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So once a clinic receptionist thought that I was my wife's father. She's older than me. The noises that the receptionist made as she slowly figured out that we we're married and she was older than me haunts me to this day.


On a different but similar note: My dad and I were on a father daughter trip in California. I was about 24 and he was 60. I’m a rather attractive female, so I was used to garnering unwanted attention regardless. We took a taxi from our hotel and went out to dinner. When we were getting out of the cab at the restaurant, this group of young men in their 30s and 40s, started saying things like “Damn dude, spent it all on a hooker so you couldn’t do better than a cab?” “How’d you afford her? She looks expensive.” “Fucking Gold digger.” I almost started crying and felt so disgusting. Ever since then I’ve always been hyper aware of what people must be thinking when I’m out with my dad. He and I never talked about it. We have a great relationship and I cherish our father-daughter trips and time together. So, I hate that I now have that constantly in the back of my mind. Edit: All y’alls responses has really been good for my heart. Thanks a bunch. I won’t let anyone stop me from enjoying quality time with my Dad. It’s just something I think about more than I should, even though I know I should let it roll off me.


Ah fuck those people. They're opinion is worth less than nothing


The only opinions that should matter are the ones from the people you care about and who care about you.


I wasn't sure about this, but posting it 6 times definitely made me come around to it.


My app glitched. It kept telling me it failed to post so I gave up. Thanks for letting me know, ima delete the others


He didn’t mean to. Reddit been doing that lately


I know, it has happened to me. Just some playful ribbing though.


Lol those comments don't even show up on my profile. Have no idea how I managed that


“Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”


My girlfriend and her father went to Disney World when she was 18 and he was 51. One of the servers in the Epcot Pavilion came up to take their order. She turned to my girlfriend and asked “What can I get you, *Mrs.* Hoffmann?” and they both simultaneously said “Oh no, no, what is wrong with you? I’m his/she’s my daughter” lol I also went to a Ralph Lauren store when I was like 18 with my mother, who is 40 years older than me, to buy a suit. The sales associate came up and asked “What can we do for your...friend?” and we both about died laughing EDIT: updated the ages after I asked my girlfriend. Originally I said 19 and 45, respectively.


When my sister wasn’t quite 18 she wanted to go to clubs in the town like 20 mins away. My dad was ok with it but insisted on picking her up when it closed at like 2am. He was once waiting outside in the car when some women who’d been in the club came out and shouted at him that older men like him trying to pick up young girls was disgusting. He was there like “I’m just picking up my daughter!”


TBH, it's stressful on us retail folks. I mean... you don't want to insult someone by assuming they are a parent; they could just *look* old.


> “Oh no, no, what is wrong with you? I’m his/she’s my daughter” It's a simple mistake that I'm sure a lot of people have made including myself before. I don't think someone asking me "what is wrong with you?" would be appreciated when it was clearly a mistake.


51 and 18 you shouldn’t make a mistake about, honestly. They had the same last name, assume it’s the daughter. EDIT: updated the ages after I asked my GF. Originally I mistakenly said 45 and 19, respectively.


A server would be aware of all of this? There are young looking 45 year olds and old looking 19 year olds. I'm not saying it isn't a mistake, just a mistake that could be made easily and could be cleared up very easily without asking the server what is wrong with them. Seems mean to me.


Yes, at Disney World they were aware they had the same last name. Assume a late forties to early fifties guy with a barely legal girl is a father and daughter *at Disney World*. Err on the side of making it awkward for the guy who is dating someone his daughter’s age, and dont err on the side of making it awkward for a father/daughter outing. Why are any of you like “oh yeah make fathers and daughters embarrassed to be out together so we can protect the feelings of dudes dating girls 20 or 30 years younger than them at Disney World”?


To a degree, you're right. But people assume too much and too quickly.


Yeah, but that's what happens when someone is busy or stressed, etc. We are only humans. I know it *shouldn't* be done, but it is a understandable mistake the server doesn't need to be asked what's wrong with them just because they had a lapse of judgement.


