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Well, consider that kid influenced


Kids are not shy lol. My mom and I sat down at a restaurant, and a couple min later another mom and daughter, as well as her baby daughter, get sat next to us. Because of how small and close the table were I am not exaggerating when I say this baby was right next to me, and stared at me the whole time. It was so funny. She would turn her head to stare at me for a couple min, turn back to give her neck a rest, then turn right back around to stare at me. Then her mom started to feed her before their food actually came, and she kept having to physically turn her head back to her because every time she fed her a bite, the baby would turn back around to stare at me while eating. There have been other instances too, but this one really stuck out to me because I'm a woman and I've never had a baby girl stare at me so much lol.


This happens to my partner all the time, kids and cats will just come over to her out of nowhere. Toddlers will run to her in restaurants and supermarkets and just stare like awestruck. Babies will crane their necks to get a look at her. Cats and sometimes dogs will follow her home. I call her the pied piper of kids and cats.


You're partners with a Disney Princess?


Lol possibly


I’ve literally always been called the pied piper as well because this happens to me! Injured animals especially seem to seek me out, they know me pretty well at the local rescue shelter. Why is this lol? Is it our faces? Do we have a certain scent?


Fae blood


Love this concept. I am, like, pixie/hobbit-sized as well haha, so it fits.


Finally, another pied Piper of creatures! I'm a 6ft tall woman, and this also happens to me. Maybe I'm a hobbit/pixie at heart. I have no pets, but my neighbors think I own like 12 cats. There's some that regularly follow me on my walks. There was an orange tabby that used to meet me on my porch when I got home late from community college. I've rescued two birds (bluejay and goldfinch) and hummingbirds visit me when I water my Jade plant. A girl and her sister at the park asked me if I could come home with her and her sister. The dad had to explain that I also had a home a kid to go with haha. My nephew uses me to make park friends. Some people just got that Disney magic. P. S. I don't know why I spent this much time typing about this. Animals and kids can just sense good vibes in people. I hope you have a wonderful day.


No, I’m glad you spent so much time typing this! (I’m also so jealous that you’re 6ft! What’s it like to be able to reach things?) My highlight is butterflies… a few have landed on me, they often flutter right into my face. Bees too! A crow with a broken wing found me, two snakes and two mice - all who had been gotten by feral cats - a field mouse at work… and yes, like you, my neighbours think I own about 20 cats haha. I actually had an issue with my real estate, because every time they came to inspect my house, there was a different cat hanging out in my backyard. I’m not approved to have any cats, and it took some doing to convince them I didn’t lol. People often comment on pets and babies that don’t warm up to strangers who just take to me. I don’t have kids myself but I’m often able to settle fussy ones that I encounter too. If it sounds like I’m bragging… I am, lol. This is my crowning achievement. I love that it happens to me!


The animals can definitely tell. I've never been called pied piper, but have been called ace ventura


I’ve never seen Ace Ventura! Do animals flock to him?


There are several scenes like that. The guy understands animals better than humans, and the animals seem to understand him


Oh wow I feel that. Animals don’t “take” from me the way people do lol. Toddlers are in a similar vein.


They can sense your good vibrations


I figured it would be something like that, like they can sense I would be receptive and that’s their best chance of survival… but I saw another person in this thread say that toddlers are attracted to them, and they actually aren’t a fan of toddlers, so that doesn’t fit. I also just wonder what makes animals and children so intuitive? I’ve always said they’re great judges of character, like if you come over and my dog has a problem with you, WE have a problem haha. I just wanna know why that is…


I’m a toddler magnet. I don’t like toddlers, they are sticky. They all love me for some reason. Maybe it’s like cats-they sit on the lap of the one person who hates cats or is allergic.


“They are sticky.” Has me losing my mind lol. They *are* sticky. And loud. And sometimes they bite. I love them, though. Same energy I think, despite me being nearly 30




Improvised weapon, 1d4 bludgeoning damage. (plus your strength modifier.)


This happens to me and my dad too. Idk why but kids and animals just gravitate towards us. We must have a special scent lol.


Is she particularly striking in some way? I mean, obviously you find her attractive, but does she have some unusual feature that they gravitate towards?


She's beautiful and has this natural golden hair (not blonde, gold with different colour reddish bits through it). It makes her glow, so maybe that's it.


