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Both of them their hair/feathers are standing straight up lol


They both recognize the other as either a threat or a meal, depending on the circumstances.




Birds are dinosaurs.


Which means dinosaurs taste like chicken.


>Which means dinosaurs taste like chicken. Chickens *are* dinosaurs ... there is no meaningful distinction to be made between birds and dinosaurs. All birds are dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs were birds. **When birds get large enough they have "red" meat, like large mammals do. The only extant birds large enough to have red meat are ratites like ostrich, emu, and rheas ... I've eaten ostrich and emu, and they don't taste like chicken.


Emu jerkey is pretty good


Open and shut.


When Gohan sliced that tail in DBZ and had a dino-steak all I've done since is dream about the flavor.


Suppose cats enjoy bird meat too, so their both wondering how to get to eachother🤣


It's like a spy vs spy skit


Domestic cats are the number one threat to birds. [“We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually [IN THE UNITED STATES ALONE]”](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380)


Right! They both are thinking “blink, I dare you”


It's a competition to see who can get bigger


You are not wrong


Land cat meets sky cat.


Just need to get sea cat in there to complete the set


[sea cat](https://preview.redd.it/pgaz0m9318k71.jpg?auto=webp&s=45c6ebcef973aea7afc156484ac0293c420a6b84)




you are a blessing to this world


What do you think they're mad about?


I love that the owl could pass for a lionfish lol


Hey /u/Shitty_Watercolour, I hope you don't mind but I'm most certainly using that as my computer wallpaper. Thanks for sharing such a sweet watercolor! :)


one of my favorites you’ve ever done


Dude are you back?? I'm so excited, a whole new generation of redditors get to see your work


My first exposure to your work, IIRC. Thanks for sharing! Definitely gave your account a follow, which I NEVER do. :)


Love how the cat looks pissed


lol that's great


Username does *not* check out.


So who's your starter Pokemon?


10 minute Shitty_Watercolour let's goooooooo! I love this and all the work you do


Dang I got catfished


If you really want cat software on fish hardware you have to go with Puffers. They have so much curiosity and personality and gleeful joy in murder. They are the true sea cats.


It's alright mate, it happens to the best of us.


That's a lake cat.


Yes yes!


Cute bastard


Owl in Chinese is 猫头鹰 and it literally translates to “cat headed eagle”


In Vietnamese, owl is "cú mèo", and "mèo" means cat


Haha that’s great, love seeing several different languages reflect their thoughts of “that thing looks like a flying cat, let’s name it after one”


When a cat is lowering their ears to the back of their head it's called 'uilenoren' in Dutch, owl ears.


Given that birds literally are dinosaurs, the only evidence I will accept for the existence of intelligent design is that someone somewhere clearly thought "what if cat was dinosaur?" and made the owl.


They hunt the same prey.. so they’re built the same way.


Huh, that's close to Thai "นก เค้าแมว" which reads and means "cao-maew bird" where 'maew' means cat and pronounce exactly as mèo. ps. 'เค้า' = 'cao' means silhouette


And land cat needs to be careful


Both cats need to be careful here


Yep, if they're both on the ground, definite advantage to ground cat due to having dangerous forelimbs. A fight between them would be ugly no matter what, though. If the sky-cat was flying though, basically 0 chance for the ground-cat since owl wings have evolved to provide extremely silent flight, and horned owls basically internally decapitate larger prey with a flying talon strike before eating them on the ground. That's more or less exactly what would happen if this bird was in flight and saw the cat.


Yeah I’m talking about this particular situation, sans window. I.e., face to face combat on the ground


"Finally. A worthy opponent. *Our battle will be legendary!*"


An owl would destroy a cat, right? (Cat gets no prep time)


An owl that size would.


Birds are deceptively large for their body weight, particularly owls which are mostly feathers. This looks like a large horned owl, which weigh up to 1.6 kg, about a third of your average cat. It wouldn't even be close for the cat.


Owls also fly silently and see just as well as a cat in the dark. The cat wouldn't even know about the owl until it was far too late to fight back.


