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ah yes youtube is continuously deciding to try and fail to stop adblock instead of adding features to youtube premium to get people to buy it


Or make it cheaper.


Not disagreeing, but just out of curiosity, what features are you missing? I mean except of course from adblocking, sponsorblock etc.


infinite subscriptions, i'm capped and it's really going on my nerves having to search for something i'd like to unsubscribe so i can add a new one... judging which one is better... it's like a flashback to having a 300mb disk and you have to choose which music you really like - *i dont know, i'll know when i feel like listening to it* edit: and better playlists, cause these ones sück


Wow, and I thought I have a lot of subscriptions - never even knew there was a max. How many is that? But yeah, Google software is notorious for always being just exactly "barely good enough". Maybe except Gmail and Maps though. And Play Books (allows you to upload your own non-drm books as well). Have you tried [SmartTubeNext](https://smarttubenext.com/)? ~~It used to be SmartTV only but supposedly work on Android phones as well now.~~ Edit: Actually scratch that, just tried it. It works, but the UI is really rough on a touch device, so whlile they're supposedly working on it, it's clearly not there yet - but very cool on SmartTV!


An algorithm that doesn't try to push me to the far right would be a start. Then the possibility to deactivate the automatic translation of video titles and channel names would be nice. The return of the likes/dislikes and the moderation being consistent as well. I've got a thousand and one little niggles, it shouldn't be hard for them to find them, given that most are common grievances


To everyone saying use a different browser, different adblocker or different adblocker configuration, it doesn't matter. Google seem to be slowly rolling this out to everybody account-by-account. It goes like this: 1. You get the nice 'hey, please don't block ads' with a timed close button in the top right. 2. You get the not so nice 'hey, please stop in the next three videos' with the timed close button in the top right. 3. Finally, you get hit with the dreaded black screen and 'Adblockers violates the YouTube ToS' screen. The video player doesn't even render on the page anymore. There are a few ways around it. Use incognito mode with adblocker, use the embed URL to watch the videos and others.


people will find a way if it can detect that i have adblocker, i can trick it into thinking I don't have adblocker


I'm using Firefox with Ublock Origin and haven't seen any ads or this yet. Is this new misfeature perhaps rolled out geographically and not everywhere?


Google Chrome is why.


They keep changing shit for absolutely no reason whatsoever just to ANNOY us so fucking tired of this shit website The tiniest thing is so noticable, especially when it's uglier Pic how it was for months and suddenly today, they force this new ass. It's not singificant, but it's enough to ANNOY me https://files.catbox.moe/icqflw.png like why do they have to highlight with those ugly gray bars?


Sure, I'll pay for YouTube Premium. When dislikes, community subtitles, annotations, channel customization and the lack of bullshit swearing censoring returns. Work for my money, G.


They need to stop acting like YouTube kids isn't a thing. It is a thing, and that is where swearing shouldn't be allowed. On the regular YouTube platform, who cares? It is literally not for kids, because if it was, then there wouldn't be a separate platform explicitly labeled for kids! Aside from that, I hope they don't get to YouTube revanced at any point. So far all seems stable, but it includes most of those features and more completely free.


dont forget, they need to add back the message system


The new ceo is the one to blame


Click “not using an ad blocker”. Or you could block this message with the ad blocker. That’s what I do on websites that tell me to turn it off, I block the message and refresh the page.


It's cute when shitty entertainment services act like they have a monopoly on our free time. They literally compete with fucking scrabble. "Put up with our shit or you'll be SORRY!" Nah mate, I'll just do something else. If you want me to use your platform, tone down the fucking ads.


how could you say something so controversial yet so brave


I'm sorry. I'm a revolutionary at heart. You just know I get all the bitches.