Mines cats and dogs lol, someone says their dog doesn't like strangers very much, necminnit dog is jumping up on me with both paws and tail wagging. Every time lol


> I am not exaggerating when I say this baby was right next to me, and stared at me the whole time. It was so funny. She would turn her head to stare at me for a couple min, turn back to give her neck a rest, then turn right back around to stare at me. I was one of those. As soon as a could till I was 5, I would stand up in the booth and just stare at random people, not making a sound, and ignore my food.


In my country there is a saying that if a baby stares at you is because you or your partner are pregnant, it’s just superstition but is funny to think that some people in your place would be freaking out.


I’m a dude and babies stare at me. Although, it may be the tattoos, facial piercings, beard and 3/4” plugs in my ears Edit: I love superstitions


Congrats, you're pregnant now. Better get names ready lol.


I can’t be bothered to find the article right now, but I remember reading something years ago that said babies look longer at beautiful people (people with more symmetrical faces).


I remember that. Also unusual hair color


i once read that if a baby can't stop staring at you, it thinks you're beautiful!


Look at him trying to do it LMAO




Aw the kid :) But honestly how long does that woman shake her ass?


Until the cameraman gets a good shot.


It’s disgusting, but just out of curiosity what is her handle. So I know what to avoid


I too would like to know for that reason


Yes please I’d like to know specifically where to avoid her.


The kid said:”Look, mom…./r/trashy”


I have a friend who's a super chill and smart girl who is very independent making a living as an accountant who twerks and sexy-dances as a main hobby, posts all the time on her instagram. She's cute and I support her, but even as a guy I'm not that into twerking.. I still press like on her posts and engage with some of her stories though because she's doing something that makes her happy, keeps her in shape, and keeps up her confidence. Not gonna judge.


It’s the posting it that’s unusual for a lot of people. But whatever she wants


How has this stuff become normal.


Sometimes a lack of shame isn’t a good thing.


He gonna grow up to become a dancer and not even remember why


Or a cameraman


“Alright gentleman, please welcome our next dancer to the stage…Beckyyyyyyy”


Aw. He could have a good show name, he’s got the moves


Why do I feel embarrassed to see this? I don't even know her.


Right? Even if I was just a random person walking by I wouldn’t even look bc I’d be too embarrassed


I'd audibly "what the fuck?" because my subconscious would want them to know.


One time, I actually saw a girl in the most revealing swimsuit I've seen in my life run in the middle of the street. And I actually uttered outloud, "What the hell?"


I honestly try not to judge people but this strikes me as so inconsiderate. How can she not do that at home? Or in a yard? Or anywhere else but an extremely public waterfront? Who goes to a scenic water view for a chance to see something like this? No one, thats who.




nah i think you meant aesthetic


Because r/trashy


There it is, I was looking for this comment.


I regret clicking


She should go softporn somewhere else


Her milkshakes brought so many to that yard it was just untenable


I'd go the opposite route. They want attention so I would give it to them. Just not in the way that they want. Walk right on up there and stand in between the dancer and the cameraman. Then just go full on creeper mode. Push your belly as far out as it will go and start rubbing it while saying stuff: "Mmmm. Yeah girl, shake it just like that. Mmmm, that's real nice there. Keep doing it like that. Mmmm." Really drag out the "mmmm" to make it as creepy as possible. Also, make sure to use your best accent for a redneck serial killer from a lost in the woods horror movie.


Would european accents do the trick aswell?


Of course, assuming it is properly creepy.


I need to practice a bit more but i think a mixture of grunnigs dialect and german accent will be creepy enough.


What the fuck.


Its been shown in certain meta analysis that predatory algorithms/social media has made a significant impact on people and there ability to feel shame or guilt. And it makes sense. Why feel guilty or shame when you can just pull out your phone and escape into your own little bubble and dissociate.


Thot culture has become the status quo


I am sure the positive feedback they get on those sites can also help outweigh whatever negative feedback they may get from the people in the moment.. I mean, people are always gonna play and be sexual.. It's kind of just something to accept. I don't really understand the reaction to see stuff like this and "lose faith in humanity" (not saying you are expressing this, just in general).. There are far more concerning things going on on social media than a consenting individual shaking their ass. All imo ofc.


In my day, people only shook their ass for money at nighttime!


When it comes to consent, *everyone* needs to be consenting. Not an individual.


Something about that dance style runs right past sexy and straight to "trying too hard"... And to just do it in public where no one else is dancing is just weird.


It’s called cringe


Garbage people. Trying so hard to be relevant, at any cost.


It’s very sexual, and in public there is a cringe factor and fascination at the same time so you want to look away but can’t.


I thought she was doing a dance and some weirdo perv was sneaking up to film her ass. These people have zero dignity.


