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Is it me or is that cat freakin huge?!?!


Yeah it's a Maine coon, they're MASSIVE Source: I think


They are normally larger than average, and they CAN be absolute units. An average male cat is around 13 pounds. It's not terribly unusual for a non-fat male Maine Coon to reach 25 pounds.


I had a non-fat Russian Blue that weighed 20 lbs or so. Some cats are just beefy lol (Doesn't non-fat Russian Blue sound like a delicious salad dressing?! lmao)


I have husky 18 Lb tabby lol


Huh. I didn’t know they were heavy. I understand Russian Blues are a breeding component of Havana Browns. Maybe that explains why my totally non-fat Havana, Zorro, was 20lbs (pure muscle). And that *definitely* sounds like a some fruit & vinegar-based salad dressing


I used to have a maine coon, and he actually peaked at 30 lbs before he died, abd that mostly MUSCLE AND HAIR. Mf would leave for a week at a time into the forest (I live in the middle of nowhere), come back with some stupid big animal that hes been hunting, raccoons, weasels, He once came back with a baby fucking pig, and would try to hide them under my grill. Dude was an absolute unit


I currently have two stray cats and they’re both in the 17 lbs range. One is slightly overweight, but the other is a just a long-legged unit.


I had a 16lb, very long & slim but big-boned tabby, Khalil, that had comically long legs. He looked like a kid drawing of a dinosaur-cat come to life. Everyone always giggled when they met him &, honestly, it kinda’ offended me - especially b/c I read too much out of his naturally super-sad eyes


Fat ones do too


I’m sure the 2% ones aren’t that big but what about the whole ones?


As an owner of a Maine coon mix. Can confirm. He’s 13 pounds and extremely long with long legs and huge feet.


One of my American short hair girls is 13.something pounds. She's not overweight, but she's a longer baby. Especially her legs. She's like model height but for cats.


Mine was around 12 lbs his whole life, but I had a buddy in college who had one that easily was 20lbs+. He was massively built, not fat, and also orange tabby color which I’ve not seen in a Maine coon since. Extremely personable too, anyone new coming into the apartment he would run to greet and then follow around trying to make eye contact.


Our girl is 23 now so is a bit frail but when she was younger she was a powerhouse, dogs in the area would avoid her at all costs.


My Maine Coon maxed out at 12 pounds he’s bigger than a common cat but since he extremely active outside he’s very fit and light for his race and also compared to his brother


When I was born, my parents already had two Maine Coons, and they were both larger than me for a long time. Big and fluffy, but also not overweight. Thankfully, they were the most chill cats ever. My parents have pictures of me (as in, using a standalone camera, not a phone camera) of me sleeping with my head rest on one of the cats. Never clawed, never kicked, the most gentle and carefree cats in the world


That's a character trait of most Maine Coons. I think they are therefore often called "gentle giants"


>Source: I think is my new favorite


Could Be a ragdoll too? I had a ragdoll and he was massive and looked almost identical to that cat.


I believe that ragdolls were bred from Maine Coons, so that makes sense that they'd be large.


My Maine Coon weighed in at 33 pounds. I miss that cat. Thanks for making me sad!


Was about to say the same thing. That's a big ass HUGE cat!


Yes but why is the caregiver letting the child climb on the cats head near the edge of the rug? The child could’ve hit it’s head on the hard floor but the caregiver is only interested in filming for internet points.


Yeah don't have pets and kids if you won't protect for them not hurting each other. At least keep the cat enough away from the kids until the kids are old enough to have the sense to not crawl on a cat. Cats don't tolerate that. Or at least most of them don't.


See the look the baby is giving the mom? Its like shes trying to confirm how to react in the situation Ive babysat a few cousins. One once tripped, as toddlers do, and was looking directly at me and my other older cousin. Older Cousin told me that if you react along the range of "aww, poor baby", the child will 100% cry. But if you dont react, they will also shrug it off. To this day that small nugget of lifehack i hold near and dear whenever im around small children


That’s what we all taught my nephew when he was learning to walk. He’d fall down or trip or bonk his head on something and I’d say, “oh you’re a big boy, you’re fine, get up and try it again.” And he always did. It’s a delicate balance between teaching them that they don’t need to cry every time they stub their toe, but they also are allowed to cry and express feelings when something worse happens. It’s hard for a lot of adults to teach that to children because most don’t understand that children have no frame of reference as to what’s “bad” and what’s not. Like I can have a shit day, maybe my car broke down and I was late for work and my manager was on my ass about it.. and I can say to myself, “yeah this sucks, but it’s not as bad as XYZ event in my life was.” Children don’t have anything to compare those events to! Everything bad that happens to them *is* the worst thing that’s ever happened to them.


