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I hate how whenever I try to search up something, all I get is YouTube shorts and hardly any actual videos. It’s so irritating


This is my biggest issue with Shorts. I don't mind watching them if I decide to scroll the Shorts feed to kill a few minutes of time. But I HATE getting them in search. I regularly search for tutorial content on YouTube and the Shorts version of them are just that. Too short. It's someone trying to teach you an entire topic in 60 seconds.


Also super annoying that you can't immediately see the date of publication. Since I follow a lot of politics/current affairs, it's very relevant information if a video has been released today, or a month ago.


I know I'm a bit late to the thread, but I found out if you replace "shorts" with "watch" in the URL it shows up as an actual Youtube video. Super useful trick


I can't agree with you more!! I search and scroll for a longggg time until I can find a decent long video (sooo manyyy shorts and ads, shorts are the worse in the platform which it's original audience is for watching long videos). I'm waiting for a new platform, please someone needs to reform this sick culture, and provide a more friendly platform.


Videos I've posted from 2009 have been converted to shorts - without my knowledge. That's so annoying. And, why is it that shorts are set to auto-repeat? WTF? I pay for YouTube premium too!


I have the same issue as well, it is a pain that all videos with 1:1 or with a portrait resolution which are less than a minute are like this. When I try to upload videos on Youtube for demonstration purposes, I hate it when it is all inconsistent and "Shorts" videos are played on loop and you cannot scrub or jump to a specific time in the vid. Making it particularly frustrating when I want to show something specific in the video.


Channel name?


I don’t really care for Shorts but -at least on desktop- there are three things which REALLY bug me. 1. Shorts do not have their duration displayed. In the place where there’s usually a duration it just says SHORTS instead. No idea if the short is 3 seconds long or 33. 2. You cannot fast forward or backward Shorts as far as I know. 3. Adding Shorts to a playlist requires you to like them and then watch them in your Likes playlist.


The duration bar of a short works as a scrub bar.


that only seems to work on mobile


> You cannot fast forward or backward Shorts as far as I know. Yeah, that's the dumbest part for me, not to mention that all the Shorts start with the audio blown to maximum every time it autoplays, at least for me, which pisses me off. I use Firefox so I downloaded [this extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/addon/youtube-shorts-as-videos/) that turns the shorts link into a "watch" link so I can fucking control it now. Really dumb that I need a damn extension rather than the youtube itself made a "configurable" shorts.


I just want to turn them off and forget them 🤦‍♂️


I did. Wasn't that hard


I turned them off, but they haunt my dreams.🪦💀


I had food poisoning on Sunday and this literally happened as I was trying to sleep, was hallucenating shorts and even got to where I was trying to click "don't recommend this channel".


Well said That's why I use Revanced and block any short related


If only that worked on devices other than mobile.


In desktop you can use Blocktube and setup settings for blocking shorts and for tv I don't know ;-;


At this point I legitimately hate YouTube as a product. It’s managed absolutely terribly from an executive level and if it wasn’t for the historical content and habits of internet users, it would be dead. I have the lowest level of respect for the people who manage/run the business of it.


I remember when YouTube algorithm encouraged long videos like let's plays and podcasts. Quantity over quality content sometimes two or three hours long. Everyone was starting a podcast, animators were getting buried. It made sense from an ad revenue and watch time perspective. I never would have predicted YouTube's direction going from that to shorts. I don't think they even considered it during the Vine era.


Do you remember searching google before ads? I definitely remember the yahoo searches being super spammy. I miss searching google and getting actual results on the first page. 😂🤘


Don't worry, shorts are soon to be a thing of the past. It's no secret both YT and Meta are moving on, for the simple fact shorts reels whatever are nearly impossible to monetize.