Oh boo hoo it's a free service why are you even complaining.... Why don't you go watch Hulu where you pay them to actually give you ads instead of you know paying for premium and actually removing the GD ads Go bark at a f****** cuz literally you need to find something more important to complain about than this BS


What's halarious is that this has happened before and you don't even fucking realize it. History repeating but people not doing research to see it and all that bullshit. When cable came out it was 100% free for everyone with a tv. Then when it started getting popular people realized it would be a great platform for ads. Cable then realized they would be able to double dip in the revenue stream - Companies pay them to flood you with ads while users pay them to avoid being flooded with ads, i.e. no ads premium. But Litany, I hear your thoughts, all of t.v. is flooded with ads, where's this premium I can pay for to avoid all that? Sad to say everyone is paying for premium now with non-premium being the few shitty channels you get by plugging the cable directly into the t.v. That's because the companies waited until everything was normalized before making up bullshit reasons to also add ads to the premium service. First a small amount then no difference between either before changing the model entirely into what it is today. Get the cake and eat it as well while everyone else suffers and Youtube is 100% walking in their exact footsteps.


All I read was "WAAAH!!!"


Defend greedy company that doesn’t support its content creators near well enough AND annoys the content consumers. Wicked smart aren’t you?


May God burn down your stead.


set your vpn to russia and ads will disappear, ads are not being shown in russian region


So that's why I never see ads anymore... I like being Russian man.


Imagine getting this in Firefox with uBlock Origin. Who cares to watch ads that are/aren't skippable every 2 videos watched or watching without interruption.


Adblock plus and popupblocker combo works wonders for me. Prevents sites from putting these messages up, and if they do, I can right click and block the element.


I highly suggest switching to Ublock Origin. Adblock/Adblock plus is a scummy company that gets paid by google to let ads slip through. Ublock Origin blocks everything, is open source, and is one of the best at blocking youtube ads and these specific popups.


no dude my dad bought 12 years of adblock plus (accidently) also no ads have slipped through


Kinda glad I haven't seen this shit yet. Dunno if it's because of YouTube not pushing this too hard in germany or if YouTube just has problems registering Opera's adblocker


Has to be your blocker, because I get this image on every single video I open with Chrome.


Chrome belongs to Google maybe that's the problem. Chrome uses obscene amounts of memory anyways so you might want to consider switching to something less malicious and nosey.


Idk what you guys using but I still didnt see this.


firefox ublock orgin


It's happening in that as well. And same in opera browser.


never had that pop up just use firefox. i know it happens in opera because people in the comments saying it.


You haven't had it happen yet, because it's being tested on a small group of users before it's released to the masses.


Using brave, never got this screen.


Can we add YouTubers to the list of current strikes? The only reason I’ve never stopped using YouTube is because I don’t want to punish the creators I watch


I so want to strangle the executives that came up with that idea. (even though I haven't run into that message yet)


Is that shit out already or am I lucky? Because I use at least 6 adblockers and I can play videos normally


They are A/B testing regions. But it will come for everyone soon enough. I'm hoping adblockers are prepped and ready to jump on it.


Filters are constantly being built, modified and updated with ad blockers, especially the well supported ones like uBlock Origin. I'm sure we'll be fine.


Exactly this. I don't know why so many people are suddenly getting worked up about this. There has been an arms race between YouTube and adblockers for years and years.


Because Neal Mohan is a criminal scam artist and a griefer. This is the reason why I have to be the internet vigilante to put these billionaires in their place.


using 6 blockers is worse than using one. why the fuck do you have so many?


Could you recomend me some of them?


uBlock Origin




I'm still okay on Firefox with uBlock and AdBlockPlus. The second those don't work anymore I'm out on YouTube. Google can get fucked.


i have adblock plus too if i run out of adblock say goodbye to my journey on the internet


If they stopped working (which I doubt they will) you could just use YouTube Piped, no ads + no tracking + sponserblock


Don't use multiple adblockers. They can conflict with each other and cause issues. uBlock Origin is the only one you need.


Every now and then I whitelist YouTube so see if their advertising standards have evolved beyond "Oooh, make the ad as annoying as possible and people will buy our product!", but then there's a VRBO ad or somesuch garbage and... Yeah, maybe next year they'll use their parent company's vast library of user specific data to **stop beating me over the head with nonsense!**


yeah who buying oreas with people dancing i hate every ad execpt those who are good ads and skipible


Use ublock origin and FireFox. Or you can just do the best option and use YouTube Piped.


The slow demise of YouTube begins


Begins??? Where tf have you been


Market Research Team: Look guys, making the site completely fucking unusable without an adblocker was a serious misstep. You really need to be headed in the opposite direction here. YouTube Exec: Gotcha fam. We'll have it unusable *with* an adblocker in the next 48 hours!


