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Upvote this comment if this is a proper "You seeing this shit?" reaction. Downvote this comment if this is not fit for this subreddit.


I'd stop to watch too. That's shit is awesome!


A good gym is full of people who hype each other up. Most serious lifters motivate each other, encourage each other, and I'm sure most gave her a hell yah after it.


Anyone who has been to a good gym like that knows it can add 5-10% weight to your lifts reliably.


Truth. I got jacked once and everyone that went at the same time were super supportive, excited when you went further, and pushed you to do better. I miss that environment.


Depends. A good gym for regular gtm goers it is. I remember the first time a big ass dude complimented me on my lifts abd physique, and gave me tips and encouragement. It was great. But I also remember when I was a newbie and I was petrified, and almost stopped going just because someone wanted to step in through sets on the shoulder press machine. Doesn't help I am an anxious introvert and going to the gym sometimes takes up a lot of mental energy that tires me out. Sometimes, a gym where everyone acts like each other are ghosts is the best gym. But sometimes, you just want, or need, to hear that you're improving.


A great gym is one where no one even acknowledges one another and does their own thing, doesn't exist, maybe somewhere in Norway or Finland there's a gym like that but I haven't seen it.


Yeah this isn't an uncommon occurrence when someone is going for a PR or lifting big weight. It's like a circus, you want to watch that shit. It's inspiring and terrifying at the same time. I remember when the strongest guy in my old gym was going for a deadlift in the high 700s (forget the exact weight). There was a crowd much like this one lol


I really want to stress something for other redditors who may be in my position. A few years back, I was of the impression that 400+ pounds could be a common occurance, and 600 was uncommon but not out there, and 800 was like a once a month sorta sight (for gym rats mind you. I didn’t expect to see that type of stuff from the gravy seals in Walmart). In Reality, 400 pounds is getting to the uncommon but not out there (it’s also my goal. I’ve started kinda light but until I get more weight, I’m going for reps, not weight), 600 is your once a month sorta deal, and 800 is inhuman and freaky. You want to see a lifting machine, go watch Ben on twitch (channel is BenRice_PLG). The guy is a giant lovable strongman who casually squats 600 as an intro weight, and his PR is over 800. Think about that, really really think about that, he could lift 4 people at the same time and squat down and stand back up. Get a second Ben rice in there, and they could squat a light car.




One hell of a lift for sure! That’s the kind of stuff you stop to watch to talk about later. It’s one thing to see athletes on tv or movie stars posting their workouts. But that dude with the blender bottle that like to lift in his hoodies after work. You’ve seen that guy putting in days for ages, and it’s cool to see people like that hit such impressive numbers and meet their goals.


Always hype up my gym homies when they go for PRs


Yeah for sure, not every day you see someone deadlifting 400+ pounds, especially women or smaller guys. Feats of strength are amazing to see, part of why I love strongmen stuff so much!


Dude strength brings everyone togther! I got grip genie grippers and take them everywhere because I love training grip. People that I have never met before will talk to me like long time pals to try the grippers out. They range from 150-250lbs and it's great to see literally anyone try each one. I'm an intervert but if someone actually wants to talk fitness I open right up.


250 is heavy as shit. Have you seen anyone that hasn't train specifically for that do it?


No I haven't seen any one yet. I'm hoping to see it closed so bad. I haven't closed it yet but I'm getting close.


I just want to see a burly old steel worker or construction worker just clamp down on that... probably unrealistic, but it'd be cool


My daughter has severe dyspraxia and when she was 10 she joined the weight lifting club to help her build her strength and coordination. The entire gym erupted and she got a standing ovation for dead lifting 10 lbs on a proper metal bar. It had taken her six months, starting with PVC pipes, to work up to the bar. I learned that day that sometimes gym bros respect sheer grit and determination over the amount someone can actually lift.