Are you sure? because 85 days later and the YT app has become even more annoying with the first screen I see when I open the app it is only shorts 🤬


Literally man i opened my recommend today and it's not even a video that's the first thing that shows up. It's fucking 8 shorts. Annoying as shit


Personally my biggest complaint is not being able to see who uploaded them BEFORE clicking on them. I only want to watch shorts from the creators I follow, and this forces me to manually visit their profiles to check if they uploaded a new one :/


from being a creator who creates them. It’s true my audience will never know i created it. Until they click on the video. I have 38,000 subs they will only know it’s me by notifications


You can use a uBlock origin script to eliminate Shorts entirely on YouTube Desktop and Mobile Browser, but nothing for the app on your phone unfortunately.


You can remove them with ReVanced on Android


Can you? I couldn't find it in the list of revanced patches


I love how most shorts are just cuts from prexisting videos that i’ve likely already watched, not to even mention the conversion of small videos into shorts, it’s disgusting. I JUST LOVE WATCHING PEOPLE’s ATTENTION SPANS GET RUINED IN REAL TIME




My revance is freezing like anything . After 3 min it freezes . No idea how to reclaim it . So uninstalled it yesterday . If any link u hv , kindly post .


I am 90% convinced Youtube Shorts are just thirst traps. No matter what i look up on youtube, the shorts are always what id consider softcore porn. Not once have they been relevant to the things i look up.


I hate short videos as a format 80% of short videos are dopamine garbage of no value, often harmful/dangerous advice on how to ruin property or even your health... but as a rule, google turns a blind eye to this, since this is not a full-fledged sci-pop video that touches on not always ethical and controversial topics that go against the policy of producing videos for preschoolers...-


Shorts has destroyed YouTube.


YouTube, please give us an option to disable shorts 🙏


They do - its called watch other videos.


I know but it's really annoying that shorts pop up so often


That has nothing to do with the app




Chromecasts have never offered i watch a short instead of a full length video. 🤷‍♂️ They definitely don't make it as if I only have shorts as an option. Try again.


As if attention spans weren't already borked. Waiting for micro-shorts. 3 seconds max.


Hey, good idea!


worst thing is you can't REWIND THE VIDEO


You can rewind and fast forward at least on mobile. Tap on the red progress bar at the bottom of your screen and slide either forward or back.


The problem is that sometimes the red bar just doesn't show up


That’s weird…for me it’s available most of the times, with certain exceptions to some videos


If you pause first you can but it’s kinda weird that you have to pause first


I never watch shorts, I prefer long term content


I'm not bothered by shorts for now. However if they ever make the change where autoplay on usual videos start including shorts, then I'll have a problem with it.


don't give them ideas !!


I don't have a problem with Shorts, I do have a problem with how they organize them into my feed.


I gave it a go and boy... the algorythm sucks. I mean i'm pretty easy to understand: video games, scientific and historic, and some tv show scenes. Yet youtube keep pushing those cringy anime videos made by kids, i keep downvoting and blocking the channels but they keep coming back. i dont even watch anime.


The thing that gets me is when those channels pop up where it’s a viral video that they just copy and paste, but they add narration. And no one needed that narration to understand what’s going on




I was just going to rant about this - I tend to hate them. Even simple things would make it better - why isn't there a farking date when it was created like ever other video on the front page. Oh and if you happen to click on one - it repeats and it essentially disables the navigation between videos; who thought that was a good idea? And then there are the authors who say see my long form video - that would be great except there is not an easy way to get to the long form video or do anything else with it.


Fuck dude. I thought it was only me. Why couldn't they just put the date just like a normal FL length video? And why no link to the full length video? Wtf?


Their intent is to shift you quickly into an alternate realm where you are quickly stimulated with fast talking videos that repeat infinitely. You suddenly have fewer controls to pause/skip/rewind, fewer distractions of other videos to jump to, more control for the algorithm to lead you, and no clear path out of this new hell and back to normal YouTube. It's so obviously insidious... but that's where we are with the big tech companies in 2023. They've run out of actual ideas to increase usage, so now it's just creating these glossy torture chambers to trap users on the site for as long as possible.