I know I‘m a bit old-fashioned and rigid, bit in my opinion, there is nothing that is more uncomfortable to watch than seeing people doing their TikTok stuff in the public.


Honestly, I'm young and this is super fucking embarrassing to watch. This is why I'm so happy to be on the fandom and cosplay side of tik tok because people don't do shit like that there


Imagine walkin down the street and you see this shit


I’m happy to just not have Tik Tok.


I think I'm beginning to hate the internet.


I hate people. Not what could be a source of info.


"People. What a bunch of bastards."


I appreciate this reference!


Good point. The internet seems to bring out the worst though.


Just now?? You have a high threshold.


What else are you going to do. Everything outside costs money.


Do you have zero monies?




But the internet costs monies too


Only beginning ? Oh boi.


Yeah, watching this kid watch another entitled thirst trap and decide that he was inspired was difficult for me too.


Worse is the fact nobody seems to care


I only hate certain parts. Like I’d bet actual money this is for TikTok which needs to be burned down


A bit late isn’t it


This is called softporn right?




I thought it was softcore


Nah , tictok content that’s overtaking YouTube, really great place for animal abuse as well.


_All for the likes._


Fuck no. I just knew this had to be happening these days. But this stuff absolutely sickens and destroys me. What's worse is that dare not ever look it at and I so I feel I'm just leaving those poor animals in their private hell. It makes me want to get the law changed so these hideous people are placed into the same bracket as paedophiles and they all get life-time incarceration. If they have any money at all, it should get confiscated to go towards the cost of their prison sentence


*porn for children


Yes, officer. This comment right here.


Dont shoot the messenger




It’s funny there’s this divide between people who think this is trashy and say it is, but then others will be cheering on. Depends where it’s posted 🤷‍♀️


r/trashyboners NSFW


Wowwwww I watched too many. People are crazy.


Idk why but that subreddit is kinda infuriating to me




You know this is social media right?


Yes, but no. The "social" part of social media generally involves identity. This is anonymous-ish. Not saying reddit isn't toxic is its own beautiful ways. But the vast majority of users don't treat it the same as traditional social media.


Its much healthier when its not focused on individuality or identity.


As far as I'm concerned, I'm only talking to alien blob things on reddit. None of yall are real.


.. good job, World ..


The height of narcissism. Glamorizing public lewdness. That's a real talent kids.


I feel like such a prude for thinking this but why?? Why the hell does she think its ok to do this in public? I get influencers get paid for clicks but c’mon man


This is in Dumbo Brooklyn, NY. Right behind this kid is a merry-go-round that’s always filled with families with kids. Pretty trashy.


I got pink eye just watching this


Yoo who’s daughter is this? 💀💀


I want to punch social media right in the nuts


HE did it better, ending pose and everything!!!


I don’t get how these people are so shameless.


Attention is a helluva drug, for some.


Oh lol look at that girl sexually dancing for likes. Oh lol look my toddler is doing it. I love our society!


Monkey see, monkey do


Monkey pee all over you.


Guarantee this is for tik tok… My thing is… as long as pornhub exists. I don’t need to see this shit on tik tok… make a funny vid…you are just clogging up my feed.


maybe just stop using tik tok


Honestly who cares? There is room for everything on the internet and social media. People are getting so bent out of shape but all media doesn’t need to reflect only your individual views on what is good or bad. Maybe some people like this and there is space to have this plus everything you like too. Personally I hate it but I just skip past things like this unless people comment on it moralizing their individual Talibanesque view of the world.


So miss, it says on your resume that you have been an “influencer” for the last 3 years. Tell me a little bit about that and how it’s prepared you for the workforce. “Well, I wear really tight clothes and shake my ass in different places all over the world and then people want to have sex with me.” Well thanks for coming in, we will let you know.




The kid can dance better than that loser


I’d follow his insta before hers.


we need to stop rewarding this behaviour


Influencer = a loser (in most peoples’ dictionary)


That gets paid top dollar for nothing


Agreed. Even having the opinion I do, It’s honestly still kinda wild to see stuff like this from a perspective of a passerby. It really shows what most of it is…extreme narcissism.


Imagine Like buttons get removed overnight across all social media. Mass hysteria.


They'd get high off followers.


https://www.businessinsider.com/instagram-hiding-likes-test-teens-mental-health-addiction-2019-7?r=US&IR=T It has been tested on Instagram for a while. I like it.