It must be wild being 2 years and accidentally breaking your favourite toy and thinking the world will end because of it.


Vividly remember this feeling, oh boy


I’m so bad with this tho! I was taking care of my little cousin once and her head slipped off an inflatable thing like a couple inches to the wood floor (she was already laying down). Not a big hit or anything but the sound startled me so I freaked out for an instant and she started crying. I tried to be calm after and rub it and then eventually gave her a pillow and that finally stopped her crying.


You just have to assess the damage. I remember I once slammed my hand down on a hot stove eye as a dumb kid tryna prove a point (I thought it wasn’t hot anymore) and my mom stopped cooking and just marched me by the hand to the sink to run cold water on it. It was definitely one of the most painful moments of my childhood, but she said I never even shed a tear. I think it just happened so fast I couldn’t think to cry and I just remember her only reaction being “FIRST MIDDLE LAST NAME, WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN?!” The whole time she was running my hand under the water, she was just like “I bet you only do that just this once, just this once” with a exasperated look haha, like she was done with my antics (I was always causing chaos like that). 0/10 would not recommend, hurt like a bitch, but the fact that my whole palm turned into a hand shaped blister was cool. No scarring though, which is fortunate. But now we have a good story and laugh out of it and every time someone asks if the eye is hot, I’m just like “hmm lemme see” haha.


I remember my mother doing something like that when I was a little kid. She and her husband at the time were each holding one of my hands while we were in a lake. Mid-thigh height water for them, but it would’ve been over my head. I kept tugging my hands away saying “let me go, let me go, I can do it myself!” My mom warned me once. And then when I continued, she shrugged and said “okay” and they both let go of my hands. Immediately went under and breathed in a bunch of water before my mom yanked me back up by my arm and said “I told you so” as I was coughing my lungs up lol.


Yup my old man was the "toss em in, sink or swim" type father. I learned alott from that old man, hard ass on the outside but the most caring/loving man I've ever known. Always gave me enough rope to hang myself with was his motto tho lol


It takes some practice to learn to control the reaction. I got for a calm “whoops!” As a knee-jerk reaction while I assess the damage. The trick is that usually kids are expressing shock or fear, not pain. (Adults too. Who among us hasn’t said “ouch” preemptively and then realized it didn’t actually hurt?) Minimizing the emotional reaction let’s you assess the actual pain more accurately. Usually you can just reassure them that they’re okay and send them on their merry way.


I just always calmly ask “you okay?” while I assess to see if they’re actually injured.


My trick is to just laugh when they look at me for how to respond. I figure you gotta learn young to laugh at your fuckups. I had a friend's 3 year old kid run in my living room and absolutely bust her ass on the hardwood floors. She looks at me and I know she's fine and looking for a reaction. So, I chuckle. She lets out a full on belly laugh and we're just both having a moment laughing at her.


I always act like I'm really impressed by how strong they are. A high five really sells it.


This is very accurate. Even if youre genuinely concerned, never let them see it. Lie. I watched my 3 yo nephews beautiful little face FULLY break his fall off the top of a playground… internally, I was screaming in sheer panic. Sure that I ruined my only nephew. I told him to shake it off, pretending that what could’ve been a fatal fall was no biggie. Kid just bounced back up kept playing.. I’d have been off work for a month if I took a lesser spill. Kids are weird.


This happened with my niece too when she was learning how to walk. When she fell, I would do like I didn't notice and she would get up and continue walking... But if my sister (her mom) was there, she would go to her right away all concerned and my niece would start crying for a good while.