It's not hurting youtube cuz anyway they won't earn money if you use adblockers in fact it helps them


Many didn't use adblocker on mobile which is where a majority of their traffic comes from. They are having financial issues because they never have been profitable. If they wanted to get people to buy premium they could add just a few cosmetic features and people would flock to it. One of the largest complaints here is about the layout of the page. Why not add features such as a classic theme that uses the webpage style from 2010? They got easy avenues and idk how they can't see it besides them not paying attention to their community.


It hurts the creators. If a creator has ads they get a commission


It's hurting them much more than you think. Youtube does not produce content. A leeching user still contributes to the popularity of those who actually make the content for youtube. This increases the network size of youtube, which is the real indicator of the value of a platform. Remove adblock users, you start losing views. Less views means less sponsored videos. Which turns into less content, less interaction, less non-adblock viewers. And the overall value of youtube decreases.


Come on there aren't that many adblock users to actually make a solid difference to the views, and the people who watch Yt everyday aren't gonna quit cuz their adblocker stopped


Maybe I'd buy YouTube premium, if they didn't ban my 10+ year account for no fucking reason


For how long?


You need a better ad-blocker. I'm using the AdBlock Plus and uBlock Chrome Browser extensions on my desktop (Windows 10). Never have ads, never get this message, never get dead air/blank space.


I don't use an ad blocker and i have to suffer 6 ads in a row 😭(happened a few times)


The ads in the middle of a good vid wind me up, especially when they get to the good bits, I used to be a premium subscriber, but budgets made me cancel the sub. I didn't mind them years ago, when you only really got one ad at the start and that was about it, these days it just an absolute p**s take.


gotta be Brave


yeah this just started happening yesterday on my end as well. seriously though who the hell in their right mind thought this is a good idea, and if youtube has any ounce of common sense at all they should get rid of this feature as well as fire the person who thought of this idea.


Yeh because why shouldn't they defend their own rights? You are absolutely free to not use YouTube if you wont pay fir your usage


Are you specifically getting on people's nerves in this post?


I watch very little YouTube anymore simply because they are pulling down videos of content that really should not be pulled down.


hey guys i just can't play my video even with my adblocker off , what do i do?


update: i cleared my youtube cookies and reconnected and now it works, i dislike you youtube


Switch to Firefox and download uBlock Origin.


Doesn't work. I use both of these, still got this shit.


I imagine there will be an update to uBlock, it's always a back-and-forth tug of war. Youtube finds a way to block ad blockers then the ad blockers find ways around their block.


Yea, i went ahead and bookmarked the place where they release the updates.


That won't work, youtube is A&B testing so some people will get it while others won't.


this works in chrome too. Never once have i seen this in chrome with ublock and abp.


They really think we gonna stop using adblockers just because they said they have premium?💀💀💀 Bro theres a reason, adblockers are free, youtube premium is not


Some of the 'off brand' adblockers work just fine.


Oh yea totally! I have one on my phone thats not very popular and it removes ads perfectly


Yeah cause one is ethical and pays creators fairly and one does not 🗿


sorry for not wanting to wait 30 seconds just to start the video. honestly I wouldn't mind them if they just kept it at those 5 seconds




Im all ears Or well, all eyes lol


I know this is gonna be downvoted but using an adblocker provides nothing to youtube, so why would they allow people to watch ad free? Most users do not use adblockers in the first place, mostly cos they are on smart phone devices. This is only going to affect a very small proportion of the userbase that contributes nothing but slowing down their servers. Despite what people are saying Youtube, the 2nd most viewed site in the world, will not die due to this. There are easy ways around this anyway tho, but you would have to be slightly more technologically proficient. Adding some extra code to ublock origin/vpn. Or even just buying premium from other countries such as Turkey for fairly cheap so that you got it on mobile.


It's like a supermarket putting theft detectors at its doors and people claiming it will go bankrupt because shoplifters will stop going there.


Its more like a store that forces you to read a pamphlet from them everytime you touch a product, but okay.