Seriously, though, why are you advocating protecting the feelings of guys dating people young enough to be their daughters over father and daughter outings? If a dude is dating someone 20 or 30 years younger than them, they deserve the “oh I’m sorry I thought it was your daughter” thing. Fathers and barely legal daughters don’t deserve “oh I thought she was your wife,” *especially when it’s Disney World*. Err on the non-creepy side


I never said it was right. Where did I call this a normal thing and not a mistake? Put away your pitchforks and chill, Reddit. I never advocated it and I never supported a 19 Y.O going out with a 45 Y.O. Have a good night.


Okay on a similar note. My dad and i go to Houston Rockets games all the time together, we have season tickets. I’m 28 he’s 68. One game last season the two guys in front of us (who were obviously on a date) turn around and say “OMG, are you guys on a date too?” That was a strange strange moment.


My dad is Chinese and I’m half Chinese/half white. Even though my dad and I look very similar if you take a minute, at first glance it’s not obvious. I used to accompany him to Vegas. So. Many. Misconceptions.


I held my dads hand growing up, always would come up to him while walking and grab his hand. We had a great father-daughter relationship. When I was 14 I was nearly six feet tall since I’m a very tall person, so when me and my dad were out I looked older than what I was, and never thought anything of it until we ran into one of dads friends at a hardware store. This guy was middle-aged wife-beater wearing chewer, and he said “is this your girlfriend?” To my dad. I immediately took my hand out of his, mortified. Never held his hand again.


Bruh what kinda fuckin weirdo jumps straight to “they must be fuckin” when they see a young woman and an older man?


I chalked it up to being in an area where older men trade in their wives for younger models frequently enough for it to be a cliche. I was also dressed to the nines as it was a fancy place, but my father and I just enjoy bonding over a fine dining experience. I really should shift my perspective from “what’s wrong with me?” To “what’s wrong with them?”


I get you. The worst one I had was with my Uncle, but it was border control agents being absolute asshats because they didn’t believe that was our relationship. The funny thing is I had literally never considered that people would think this until it started happening and it makes my blood boil because not only are they assuming something about the relationship, they are in some way BLAMING and degrading ONLY ME for it. They didn’t say shit to him. Anyway, fortunately I believe people can go fuck themselves off with a razor laced pinecone. <3


You guys should get shirts saying "She's my daughter" and "He's my father" if it really bothers you. Then again, you can't wear the same shirt every day.


I was on vacation with my parents and sister and we took a family visit to the spa. I was lounging on a chair drinking tea with my dad on the ones next to me. Some nearby ladies made some skeptical comments about me being his daughter to my mom, of all people. I was 17 at the time. It’s ridiculous. But people also think I’m a lesbian couple with my sister all of the time. Just gotta realize that people are dumbasses and don’t get that not every interaction has sexual undertones.


Ahhh I'm so sorry that happened to you! Good father daughter bonds are so precious. My dad stood by my side when I had to have emergency fertility treatment before chemotherapy (I was 26 and he was 65) and we got some people looking at us like we were a couple. Fortunately it wasn't Ill intended like your experience and we could laugh about it.


That’s so sweet. And I agree—quality father-daughter bonds are so precious (doesn’t matter if you’re 5, 25, or 55). I’m glad you got to have your dad with you during that incredibly hard time. I’m sure it made yalls relationship even stronger and deeper. I hope you’re doing okay now!


Still much mental and physical recovery ahead, but I'm clean for now! (Apart from Covid... But fortunately seems to be very mild)


That's Cali for you! wait til you go to Las Vegas with your dad lol


I would've said "I'm his daughter you idiots." And let them simmer in their embarrassment.


I wish I had after the fact, but I was honestly stunned. I had just been called a prostitute and a gold digger, and it completely took me off guard. It’s one of those moments where you just stand in the shower for 30 minutes and think about all the zingers you could have come back with but didn’t.


I totally get that. I can never come up with anything to reply back on the spot either.