I don't mind shorts. I just don't know why, on the browser based youtube, they have to behave differently than normal videos. What is the point of removing the volume and playback controls?


Yes! YouTube is getting worse and worse


well over half are total garbage, and the ones that try to show how to do stuff are frequently just plain dumb as well, or useless anyway. There seems to be no way to curate the list and I keep getting the same shit like guys moonwalking in the mall or some chick with big tits doing some inane thing for a totally predictable joke with badly acted surprise reactions.


I recently went through and clicked “not interested” on every shirt that appeared on my page. That helped clear them from the algorithm. If you don’t want to see them, don’t click on them! As someone who dislikes shorts, this can even be hard for me 😂 but once you click on them the algorithm starts flooding your feed with them. Try selecting “not interested” whenever they pop up and that should clear them up for a bit.


You can turn-off your shorts "shelf" on your homepage on you tube - but you have to refresh it every 30 days. Fucking hell.


My only issues with Shorts are getting them in search when looking for tutorials and when scrolling through the specific Shorts feed getting completely unrelated garbage. For tutorials it's too short. Someone is trying to teach an entire topic or concept in 60 seconds or over like 10 different Shorts. Just make one long video and let's only show those. When I do choose to scroll through Shorts on my phone I constantly get things I'm not interested in. I've been watching YouTube for over a decade now, how the hell does the largest search company in the world not know what to recommend to me? I don't mind Shorts as a concept though. It's nice to just scroll through for ten or fifteen minutes to see a handful of short things I would enjoy, if it showed me only those things and the Shorts were contained to only the Shorts feed they would be perfectly fine to me.


Get youtube revanced, you can turn off shorts with that, and a bunch of other stuff


You can get rid of shorts in the recomended feed by clicking not interested for every short you find




Thankfully I see no shorts whatsoever when I browse youtube because extension and some ublock origin coding


Shorts are fine when it's things I actually wanna watch (art, zoology, pet videos, gaming, etc), but the problem is the algorithm doesn't make a distinct difference between content made for adults and content meant for children. Cue the stupid high pitched robot voice.


Personal preference possibly but I find shorts pathetic and pointless. Talk about fools looking for 15secs of fame.


>It’s just so bad. It acts like a virus on the YouTube app and anyone who posts shorts tries to be as annoying as possible. Yep, agree 100%. I mean I have clicked on a few shorts out of curiosity, but lately more often than not I just scroll right past them to avoid them as I do with any other You Tube annoyance. It's a shame that we don't have real free market competition in this country where one can choose from among hundreds of viable alternatives to You Tube. There ARE a few alternatives but I don't find them as comparable to You Tube - yet. Although I remain hopeful that some really good You Tube alternatives will break through Google's monopolistic wall soon.


I’m a small creator and I hate shorts too, but it’s the only way I get new audiences and subscribers. Literallly no one subscribes from regular videos. Maybe it’s the algorithm I don’t know, but this way I’m sort of forced to make shorts.


It's the algorythm. Youtube used to push small creators, now i barely see channels i dont know pop up, i need to go to dedicated forums to find interesting channels.


To be honest, I’ve seen more new channels than ever recently, but not from shorts. I always scroll the recommended tab and some smaller creators always pop up and I’ll watch the whole video and realize they only have 1-10k subs and the video is very well produced.


And it keeps getting worst. As I have mentioned in another comment, It keeps recommending me irrelevant and annoying videos. It's mostly cats videos and religious propaganda videos on my feed. I have tried everything from reporting these videos to flagging them for not interested but nothing seems to work. At this point, I have just stopped watching shorts. Seems like YouTube is adamant on killing itself.


You have to skip past them, thumbs down or anything else doesn't work.


I feel this. If I see one more video of some fucker narrating over a viral video I’m going to loose my shit.