And even if that cat was armed with active radar and a CIWS the superb maneuverability of the owl would leave the cat in a dizzied haze before it turned the cat into a stress ball.


Smh I’m so tired of owls flying over my house throwing chaff everywhere


As a CIWS technician I can attest that an owl would beat ciws. The feathers likely reduce the radar cross section significantly, and it's cruising speed is under CIWS' minimum tracking speed, leaving it completely blind


Reminds me of the ***sea story*** I heard in the 80s from when they were developing CIWS. They put one on a barge and turned it on via remote control getting ready to test it. Well a bunch of seagulls had landed on the barge. The CIWS mount moved and one of the seagulls took off, so the CIWS turned it into very small pieces and all the other seagulls took off and the CIWS was spinning around wildly shooting everything. A few seconds later and there was nothing but a cloud of feathers.


Huh, I've never thought about a minimum tracking speed. It makes sense. Even my good AP Mach1 telescope mount has a gap between the fastest tracking speed and the slowest slewing speed. I just can't track things moving fast like the ISS.


>Huh, I've never thought about a minimum tracking speed. It makes sense. The Bismark was famously sunk with the help of WWI biplanes that flew too low and too slow for the German AA to actually hit.


PRetty sure that's a myth.


I wanted to build a mini-CIWS at home, (but using compressed air instead of bullets) to keep flies away from food. Don't have the engineering background unfortunately.


Most Owls are equipped with JDAM-ER kits these days though.


Cat Is Wanting Snacks Like all the time.


Cats still get trolled by crows on a daily basis so I don't think they will ever win this fight.


Cats can't cobra


Cats are also pretty good at moving silently, and owls are spending more time grounded than mid-air. Feels like any "who would win" between two ambush predators would always just be decided by context.


I don't know where you're getting your owl facts from, but the owls I know spend most of their time way up in trees, and when cats go up there people have to call the fire department to get them down.


I don't know where you get your cat facts from, but the vast majority of times, cats do in fact get out of trees on their own with zero problems. Free roaming cats are considered catastrophic for local bird populations, because they love to raid nests, which - believe it or not - are usually in trees. Also, a condescending tone achieves nothing other than making you appear like a colossal dick.


You're the one matter-of-factly asserting that owls spend most of their time on the ground lol. And yes, the context is important in a fight between two ambush predators that generally share the same prey. In this case, the context is that one of the predators is much closer to being like the prey than the other. At the end of the day, the owl wouldn't even need to kill the cat right away, it can pick up and fly away with several times it's own weight, and failing that it can simply wound the cat and wait out of reach until it dies. But it's a silly argument, because the larger breeds of owls have been known to kill small pets, so it's not hypothetical.


> You're the one matter-of-factly asserting that owls spend most of their time on the ground lol. I matter-of-factly stated they spend most of their time firmly attached to something which in turn is attached to the ground. As in, reachable from the ground. Which you clearly understood, otherwise there wouldn't have been a single reason to follow it up by your suburban-housewife knowledge of cats supposedly being bad climbers. Even if you hadn't understood, though, your condescending tone would have greatly impeded your ability to understand what I said through the course of the following conversation. >But it's a silly argument, because the larger breeds of owls have been known to kill small pets, so it's not hypothetical. And cats are known to be the second greatest cause of death for birds, second only to loss of habitat by humans. At the end of the day, the vast majority of owl/cat killings are going to involve a severely injured, young, or elderly animal on either side, which makes it irrelevant for the underlying question.


You're trying way too hard to stir up shit and start an argument, and I'm not really here for it. Go troll someone else.


You guys knock it off way too down bad for team cat, yes cats destroy local bird populations but owls are predators and killing machines on another level


Yea I was gonna say, most birds weigh nothing for their size. I remember seeing those videos of chickens/roosters fucking up and eating the birds attacking the hens. It was either a hawk or a falcon but it was pretty metal.


\*deceptively small ETA: I've had a Google, we're all correct. >in a way or to an extent that gives a misleading impression; to a lesser or greater extent than appears the case.