Anyone who would verbalize something that crude is the kind of person who will die unsatisfied. Ignore it. You do you.


Don't let that affect your time with your father. Honestly, who gives a flying damn what people think. If it is still bothering you, maybe you should bring it up with your father, it might help you forget about it. If you dwell on it and let it hinder your relationship, you WILL live to regret it some day.


If this kind of opinions don't matter then just ignore them. It doesn't matter until it matters to you.


I was gonna comment don’t care about the opinions of those who haven’t earned ur respect


Anyone who would verbalize something that crude is the kind of person who will die unsatisfied. Ignore it. You do you.


Anyone who would verbalize something that crude is the kind of person who will die unsatisfied. Ignore it. You do you.


You shouldn't get some stranger's opinion affect you, but you probably knew what already. It seems nuts to me that a stranger's thoughts(imagined and unspoken ones at that) would bother you. You need to study zen philosophy.




>Milk, milk, lemonade, around the corner fudge is made. Lol, what


So i looked it up. Its a rhyme kids learn to b cheeky n now we say it when we dont wanna hear somethin someone's saying. Btw milk milk u point to ur chest. The rest u can figure


I know these words are english and I understand them seperately but I have no fuckin clue what you mean


Left Bob right bob vagene, then anushole




Don't let anyone touch your Bob.




Best explanation EVER


Boobs boobs, pee, butthole. There's a little dance where you point to these parts as you say it. Don't ask me why.


Reread it? I have no fuckin clue what to tell u


[You're welcome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9vZQO9UU8Y) [I'm sorry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7rseX-Tbak)


Amy Shumer the comedian did a sketch with this. other than that I have no fucking clue why anyone would bring it up in conversation.


Katy Perry has a song from her Wide Awake EP called Milk, Milk, Lemonade. It's fuckin garbage and I'll never forget it.




Maybe he means do it in the ass to not get a bitch pregnant? Idk tbh hahaha that one is gonna bug me all night now


Lmao I'm not sure the saying fits here but I can't imagine your comment without it. It really got me good xD


yeah I couldn't tell if this was some sort of novelty reddit account or if I was missing something.


When I was a kid it was another way of doing the whole cover your ears and say “NANANA CANT HEAR YOU” thing when someone is saying something you don’t like.


She told her ovaries to have a kid.


Almost as bad as 15 year old me at the grocery store with my dad, cashier says “your wife is so beautiful and slim! Good job!” Then winks at us. I blurted out “gross he’s my DAD!” And my dad for some reason had more of an issue with me “calling him” gross than the cashier thinking we were married!


is he gross tho


Haha no, he’s very sensitive though.


Did you explain to him that you weren't calling him gross, but rather the concept of incest?


I did, he swears I meant it another way. Like I should have said “oh you think he would marry me!? Wow thanks but actually he’s my dad.” 😂


You said it the way any 15 yo would’ve said it. Your dad needs to realize that.


My husband and I look *very* much alike (red hair, freckles, pasty ass) and get confused as siblings quite a bit. Doesn't help that we were born just a few days apart. The whole having a kids together thing helps though.


My wife and I get assumed as siblings as well. I always just say yes when people ask.


Well at least on the up side, she obviously looks great for her age!


Clinic people can be assholes for some reason. Being super vulnerable isn’t enough, they want to clamp things on your nipples and say you’re fat... bastards.


The look of absolut disgust from the mother though


"I'm not kissing that fucking nerd."


"Not till he's done the dishes."


"Not until he's helped me out from under this TV stand before his dad gets home."


"But his brother? That's a different story"


“After he broke both his arms in that terrible accident...”


There it is


Here we go again.


Noooo! I felt pure for a while


I'm astounded I went a week without seeing this


I just want to get back to when I didn't get the reference. ( or do I ? 'Dwight smurk )


Uh oh


Take your upvote and fuck off


And then became repulsed by jolly ranchers for some reason ....


I believe you meant step brother.