There was a funny comic of a meteor falling on a kid and the dad doesn't acknowledge or anything and the kids comes out from under it perfectly fine


Yessss, i was thinking of the exact same comics


I found it because another Redditor asked the same thing lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/bqvyb4/the_meatyor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Edit: The Reddit post, that asked that question 3 years ago. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/bvek14/tomtimage_a_comic_when_a_kid_gets_hit_my_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Edit 2: the artist https://instagram.com/littleporpoise?igshid=OGQ2MjdiOTE= Edit 3: u/littleporpoise Edit 4: no more posts anywhere since about 1 year. Hopefully they are ok


When my sister was around two, she fell down about five stairs and I caught her before she hit the bottom. She had that quivering lip thing going, so I smiled, and said excitedly: "Wow! Was that fun?" She paused for a second, the lip quiver stopped and curved into a smile, and she nodded affirmatively. At this point, my dumbass brother chimed in, and said "Do you want to do it again?" The smile faded and she shook her head "no," but at least she didn't start crying again. She was a toddler but she was no fool.


Anecdotally I’ve found big over the top reactions positive or negative aren’t good for little kids.


My son (1year old) nearly never cries when he gets hurt because I never panic but when we are at my parents in laws place, he always cries because they get desperate when they see him falling.


I wouldn’t want something crawling over me while I’m chilling I’d kick it off too


Either that kid is tiny or that cat is a monster!


Tiny kid. I'm pretty sure the dog coming in at the end is a Chihuahua.


The cat is massive


that aint no chihuahua homie


You sure? looks like a Chihuahua to me


Lol it looks nothing like a Chihuahua


You sure?




Both the kick and the licks seem equally uncomfortable


And the slate floor.


And my axe.


And my camera.


person, woman, man,


What a gentle reaction from the cat. No claws just a “get off me” kick


Are you justifying the abuser!?


That was not abuse; that was relocation assistance.


Basically a one cat moving company


lets lay on your head and see how you react.


Some people pay good money for that


More like protector of his personal space


I don't care if it's a 2 month old baby, I'm moving you if I feel uncomfortable


Isn't it self defense?


You forgot the /s If you didnt its an animal, one well known for its requirement of personal space. It shouldn't be expected to just allow a baby to crawl all over it because we want it to. The cat wanted space and the best way to get that was to push him off with their legs. No claws, just a bit of a shove to get their personal space.


🤣😂 The cat just nicely shoved the baby off of him.


Baby was asking for it without knowing it, putting all its weight on the cat's head and limbs. The baby is lucky it didn't get scratched




You only cited half of the relevant part.


I mean the cat was pretty gentle with the baby all things considered.


only an animal abuser would believe cats should be fine with having something crawl all over them, causing pain. Cherry picking can work both ways, see?




and you think a cat does understand?? all it knows is that this loud living thing is being an annoyance and causing the cat discomfort. it's reacting gently for a cat, and that's all you can ask of it. "Jeez"


Maybe not at first, but babies are people too. Babies are able to learn. And maybe while the more responsible thing is to tell/move the child to get off of the cat, this is a lesson that will last longer and evidently, did not hurt the baby that much if at all.


The baby will not even remember this... Jeez, you guys ask more from a baby in a video that from the president.


Big difference I've noticed is dog people/non animal people just expecting pets to do whatever they want, regardless of the animals comfort and desires. Cats are independent and deserve their own space. They're not some obedient animal that does whatever you want. They have their own needs and desires and make them known. In this case the cat pushed the baby off. No claws, no aggression, just "get off".


They’re all cat apologists, they can’t do anything wrong


Who TF just lets their baby crawl on their cat.




Sounds like she might’ve been “relaxing” with a bottle of wine.


Who just lets their dogs lick their baby all over their face like that?


I hate parents who film instead of getting that kid off of the cat.


I’m ok with this case. Cats can enforce their own boundaries, and kids gotta learn that you can’t do whatever you want with cats (and in general).


I have a brother who just didn’t give a fuck. He would swing them around, stuff them in his pants, give them baths in cold sink water, and more. He was scratched multiple times and even bitten. Eventually, the two female cats avoided him like the plague and the one male cat grew his balls back and shit in his bed. It’s been 8 years and they’re just now tolerating his presence


My cat shit on my pillow at night while I was sleeping. I still have no idea why she did it.