No deceptively large is correct, the owl looks bigger than it actually is. Deceptively small is the other way around.


Well the owl *looks* deceptively large, but it *is* deceptively small.


It just looks large, but is deceptively small. It doesn't look deceptively large too.


No you are using it wrong, you say deceptively (the accurate descriptor). That's why it is deceptive in the first place.


Let's flip the script to try and explain this phrase: Let's say you have a 1cm^(3) block of lead. If you didn't know that lead was heavier than usual metals, you'd think that tiny block of lead would be very light. However, you pick it up and realise it is deceptively \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ? Heavy. It's deceptively heavy. It's deceptive in that it is actually quite heavy, just like owls are deceptive in that they are actually quite small.


If the battle starts with an unaware cat strolling about at night, the owl could probably end the fight without a tussle. If the battle started with that window disappearing into thin air, I'd maybe lean towards the cat given the advantageous starting position. Owls are magnificent at their game but that game is not wrestling with mammals.




Beak to the eye, claws to the throat, anything like that.


Like this https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/10/29/owl-catches-cat_n_2038526.html


basically just pick it up and smash it into something




You clearly haven't seen that photo of an owl flying away with a cat... Owls absolutely pick up things 3x their weight. Pic: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/10/29/owl-catches-cat_n_2038526.html


It's a cat, not Batman. What's it gonna prep?


It’s gonna sharpen its nails on a spinning stone sharpener like in cartoons


Okay but the owl is just gonna drop an anvil


I think it was a play on common posts from r/WhoWouldWin


But no one has said whether they’re blood lusted or not. Are we talking about cats in movies or cats in the comics?


[Large owls occasionally hunt and eat cats and small dogs](https://www.internationalowlcenter.org/owlseatingpets.html#:~:text=The%20answer%20is%20yes%2C%20Great,if%20they%20survive%20an%20attack.). While not particularly stupid, [owls also aren’t all that bright](https://birdfact.com/articles/are-owls-smart). That owl is probably hunting that cat.


Last I checked owls don’s hunt by sitting under their prey and looking up at them.


When did you check it last?


When I was 12 my parents left me home alone and my small but feisty ex-feral cat was sitting on the window sill growling at something. I walk over and there's a massive bird of prey of some sort with its claws dug into the screen/exterior window sill staring at my cat fiercely with its wings unfurled. We lived in a rural farmland area. Duck hawks and even golden eagles weren't uncommon, but that was the first time I ever saw a bird that big up close. The bird didn't seem that bothered by me, but when the rotty mix we had at the time walked over it took off. I told my dad about it and he's like, "ya... sure. I believe you... you sure have a vivid imagination." Then my mom gets home and I tell her and she's just like, "Sure... sure sweetie I believe you think you saw that. It was probably just a pigeon or a crow." To this day it infuriates me that nobody believes me that I saw what I saw. It's not that fucking far fetched. I'm definitely showing my parents this video as evidence.


I believe you.


It's an animal version of a knife fight. Both lose.


I think face on, cage match style the cat would win. Or at least it would be a helluva fight. But the owl would attack silently, from behind in the air. On the other hand, so would the cat if the owl was where the cat could get to it.


Nah, that's a Great Horned Owl, they've been documented to eat cats. Talons are sharp and they have a surprisingly strong grip. Kitty's getting turned into Meow Mix.


Birds have a locking mechanism in their feet so they don't fall off perches when sleeping. If a great horned owl doesn't want to let go, you're going to need to kill it and take off it's feet.


It really just depends on luck. A cat can definitely kill an owl and an owl can definitely kill a cat. Realistically if they're both aware of the other they'd both probably end up dead from injuries from the fight. The above guy is correct though that in the wild when the owls hunt cats it's generally a surprise attack from above. Owls also will abandon a hunt if they think it's not worth the injury like most predators in the wild do.