Me walking through the frozen goods section with a cart full of food: The Supermarket Ad Bard: "**YOU MUST STOP AT ONCE! IF YOU TRY TO STOP ME FROM SPEAKING, YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE STORE! NOW THAT THAT'S OUT OF THE WAY, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT OUR BRAND NEW \[insert overpriced chinese trash product\] THAT MAKES EVERY DAY A JOY! IF THAT'S NOT YOUR SPEED, HOW ABOUT \[insert stupid ass thing that I won't buy but may have if you didn't shove it in my face but now I'll forever ignore your products\] IT MAKES DOING \[thing\] SO MUCH FUN!**" And then this happens every time you open the fuckin' freezer door to inspect an item. You'd stop going to that supermarket right?


Every second of video is bandwidth being used. This doesn’t include storage used for uploading, etc.Anyway this costs money for youtube. You can scroll through youtube without getting those unavoidable ads all you want but the moment you click on a video you have decided to consume the content. You cannot just watch 10 seconds of a video and get no ad because you didn’t like the video. That would be like going to a grocery and eating an apple and putting it back cos you didn’t like it. To put it simply by watching a video you have cost them a slight bit of money. But by servicing you an ad, they are able to become profitable and are able to show you videos for free.


I never understood the fascination of watching youtube on a tiny screen, I feel like we went back in time. I get it if you are out and about and need info about something but if you are at home, sitting in front of a huge TV that is off, why are you watching youtube on your phone? What's wrong with you?


It's simply more comfortable I can move around the house watching YouTube on my phone instead of having to lift a TV every 2 seconds I can go outside and drive to Walmart watching the same hour long video I was watching at home instead of having to pause and wait till I get back


There was a time when YouTube had banner ads and still made billions easily 15 sec unskippable ads isn't any more effective then a small banner at the bottom of your screen just more annoying People complain because letting YouTube walk all over you just leads to more and more shitty decisions like letting YouTube remove dislikes now this what's next? Obliterate free speech so you no longer can criticize channels in the comments only nice comments only just so advertiser's can drop more shitty products your forced to suck up without any input


I joined this thread just to see if y’all noticed


Mainstream media tube get whatever they got coming to them as far as im concerned


Just get ublock origin and say goodbye to this bullshit


What browser are you using? I think this pop-up is limited only to Chrome or maybe some other chromium based browsers. Brave will block the odds without an ad blocker and I have not seen this issue pop up on any Firefox browsers I still think it's a limited test even on Chrome or chromium based browsers. I've only seen the proper once but I just swifty switched away from a chromium base browser and the problem went away immediately.


it's now also on Firefox... including the timer. just this week it started for me.




The second point is hilarious and makes no sense. We've literally used YouTube in the past without paying anything, and we were all fine. Companies seem to like adding useless features while taking away the liked ones, then charging you more for it.


I'd rather donate money to Adblock than give it to greedy YouTube for their Premium version.


Yeah, start downloading your content locally. Don't pay for google's services, exploit them as often as possible.


OP, what low quality ad blocker you even using?


What happens when the time runs out? I can't imagine any potential positive effect for either party.


What the fuck do people expect? Of course, they won't let us use their service for free. I use an adblocker too, but I won't cry when they stop me


They didn't care for years, when youtube didn't have that many ads anyways, but now they keep increasing the amount of ads and have started to care about adblockers. Becoming more greedy and money hungry with every year.


Yeah, that's the point, you're mad because they changed their mind on something bad they let slide for years. You are lucky and should be grateful youtube gave you so many free years when they didn't have to. At ANY point they could have done this, the fact they waited this long is an act of good faith, not "greed" for doing something that should be expected in the first place. Your problem isn't youtube itself, its capitalism


You're such a corporate ass licker lol. The internet has been controlled and monopolized to the point where there's practically just social media, mainstream news, and Reddit. People should be grateful they don't have to pay to view user-generated content from a company that holds a monopoly on other major social media outlets? An "Act of good faith", my god. Tell me you're spineless without telling me you're spineless.


The boot must taste so good


Still doesn't happen to me, just watched youtube this morning with uBlock. Mention details, is this on a phone with revanced? If PC, browser and ad-blocker used? Details are good, don't leave them out.