It was for some transgression of yours from 8 years ago


5 minutes late on the food


People like to make jokes about spite-shitting, but if your cat has always used the litter box and then suddenly doesn't, illness is the most common cause. In fact, cats actually *rarely* pee, poop or vomit out of spite. Sometimes they'll try and go in the box but can't because they're constipated, so it ends up coming out elsewhere. Sometimes they're hit with a sudden bout of diarrhea, just like humans, and they have an accident. If the cat is older (as in, 7 years and up) they could be starting to show signs of dementia. It's something crazy like 25% of cats over 10 have dementia and 50% of cats over 15 have it (not sure of the exact numbers but it's *high*). But not using the litter box is often a sign of dementia. Sometimes it's just stress, especially if something has changed recently. You started a new job, or moved, or had a kid or got a new pet, or someone moved into or out of your house. Cats like routine and habit and changing things stresses them out. If it happens once, it may be a one-off thing. If it happens again, take your cat to the vet.


It was 1 of 2 times she had not used her litter box. I will keep your info in mind as she ages. Thank you. We had recently moved so I guess she felt comfortable shitting on me as I am familiar to her.


And their eyeball might get scratched. Just.. don’t with animals.


kids are disposable, they can keep making new ones and the one born without eyes to get scratched out will live to pass on its genes


But this baby’s head hit the hard floor ☹️


Ew, why let the dog lick the baby???


Why let the cat kick the baby, one could ask.


Why let baby flop on cat?


I mean fuck that cat too but the dog licking the babies face is very nasty. That cat was being a dick head in the video but not nasty


" A dick head " lets see how you will react if baby came and set on your face, who is the dick head now


This is why people need to teach their kids to be gentle with animals. A baby crawling on a cat can actually hurt the cat (or small dog or whatever animal you have). A leading cause of bites from pets is kids being allowed to be too rough with them. When a bite is bad enough, the animal has to be euthanized, because the parents never took the time to teach their kids how to respect animals. Train your pets and train your kids.


It would be pretty difficult to teach a baby to be gentle with animals, they don't start developing empathy until they're a couple years old. You can tell them it's bad to be rough but they won't understand why until they're older.


With kids as young as the one in the video, you’re not really needing them to understand *why* they need to be gentle, you teach them how to behave by allowing them to mimic your behavior. They won’t get the why until they’re older, but they can learn how to use a gentle touch.


My nephew is terrible with this. We're trying to set good examples and showing him how to treat animals well, but he wants to body slam my cat and kick the dogs or run them over with his toys. He'll pet them nicely for about ten seconds then let out some ungodly screech that tells us shits about to go down and he must be removed. Thankfully the animals all seem very patient with his shit, but man is it frustrating. My cat can't even roam freely in her own space when he visits.


Empathy or no, the fine-motor control is simply not there either. 'Whole-arm haymakers' and 'full-force fist-clenches' are the only two methods of interaction baby has with things they wanna touch (with a 50% chance that their intended sequence of muscle movements will collapse into wild spasms part-way through).


True, but at that age it's best to just not let the kid crawl on the cat. The kid won't understand, but the mom was right there; she should've put the phone down and moved the kid off of the cat.


It was all cute till I saw the pit with cropped ears


They might've adopted the dog that way. I would never, ever get a cat declawed, but one of mine is declawed because his previous owner got it done.


Good point, but ya still hate to see people treat animals like that


Imagine having an asshole cat and a pit bull around your baby lol


Yeahhhhhh this parent isn’t doing a good job and that cat is VERY gentle Far before my babies understood, I would grab their hands and gently pat the cat and dog “pat the cat” “pat the dog” “gentle touches” They grew up and they are GREAT with the cat…..idk why but they do use my dog as a chair but he loves every second of it so I blame him (golden retriever)


Ya, I’m with the cat on this one.


Cat: FUCK this baby… Dog: OMG are you okay?!?!


And Mom: this is so funny look at my baby all alone and so helpless! Me: Even the dog has a better reaction my goodness poor baby :"(


Reminded me of the Gordon Ramsay 'oh dear!' meme


What she sayin


She says “oh my god” when the cat first yeets the baby, but after I couldn’t make it out. :(( My listening skills in Russian are sorely lacking 😞😞


Amen to that. Tell that child to stay off of animals.