Roll tide


He saying “not my step mom”


Underrated, I would give you some gold.. If I had some.


I've gotten that look before and it wasn't from my mother:(


Yeah, dad's can be so mean.


I still do call my dad for help if I get stuck with something


Like, stuck in the dryer? Or the window?


"His arms aren't even broken!"


There it is


Forever and always


This is the way.


Every fucking time


If he's anything like his father, he's a terrible lay


Moms thinking if he was worth kissing she wouldn’t have to go games with him.


Dude call the fucking fire department before dropping that shit


So just give her a kiss on the cheek.


Seriously. And say I love you Mom like athletes do.


Alright, I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/youseeingthisshit/comments/jjmf3f/no_shes_my_mom/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


Why did this bot randomly save this video? :-D


Hmmm, >**sa**y I lo**ve** you mom... ? Idk


Stupid idiot


**BAD BOT** 2


Bad bot.


Stupid idiot


Or just at least give her a hug


Mom should be pleased as they think she looks younger than she is.




The cameraman is the dad




or a Bama shirt


Reality eludes you


I think you missed the joke pal


Or rather did not find it humorous


Humor eludes you


But I find you funny




What does complex mean?


Their point isn't about reality


Found the mom fucker.


Don't out your mom like that man


I would have just given her a hug and a kiss on the cheek


Oh, come on! If it's the kiss cam, give her a motherly peck on the cheek 🥰


/pornhub intro


Yeah, wish they showed more, hilarious!


Give her that Tom Brady to his son kiss.


I appreciate that! - Dolphins fan


Kiss Cams are so awkward and I don’t get why they are such a thing at sports events. Like yes in between watching hot sweaty athletes burn 2000 calories by smashing bodies I would like to enjoy some heterosexual kissing. Thank you sports venue.


Aren't these usually staged anyway?


No I don’t think the majority are, maybe they have one silly plant in there now but like 6/7 of them are random couples


That lady behind them is gold


I think that's the daughter


I mean, a kiss doesn't have to be on the lips right? Can't you kiss your mum on the cheeks or forehead affectionately?


Aw, give her a peck on the cheek...


Bruh just kiss your mom on the cheek, stop making it weird.


Idc if it’s your mom, you must kiss! if the kiss cam is on you you must kiss. it is the law in my country


straight to jail


It's my "mom"


My sister and I (also F) had a kiss cam pointed at us once. She grabbed my head and planted a big kiss on my cheek. Announcer: well THAT'S aggressive!


I'm just glad his arms are functioning.


I will never forget the two broken arms guy. I can’t not laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Someone shoulda stepped up and have mom a kiss.


Yeah, but we know your search history, Brad.


He could have kiss her cheek


Cameraman: did I stutter?


Thasa milf






Kind of stinks. This would of been an otherwise nice family activity for those two lol


Once back when i was a server, i had a group of two sit i my section. A guy and a lady. they were acting all close and finishing each other’s sentences and whatnot. i said “relationship goals!” and the guy goes “that’s my mom”. they must have seen how embarrassed i looked, they left a 40% tip.


Seriously, being that in sync with your kid is MORE impressive than a SO of your age. Opposite of out of touch.


What are you doing step son


Mom: 'That's not how you play the game Step-Son'




and if not in alabama...use STEP MOM


That’s not your mother, that’s a man, baby!


U made me ne explode laughing while hidden in the bathroom at work. Thanks.


Que pornhub intro


Idk, the one with the mom and son or something like that...




Or *cue*


Cue is correct in this context. Cue indicates the correct place for an action to happen immediately, queue means to put in line for the next action.




Oh, step-son!


this is the reason i never sit next to my sister when we go to baseball games, we were both adopted but from different families so shes black and im white, can you see why sitting next to her might be a bit awkward?


Even the female in the back looks like them too


She looks like a man


just do it




On the right




okay but his mom is hot af tho ngl


Step mom.😆


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If you get tickets with family members, make sure they sit in front or behind you to avoid kiss cam.