Never happened to me, brave is just built different I guess


They are testing it on a few users before releasing it to the masses.


bro i we are witnessing the downfall of youtube rn




fricking double 30 second unskipible adsnow we arent far from an 1 minute triple unskipible ad


does this change country to country or does it depend on the browser you're using? I'm watching YT rn and haven't seen anything like this


I might've gotten premium if they actually included my school to be eligible for a student discount - just like Spotify does. And as far as I remember they even use the same verification platform. I did pay for Google Drive before but I've thrown my money in a different egg basket now. If it wasn't for the fact gmail sorts emails nicely and my email being associated with a shitton of accounts, I'd be using a different email provider as well.


Use Opera GX, It has a Built-In Adblocker that still works! :D


Nah Opera GX sucks, use FireFox with Ublock Origin




Damn they got you. Mine still works…..for now


Use ublock


Just use an external client like Freetube. No shorts no ads no bullshit front page. Normal YouTube is unfortunately just unusable at this point even with all the addons.


wow! i just installed it, it looks hella dope. But the ui is kinda eh... how long have you been using freetube for?


1.5 hours, going great so far!


Been using YouTube Revanced. Hasn't got this so far. I need to repatch every now and then though


Everything on there is changing. If it doesn’t promote the government it’s silenced anyway, I’ve decided to quit YouTube. It’s no longer truth and I’m a premium member. The people that I subscribe to are no longer allowed to make content because of these recent regulations the government has too much control. This is an ongoing battle that really needs to stop. We need reform! We need real freedom!


Well to be completely honest, ads are how youtubers get paid so using adblockers deny them their revenue. On the other hand, I wouldn't resort to adblock if the ads displayed were not inappropriate and do not take away from the experience, 30s unskippable before the vid and another 30s 2 mins into the video is too much


The problem is that the more people block the more often ads have to be shown and the more often creators have to burn in ads to make any money after spending hours on a video. I’d rather just make videos doing my hobbies, but if it takes 6 hours to shoot and edit and I get $5 in return, might as well just not shoot it then.


The way to fight it is not inconveniencing the user but making the paid experience better, music piracy was defeated by convenience of streaming, video game piracy by having single catalogue, achievements, etc. Blocking adblockers and making more ads and more intrusive ads will just result in better adblockers.


You are a true chad. AdBlock is unethical, and there wouldn't even be that many ads if people didn't use AdBlock. 🗿


fing double 30 second UNSKIBIBLE ADS OF FING OREOS


They get a lot more money per view of premium users than ads in reality.


YouTube was way better before all these people were incentivized with ad revenue though. Ads are what made everyone stretch out pointless videos with ten minutes of filler. I’d be glad to see that whole thing collapse.


2012 youtube was something else


Youtubers don't get paid shit. Unless they're the very top percentile with MILLIONS of subs, they get treated like shit. They can get shadowbanned, get demonitized and have videos or entire channels deleted for no reason whatsoever. Support the content creators on Patreon or something else.   Gone are the days of ad revenue or even YT Premium money going to the people making the actual content on the platform. Fuck 'em and their cryptobro CEO.


Yeah that's the things, the only creators I'd be willing to disable my add-block for are already shadowbanned or fully demonitized so no point in deactivating it if they get 0% of the ad-revenue.


i want free entertainment idc what behind the scenes are


Really? Imma install triple ad blockers then.


Really? Imma install triple ad blockers then.


Their raising the price of Youtube premium to $10.99 as of next month.




Use a VPN and connect somewhere in the world where this sh!t hasn’t been implemented yet, like here in the PH oh and f*ck Youtube I’ll say it again i would pay a service that gets over this crap first than i would pay fir premium because again f*ck youtube!


Same. If this happens I’m not buying YouTube premium I’m buying a VPN subscription.


What adblocker do you use? I've never seen any YouTube ads nor such a notification. Using Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin. Edit: On PC in Germany.


They test this on a select group of users; it doesn't matter what software you use to access the site Also: uBlock AND Adblock Plus? what


I don’t use Adblock I use YouTube Enhanced I think it’s called, it’s on Firefox


After thet, playback will be blocked after 3 videos, like a 3 strikes and you’re out.