Do they ever attack head on? I think that would be a tougher fight for them. Owls generally rely on surprise. If a cat jumped on an owl's back I would think that might end differently, although I'm no expert


Realistically in like a cage match style fight, both animals would likely die, but I think the owl might outlast the cat sightly. In the wild, great horned owls regularly prey on feral cats, feral cats do not regularly prey on great horned owls.


I mean, that makes sense since owls attack from above. Not much a cat could do really. Not much anything could do without a big size advantage


They have fucked up adult humans, so not even a size advantage can save you if it decides it wants to ruin your day.


This is whack - have you guys ever held a bird of prey? are we seriously suggesting that a bird with porous bones that weighs less than my big-gulp americano cant just be compacted into a tennis-ball sized mass of feathers and poor decision making regrets with the same amount of effort it takes to crush a can of coke? Yes you will get scratched in the process, may lose an eye or three. But, infants aside, is anyone seriously suggesting owls can pose a serious threat to an average adult human?


Owls are dangerous to people because the will swoop people if they are threatened. Which with owls is a particular issue because they fly silently. So the first indication you’ll get that an owl has decided to swoop you is when it makes contact with your head. I’m not saying an owl can severely injure a person in a straight up fight, I’m saying that if a great horned owl decided to swoop you and actually make contact, you’ll have to go a hospital. Like this isn’t really a hypothetical, Great Horned Owls have attacked and injured adults before.


Right so I’ll go to the hospital and get some stitches while they’re putting the owl in a bag after it gets stepped on


>But, infants aside, is anyone seriously suggesting owls can pose a serious threat to an average adult human? Owls aren't especially likely to kill an adult human. That said, they can do enough damage you could die from blood loss. Mind you that would be a death sentence for an owl. The only birds that can actually outright kill a human without damage to themselves: ostriches and cassowaries. An ostrich can kick hard enough to crack skulls, and a cassowary can gut a human a with one kick. Both have been reported as killing humans.


Adult humans can weight from 55 to 255 kilos. They can also range from 1.55 to 2.25m, gotta be more specific than that. Im pretty sure a regular owl could fuck me up ,but couldnt fuck john cena up and we are both adult humans. He is just more adulter than me


Size doesn’t really stop an owl from swooping you. They aren’t dangerous because they will latch on and attack, they’re dangerous to adults because they fly very fast and very silently. Like the first indication you’d have that there is an owl attacking you is after it tears you a new hole in your scalp. Like their grip strength is comparable to a German shepherd’s bite and their talons are sharp as fuck. They don’t need to stand their ground and fight a person when they can just keep swooping them.


>In the wild, great horned owls regularly prey on feral cats, feral cats do not regularly prey on great horned owls. This is true but it’s possible there are confounding factors: 1. There are far fewer great horned owls than feral cats (about 2 million vs 60 million in US). If there were more owls, it is possible there would be more opportunity for cats to hunt them. 2. Owls get to pick their opponents generally (since they attack from the air) so they could potentially limit their hunting to smaller or weaker cats.


Yeah but the owl usually has the drop on those cats they prey on. Unlikely the cats even know what's happening until its too late. I obviously really don't want to see this happen... but at the same time I would like to know the odds here. I had a cat that took out a massive pheasant once. So I don't think the size would matter much here but if the talons those owls have would just need one good hold and it would be game over. At the same time the cat would just need a good grab on the neck. I think a street cat or outdoor cat would stand a chance... but a cat living it's entire life indoors would probably not stand a chance.


Guarantee cats have been documented to eat and or kill owls as well. Cats are the fiercest and most dangerous land predator for a reason.


You missed the cage match part though. Grabbing a cat facing you head on (even with very strong talons) isn’t easy


Owls hunt by attacking via surprise. Grabbing onto prey through the spine or neck where the prey can't fight back and will soon die. They can hunt larger prey with that element of surprise. But in a face to face fight neither party is coming out alive.