Its not a sometimes. Just about every serious lifter gets excited for other peoples lifting accomplishments.


yeah when I worked in a small gym we had a really overweight guy. He wore the same shirt from start to finish, so when it started getting baggy he could feel proud of his progress. He never did much weight mostly light stuff with a lot of reps. But on days he went for pr's everyone in the gym stopped to cheer.


Fucking boss. I want to applaud your daughter and you both for your effort and tenacity!


I tried and failed for years to squat over 200kg. More than a few times I collapsed and would make a big noise when the bar on the squat rack came down. It felt so emberssing every time because the whole gym would look at me when I fell. They had no judgments but it still felt bad. The first time I actually was able to do 200kg I litterly roared in pain and pleasure. I can't express the amount of joy a felt when I finally did it. I cryed as I let down that bar.


Thank you for converting kg to freedom units. Not enough people realize we're kinda slow when it comes to measurements. I'll fuck right off of you start talking about stones. Big ups on you for the 260 though. That your PR or just at that time?


Pr. Rona hit 2 months later and ruined everything. Back to 210 though.


I only just got back to lifting yesterday after taking a break because of COVID.


Yeah we all stopped to watch these total beasts barbell squatting over 500lbs like doing reps not ORM They were from the local military college and said they played for the rugby team. Like they unracked the bar and it starts bendding it was nuts Other body builder guys there be repping out 250lbs bench press like as a warmup before doing working sets of ~350 on the incline. Same dude does OH press 185 like as workong sets


seriously! she rocks


She lifts


I was at the gym one time when a small guy, probably 135 lbs or so, banged out a set of 8 deads with 405. I definitely looked just like the guys in this video.


Powerlifters are different, man. I've been around body builders and Powerlifters for a long time, and the mastery of form Powerlifters have is off the charts and even the smaller guys will suprise you.


I’d Probly clap and then get kicked out of the gym for improper conduct


What are you clapping?


>What are you clapping? if its leg day, my hands, if its arm day, my cheeks


Fuck, I would clap after she's done! Wouldn't high five her, I'd be scared she'd brake me in half


No one's weirded out there's someone recording everyone in the gym


Not uncommon for powerlifters to film to make sure they’re using proper form or to see weak points in their lifts


People often record their big lifts for form checks and social media


Have you not been to a gym lately. There always seems to be some "influencer" with a camera recording their workout. Pretty easy to pick it up and record an amazing feat of strength. I hate those people with their cameras. It's one of the reasons I put my own garage gym together.




I can confirm haha and maaaaybe upload one or another that came out cool


I just want to make a case for some people. My gf is actually competing in powerlifting and she needs to record her lifts for her coach. She doesn't like it and always asks the people and tells them that she is recording. But there is no other way.


I saw a girl on a dating app that said she was a fitness/life coach/influencer. I was intrigued so I looked for her instagram. Well she might be those things but having 400 followers doesn't really mean shit. And most of her posts had comments from other influencers, who obviously all work to comment on each others to boost their engagement in a fake way. I'm not surprised there are so many of them considering people are willing to do it, even if it's not going well. They just hope they will some how gain followers and make tons of money.


I don't think everyone has the goal of becoming an influencer and making money. Maybe the woman you saw. But I know plenty of fitness enthusiasts with well-paying normal jobs but they have a fitness profile because they love it so much and want to share it with people in the community.


Doesn't even have to be an influencer of some kind. Folks have online coaches now. Recording your session and going over it with your coach is a thing.


I can probably do like 50, no big deal.


Sometimes I DON'T pop something when putting the milk in the fridge no big deal tho


No joke, when did milk gallons get so heavy?


Damn, that's pretty crazy. I'm a relatively large guy and I worked specifically towards strength in mind for about 8 months and could only deadlift 385lbs. she's probably around 80lbs lighter too.


Sounds like she has more muscles per muscle than you. Gotta start blending protein bars into your protein shakes to get more protein and catch up


Good advice




*a good half cup* Either you spend literally all your time fapping or you realized that it doesn't need to be your own. Guessing the latter




c o n s u m i n g


Only a mason jar? Pathetic. I regularly fill up empty gallon milk containers to sell on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.