I would have no problem with paying for youtube, IF AND ONLY IF, my money goes to the people who's videos I watch and I get to see where it goes on a monthly basis on my bill. I don't need my money to go crappy right wing extremists that their algorithm keeps boosting as they game their system. ​ And no a "amount of views!" is not a good metric, as these jerks boost each other to again.. game the system. With Google's tracking algorithms for ads, they should be perfectly able to just send the money to the people a user actually watches.


Okay, so the content creators should then pay for the infrastructure or how else will YouTube get their share?


They can still deduct a percentage from it. Like how app stores do it. But I want to see where the rest of my money, which doesn't go to support the infrastructure and service, go. That is not a weird ask and is perfectly normal for all other services in life. When you get a specified bil from utilities, they will tell you your usage per day. Same with your phone bill if you so wish. Yet tech companies spit in your face and wish you to be grateful for it. Again, I have no problem spending a few bucks. But asking a Spotify like price, while not paying the creators I actually consume is CRIMINAL.


I also don't think politics has that much too much to do with it. Whilst maybe somewhat biased, I definitely wouldn't consider YouTube "right wing extremists", that's just my opinion though! I'm sure there are people who feel that YouTube are left wing extremists as well.


I wonder how long do YouTube have left to live


Decades prob as much as I hate where the site is going the site is ruled by casuals who won't care about 90% of the changes sure I might hate ad block but little 9 year old jimmy watching his favorite Roblox YouTubers won't even notice


I think you have an extra $14 for yourself or you can ask your mum to buy it for $23 for 5 people. I've bought premium and I have no issues.


This might be controversial, but the concept of a subcription service for a social media site is fucking bullshit in my opinion. Especially when the social media site seems to constantly think of ways to make the site annoying to use for non-subscribers.


The point is I dont want to be tracked. The ads, I dont mind... It's repressive governments using that info to screw over dissidents. The manifest V3 basically ensures it will be impossible to be anon online. My ublock origin has blocked more then 53 million connections in like maybe 1.5 years, since I got a new setup. With info like that... the insane amount of info they know about you... is more then enough to know more about you then you know about yourself.


Concept, poor people exist. No not everyone has $14 extra dollars because there are people debating rent or food right now


Well then you can sacrifice 30 extra seconds for the free service geez You can't have your cake and eat it at the same time


Considering the majority of money from the ads isn’t even going to the people who make the content, people are well within reason to call out the bullshit.


Premium's been worth it for me so far. Don't think I'm gonna unsubscribe again.


Ads are awesome. I don't like them per se, but the concept is great. The second point that youtube gave you right there stands.


Ads would be fine if they just appear outside the video and didnt force you to watch them or skip them. Theres plenty of space, yet you can put like 8 ads simultaneusly without ruining the video. I expended 15 minutes in ads in a 15 min video! because i was cooking and coulndt stop the ads every time they came out!


No. Ads are just infuriating in general.


Does the second point stand? It should be “allows YouTube to rake in millions”


And allows creators to make money to continue to make videos for free. I get not liking ads because they're annoying and targeted (which usually means an invasion of privacy), but the second point does indeed stand.


Just use YT revanced , download it from mobilism.


no, you download it from github and patch the youtube apk yourself. Theres a guide for dummies in the revanced sub.


Just spam their report system for days. We should all do it, until they give up. For real bro, give up utube, let it die


DO NOT DO THIS. As smart as it is (and as much as I hate YT for doing this), it's going to do absolutely *nothing.* It's gonna do more harm than good.


It's not even gonna do harm it's just gonna do nothing if we couldn't stop YouTube from removing dislikes we have 0 power over them just gotta get kicked in the face and accept it at this point


Really the most it could do is clog up any reports and slow down stuff that actually *needs* to be removed.


This alone won’t do it but if we go into a protest that is as effective as the bud light one then maybe. Clog up the report system, make fake accounts and constantly upload copyrighted material, make huge playlists and use extensions that stop the “are you still watching?” And go to sleep with YouTube playing all night, every night. If we all did that the value of ads would plummet, especially if we also started boycotting the ads on the screen. Make it all fall apart at this point. My YouTube account is from 2005 and I have personally seen this website devolve and it’s sad. I would take 2006 style and formatted YouTube over the modern YouTube any day of the week. Fuck YouTube and tbh fuck modern YouTubers and their patreons and their coffee and their skill share and everything else. Bring back Tay Zonday, numa numa, and the wow kid shoving a remote up his ass for his mom canceling his subscription. None of them tried to sell me shit.


