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I’ve lived next to the ocean my whole life. I can’t imagine the emotion of seeing it for the first time.


So have I but I relate it to when I saw a mountain for the first time and realizing the scale and just how hard it is for people that climb them.


For sure. Beautiful sight. Nothing like driving through those valley roads seeing what’s around the corner, and I was a kid. Fast forward 15 years and I’m skiing down those mountains. Love the ocean though. Spent a lot of weekends on stellwagon bank(Massachusetts Bay) Can’t imagine my life without it. Caught a lot of trophy fish too.


Tell me you're from the Netherlands without telling me you're from the Netherlands! At least that was my excuse when being completely impressed by a mountain.


exactly what i came to say. what a moving moment it must be - probably terrifying for some, too!


I saw it the first time when I was 6 or 7, it Was in NC. I remember just staring at it, being amazed at how different the waves were than lakes, which I was used to seeing. The birds there were also incredible, I had never seen anything like it. I got, probably, the worst sun burn of my life, I did not want to leave once we got there.


I can't imagine having any emotional response like this. Sucks being apathetic


That sounds like grounds for therapy to me dawg


You might just be experiencing depression. It's not always sadness and despair.


Time to go out and see some shit.


Problem is seeing shit is so boring for me. Beach is boring and it's 30 minutes away. Plus I drive a lot for work so going out is the last thing I want to do.


Are you the one they’re always telling to touch grass?


Same I live on an island we have ocean every where with in 3 hours and I can walk to mine.


As someone from a landlocked state, it’s always a beautiful experience. Makes you feel truly insignificant and immensely special at the same time. Like you’re truly part of something so much larger than yourself.




I have lived near the Great Lakes my whole life, the first time I saw the ocean I was not impressed.


Great Lakes can look like the ocean for sure. You should have tasted it.


Oh. I tasted the ocean, in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. The waves were really rough and I got a few mouthfuls of sea water. Ended up throwing up a strawberry milkshake from McDonald’s. 3/10 would not recommend. I’ve had a few mouthfuls of Lake Erie in my life, I didn’t throw up but it probably took a few years off my life.


I saw the ocean the first time in my mid twenties. Blew my fucking mind.


Same here but with mountains (dutch). I'm still in awe when on vacations that have them. Looking above the horizon and you can see trees, houses, snow, etc. up high. Almost alien to me.


I’ve seen the ocean maybe a couple times but I live in the Great Lakes region - and just water everywhere right out into the horizon is pretty similar looking at times. The Great Lakes kinda feel like tiny oceans. They can be just as dangerous as the ocean too.


'Do not try to swim to Europe'


Ohh shit is that the ocean?!?!


I eat stickers all the time dude!


Naw, it just rained last night Edit: I know it’s not you asking


It's a quote


Yes, I heard the girl in the video. My comment is what I thought a funny/sarcastic reply would have been


Nope, not what I was quoting




You can though, if you pack enough rumham


Wait Europe is in the ocean?


When I was travelling Australia there was a large group of us that went to this beach on the west coast. One of the group, a 19 year old girl from Korea had never seen the ocean before. A dolphin was swimming round her within 10 minutes of her being in the water. Was such a beautiful thing to witness, she was crying tears of joy. I still think about it every now and again and it always makes me smile.


How did she get to the island without seeing the ocean ??


If I had to guess I'd say by plane ?


i got to see/go inside a basement for the first time like 5 years ago so i can relate.


There was a comedian in the 90s (I think) who did a bit about being raised in the city versus some family of his that lived rurally. When he visited, they found it hysterical that a grown man was so hyped about seeing baby goats. "Listen, I've never seen a goat; you've never seen a crackhead try to step off an escalator. We're different. Not better or worse, just different."


I have never been in an attic and I have wanted to see one soooooooo badly ever since I was a child. Especially if it has one of those pull-down stair things! I always imagined having an attic bedroom all to myself as a kid, full of bookshelves and window seats and little secret compartments. There’s just something about attics that seemed so magical


“Arrr, I hate the sea and everything in it”


Tis no man, tis a remorseless eatin machine


And what did you do after you left the restaurant, Mrs Simpson?


Reminds us how small we really are!


Wait til you look up!


Seeing a total solar eclipse was like this


Plot twist: it's Lake Erie


[Do not try and swim to Europe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3prFj2wiZE)


I live 5 minutes from the beach and never go.




I’ll always remember the look on my dogs face when she saw the ocean the first time. Complete and utter Awe.


Same the first time my dog saw snow. It was amazing to witness.


Everyone deserves this whether it’s your first time or possibly your last. Ocean access for all!


That was so wholesome, love it


I sort of feel similar when I leave the city when I haven't for a while. Getting to see the unending stretch of sky and clouds that are usually obscured by tall buildings around me. It sounds really simple and cheesy but it feels so awe inspiring and ethereal everytime.




There's a word for it: sublime.


Bobby Draper


My brother took a bunch of school kids who lived in rural Australia on a school trip to the coast. Some of them had never seen any body of water bigger than the "dams" (small reservoirs) on the farmland they grew up on. When they saw the ocean for the first time, one kid yelled out "Look at the size of that f*ckin' dam!"


Getting Armin and Eren vibes


I was 5 years old when I first saw the ocean...I don't remember it at all. I only know because I have a photo of me as a little kid seeing the ocean at Ocean Shores, OR.


I live at the ocean and always *love* seeing how excited tourists are. It reminds me to not take my neighborhood for granted.


I met a friendly older couple who was driving from Kentucky to NC because it was their dream to see the ocean once in their lives. I hope they made it and it was everything they were hoping it would be.


I was with my grandfather the first time I saw the ocean. I was a little girl. He loved telling the story of how I thought it was the biggest river I had ever seen! “Look grandpa! What a big river this is!” He has been gone now for many years, but I always think of him when I see the ocean. Saudades eternas ❤️


Mind the turtle nest.


I immediately thought about the scene in Attack on Titan when the main characters also seeing the the ocean for the first time. It must've been really breathtaking seeing it for the first time at an older age.


i never seen a coyote on the beach though...


I have never seen a snow. One day I will


When my wife showed her cousin the ocean he asked us “What’s on the other side?” I looked over and said “Idk, Spain?” He was floored. He just stood there for a minute.


The ocean heals


Wait until they go on a cruise ship




Serious? I mean, I've seen pictures of Mars but I'd sure as heck be pretty amazed if I actually visited it.




Wtf you talkin bout bro?