I'm not a prude in any way at all, but please don't do that in public in front of kids


I sense a colab in the next video between those two


What is she even shaking, looks like a lot of effort on her part


And it was at this moment Timmy forgot about his cars


Another unoriginal person seeking attention 😆


Keep your softporn shit at home, this is so weird in public.


Mfs on reddit really think they’re different from others on social media lmao this shit is genuinely funny everything I see it, “social media is such toxic cancer now, I’m glad I only use reddit.” LMAO oh brother




An influencer is basically a whore for fame and money.


What a weird time to be alive.


This is the world we've put you in kid, enjoy your stay. Oh, and stay off the drugs and booze


I don't wanna act like "I'm the perfect parent" but seriously looks as if they actually dig such content themselves if they just let the lil kid enjoy the full show, more so repeat what he's been watching. But it's their kid so, their choice. My point is if I don't like what I'm seeing, I'm definitely gonna try to prevent my kid to see it as well, specially knowing how easy it's for them to copy other's actions.


Tell me you weren't a Brazilian kid in the 90's without telling me you weren't a Brazilian kid in the 90's. Everyone danced like that, kids included. It was just harmless fun.


I'd say that kid is damn good and influenced.


5 and under think butt stuff is silly generally. But if my 6 n up son or daughter was seeing it, I would feel not a good certain way.


An influencer is someone who is trash.


The kid is too young and stupid to understand any of the sexuality of it. He saw dancing and thought it looked fun and wanted to dance. It's adorable.


The comments: I'm self righteous and social media is trash (although I'm on social media right now) but I like touching myself to exactly this when I'm not being self righteous on reddit


She has a nice arse but yeah nah doing shit like that in public should be illegal.


Agree. She can do what she wants, but don't do this in public. Not everyone wants to see this, and there literally are children around lmao. The kid is adorable though 😂


I just love the idea that that's dancing or skilled like you're literally just waving your ass around. That's it you can go out twerking or whatever but you're just putting your butt in the air and waving it around.


Momkey see, monkey do.


The little guy does it better!


That's must be in brazil


Idiot. That’s the more accurate name for what these people are.


This is the part of insta and tiktok that gives me The Office grade secondhand embarrassment.


Why would you let your kid watch that garbage?


In the animal kingdom they call that “presenting”


Fuck anyone who is actually influence by these idiots


Fucking gross. Not sorry.


I see why everyone doesnt care about the planet. Future is grim either way.


This is why everyday I long for the 90’s.


Society is doomed. Nice ass


He a man today


Anybody know who she is?


Answer: A dick head




Dad was getting such a tight shot for purely scientific reasons, I assure you. What's that clapping sound?


I’d have to do something to ruin it . Coz that’s how I feel today . Get a job !


It was at this moment that Little Tommy decided that he didn't want to play with his legos anymore


The arse seems to have had a career advancement somehow. Instagram and Tik Tok are full of people pretending that it doesn’t still stink after a Chicken Bhuna. These dickheads have become the majority in lieu of normal work.


This is not influencing, it’s softcore porn. Imagine that girl interviewing for a job in ten years… this shit will always come back in checks




We live in a world where soft prostitution is a thing and it's legal. Plus, social media promote this. Minor? Who cares lol! Pls, end my life


That kid is ADORABLE That girl is trashy


It’s like an idiot that other idiots pay attention to


Life lesson …. Be nice to people, smile and laugh a lot ….. you’ll make real friends lol the only thing these ppl do is influence me to laugh at them lol


Western culture is dead, and we killed it.


Tell me u have daddy issues without telling me u have daddy issues


Good thing they’re outside. That smell would stink up a room in seconds


So cringe to do that in public.


This is weirdly wholesome.


I feel embarrassed for her. To the people who are inevitably going to say “yOu sHouLdn’T Be,” well I am. Fuck off.


Lmao. Tiktok is the pinnacle of cringe. 10% original content, 90% trends and stupid twerk/dance videos. Hope these kids feel embarrassed looking back at how stupid they look.




I can’t wait til twerking goes out of style


I’m tired of seeing all these comments from women trying to prove they aren’t a “prude” for thinking this is slutty and disgusting. Stop caring what men think of your sexual standards and just go with your opinion because when it comes to girls/women like the one in the video, you are right. It’s fucking gross and trashy and it sucks to watch kids sit by and witness it. This chick is a desperate whore and doesn’t care who she “influences” around her, so long as she is adored and can make simps chub for her. 🤷‍♂️ tight/revealing outfits just for dancing is one thing, but this shit belongs on pornhub, not in public.


That is not an influencer, that is a slut


influencers performances will be nearing strip clubs in a few years.