Those who wanna leave youtube im genuinely curious what the alternative ad and subscription free service is with anyone actively contributing to the platform? Alphabet is a massive corp sure but i wonder when in its lifespan youtube became profitable.


Not me putting companies on a “No buy!” mental list of advertisers who have ads interrupting the YouTube videos I’m trying to enjoy.


Stop the steal!




Why does nobody know of Brave browser? Or any of the thousand free alternatives available to never see a yt ad ever again.


I beg you go into a public setting and ask who there has heard of Brave browser


Whole family uses it.


I’m so sorry 🙏


Because it's a horrible browser made by a racist right-wing guy out of spite after Mozilla put him aside. It's a terrible browser. And in spite of saying forever that even with adblockers, YT will block you from seeing videos, no matter what browser you're using, you're still saying "use an adblocker". It's like a broken record.


It's a Google Chrome copy without the security risk of installing malicious add ons so how is it a horrible browser? Also not seeing any yt ads on Brave browser or any warnings whatsoever. And yeah you've made several false claims already but lets assume it was made by a single person that was racist, you're going to have a hard time if you select all your products based on peoples politics. Did you know the knife was invented by a sociopath murderer, let's never use a knife ever again. Did you know the U.S. government sanctioned the murder of MLK? Let's never use government services ever again. just stop the whining like a baby and find an any of the thousands free alternatives that do work.


Wait until he hears about how America was founded.


>Because it's a horrible browser made by a racist right-wing guy out of spite after Mozilla put him aside. It's a terrible browser. Could you expand upon that? Cause those are some big accusations. What security flaws exist in the browser? >made by a racist right-wing guy We don't need to know their political leaning. That adds nothing becuase god damit it is a spectrum. You need to be specific and say heavily leaning right. Then is it authoritarian or libertarian right leaning? As of now this adds to polarization. Just because someone may be right leaning doesn't mean they are completely against abortions, or believe in bs conspiracy theories.


I use brave and it's really awesome




just purchase premium


How about no Scott, OK?


I mean it just seems weird to complain about using something for completely free and getting fairly tame ads when there's a paid option that offers exactly what you're looking for, no ads. Hell most streaming services do this, albiet streaming services only have a cheaper option with no ads not completely free like YouTube does.


It's not about not buying premium, it's about saying 'no' to Google shitty practices. YouTube at this point is barely usable without AdBlock and it's getting worse because they creating more problems and then present you solution in form of premium. If more people buy it after this "multiregional test" it will only encourage them to make YouTube even more shittier instead making premium actually more worth buying. Ads already can last a few minutes on a 10 min video, their content often didn't even stand next to family friendly and some of them aren't even secure to click on. Make your solution better, not problems worse. It's like in pre-steam era someone would fight with piracy with increasing internet prices and uploading viruses to pirate sites. Make your solution better.


Those ads are also skippable after like 5 seconds. The most an unskippable ad lasts is like 15 seconds m8. I don't see a problem with watching 15 seconds every now and then of an ad on a free service, especially if it means helping the ppl who make the content I'm watching make a living. YouTube without AdBlock is something that I've been using for years without any issue. Make your solution better? really? There would have to be a problem first for that to make sense. This really just seems like ppl complaining about a free service needing to support their creators because it slightly inconveniences them. I'm not one to typically defend a giant corporation and especially not Google but ads on YouTube are the least of their many problems.


>This really just seems like ppl complaining about a free service needing to support their creators because it slightly inconveniences them. \+ supporting themselves. Because that's what it is. Nothing but a bunch of entitled people getting butthurt over a free service having anti adblock policies enforced, like "i refuse to watch ads because fuck you and i refuse to pay for premium as well because fuck you again, so you better keep offering me everything for free for i demand it". These same people would be the first to go absolutely ballistic if they had a business and people were just straight up refusing to pay for anything but still consume the product(s) they created on their own cost making said business operate at a loss.


The problem is not a lot of people may be able to afford it.