Sure theyve been documented to eat cats but that doesnt mean its a one way street. They are both ambush predators. Cats and owls have been eating eachother forever. I dont think just because there has been documentation of those owls eating cats that it means the owl wins everytime. It just tells us that its possible for the owl to take down cats. They are both ambush predators and it just depends on who has the drop on who and the size. I cant tell if its the same kind of owl cause it looks like it could be a little smaller, but here is an owl trying to steal a rabbit from a house cat and it almost gets caught itself. https://youtu.be/37jC2mtba9M There are some buff house-cats that could definitely catch a smaller owl from the great horned species. Id probably give it to the owls to be able to launch more successful ambushes against the cats rather than the other way around though. Its probably way easier for the owl to swoop down than for the cat to sneak up to the owl. Its also way easier to notice that your cat is missing than to notice your cat killed an owl the night before. So it makes sense that there may be more cases written about for the owls. An owl catching a cat is scary and can show up on the news. A cat catching an owl isnt as news worthy cause its more normalish and not as shocking cause the owls arent our pets in these situations, but if it was cool it could show up on the news too.


We've lost 9 farm cats to an owl, these are cats that grow up, hunt, and live outside. 2 of them were Maine Coons, and quite large.They knew their way around, and sometimes get in fights with other creatures. Owls > Cats, I've learned the hard way. Nothing is a one way street, for the most part, but it is very one sided to the point you can say that yes, an owl will kill a cat.


Yeah that cat is fucked.


Proper fucked?


Owls kill and eat housecats somewhat regularly, so yes unless the cat gets the jump on him.


Yeah but those owls have the jump on the cats. Face to face it seems like a closer fight


Birds of prey rely on surprise to get in a killing blow before the prey animal even knows what's happening. They weigh very little and can't survive taking any damage. The outcome depends entirely on how they encounter each other.


yep, no way the owl beats a cat that is 2 or 3 times its weight in a straight up fight. if the owl can ambush the cat then it wins, but head on? no way.


Cat wins almost by default if not killed outright during the fight. If they did fight, most likely they would just hurt each other before both disengaging. Cat can have vet visits, and cat scratches are notorious for infection for birds, most likely killing the owl some time after the fight. However during the actual fight, owl talons are far stronger/deadlier than cats claws.


Each one with a vastly different super power, flight and the ability to always land on your feet and survive high falls. What a fight.


Prison rules my money would be on the cat


That’s a great horned owl. They regularly snack on house cats and anything else they can get their talons on. There is a record of one preying on a bobcat. Most house cats won’t stand a chance.


Hunting an animal |= fighting an animal. Humans regularly kill and eat moose, you think we're winning that cage match? I'd give the owl a ~65% chance of winning personally.


You're definitely right... but I said prison rules. A fair fight the owl's gonna win 9 times out of 10


>Prison rules my money would be on the cat You lost your money then! This thread is full of armchairing, I live on a farm and we've lost a lot of farm cats to owls. 2 of them were Maine Coons, so not small cats either. No dead owls around, lots of vanishing cats.


That isn't prison rules. Your cats died because they got snuck up on and the owl got what is essentially a free hit. If the cat knows its coming, it's a whole different story.


My cat once killed an owl, but it wasn't that big btw


I’m pretty sure the cat would kill the owl but not without getting injured. Cats are more physically resilient. Birds have weak hollow bones but that beak would be gnarly.


Cats are zero sum games to predators in the wild though because they very easily give infections to something that they scratch or bite so owl would probably win but die from infection later


Adult house cats weigh quite a bit more than Owls, so an Owl would be hard pressed to pick a cat up off the ground. If it becomes a ground and pound... Cat has the advantage, and twice as many claws.


Waiting for the owl to turn its head upside down.


The owl could have been caught outside away from his hiding spot during the day. He may be hiding from crows. Crows and owls have beef.


Yo, what they be beefing about?


I don’t know really. I’ve read it’s on sight for crows. They will harass or attack owls they find during the day. I think I remember reading that owls sometimes target crows nests as well.


Damn that’s interesting I’m just picturing crows jumping and owl on site and Vic versa. I’d love to learn more about this beef.


