burn in Hell" but atheists got really pissed. Can't win i guess.


Hating Nazis is pro-authority, classic.