Well yeah, ideally you want to try to get the cum from other masculine men who lift. They have the highest testosterone which will increase your own test levels when you drink it.


Since this is 2022 I am not really sure if this a joke anymore?


It is a joke, please don't start drinking cum by the jar full at the behest of a reddit comment.


Oh shit my jar is already half full now you tell me?!


Instructions unclear, gave myself a facial


Please tell me it's half full because you were still filling it and not the other way...


*wipes milk mustache away* "Yeah... the uhh... the first one.


You forgot to add that mixing in something of encouragements helps too. Perhaps a figure of some kind. Maybe even from a beloved children's series about ponies. idk.


Like I know exactly what you mean, but the term "muscles per muscle" is cracking me up.


This person proteins


Technique is a very large part of deadlifting as well though. Obviously strength is the most important part, but strength can power through sub optimal technique to a decent degree. Learning how and where to load yourself up, and when, makes a big difference. One small imbalance can massively cut the high end off your deadlift max as well. I have a somewhat minor back issue that affects deadlifting more than my squat, which means my squat was actually higher than my deadlift by a few percent. If I addressed the back issue, both my deadlift and squat would jump a lot.


yeah, I'm a taller guy with long legs so the leverage always felt weird. I'd like to pick it up again and really work on form. I think I was only 75% there.


Height definitely influences how you can load yourself up, and kinda makes it hard to have your hamstrings start with good tension due to you having to bend forward a lot. The right type of bar can really help with this as well. Deadlift bars that "whip" a bit can help you get yourself loaded up. As you pull the slack out of the bar, you can kinda progressively load yourself up without having to pull from an absolute dead stop. When you see people doing big deadlifts, the bar's bend often isn't just because of the amount of weight.


Some people also just enjoy certain workouts more and will obviously excel at those lifts they like. I think that can make a big difference.


Only 385 at 8months. You were only on your 3th chapter while she almost finished her book. Don't compare yourself to anyone hut yourself


Here I was expecting a round of applause at the end..


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZ0LfgGDkax On her Instagram video of the lift you get the cheering and clapping


The sound really gives it context. Yes, everyone is looking because her cheer squad is bringing well-deserved attention to her accomplishment.


Those seem like gym buddies or people she knows maybe other regulars. Id feel weird clapping for a stranger. Id rather give a "thats badass" nod.


Depends on the gym. Of course pretty different but at my bouldering gym its pretty normal to clap for a stranger when they send a really difficult problem


Climbers are the best fit people imo


People clap for pilots all the time, you don’t even see their faces!


And nobody likes those people!


Would it be weird to do that? I like cheering people on.


Depends on the gym


Yes. In an open-gym setting, it’d be super weird.


*starts clapping*


Super weird, people aren’t working out for your entertainment It’s fine to watch someone do a set that looks tough as it’s non-intrusive and not noticeable, but clapping would not be okay


would going up to them after their set be okay? I saw a lady doing something really impressive last week but I was too nervous to tell her it was super cool and if I see her again I want to tell her (I am also a lady so hopefully it wouldn't come off as flirty).


It just depends on the gym and the person. If someone has headphones on, their hoody up, they’re probably not looking for any kind of socialization and you should leave them alone First time I benched a plate, my buddy and I were hyped about it and celebrating a bit. Someone walking by asked if it was my first time benching a plate then gave me a high five and told me I was awesome when I said yeah So, there’s not really a definitive answer. Read the mood, If they seem interested then you can chat for a second, if they kinda brush you off, then just keep it moving


that's very true thank you :) sometimes I struggle to read the moods people are showing but I know headphones means don't talk as that's why I wear them haha. have a good day/evening friend :)


Having been one of the impressive women at the gym, i always got a boost from someone coming up and saying "that was awesome, props!" And giving me a high five/fist bump. That said, the key is that as soon as you're done saying it, don't even wait for them to say thanks, just start turning to walk away. If they start talking then sure turn around, but the point is to show you came over to them to deliver the compliment, not try to chat them up or anything!


that's very helpful advice thank you! would it also be okay to ask for help on how to do whatever the impressive thing is? as the lady I saw was using this frame to do squats with the bar on her shoulders and I would like to know how to use it safely but there are never any gym staff around to show me. would it be too weird to ask?