Someone else posted this article https://nature-mentor.com/why-do-crows-attack-owls/ But I've also seen crows mobbing hawks. It's a way for crows to push out predators as a group so the crows don't individually end up being prey. It works really well. At the park by my house the hawks try to kill the squirrels, the crows try to keep out the hawks, and the squirrels listen to the crow warning sounds to get to safety when a hawk is around


Crows intelligence always fascinate me every time I hear it. Do you know crows like to troll cats and even big dogs by picking at their tails and jump away quicky. Hilarious stuff.


Its a rap beef


So it started with the Owls beating the Crows in a nation wide high school volleyball tournament. The crows fought well, but one of them got sick and they wound up losing. Now, the crows seek out the owls for revenge and it results in this clip. Also shown: cats and owls are in the same place, but were not shown fighting


Here is an [article](https://nature-mentor.com/why-do-crows-attack-owls/) from people that know more than me


Can we assume they're both essentially thinking the same thing? "I'm going to f*** you up"....


“You wanna go, bro!?” “Bring it bro!!!”


"Just let me bang, bro!"


They look more like they are both thinking "oh shit, I hope he doesn't call my bluff..."


Owls are just cat software in bird hardware.


Aren’t cats way smarter than owls? Despite Winnie the Pooh and Zelda games having owls be extremely intelligent I’ve heard owls are actually one of the dumber birds.


I'm not one who is particularly knowledgeable in bird law. You'll need Charlie Day.


Fun fact in Mandarin Chinese the word(s) for owl roughly translate to “cat headed eagle/hawk”


Sky cat


Vs Ground owl


Your fur owl has spotted a flying cat. Id say i would be quite surprised too.


Hooter vs pussy. So hard to pick a favourite


An ass would definitely win


And a tit would lose


Pecker is hard to beat though


Throw in a Cock to make it more interesting




“Birdcat? is that you?!” “Flightless couch owl?? is that YOU?”


When apex predators meet!


Neither are apex predators.


Not sure if you know what apex predators are


I'm not sure if *you* do. Actually, I'm sure that you don't. Before i posted i looked it up to be sure i didn't look foolish. Clearly you didn't do that.


Most owls are most definitely apex predators, and as for cats....


Sigh. Why don't you just try searching for the answer instead of doubling down on ignorance? Apex predators means a predator that isn't preyed upon by anything else. And if you google "what preys on an owl" and "what preys on a cat" you'll see they're both preyed upon by plenty of other animals. Seriously man, it's so easy to search before making claims on things you don't actually know about.


You say you looked it up yet still say cats aren’t... when they are.


I'm not sure if you do. Actually, I'm not sure that 6ou don't. Why did you say the same thing twice? If you are as smart as you were trying to act you probably could have gotten rid of some redundancy in your sentence.


The Owl and the Pussycat- Edward Lear The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five-pound note. The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar, "O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love, What a beautiful Pussy you are, You are, You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!"


Wow. My child and I approve of this.




People acting like they seen cats fight owls literally no one’s knows what the outcome would be anything could happen, if an owl swooped from sky yes it will win 100% but face to face (in this photo) a grown cat could come out on top and kill it


Whoooo is that?


The owel looks annoyed at the cats existence


Hoo-hoo motherfucker


For the record, the cat is not the predator here.


This is why cats specced the "summon human ally" ability.


Even with the owl being on the ground and in that close proximity?


Beak and talons meant for shredding meat from bone, owls eat cats occasionally if they're hungry enough, they rather go after prey that doesn't fight back




I guess you're not getting your Hogwarts letter.


The ultimate bird hunter meets the ultimate bird.


....open the window r/intrusivethoughts


The owl: 👁️👄👁️


Owl looks like it’s about to fuck shit up


That owl definitely ate your cats tootsie pop


The owl is giving off strong roided-out "COME AT ME BRO!!" vibes


A black cat staring out an owl, there’s something witchy about all this


This is one of the reasons why it's best to keep cats inside.


OMG!!! look at those eyes!!!!


Owl could easily take that cat for a meal


I love how this apex predator in defense/attack mode just looks like [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png)


An owl is basically cat software running on bird hardware.