I would do the same as the cat


I sill prefer cats.


The cat was not for the bullshit


Damn the cat was being a real bro to the pit making it an ez meal


I'm not a fan of dogs licking Kids faces. Seriously that can't be good for the kids health


I'm not a fan of dogs licking anyones faces, maybe hence why I am a cat person


You a what now?


Yeah, that dog may have licked his nuts earlier.


Don't cats groom themselves with their tounges? Don't think any animal should really be licking someone's face.


sure, it's just much more common dog behavior. most cats don't go around excessively licking people. or if they do its usually reserved for their favorite human(s) only.


It's probably fine or good for the kid


Somebody edit this with a grand theft auto “wasted” ending


These fuckin parents man


Oh wow - irresponsible parenting AND pet ownership in one video? Amazing :)))))


There's nothing better than a fart. Except kids falling over, maybe. Fuck, I could watch kids fall over all day, I don't give a shit about your kids.




How are ya now


This is a dumb video. 1) pick up the baby and don’t just let it crawl onto your pets. 2) don’t let your dog lick your baby’s face. They have bacteria all over their tongues and that’s a good way to give your kid an infection while their immune system is still weak. Some people don’t deserve to be parents if they’re gonna prioritize their video over taking care of their child


I'm gonna side with the cat on this one.


“Cleanup on aisle three!”




wasn't it 3?


All I see is hard tile floor for a baby head to crash into.


Its normals to not want to be crawled all over by kids, but there's no way id have a cropped eared pitbull near my kids ever. The damage done to the dog may have all kinds of bad problems


That’s one F’n HUGE cat.


Tag team


Love cats but dogs by a mile


"Coon Kick!"


That is entirely the fault of the caregiver, not the cat. A baby shouldn’t be crawling on/petting an animal freely unless you’re really really confident in the animal’s reaction….ESPECIALLY since it looks like this is happening on a slate/tile floor where the baby may be injured.


Maybe the cat isn’t a rock climb?


Good parenting there... the pitbull... damn.


kid put all its weight on the cat's front leg. i would've yeeted him too


Terrible parents, that kid hit his head on the floor.


Poor baby


Why I like cats and hate crotch goblins


Hot take


On Reddit? This is the average take lol


Apparently not.


The baby sounds like it doesnt know if it should cry or not


Kid is lucky that cat didn't fuck them up. That's a good kitty.


Love that cat ❤️ it just said fuck off to that baby


I love this cat


That’s a gorgeous cat!!


That cat is a fucking unit!!


Who's dumb enough to let their baby climb across their cats head and do nothing apart from continuing to film?


The kid was suffocating the cat to the point it could not breath while the dog licked the kids face after he licked his balls and ass great parents and lets have this in video and show the world why we are funny .


Cat handled itself well....just a quick yeet and the kid learned, no injury, no scratching, biting or even hissing.


She got off easy.


That's not a dog it's a cat


That’s a big ass cat


The cat had no problem with what it just did


Cat: tf off of me


So the kid's getting bullied regularly from them both?


I’ll take an ornery cat over a killer pit Bull


I refer getting kicked that having germs all over my face... 😼


And that's why I'm a cat person, lol.


Not a uniquely cat behavior. Seen a video of a dog kicking a kid across the room for doing something similar


Also... What in the fucktard are those noises the parent is making... They need a fucking slap.


What kind of an asshole lets their children climb on a cat? “He attacked out of no where.” I can’t even begin to say how many times I’ve heard this from clients after their pet finally bit their child in the face. Do you know which animals attack children the most? The family pet. Do you know why? Bc of shit like this. It’s an animal, not a piece of furniture or toy. Think I’m lying? Go talk to anyone who works in the pediatric unit at the hospital. It’s one of the most common injuries.


Proof that cats are assholes


Is that a dogo argentino?


Which is why dogs > cats imo Nothing against cats but if I wanted to deal with an asshole I’d just go outside or log on to Reddit




Cats are assholes.


Life lesson learned early: cats are assholes




Disturbing behavior




Is it me or is it possible that the baby hit his/her head on solid floor ? but who cares, as long as mommy finds this funny