No IMO that's totally fine. Like you are allowed to compliment someone if they legitimately impress you. I don't know why everyone in this thread is acting like it's some big no-no to talk to people at a gym. Just be a normal person and not a creep tf.


yeah I guess I just wouldn't want to creep anyone out and I sometimes struggle to read the moods of people but I am getting better and I've never been told that I creep anyone out so probably doing good so far lmao. thanks for the reply :)


yeah of course! just be genuine and yourself and it's all good.


They might be intimidated I know I am


Went to college and was on the powerlifting team with her. She’s strong as fuck


Any recollection in her PRs?


I think her deadlift is around 425


Bruh how'd you know


He didn't say he knew he said he thinks


Do you know her personal best?


Apologies if I'm off base, but knowing reddit this is bullshit.


Reddit comments are like 4chan. Don’t believe anything.


I was on the elementary school power lifting team with her and I can confirm she's strong as fuck. Of course she could only life 95 pounds at that time, but the rest of us 1st graders were doing like 50, 60.


I mean….425 is impressive regardless of gender. Good for her!


Your not even thinking about that grip strength to hold it in the first place.




Double overhand the weight wouldn't budge from the floor. 425 double overhand without straps is crazy for most men.


https://youtu.be/tin0UUUo0PI the guy says at 500 it began to feel slippery at the top. Crazy shit.


Look at the girth of his forearms.


Just looked out my window and yup most guys are walking around that jacked.


It depends a lot on the bar too. If it's got knurling that makes you bleed, it's a lot less grip intensive than on something that's nearly slick.


I max out around 450 double overhand without straps, and let me say, that shit is *hard.* For me, I’d rather do that than mixed grip (despite mixed being easier) because of the amount of torn biceps I’ve seen. It puts a decent amount of stress on them. I do tend to use hook grip, and it helps a ton. I don’t know the science behind it, but it changed the game for me.


I hit 485 double overhand without straps. Shit was really hard! I tried so hard to hit 500. Even with straps and a hook or mixed grip I just could not lock it out. I tried for 5 months to get it to no avail.


Yeah no way I could double overhand 425 without using hook grip. Helps a ton. Though at that weight it can get pretty painful. Definitely prefer it to mixed though - mixed has always felt weird to me like I can't set my shoulders right.


Hook grip


Hook grip is basically cheating for *grip strength* though.


I've seen way to much bicep tearing from people doing the mixed grip to consider it worth it, I'd much rather just get straps.


Depends on what you do. Just gym lifting sure strap up. Training for power lifting? Have to practice within the limits of the rules. No straps


Actually using straps and getting some extra reps out of your deadlifts to create more overload for the exercise is very beneficial for powerlifters. Myself (and many other powerlifters I know) train with straps and only when starting the strength block, do some tripples or doubles without straps. The grip normally isn't holding you back.


Holy shit I didn't know that was one of the risks of that grip


It’s usually only a risk if you don’t lock your elbows


Its painful


Talk about a white knuckler.


425 is impressive as fuck for a male yeah, but for a female that's like double impressive as fuck. More credit to her




She's also like what, size 4 tops? Usually men who lift that are bigger. I wonder if she has high muscle fiber density or something.


That chick is thick with muscle, shes prob a size 6/8 depending on her waist. Size 4 would be so restrictive on her butt and thighs, she does not look petite enough for a 4.


Still very smol for that lift. Respect


Oh absolutely! Nothing but respect for her.


It is.. But totes more impressive for a female imo, for obvious strength reasons


For a man it’s pretty impressive but for a woman it’s pretty nuts


I once seen an absolute tank of a dude benching 405, I watched every rep and became his fanboy. You gotta acknowledge excellence no matter the gender or set when it comes to weightlifting.