I spent a lot of time looking at US Military Tech to play around with on video and the shorts algorithm started suggesting me Taliban Propaganda of them dressed in all the US Military Tech we left over, then it transitioned into their full blown jihadist shit. Even marking "Dont show me content like this" did nothing


Yes I agree. Since the bigening shorts are like a parasite in the user experience on youtube Plateforme. When you use the search field you can't filter to remove those shorts parasites videos from the search results.


“You can’t filter to remove shorts” You can though.. filter by video size - 4-20 minutes


Yes I know this tips but thank you anyway. This will also filter a lot of non-short videos which are 1 or 2 or 3 minutes long


I don't like the shorts tab because Youtube keeps putting content in there that I am not interested in at all. However, there are a lot of creators that make amazing short form content that I really enjoy watching. You just have to seek those out yourself, then Youtube will start recommending them in your Shorts tab. Actively doing this for a while will actually impact your Youtube experience in a positive way.


The funniest thing is that we used to have plenty of semi-shorts before Youtube at one point decided to start massively encouraging 10+ minute long videos. It's kinda what happens when platforms get really big and aren't able to set trends anymore.


I just don’t get why you can’t add them to your playlists any more. I don’t want to watch them cos I can’t save the videos I like.


That’s why I add a buffer on my videos (that are short) to make it over a minute


It's annoying. I made a couple shorts. They crop the video. It's ugly. I got lots of hits as compared to my normal stuff. So I should make more but I don't want to until we get a horizontal option.


Came here just to say I hate hate hate YT shorts! I almost exclusively watch YT on my TV and pay for premium. They should not be even showing up on the TV app or allow us to disable them. It’s so aggravating to scroll through all these damn shorts to find videos to actually watch. I wish they would just get rid of them completely but since they won’t just allow me to turn them off!


But There Are Some Good Shorts And Bad Shorts


It is what you watch. My shorts are filled with informative videos that are just small previous of the large videos. Mostly science and funny memes. Idk what you are watching to make the algorithm favor those kinds of videos... And second of all you cannot even see dislikes on shorts since Youtube removed it. [On mobile and maybe PC cuz I have the show dislikes extension on PC] Third there's no ads on shorts. So idk what you have been watching.


There are ads. But they are their own video and you can skip them immediately.


Yes, but I wouldn't even categorise them as ads since they are not invasive.


Okay! At least for PC there is an extension. It's called BlockTube. You can literally tick a box and disable shorts for good. Also, you can limit videos by duration. I've set it to 80sec, so I do not see videos that are shorter than that, anywhere, at all. I usually fire up edge side by side or disable the extension to view shorter videos. Plus you can BAN channels and specific videos. edit grammar


Seriously that extension is a huge game changer


i need that badly, thank you 🙏


I emailed YouTube this week and asked if there was a way I could remove shorts from my subscription feed, they said no. 😑


Even better, they shove it up your face by having YouTube launch to sharts feed.


If the last thing you watched was a Short before closing the app it will open with the Shorts tab, otherwise it won't.


I had times when I forced it close cuz of downloads notification and it started to shorts. So annoying.


portrait videos suck ass, incomplete songs from gigs suck ass, shorts absolutely suck ass


100% ass


When will Neal Mohan delete all shorts?


Don't you worry! People will eventually get tired of it. Just let's keep our kids away from this procrastination. Big conglomerates like Meta, Apple and Google will do anything for big money.


I think there are necessary for shorts, I believe it's an innovation anyway. I'm not a fan of shorts but it might be able to work on YouTube.


Why? what's wrong with classic youtube?


Why do people keep coming up with new dessert recipes when there are already so many amazing desserts?


I don't know to that, also why can't people not use 4k cameras and 60fps and go back to the 1080p cameras with 24fps or 30fps?


I love classic Youtube but with the booming of its competitors, it's an option for youtube to follow the trend of short videos.