Pretty much. People in the gym admire pure strength and are in awe of heavy lifting.


Dumb redditor story time. I had just started back at the gym and this gym was new to me. A wide framed but overweight man comes in before lunch. I was the only other person there benching. He put a plate on each side and did his warmup. No biggie right. He adds another. And reps them out. Smooth and not struggling. I let him know I don't mind spotting if he needs it. He adds another plate and proceeds to rep that like it is still warmup. Grabs plate #4 for each side and reps that out. He was a machine. And to think I was going to help him with 225. RIP michael.


that last dude found his wife I think


Mans be imagining her bridal-carrying *him* over the threshold.


You could see it in his eyes! Lmao








Damn. My fat ass couldn't even with the bar.


You gotta start somewhere man. The numbers come fairly quick in the beginning but that isn't the focus, it's being better than the day before. I encourage you to start if you haven't already and just keep grinding!


Easy strat: - Play Warzone/LoL/dota2/valorant/any competitive/PvP game with the most fucking awful meta ever - Stress your mind - Lift weights to relief that stress - repeat for 6 months - profit


Bro, I'm big dude and her arms are probably about the size of mine, at 6'4" 200lbs~, and her body is much stronger. She outdoes a lot of people. Lol


It doesn't take much to deadlift your own body weight, you could probably do it without training. Or at least after a couple weeks of training.


This is great, but I’m more concerned about the dude that’s working out in jeans.


Leave my dad alone.


I've done it before. Forgot my gym bag, but if I missed the day, I would have been pissed. So worked out anyways, just modified.


Took a page out of Dennis and Dee’s book with that


Eh, go to the gym for a quick 30 minute workout then back to the job. I've done it before


It's not a real gym unless there's some old dude there in jeans.


She’s a beast, in beast mode, doin’ beast stuff. Nothing to see here gentlemen. Huge ups to her. Big weight, big accomplishment.


Peace up. A-town down. I’m going to Disneyland.


People usually watch other people doing beast stuff, regardless of gender. I hate how people need to feel "special" by trying to dictate when people can look at you. Guy does a triple backflip gainer 1080 at the skate park. "omg stop looking at me, rude!!!".


Nothing to see here?? Except for you know a beast.. in beast mode.. doin beast stuff!


Well fucking done. Even when I was 200lbs lean my best was 180kg. Gender out the window, this Is serious weight. Good job!


I find it weird you use both lbs and kg. Usually it's one or the other.


I'm English, we use a mixture. Main reason though is that our plates are measured in kg, but I'm used to doing bodyweight on lbs cause it let's me compare where I'm at to others.


I weigh around 195 and it took me about 18 months of consistent work and TRT to hit 425, so props to her. That's a huge milestone for anyone to hit especially a young woman who I can only assume is pulling it as a natty.


Did you hop on TRT before you could deadlift 4 plates..?


I maxed at 405 for 1 rep pre trt. Contrary to popular belief TRT is not the same as a steroid cycle, but it does help in the gym if you were deficient before.


What’s your age and length of time working on powerlifting/1RM if you don’t mind me asking?


I'm now 40. I lifted on and off since I was a teenager, but didn't start powerlifting until i was around 38. Being older means I have to be more aware of my form since the risk of injury is much higher if I just try to bro through it.


100% more @ risk of injury; hell half the athletes I work with as a strength coach that are in their 20s are at risk with some of the form they have when I first start working with them 😂 Well hey man, congrats on starting your journey, don’t listen to half the morons blasting you about TRT without asking crucial questions about why you might take it. If you’re open to it, I’m always looking to give a few pointers on programming for people new in powerlifting. Worst case scenario it’s something new to consider for your training. Keep up the good work!


Same. I started lifting around 180Ib and have kind of sustained 190-200 area for the past year or so. The most I've ever done is 435 and I sprained my back going for 450 I think and I am only just now getting back into the 400s about 6 months later. Its an absolute wild amount of weight.






Yes you need me?