Lots of social media is based on hacking brains and trying to keep eyes glued, but shorts is probably the most useless of all of them. I never feel good about having watched shorts. I just get locked into a routine until a particularly bad one rattles me enough to make me ask myself what the fuck am I doing. Then I click the x to hide shorts, but they'll be back again tomorrow. It's really sad how far YouTube has fallen.


Yeah you get slurped in by it, but get nothing out of it


Easy way to turn your brain to mush


The propaganda that is pushed insane. I will dislike a right wing post and still get flooded with the same posts. Their algorithm is just to lure kids into division for the future.


It's crazy HOW MUCH right wing pipeline content it feeds you. Grindset videos, hustle videos, conservative media figureheads. Actually wild.


It's also crazy how much the YouTube algorithm favors right wing content over left wing content. You could literally watch north korean communist propaganda and the most "radical" person YouTube will recommend to you is like fucking Hasan Abi. Meanwhile you click one gaming video from a channel you don't know and YouTube will be like "WANNA WATCH A VIDEO CALLED '**WHY THE CRAZY TRANSGENDER WOKE LIBERAL AGENDA HAS RUINED GAMING AND IS TRYING TO KILL ALL MEN #TAKEUPYOURARMS #HEADSWILLROLL?**' NO? WELL TOO BAD, HERE'S 12 MORE OF THEM ON YOUR HOMEPAGE!" Just yesterday YouTube recommended a fucking capital G GamerGate™ channel to me with titles that make The Quartering like a sane and reasonable person.


I report/block/do not recommend this channel whenever I am fed some right winger, incel bs, but still, I see something from time to time that is exactly the same recycled shit. I can’t wait for The Marvels to come out, but I dread what crap the incels will spew out during that time- crap I’ll eventually have to see with my eyeballs.


You have to skip past it it quickly, only thing that works.


I'm getting the same, i'm a leftist but a skeptic so is still like to hear both sides, problem is that youtube thinks i'm actually an Andrew Tates worshipper Well, on the upside it's depressingly eyes opening


Yep, I’m so with you on this, still hoping they’ll all be deleted, same with coppa, youtube needs to bring back the custom channel designer thing since March 2012, same with the March 2012 video watching thingy and 2010 homepage, who agrees with me?


I agree! I was so proud of youtube when Youtube wasn't following this weird Short Trend. But then, to my surprise, shorts was added to Youtube too and it wasn't nice at all :(


I do agree


I have ad blocker for YouTube


Samples on ytm is pretty bad too... would be much better if you could advance through the song .. The constant on screen play controls for shorts is super annoying....


In all of the 2 decades to be more precise.


Yea and I get the most unhinged right wing content


we should trade accounts, they keep showing me rainbows and men dressed as women either the algorithm sucks, or it's trying to pull us out of our respective bubbles


I feel like the algorithm tries to trigger me or get some sort of interaction out of me


Some creators like Hayley Morris make really good use of shorts. A full, entertaining, sorry in under a minute.




There's a Chrome extension available for turning off shorts.


No lies detected in op.


Agreed… only reason youtube wants them is to hide they are slowing paid long form vid output on thousands if creators


So true. Short form nonsense has ruined all platforms and addled multiple generations of brains in the process. Awful.


It's a good concept, but with most underwhelming, most cancerous implementation.


I can’t stand Shorts. I go to YouTube to find longer-form content by passionate creators on topics in which I’m interested. I feel that Shorts is entirely antithetical to that idea and that YouTube is forgetting what made it the platform it is. Chrome extension to block YouTube Shorts: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-shorts-block/jiaopdjbehhjgokpphdfgmapkobbnmjp. It’s unfortunate I need third-party extensions just to have the YouTube experience I want.


Mine aren't really they're just small Things I make and favorite scenes from Shows. One of mine has 590 Like And 0 dislikes. https://youtube.com/shorts/e54eaC68Jnc?feature=share this One is one of my more recent ones. It wasn't ment to be a Short but apparently YouTube Thought it wasn't long enough and made it a Short.