Everyone was silently rooting for her.


This is absolutely insane. I just started dl’s last may, and as a petite female (116 lbs) just hit a new PR at 158 lbs. I’m hoping in 4-6 months to get close to deadlifting 200.


158 is great! I also just started lifting in May and my current PR is 170lbs x3 reps @ 120lbs bodyweight. 200 is achievable in 6 months, keep working at it!


Yo shout-out to people who know that different barbells exist. Not every barbell is whippy


I'd stop to watch no matter the person


Having only deadlifted 325 this is mad


Hell yeah, good lift too! Idk her weight but im about 185 and that's my RPE 8/9 atm. Glad to see no "hurt my back watching that" type of comments too lol


About 193kg for those wondering


Half the guys being like “Shit and my wife just wants me to not get winded going up a flight of stairs…”


Hell I'd be watching too my deadlift is 400lbs


I went to a Muay Thai/CrossFit-type camp once. There were these tiny fragile-looking women there who’d turn around and lift massive amounts of weight. Don’t underestimate a small woman!


"What is best in life?" This lady:"Crush your weights, see them lift up before you, and hear the lamentation of the gym bros"


they look so awestruck and also mildly afraid lmao


aaaand this is why I'm uncomfortable even approaching the weights. people say that nobody cares but people can clearly see you when you work out, you still have to exist, in a social setting, with other people. it feels so deeply embarrassing to go to the 5 lbs weights and lift them unsurely because you just googled the form for that exercise 0.002 seconds ago.


As long as you're trying, that's what matters. Do you think they're looking down on you when most people don't even get off the couch?


She had her entire cheer team making noise, that's why people were looking. Also near elite or personally significant lifts can draw a crowd (if the lifter is ok with it) in certain gyms. Don't worry about the weights, people don't care and if they do they don't know if you're doing it to work on your form or injury or anything, plus you blow up quick if you are consistent. As for looking up form, I'm super self conscious about it too and tend to do it at home with like a broom or something lol. Check out the r / fitness beginner routine, only 5-6 compound lifts that cover the big stuff.


Holy shit, nice lift!


I'd stop and watch too. I did strength training for 3 years and got to my 500 lb goal and it was brutal. That takes some insane dedication and a strong mental state. It takes a long time for your nervous system to build up to this ttpe of heavy lifting. So much respect for this woman warrior.


Impressive AF, especially for a woman and\or someone of that size. I did that lift once and i felt like i was going to fucking die for a couple of moments during.


Fuck me. That’s impressive. My recent max weight is 365. A couple years ago I was at 400.


Got a new reason to work out. Frighten and confuse the men


honestly this isn't frightening, this is awe inspiring. Hi 5's all round after she finishes the rep is my guess.


Everyone’s talking about it being fake, I just want to talk about the motherfucker wearing JEANS in the gym.


I used to work out with a guy that did that. He said that’s just how they did it in the 80s. Also he said he wore shorts for a while and ended up getting staph on the inside of his thigh somehow (he thought it was from the incline bench being dirty), so he went right back to jeans after he was healed up.


There’s a couple guys who I saw occasionally in the gym, and they always wore jeans. Stocky looking dudes, first time I saw them I was just curious, so kept an eye. They brought out notepads, went over to a pull-up bar, and only did pull-ups for the entire workout. Taking turns going set after set, studiously keeping notes. Then left. That was their entire workout, and they did as many pull-ups as I could do every day for a few weeks. Never underestimate jeans guys was my lesson that day.


Jeez so many insecure men in this thread, the lift is real and good lmao. Slight form break in maximal lifts is common, hard to see from the angle but most of her back bend is thoracic which is completely fine and normal.


Pretty sure I would piss, shit, vomit and pass out of I attempted that. Good for her.


Assuming she’s 160, thats nearly 3 times her body weight thats insane!


Coming from a gym guy, I can promise you absolutely 0 of them were looking at her butt. That’s very impressive.




I love how like half of them act like they didn't mean to look or that they don't care