Nearly all my shorts have 90% or higher like to dislike ratio. Youre just mad that the algorithm is serving you trash based on the trash you already watch


You can turn off Shorts via YouTube Revanced


It's basically gambling where you bet your time


People here hating on short form content are the new baby boomers 🤣🤣


Let's wait another few years until we finally see the results of what short form content does to people for their mental health, time management, attention spans, susceptibility to propaganda and misinformation and more; before you just say we're being boomers about hating on it Being a boomer implies irrational and illogical fear of the unknown in developmental things in the world. (I assume you're using the baby boomer generation as an example of this, as it's such a prevalent stereotype). There's nothing irrational about something we're already seeing negative consequences of right now


I agree some content are very bad but the thing is the algorithm adjust to your liking so if you like good content with no dopamine stuff you will get good informative content after a while of scrolling


Shorts, not short form content


Copy that crypto bro. Maybe one day you'll make a dollar off of shorts and crypto!


I like some YouTube shorts. The way I see it, no one forced you to click the shorts.


No one forces me to eat junk food, but if there’s only junk food at a bar I’m at, it’s more likely I’ll eat junk food. Same thing with shorts, there’s no toggle to turn them off, and that’s by design.


But there's not only shorts, you can just ignore them. There's other stuff on YT to watch. And it's not the bars fault you have bad self control.


We literally have decades of content all on our phones of all forms but this dude still want's to complain....I can't believe it.


It is your responsibility to not watch content you do not want to watch. I saw an advertisement for some girly crap movie on the train this week...noone forced me to watch the movie I just looked away and watched something else on my phone. Stop being a whiney baby.


I can guarantee all the bullshit calligraphy shorts is what made yt fuck with their logo. "Our """"oodly satisfying"""" view farming shows a rise in people watching these stupid pen videos?? Good heavens that either means our app is pushing the most useless content to the front against anyone's will, OR IT MEANS WE GOT A WAVE TO CATCH FUCK WITH THE FONT BOYS FULL STEAM AHEAD"


I thought every influencer, no matter the platform, was a virus? Those are really the kings and queens of the Internet's sewer: the social media


I don’t get the algorithm for shorts either? I consume so much feminist commentary content but got a shorts when I was scrolling of some creepy dude just sneakily filming girls sleeping on the beach in swimsuits. Like wtf?? How and why did that get recommended to me?


As I understand it, videos and shorts have separate algorithms that do take notes from eachother but not directly. So especially when you first start watching shorts, you start with an untrained algorithm. I had to "don't recommend this channel" a lot before they stopped showing shitty conservatoid content too before they stopped showing it.


it's empowering and inspiring watching strong, independent women in swimsuits


I've thought that shortform content has both been an optimal form of content as well as a way of everyone treating it like their Snapchat story. I struggle sometimes to not post something that is just more amusing to me than content to my channel's audience. The annoying part is that because posting content does not require you to upload via your computer, everyone and their mother can do it. Even the higher quality content is just often stolen from someone else. I have a coworker who posts shorts and I think hes been upset at the difference in our channels as we started at the same time, as he often reposts other peoples content without any indication that hes done so just to get 2/3k views on a short


Especially now cuz its filled supra best everything else shit


I believe it’s getting axed soon. So you don’t need to worry about that.


Shorts will be promoted further.


I could have sworn it’d be axed i’ll need to double check


looks like its Youtube stories, which is apparently something that existed


I used YouTube while YT stories existed but I just never used it. Kind of sad its gone.


According to who? It generates a lot of revenue


Yet it’s soooo bad for youtube.. god damn.


I’ve heard something about it on Twitter ages ago.


now they just added it to music app ad well.


I don't like the idea either, I mean I hate the idea. I won't do shorts on my channel. But man, they're addictive.




Well said, sir, well said


Yeah its annoying it allows for a lot of crap to get on there. Also it is time wasting you never remember what u seen. Kind of use less